/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppsUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PermissionSettings.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PermissionsTable.jsm"); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PermissionsInstaller"]; const UNKNOWN_ACTION = Ci.nsIPermissionManager.UNKNOWN_ACTION; const ALLOW_ACTION = Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION; const DENY_ACTION = Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION; const PROMPT_ACTION = Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION; // Permission access flags const READONLY = "readonly"; const CREATEONLY = "createonly"; const READCREATE = "readcreate"; const READWRITE = "readwrite"; const PERM_TO_STRING = ["unknown", "allow", "deny", "prompt"]; function debug(aMsg) { //dump("-*-*- PermissionsInstaller.jsm : " + aMsg + "\n"); } this.PermissionsInstaller = { /** * Install permissisions or remove deprecated permissions upon re-install. * @param object aApp * The just-installed app configuration. * The properties used are manifestURL, origin and manifest. * @param boolean aIsReinstall * Indicates the app was just re-installed * @param function aOnError * A function called if an error occurs * @returns void **/ installPermissions: function installPermissions(aApp, aIsReinstall, aOnError) { try { let newManifest = new ManifestHelper(aApp.manifest, aApp.origin, aApp.manifestURL); if (!newManifest.permissions && !aIsReinstall) { return; } if (aIsReinstall) { // Compare the original permissions against the new permissions // Remove any deprecated Permissions if (newManifest.permissions) { // Expand permission names. let newPermNames = []; for (let permName in newManifest.permissions) { let expandedPermNames = expandPermissions(permName, newManifest.permissions[permName].access); newPermNames = newPermNames.concat(expandedPermNames); } newPermNames.push("indexedDB"); // Add the appcache related permissions. if (newManifest.appcache_path) { newPermNames = newPermNames.concat(["offline-app", "pin-app"]); } for (let idx in AllPossiblePermissions) { let permName = AllPossiblePermissions[idx]; let index = newPermNames.indexOf(permName); if (index == -1) { // See if the permission was installed previously. let permValue = PermissionSettingsModule.getPermission(permName, aApp.manifestURL, aApp.origin, false); if (permValue == "unknown" || permValue == "deny") { // All 'deny' permissions should be preserved continue; } // Remove the deprecated permission PermissionSettingsModule.removePermission(permName, aApp.manifestURL, aApp.origin, false); } } } } // Check to see if the 'webapp' is app/privileged/certified. let appStatus; switch (AppsUtils.getAppManifestStatus(aApp.manifest)) { case Ci.nsIPrincipal.APP_STATUS_CERTIFIED: appStatus = "certified"; break; case Ci.nsIPrincipal.APP_STATUS_PRIVILEGED: appStatus = "privileged"; break; case Ci.nsIPrincipal.APP_STATUS_INSTALLED: appStatus = "app"; if (aApp.kind == "hosted-trusted") { appStatus = "trusted"; } break; default: // Cannot determine app type, abort install by throwing an error. throw new Error("PermissionsInstaller.jsm: " + "Cannot determine the app's status. Install cancelled."); break; } this._setPermission("indexedDB", "allow", aApp); // Add the appcache related permissions. We allow it for all kinds of // apps. if (newManifest.appcache_path) { this._setPermission("offline-app", "allow", aApp); this._setPermission("pin-app", "allow", aApp); } for (let permName in newManifest.permissions) { if (!PermissionsTable[permName]) { Cu.reportError("PermissionsInstaller.jsm: '" + permName + "'" + " is not a valid Webapps permission name."); dump("PermissionsInstaller.jsm: '" + permName + "'" + " is not a valid Webapps permission name."); continue; } let expandedPermNames = expandPermissions(permName, newManifest.permissions[permName].access); for (let idx in expandedPermNames) { let isPromptPermission = PermissionsTable[permName][appStatus] === PROMPT_ACTION; // We silently upgrade the permission to whatever the permission // is for certified apps (ALLOW or PROMPT) only if the // following holds true: // * The app is preinstalled // * The permission that would be granted is PROMPT // * The app is privileged let permission = aApp.isPreinstalled && isPromptPermission && appStatus === "privileged" ? PermissionsTable[permName]["certified"] : PermissionsTable[permName][appStatus]; let permValue = PERM_TO_STRING[permission]; if (isPromptPermission) { // If the permission is prompt, keep the current value. This will // work even on a system update, with the caveat that if a // ALLOW/DENY permission is changed to PROMPT then the system should // inform the user that he can now change a permission that he could // not change before. permValue = PermissionSettingsModule.getPermission(expandedPermNames[idx], aApp.manifestURL, aApp.origin, false); if (permValue === "unknown") { permValue = PERM_TO_STRING[permission]; } } this._setPermission(expandedPermNames[idx], permValue, aApp); } } } catch (ex) { dump("Caught webapps install permissions error for " + aApp.origin + " : " + ex + "\n"); Cu.reportError(ex); if (aOnError) { aOnError(); } } }, /** * Set a permission value. * @param string aPermName * The permission name. * @param string aPermValue * The permission value. * @param object aApp * The just-installed app configuration. * The properties used are manifestURL and origin. * @returns void **/ _setPermission: function setPermission(aPermName, aPermValue, aApp) { PermissionSettingsModule.addPermission({ type: aPermName, origin: aApp.origin, manifestURL: aApp.manifestURL, value: aPermValue, browserFlag: false }); } };