""" Take the *.framedata files from graph-frameclasses.js and combine them into a single graphviz file. stdin: a list of .framedata file names (e.g. from xargs) stdout: a graphviz file e.g. `find -name "*.framedata" | python aggregate-frameclasses.py | dot -Tpng -o frameclasses-graph.png -` """ import sys classdict = {} for line in sys.stdin: file = line.strip() fd = open(file) output = None for line in fd: if line.startswith('CLASS-DEF: '): cname = line[11:-1] if cname not in classdict: output = classdict[cname] = [] else: output = None elif output is not None: output.append(line) sys.stdout.write('digraph g {\n') for olist in classdict.itervalues(): for line in olist: sys.stdout.write(line) sys.stdout.write('}\n')