/** * SimpleTest, a partial Test.Simple/Test.More API compatible test library. * * Why? * * Test.Simple doesn't work on IE < 6. * TODO: * * Support the Test.Simple API used by MochiKit, to be able to test MochiKit * itself against IE 5.5 * * NOTE: Pay attention to cross-browser compatibility in this file. For * instance, do not use const or JS > 1.5 features which are not yet * implemented everywhere. * **/ var SimpleTest = { }; var parentRunner = null; if (parent) { parentRunner = parent.TestRunner; if (!parentRunner && parent.wrappedJSObject) { parentRunner = parent.wrappedJSObject.TestRunner; } } // running in e10s build and need to use IPC? var ipcMode = false; if (parentRunner) { ipcMode = parentRunner.ipcMode; } else if (typeof SpecialPowers != 'undefined') { ipcMode = SpecialPowers.hasContentProcesses(); } /* Helper functions pulled out of various MochiKit modules */ var reprRegistry = []; if (typeof(repr) == 'undefined') { function repr(o) { if (typeof(o) == "undefined") { return "undefined"; } else if (o === null) { return "null"; } try { if (typeof(o.__repr__) == 'function') { return o.__repr__(); } else if (typeof(o.repr) == 'function' && o.repr != arguments.callee) { return o.repr(); } return reprRegistry.match(o); } catch (e) { try { if (typeof(o.NAME) == 'string' && ( o.toString == Function.prototype.toString || o.toString == Object.prototype.toString )) { return o.NAME; } } catch (e) { } } try { var ostring = (o + ""); } catch (e) { return "[" + typeof(o) + "]"; } if (typeof(o) == "function") { o = ostring.replace(/^\s+/, ""); var idx = o.indexOf("{"); if (idx != -1) { o = o.substr(0, idx) + "{...}"; } } return ostring; }; } /* This returns a function that applies the previously given parameters. * This is used by SimpleTest.showReport */ if (typeof(partial) == 'undefined') { function partial(func) { var args = []; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } return function() { if (arguments.length > 0) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } } func(args); }; }; } if (typeof(getElement) == 'undefined') { function getElement(id) { return ((typeof(id) == "string") ? document.getElementById(id) : id); }; this.$ = this.getElement; } SimpleTest._newCallStack = function(path) { var rval = function () { var callStack = arguments.callee.callStack; for (var i = 0; i < callStack.length; i++) { if (callStack[i].apply(this, arguments) === false) { break; } } try { this[path] = null; } catch (e) { // pass } }; rval.callStack = []; return rval; }; if (typeof(addLoadEvent) == 'undefined') { function addLoadEvent(func) { var existing = window["onload"]; var regfunc = existing; if (!(typeof(existing) == 'function' && typeof(existing.callStack) == "object" && existing.callStack !== null)) { regfunc = SimpleTest._newCallStack("onload"); if (typeof(existing) == 'function') { regfunc.callStack.push(existing); } window["onload"] = regfunc; } regfunc.callStack.push(func); }; } function createEl(type, attrs, html) { //use createElementNS so the xul/xhtml tests have no issues var el; if (!document.body) { el = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", type); } else { el = document.createElement(type); } if (attrs !== null && attrs !== undefined) { for (var k in attrs) { el.setAttribute(k, attrs[k]); } } if (html !== null && html !== undefined) { el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(html)); } return el; } /* lots of tests use this as a helper to get css properties */ if (typeof(computedStyle) == 'undefined') { function computedStyle(elem, cssProperty) { elem = getElement(elem); if (elem.currentStyle) { return elem.currentStyle[cssProperty]; } if (typeof(document.defaultView) == 'undefined' || document === null) { return undefined; } var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null); if (typeof(style) == 'undefined' || style === null) { return undefined; } var selectorCase = cssProperty.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1' ).toLowerCase(); return style.getPropertyValue(selectorCase); }; } /** * Check for OOP test plugin **/ SimpleTest.testPluginIsOOP = function () { var testPluginIsOOP = false; if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == 0) { if (SpecialPowers.XPCOMABI.match(/x86-/)) { try { testPluginIsOOP = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.i386.test.plugin"); } catch (e) { testPluginIsOOP = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.i386"); } } else if (SpecialPowers.XPCOMABI.match(/x86_64-/)) { try { testPluginIsOOP = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.x86_64.test.plugin"); } catch (e) { testPluginIsOOP = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.x86_64"); } } } else { testPluginIsOOP = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled"); } return testPluginIsOOP; }; SimpleTest._tests = []; SimpleTest._stopOnLoad = true; /** * Something like assert. **/ SimpleTest.ok = function (condition, name, diag) { var test = {'result': !!condition, 'name': name, 'diag': diag}; SimpleTest._logResult(test, "TEST-PASS", "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL"); SimpleTest._tests.push(test); }; /** * Roughly equivalent to ok(a==b, name) **/ SimpleTest.is = function (a, b, name) { var pass = (a == b); var diag = pass ? repr(a) + " should equal " + repr(b) : "got " + repr(a) + ", expected " + repr(b) SimpleTest.ok(pass, name, diag); }; SimpleTest.isnot = function (a, b, name) { var pass = (a != b); var diag = pass ? repr(a) + " should not equal " + repr(b) : "didn't expect " + repr(a) + ", but got it"; SimpleTest.ok(pass, name, diag); }; // --------------- Test.Builder/Test.More todo() ----------------- SimpleTest.todo = function(condition, name, diag) { var test = {'result': !!condition, 'name': name, 'diag': diag, todo: true}; SimpleTest._logResult(test, "TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS", "TEST-KNOWN-FAIL"); SimpleTest._tests.push(test); }; SimpleTest._getCurrentTestURL = function() { return parentRunner && parentRunner.currentTestURL || typeof gTestPath == "string" && gTestPath || "unknown test url"; }; SimpleTest._logResult = function(test, passString, failString) { var isError = !test.result == !test.todo; var resultString = test.result ? passString : failString; var url = SimpleTest._getCurrentTestURL(); var diagnostic = test.name + (test.diag ? " - " + test.diag : ""); var msg = [resultString, url, diagnostic].join(" | "); if (parentRunner) { if (isError) { parentRunner.error(msg); } else { parentRunner.log(msg); } } else { dump(msg + "\n"); } }; SimpleTest.info = function(name, message) { this._logResult({result:true, name:name, diag:message}, "TEST-INFO"); }; /** * Copies of is and isnot with the call to ok replaced by a call to todo. **/ SimpleTest.todo_is = function (a, b, name) { var pass = (a == b); var diag = pass ? repr(a) + " should equal " + repr(b) : "got " + repr(a) + ", expected " + repr(b); SimpleTest.todo(pass, name, diag); }; SimpleTest.todo_isnot = function (a, b, name) { var pass = (a != b); var diag = pass ? repr(a) + " should not equal " + repr(b) : "didn't expect " + repr(a) + ", but got it"; SimpleTest.todo(pass, name, diag); }; /** * Makes a test report, returns it as a DIV element. **/ SimpleTest.report = function () { var passed = 0; var failed = 0; var todo = 0; // Report tests which did not actually check anything. if (SimpleTest._tests.length == 0) // ToDo: Do s/todo/ok/ when all the tests are fixed. (Bug 483407) SimpleTest.todo(false, "[SimpleTest.report()] No checks actually run."); var tallyAndCreateDiv = function (test) { var cls, msg, div; var diag = test.diag ? " - " + test.diag : ""; if (test.todo && !test.result) { todo++; cls = "test_todo"; msg = "todo | " + test.name + diag; } else if (test.result && !test.todo) { passed++; cls = "test_ok"; msg = "passed | " + test.name + diag; } else { failed++; cls = "test_not_ok"; msg = "failed | " + test.name + diag; } div = createEl('div', {'class': cls}, msg); return div; }; var results = []; for (var d=0; d") + " focused window: " + (fm.focusedWindow ? "(" + fm.focusedWindow + ") " + fm.focusedWindow.location : "") + " desired window: (" + targetWindow + ") " + targetWindow.location + " child window: (" + childTargetWindow + ") " + childTargetWindow.location + " docshell visible: " + baseWindow.visibility); } debugFocusLog("before wait for focus"); function maybeRunTests() { debugFocusLog("maybe run tests "); if (SimpleTest.waitForFocus_loaded && SimpleTest.waitForFocus_focused && !SimpleTest.waitForFocus_started) { SimpleTest.waitForFocus_started = true; setTimeout(callback, 0, targetWindow); } } function waitForEvent(event) { try { debugFocusLog("waitForEvent called "); // Check to make sure that this isn't a load event for a blank or // non-blank page that wasn't desired. if (event.type == "load" && (expectBlankPage != (event.target.location == "about:blank"))) return; SimpleTest["waitForFocus_" + event.type + "ed"] = true; var win = (event.type == "load") ? targetWindow : childTargetWindow; win.removeEventListener(event.type, waitForEvent, true); maybeRunTests(); } catch (e) { SimpleTest.ok(false, "Exception caught in waitForEvent: " + e.message + ", at: " + e.fileName + " (" + e.lineNumber + ")"); } } // If the current document is about:blank and we are not expecting a blank // page (or vice versa), and the document has not yet loaded, wait for the // page to load. A common situation is to wait for a newly opened window // to load its content, and we want to skip over any intermediate blank // pages that load. This issue is described in bug 554873. SimpleTest.waitForFocus_loaded = (expectBlankPage == (targetWindow.location == "about:blank")) && targetWindow.document.readyState == "complete"; if (!SimpleTest.waitForFocus_loaded) { info("must wait for load"); targetWindow.addEventListener("load", waitForEvent, true); } // Check if the desired window is already focused. var focusedChildWindow = { }; if (fm.activeWindow) { fm.getFocusedElementForWindow(fm.activeWindow, true, focusedChildWindow); focusedChildWindow = focusedChildWindow.value; } // If this is a child frame, ensure that the frame is focused. SimpleTest.waitForFocus_focused = (focusedChildWindow == childTargetWindow); if (SimpleTest.waitForFocus_focused) { info("already focused"); // If the frame is already focused and loaded, call the callback directly. maybeRunTests(); } else { info("must wait for focus"); childTargetWindow.addEventListener("focus", waitForEvent, true); childTargetWindow.focus(); } }; SimpleTest.waitForClipboard_polls = 0; /* * Polls the clipboard waiting for the expected value. A known value different than * the expected value is put on the clipboard first (and also polled for) so we * can be sure the value we get isn't just the expected value because it was already * on the clipboard. This only uses the global clipboard and only for text/unicode * values. * * @param aExpectedStringOrValidatorFn * The string value that is expected to be on the clipboard or a * validator function getting cripboard data and returning a bool. * @param aSetupFn * A function responsible for setting the clipboard to the expected value, * called after the known value setting succeeds. * @param aSuccessFn * A function called when the expected value is found on the clipboard. * @param aFailureFn * A function called if the expected value isn't found on the clipboard * within 5s. It can also be called if the known value can't be found. * @param aFlavor [optional] The flavor to look for. Defaults to "text/unicode". */ SimpleTest.__waitForClipboardMonotonicCounter = 0; SimpleTest.__defineGetter__("_waitForClipboardMonotonicCounter", function () { return SimpleTest.__waitForClipboardMonotonicCounter++; }); SimpleTest.waitForClipboard = function(aExpectedStringOrValidatorFn, aSetupFn, aSuccessFn, aFailureFn, aFlavor) { if (ipcMode) { //TODO: support waitForClipboard via events to chrome dump("E10S_TODO: bug 573735 addresses adding support for this"); return; } netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); var cbSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard); var requestedFlavor = aFlavor || "text/unicode"; function dataToString(aData) aData.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString).data; // Build a default validator function for common string input. var inputValidatorFn = typeof(aExpectedStringOrValidatorFn) == "string" ? function(aData) aData && dataToString(aData) == aExpectedStringOrValidatorFn : aExpectedStringOrValidatorFn; // reset for the next use function reset() { SimpleTest.waitForClipboard_polls = 0; } function wait(validatorFn, successFn, failureFn, flavor) { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); if (++SimpleTest.waitForClipboard_polls > 50) { // Log the failure. SimpleTest.ok(false, "Timed out while polling clipboard for pasted data."); reset(); failureFn(); return; } var xferable = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"]. createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable); xferable.addDataFlavor(flavor); cbSvc.getData(xferable, cbSvc.kGlobalClipboard); var data = {}; try { xferable.getTransferData(flavor, data, {}); } catch (e) {} data = data.value || null; if (validatorFn(data)) { // Don't show the success message when waiting for preExpectedVal if (preExpectedVal) preExpectedVal = null; else SimpleTest.ok(true, "Clipboard has the correct value"); reset(); successFn(); } else { setTimeout(function() wait(validatorFn, successFn, failureFn, flavor), 100); } } // First we wait for a known value different from the expected one. var preExpectedVal = SimpleTest._waitForClipboardMonotonicCounter + "-waitForClipboard-known-value"; var cbHelperSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper); cbHelperSvc.copyString(preExpectedVal); wait(function(aData) aData && dataToString(aData) == preExpectedVal, function() { // Call the original setup fn aSetupFn(); wait(inputValidatorFn, aSuccessFn, aFailureFn, requestedFlavor); }, aFailureFn, "text/unicode"); } /** * Executes a function shortly after the call, but lets the caller continue * working (or finish). */ SimpleTest.executeSoon = function(aFunc) { // Once SpecialPowers is available in chrome mochitests, we can replace the // body of this function with a call to SpecialPowers.executeSoon(). if ("Components" in window && "classes" in window.Components) { try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager .enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); var tm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIThreadManager); tm.mainThread.dispatch({ run: function() { aFunc(); } }, Components.interfaces.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); return; } catch (ex) { // If the above fails (most likely because of enablePrivilege // failing), fall through to the setTimeout path. } } setTimeout(aFunc, 0); } /** * Finishes the tests. This is automatically called, except when * SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish() has been invoked. **/ SimpleTest.finish = function () { if (SimpleTest._expectingUncaughtException) { SimpleTest.ok(false, "expectUncaughtException was called but no uncaught exception was detected!"); } if (parentRunner) { /* We're running in an iframe, and the parent has a TestRunner */ parentRunner.testFinished(SimpleTest._tests); } else { SimpleTest.showReport(); } }; /** * Indicates to the test framework that the current test expects one or * more crashes (from plugins or IPC documents), and that the minidumps from * those crashes should be removed. */ SimpleTest.expectChildProcessCrash = function () { if (parentRunner) { parentRunner.expectChildProcessCrash(); } }; /** * Indicates to the test framework that the next uncaught exception during * the test is expected, and should not cause a test failure. */ SimpleTest.expectUncaughtException = function () { SimpleTest._expectingUncaughtException = true; }; addLoadEvent(function() { if (SimpleTest._stopOnLoad) { SimpleTest.finish(); } }); // --------------- Test.Builder/Test.More isDeeply() ----------------- SimpleTest.DNE = {dne: 'Does not exist'}; SimpleTest.LF = "\r\n"; SimpleTest._isRef = function (object) { var type = typeof(object); return type == 'object' || type == 'function'; }; SimpleTest._deepCheck = function (e1, e2, stack, seen) { var ok = false; // Either they're both references or both not. var sameRef = !(!SimpleTest._isRef(e1) ^ !SimpleTest._isRef(e2)); if (e1 == null && e2 == null) { ok = true; } else if (e1 != null ^ e2 != null) { ok = false; } else if (e1 == SimpleTest.DNE ^ e2 == SimpleTest.DNE) { ok = false; } else if (sameRef && e1 == e2) { // Handles primitives and any variables that reference the same // object, including functions. ok = true; } else if (SimpleTest.isa(e1, 'Array') && SimpleTest.isa(e2, 'Array')) { ok = SimpleTest._eqArray(e1, e2, stack, seen); } else if (typeof e1 == "object" && typeof e2 == "object") { ok = SimpleTest._eqAssoc(e1, e2, stack, seen); } else { // If we get here, they're not the same (function references must // always simply reference the same function). stack.push({ vals: [e1, e2] }); ok = false; } return ok; }; SimpleTest._eqArray = function (a1, a2, stack, seen) { // Return if they're the same object. if (a1 == a2) return true; // JavaScript objects have no unique identifiers, so we have to store // references to them all in an array, and then compare the references // directly. It's slow, but probably won't be much of an issue in // practice. Start by making a local copy of the array to as to avoid // confusing a reference seen more than once (such as [a, a]) for a // circular reference. for (var j = 0; j < seen.length; j++) { if (seen[j][0] == a1) { return seen[j][1] == a2; } } // If we get here, we haven't seen a1 before, so store it with reference // to a2. seen.push([ a1, a2 ]); var ok = true; // Only examines enumerable attributes. Only works for numeric arrays! // Associative arrays return 0. So call _eqAssoc() for them, instead. var max = a1.length > a2.length ? a1.length : a2.length; if (max == 0) return SimpleTest._eqAssoc(a1, a2, stack, seen); for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { var e1 = i > a1.length - 1 ? SimpleTest.DNE : a1[i]; var e2 = i > a2.length - 1 ? SimpleTest.DNE : a2[i]; stack.push({ type: 'Array', idx: i, vals: [e1, e2] }); ok = SimpleTest._deepCheck(e1, e2, stack, seen); if (ok) { stack.pop(); } else { break; } } return ok; }; SimpleTest._eqAssoc = function (o1, o2, stack, seen) { // Return if they're the same object. if (o1 == o2) return true; // JavaScript objects have no unique identifiers, so we have to store // references to them all in an array, and then compare the references // directly. It's slow, but probably won't be much of an issue in // practice. Start by making a local copy of the array to as to avoid // confusing a reference seen more than once (such as [a, a]) for a // circular reference. seen = seen.slice(0); for (var j = 0; j < seen.length; j++) { if (seen[j][0] == o1) { return seen[j][1] == o2; } } // If we get here, we haven't seen o1 before, so store it with reference // to o2. seen.push([ o1, o2 ]); // They should be of the same class. var ok = true; // Only examines enumerable attributes. var o1Size = 0; for (var i in o1) o1Size++; var o2Size = 0; for (var i in o2) o2Size++; var bigger = o1Size > o2Size ? o1 : o2; for (var i in bigger) { var e1 = o1[i] == undefined ? SimpleTest.DNE : o1[i]; var e2 = o2[i] == undefined ? SimpleTest.DNE : o2[i]; stack.push({ type: 'Object', idx: i, vals: [e1, e2] }); ok = SimpleTest._deepCheck(e1, e2, stack, seen) if (ok) { stack.pop(); } else { break; } } return ok; }; SimpleTest._formatStack = function (stack) { var variable = '$Foo'; for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { var entry = stack[i]; var type = entry['type']; var idx = entry['idx']; if (idx != null) { if (/^\d+$/.test(idx)) { // Numeric array index. variable += '[' + idx + ']'; } else { // Associative array index. idx = idx.replace("'", "\\'"); variable += "['" + idx + "']"; } } } var vals = stack[stack.length-1]['vals'].slice(0, 2); var vars = [ variable.replace('$Foo', 'got'), variable.replace('$Foo', 'expected') ]; var out = "Structures begin differing at:" + SimpleTest.LF; for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { var val = vals[i]; if (val == null) { val = 'undefined'; } else { val == SimpleTest.DNE ? "Does not exist" : "'" + val + "'"; } } out += vars[0] + ' = ' + vals[0] + SimpleTest.LF; out += vars[1] + ' = ' + vals[1] + SimpleTest.LF; return ' ' + out; }; SimpleTest.isDeeply = function (it, as, name) { var ok; // ^ is the XOR operator. if (SimpleTest._isRef(it) ^ SimpleTest._isRef(as)) { // One's a reference, one isn't. ok = false; } else if (!SimpleTest._isRef(it) && !SimpleTest._isRef(as)) { // Neither is an object. ok = SimpleTest.is(it, as, name); } else { // We have two objects. Do a deep comparison. var stack = [], seen = []; if ( SimpleTest._deepCheck(it, as, stack, seen)) { ok = SimpleTest.ok(true, name); } else { ok = SimpleTest.ok(false, name, SimpleTest._formatStack(stack)); } } return ok; }; SimpleTest.typeOf = function (object) { var c = Object.prototype.toString.apply(object); var name = c.substring(8, c.length - 1); if (name != 'Object') return name; // It may be a non-core class. Try to extract the class name from // the constructor function. This may not work in all implementations. if (/function ([^(\s]+)/.test(Function.toString.call(object.constructor))) { return RegExp.$1; } // No idea. :-( return name; }; SimpleTest.isa = function (object, clas) { return SimpleTest.typeOf(object) == clas; }; // Global symbols: var ok = SimpleTest.ok; var is = SimpleTest.is; var isnot = SimpleTest.isnot; var todo = SimpleTest.todo; var todo_is = SimpleTest.todo_is; var todo_isnot = SimpleTest.todo_isnot; var isDeeply = SimpleTest.isDeeply; var info = SimpleTest.info; var gOldOnError = window.onerror; window.onerror = function simpletestOnerror(errorMsg, url, lineNumber) { var funcIdentifier = "[SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js, window.onerror]"; // Log the message. // XXX Chrome mochitests sometimes trigger this window.onerror handler, // but there are a number of uncaught JS exceptions from those tests // currently, so we can't log them as errors just yet. For now, when // not in a plain mochitest, just dump it so that the error is visible but // doesn't cause a test failure. See bug 652494. var message = "An error occurred: " + errorMsg + " at " + url + ":" + lineNumber; var isPlainMochitest = window.location.protocol != "chrome:"; var isExpected = !!SimpleTest._expectingUncaughtException; if (isPlainMochitest) { SimpleTest.ok(isExpected, funcIdentifier, message); SimpleTest._expectingUncaughtException = false; } else { SimpleTest.info(funcIdentifier + " " + message); } // There is no Components.stack.caller to log. (See bug 511888.) // Call previous handler. if (gOldOnError) { try { // Ignore return value: always run default handler. gOldOnError(errorMsg, url, lineNumber); } catch (e) { // Log the error. SimpleTest.info("Exception thrown by gOldOnError(): " + e); // Log its stack. if (e.stack) { SimpleTest.info("JavaScript error stack:\n" + e.stack); } } } if (!SimpleTest._stopOnLoad && !isExpected) { // Need to finish() manually here, yet let the test actually end first. SimpleTest.executeSoon(SimpleTest.finish); } };