package org.mozilla.gecko.tests; import org.mozilla.gecko.*; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.Utils; import; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ListAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class testBookmarkFolders extends AboutHomeTest { private static String DESKTOP_BOOKMARK_URL; @Override protected int getTestType() { return TEST_MOCHITEST; } public void testBookmarkFolders() { DESKTOP_BOOKMARK_URL = getAbsoluteUrl(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_02_URL); setUpDesktopBookmarks(); checkBookmarkList(); } private void checkBookmarkList() { openAboutHomeTab(AboutHomeTabs.BOOKMARKS); waitForText(StringHelper.DESKTOP_FOLDER_LABEL); clickOnBookmarkFolder(StringHelper.DESKTOP_FOLDER_LABEL); waitForText(StringHelper.TOOLBAR_FOLDER_LABEL); // Verify the number of folders displayed in the Desktop Bookmarks folder is correct ListView desktopFolderContent = findListViewWithTag("bookmarks"); ListAdapter adapter = desktopFolderContent.getAdapter(); if (mDevice.type.equals("tablet")) { // On tablets it's 4 folders and 1 view for top padding, 5, "Checking that the correct number of folders is displayed in the Desktop Bookmarks folder"); } else { // On phones it's just the 4 folders, 4, "Checking that the correct number of folders is displayed in the Desktop Bookmarks folder"); } clickOnBookmarkFolder(StringHelper.TOOLBAR_FOLDER_LABEL); // Go up in the bookmark folder hierarchy clickOnBookmarkFolder(StringHelper.TOOLBAR_FOLDER_LABEL); mAsserter.ok(waitForText(StringHelper.BOOKMARKS_MENU_FOLDER_LABEL), "Going up in the folder hierarchy", "We are back in the Desktop Bookmarks folder"); clickOnBookmarkFolder(StringHelper.DESKTOP_FOLDER_LABEL); mAsserter.ok(waitForText(StringHelper.DESKTOP_FOLDER_LABEL), "Going up in the folder hierarchy", "We are back in the main Bookmarks List View"); clickOnBookmarkFolder(StringHelper.DESKTOP_FOLDER_LABEL); clickOnBookmarkFolder(StringHelper.TOOLBAR_FOLDER_LABEL); isBookmarkDisplayed(DESKTOP_BOOKMARK_URL); // Open the bookmark from a bookmark folder hierarchy loadBookmark(DESKTOP_BOOKMARK_URL); waitForText(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_02_TITLE); verifyPageTitle(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_02_TITLE); openAboutHomeTab(AboutHomeTabs.BOOKMARKS); // Check that folders don't have a context menu boolean success = waitForCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { View desktopFolder = getBookmarkFolderView(StringHelper.DESKTOP_FOLDER_LABEL); if (desktopFolder == null) { return false; } mSolo.clickLongOnView(desktopFolder); return true; } }, MAX_WAIT_MS); mAsserter.ok(success, "Trying to long click on the Desktop Bookmarks","Desktop Bookmarks folder could not be long clicked"); final String contextMenuString = StringHelper.BOOKMARK_CONTEXT_MENU_ITEMS[0]; mAsserter.ok(!waitForText(contextMenuString), "Folders do not have context menus", "The context menu was not opened"); // Even if no context menu is opened long clicking a folder still opens it. We need to close it. clickOnBookmarkFolder(StringHelper.DESKTOP_FOLDER_LABEL); } private void clickOnBookmarkFolder(final String folderName) { boolean success = waitForCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { View bookmarksFolder = getBookmarkFolderView(folderName); if (bookmarksFolder == null) { return false; } mSolo.waitForView(bookmarksFolder); mSolo.clickOnView(bookmarksFolder); return true; } }, MAX_WAIT_MS); mAsserter.ok(success, "Trying to click on the " + folderName + " folder","The " + folderName + " folder was clicked"); } private View getBookmarkFolderView(String folderName) { openAboutHomeTab(AboutHomeTabs.BOOKMARKS); mSolo.hideSoftKeyboard(); getInstrumentation().waitForIdleSync(); ListView bookmarksTabList = findListViewWithTag("bookmarks"); if (!waitForNonEmptyListToLoad(bookmarksTabList)) { return null; } ListAdapter adapter = bookmarksTabList.getAdapter(); if (adapter == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++ ) { View bookmarkView = bookmarksTabList.getChildAt(i); if (bookmarkView instanceof TextView) { TextView folderTextView = (TextView) bookmarkView; if (folderTextView.getText().equals(folderName)) { return bookmarkView; } } } return null; } // Add a bookmark in the Desktop folder so we can check the folder navigation in the bookmarks page private void setUpDesktopBookmarks() { blockForGeckoReady(); // Get the folder id of the StringHelper.DESKTOP_FOLDER_LABEL folder Long desktopFolderId = mDatabaseHelper.getFolderIdFromGuid("toolbar"); // Generate a Guid for the bookmark final String generatedGuid = Utils.generateGuid(); mAsserter.ok((generatedGuid != null), "Generating a random Guid for the bookmark", "We could not generate a Guid for the bookmark"); // Insert the bookmark ContentResolver resolver = getActivity().getContentResolver(); Uri bookmarksUri = mDatabaseHelper.buildUri(DatabaseHelper.BrowserDataType.BOOKMARKS); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("title", StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_02_TITLE); values.put("url", DESKTOP_BOOKMARK_URL); values.put("parent", desktopFolderId); values.put("modified", now); values.put("type", 1); values.put("guid", generatedGuid); values.put("position", 10); values.put("created", now); int updated = resolver.update(bookmarksUri, values, "url = ?", new String[] { DESKTOP_BOOKMARK_URL }); if (updated == 0) { Uri uri = resolver.insert(bookmarksUri, values); mAsserter.ok(true, "Inserted at: ", uri.toString()); } else { mAsserter.ok(false, "Failed to insert the Desktop bookmark", "Something went wrong"); } } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { mDatabaseHelper.deleteBookmark(DESKTOP_BOOKMARK_URL); super.tearDown(); } }