# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import ConfigParser import os import re import sys import tempfile import time import urllib import traceback sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))) from automation import Automation from b2gautomation import B2GRemoteAutomation from runtests import Mochitest from runtests import MochitestOptions from runtests import MochitestServer import devicemanagerADB import manifestparser from marionette import Marionette class B2GOptions(MochitestOptions): def __init__(self, automation, scriptdir, **kwargs): defaults = {} MochitestOptions.__init__(self, automation, scriptdir) self.add_option("--b2gpath", action="store", type = "string", dest = "b2gPath", help = "path to B2G repo or qemu dir") defaults["b2gPath"] = None self.add_option("--marionette", action="store", type = "string", dest = "marionette", help = "host:port to use when connecting to Marionette") defaults["marionette"] = None self.add_option("--emulator", action="store", type="string", dest = "emulator", help = "Architecture of emulator to use: x86 or arm") defaults["emulator"] = None self.add_option("--no-window", action="store_true", dest = "noWindow", help = "Pass --no-window to the emulator") defaults["noWindow"] = False self.add_option("--adbpath", action="store", type = "string", dest = "adbPath", help = "path to adb") defaults["adbPath"] = "adb" self.add_option("--deviceIP", action="store", type = "string", dest = "deviceIP", help = "ip address of remote device to test") defaults["deviceIP"] = None self.add_option("--devicePort", action="store", type = "string", dest = "devicePort", help = "port of remote device to test") defaults["devicePort"] = 20701 self.add_option("--remote-logfile", action="store", type = "string", dest = "remoteLogFile", help = "Name of log file on the device relative to the device root. PLEASE ONLY USE A FILENAME.") defaults["remoteLogFile"] = None self.add_option("--remote-webserver", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "remoteWebServer", help = "ip address where the remote web server is hosted at") defaults["remoteWebServer"] = None self.add_option("--http-port", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "httpPort", help = "ip address where the remote web server is hosted at") defaults["httpPort"] = automation.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT self.add_option("--ssl-port", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "sslPort", help = "ip address where the remote web server is hosted at") defaults["sslPort"] = automation.DEFAULT_SSL_PORT self.add_option("--pidfile", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "pidFile", help = "name of the pidfile to generate") defaults["pidFile"] = "" defaults["remoteTestRoot"] = None defaults["logFile"] = "mochitest.log" defaults["autorun"] = True defaults["closeWhenDone"] = True defaults["testPath"] = "" defaults["extensionsToExclude"] = ["specialpowers"] self.set_defaults(**defaults) def verifyRemoteOptions(self, options, automation): options.remoteTestRoot = automation._devicemanager.getDeviceRoot() productRoot = options.remoteTestRoot + "/" + automation._product if options.utilityPath == self._automation.DIST_BIN: options.utilityPath = productRoot + "/bin" if options.remoteWebServer == None: if os.name != "nt": options.remoteWebServer = automation.getLanIp() else: print "ERROR: you must specify a --remote-webserver=\n" return None options.webServer = options.remoteWebServer #if not options.emulator and not options.deviceIP: # print "ERROR: you must provide a device IP" # return None if options.remoteLogFile == None: options.remoteLogFile = options.remoteTestRoot + '/logs/mochitest.log' if options.remoteLogFile.count('/') < 1: options.remoteLogFile = options.remoteTestRoot + '/' + options.remoteLogFile # Only reset the xrePath if it wasn't provided if options.xrePath == None: options.xrePath = options.utilityPath if options.pidFile != "": f = open(options.pidFile, 'w') f.write("%s" % os.getpid()) f.close() return options def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest): # since we are reusing verifyOptions, it will exit if App is not found temp = options.app options.app = sys.argv[0] tempPort = options.httpPort tempSSL = options.sslPort tempIP = options.webServer options = MochitestOptions.verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest) options.webServer = tempIP options.app = temp options.sslPort = tempSSL options.httpPort = tempPort return options class ProfileConfigParser(ConfigParser.RawConfigParser): """Subclass of RawConfigParser that outputs .ini files in the exact format expected for profiles.ini, which is slightly different than the default format. """ def optionxform(self, optionstr): return optionstr def write(self, fp): if self._defaults: fp.write("[%s]\n" % ConfigParser.DEFAULTSECT) for (key, value) in self._defaults.items(): fp.write("%s=%s\n" % (key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) fp.write("\n") for section in self._sections: fp.write("[%s]\n" % section) for (key, value) in self._sections[section].items(): if key == "__name__": continue if (value is not None) or (self._optcre == self.OPTCRE): key = "=".join((key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) fp.write("%s\n" % (key)) fp.write("\n") class B2GMochitest(Mochitest): _automation = None _dm = None localProfile = None testDir = '/data/local/tests' def __init__(self, automation, devmgr, options): self._automation = automation Mochitest.__init__(self, self._automation) self._dm = devmgr self.runSSLTunnel = False self.remoteProfile = options.remoteTestRoot + '/profile' self._automation.setRemoteProfile(self.remoteProfile) self.remoteLog = options.remoteLogFile self.localLog = None self.userJS = '/data/local/user.js' self.remoteMozillaPath = '/data/b2g/mozilla' self.remoteProfilesIniPath = os.path.join(self.remoteMozillaPath, 'profiles.ini') self.originalProfilesIni = None def copyRemoteFile(self, src, dest): if self._dm.useDDCopy: self._dm.checkCmdAs(['shell', 'dd', 'if=%s' % src,'of=%s' % dest]) else: self._dm.checkCmdAs(['shell', 'cp', src, dest]) def origUserJSExists(self): return self._dm.fileExists('/data/local/user.js.orig') def cleanup(self, manifest, options): if self.localLog: self._dm.getFile(self.remoteLog, self.localLog) self._dm.removeFile(self.remoteLog) if not options.emulator: # Remove the test profile self._dm.checkCmdAs(['shell', 'rm', '-r', self.remoteProfile]) if self.origUserJSExists(): # Restore the original user.js self._dm.removeFile(self.userJS) self.copyRemoteFile('%s.orig' % self.userJS, self.userJS) self._dm.removeFile("%s.orig" % self.userJS) if self._dm.fileExists('%s.orig' % self.remoteProfilesIniPath): # Restore the original profiles.ini self._dm.removeFile(self.remoteProfilesIniPath) self.copyRemoteFile('%s.orig' % self.remoteProfilesIniPath, self.remoteProfilesIniPath) self._dm.removeFile("%s.orig" % self.remoteProfilesIniPath) # We've restored the original profile, so reboot the device so that # it gets picked up. self._automation.rebootDevice() if options.pidFile != "": try: os.remove(options.pidFile) os.remove(options.pidFile + ".xpcshell.pid") except: print "Warning: cleaning up pidfile '%s' was unsuccessful from the test harness" % options.pidFile def findPath(self, paths, filename = None): for path in paths: p = path if filename: p = os.path.join(p, filename) if os.path.exists(self.getFullPath(p)): return path return None def startWebServer(self, options): """ Create the webserver on the host and start it up """ remoteXrePath = options.xrePath remoteProfilePath = options.profilePath remoteUtilityPath = options.utilityPath localAutomation = Automation() localAutomation.IS_WIN32 = False localAutomation.IS_LINUX = False localAutomation.IS_MAC = False localAutomation.UNIXISH = False hostos = sys.platform if hostos in ['mac', 'darwin']: localAutomation.IS_MAC = True elif hostos in ['linux', 'linux2']: localAutomation.IS_LINUX = True localAutomation.UNIXISH = True elif hostos in ['win32', 'win64']: localAutomation.BIN_SUFFIX = ".exe" localAutomation.IS_WIN32 = True paths = [options.xrePath, localAutomation.DIST_BIN, self._automation._product, os.path.join('..', self._automation._product)] options.xrePath = self.findPath(paths) if options.xrePath == None: print "ERROR: unable to find xulrunner path for %s, please specify with --xre-path" % (os.name) sys.exit(1) paths.append("bin") paths.append(os.path.join("..", "bin")) xpcshell = "xpcshell" if (os.name == "nt"): xpcshell += ".exe" if (options.utilityPath): paths.insert(0, options.utilityPath) options.utilityPath = self.findPath(paths, xpcshell) if options.utilityPath == None: print "ERROR: unable to find utility path for %s, please specify with --utility-path" % (os.name) sys.exit(1) options.profilePath = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.server = MochitestServer(localAutomation, options) self.server.start() if (options.pidFile != ""): f = open(options.pidFile + ".xpcshell.pid", 'w') f.write("%s" % self.server._process.pid) f.close() self.server.ensureReady(self.SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) options.xrePath = remoteXrePath options.utilityPath = remoteUtilityPath options.profilePath = remoteProfilePath def stopWebServer(self, options): if hasattr(self, 'server'): self.server.stop() def buildProfile(self, options): if self.localProfile: options.profilePath = self.localProfile manifest = Mochitest.buildProfile(self, options) self.localProfile = options.profilePath # Profile isn't actually copied to device until # buildURLOptions is called. options.profilePath = self.remoteProfile return manifest def updateProfilesIni(self, profilePath): # update profiles.ini on the device to point to the test profile self.originalProfilesIni = tempfile.mktemp() self._dm.getFile(self.remoteProfilesIniPath, self.originalProfilesIni) config = ProfileConfigParser() config.read(self.originalProfilesIni) for section in config.sections(): if 'Profile' in section: config.set(section, 'IsRelative', 0) config.set(section, 'Path', profilePath) newProfilesIni = tempfile.mktemp() with open(newProfilesIni, 'wb') as configfile: config.write(configfile) self._dm.pushFile(newProfilesIni, self.remoteProfilesIniPath) self._dm.pushFile(self.originalProfilesIni, '%s.orig' % self.remoteProfilesIniPath) try: os.remove(newProfilesIni) os.remove(self.originalProfilesIni) except: pass def buildURLOptions(self, options, env): self.localLog = options.logFile options.logFile = self.remoteLog options.profilePath = self.localProfile retVal = Mochitest.buildURLOptions(self, options, env) # set the testURL testURL = self.buildTestPath(options) if len(self.urlOpts) > 0: testURL += "?" + "&".join(self.urlOpts) self._automation.testURL = testURL # Set extra prefs for B2G. f = open(os.path.join(options.profilePath, "user.js"), "a") f.write(""" user_pref("browser.homescreenURL","app://system.gaiamobile.org");\n user_pref("dom.mozBrowserFramesEnabled", true);\n user_pref("dom.ipc.tabs.disabled", false);\n user_pref("dom.ipc.browser_frames.oop_by_default", true);\n user_pref("browser.manifestURL","app://system.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp");\n user_pref("dom.mozBrowserFramesWhitelist","app://system.gaiamobile.org,http://mochi.test:8888");\n user_pref("network.dns.localDomains","app://system.gaiamobile.org");\n """) f.close() # Copy the profile to the device. self._dm.checkCmdAs(['shell', 'rm', '-r', self.remoteProfile]) if self._dm.pushDir(options.profilePath, self.remoteProfile) == None: raise devicemanager.FileError("Unable to copy profile to device.") # In B2G, user.js is always read from /data/local, not the profile # directory. Backup the original user.js first so we can restore it. if not self._dm.fileExists('%s.orig' % self.userJS): self.copyRemoteFile(self.userJS, '%s.orig' % self.userJS) self._dm.pushFile(os.path.join(options.profilePath, "user.js"), self.userJS) self.updateProfilesIni(self.remoteProfile) options.profilePath = self.remoteProfile options.logFile = self.localLog return retVal def main(): scriptdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) auto = B2GRemoteAutomation(None, "fennec") parser = B2GOptions(auto, scriptdir) options, args = parser.parse_args() # create our Marionette instance kwargs = {} if options.emulator: kwargs['emulator'] = options.emulator auto.setEmulator(True) if options.noWindow: kwargs['noWindow'] = True if options.b2gPath: kwargs['homedir'] = options.b2gPath if options.marionette: host,port = options.marionette.split(':') kwargs['host'] = host kwargs['port'] = int(port) marionette = Marionette(**kwargs) auto.marionette = marionette # create the DeviceManager kwargs = {'adbPath': options.adbPath, 'deviceRoot': B2GMochitest.testDir} if options.deviceIP: kwargs.update({'host': options.deviceIP, 'port': options.devicePort}) dm = devicemanagerADB.DeviceManagerADB(**kwargs) auto.setDeviceManager(dm) options = parser.verifyRemoteOptions(options, auto) if (options == None): print "ERROR: Invalid options specified, use --help for a list of valid options" sys.exit(1) auto.setProduct("b2g") mochitest = B2GMochitest(auto, dm, options) options = parser.verifyOptions(options, mochitest) if (options == None): sys.exit(1) logParent = os.path.dirname(options.remoteLogFile) dm.mkDir(logParent) auto.setRemoteLog(options.remoteLogFile) auto.setServerInfo(options.webServer, options.httpPort, options.sslPort) retVal = 1 try: mochitest.cleanup(None, options) retVal = mochitest.runTests(options) except: print "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | Exception caught while running tests." % sys.exc_info()[1] traceback.print_exc() mochitest.stopWebServer(options) mochitest.stopWebSocketServer(options) try: mochitest.cleanup(None, options) except: pass sys.exit(1) sys.exit(retVal) if __name__ == "__main__": main()