/** * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ var testGenerator = testSteps(); function testSteps() { const dbname = this.window ? window.location.pathname : "Splendid Test"; const RW = "readwrite" let c1 = 1; let c2 = 1; let openRequest = indexedDB.open(dbname, 1); openRequest.onerror = errorHandler; openRequest.onupgradeneeded = grabEventAndContinueHandler; openRequest.onsuccess = unexpectedSuccessHandler; let event = yield; let db = event.target.result; let trans = event.target.transaction; // Create test stores let store = db.createObjectStore("store"); // Test simple inserts var keys = [ -1/0, -1.7e308, -10000, -2, -1.5, -1, -1.00001e-200, -1e-200, 0, 1e-200, 1.00001e-200, 1, 2, 10000, 1.7e308, 1/0, new Date("1750-01-02"), new Date("1800-12-31T12:34:56.001"), new Date(-1000), new Date(-10), new Date(-1), new Date(0), new Date(1), new Date(2), new Date(1000), new Date("1971-01-01"), new Date("1971-01-01T01:01:01Z"), new Date("1971-01-01T01:01:01.001Z"), new Date("1971-01-01T01:01:01.01Z"), new Date("1971-01-01T01:01:01.1Z"), new Date("1980-02-02"), new Date("3333-03-19T03:33:33.333"), "", "\x00", "\x00\x00", "\x00\x01", "\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x07", "\x08", "\x0F", "\x10", "\x1F", "\x20", "01234", "\x3F", "\x40", "A", "A\x00", "A1", "ZZZZ", "a", "a\x00", "aa", "azz", "}", "\x7E", "\x7F", "\x80", "\xFF", "\u0100", "\u01FF", "\u0200", "\u03FF", "\u0400", "\u07FF", "\u0800", "\u0FFF", "\u1000", "\u1FFF", "\u2000", "\u3FFF", "\u4000", "\u7FFF", "\u8000", "\uD800", "\uD800a", "\uD800\uDC01", "\uDBFF", "\uDC00", "\uDFFF\uD800", "\uFFFE", "\uFFFF", "\uFFFF\x00", "\uFFFFZZZ", [], [-1/0], [-1], [0], [1], [1, "a"], [1, []], [1, [""]], [2, 3], [2, 3.0000000000001], [12, [[]]], [12, [[[]]]], [12, [[[""]]]], [12, [[["foo"]]]], [12, [[[[[3]]]]]], [12, [[[[[[3]]]]]]], [new Date(-1)], [new Date(1)], [""], ["", [[]]], ["", [[[]]]], ["abc"], ["abc", "def"], ["abc\x00"], ["abc\x00", "\x00\x01"], ["abc\x00", "\x00def"], ["abc\x00\x00def"], ["x", [[]]], ["x", [[[]]]], [[]], [[],"foo"], [[],[]], [[[]]], [[[]], []], [[[]], [[]]], [[[]], [[1]]], [[[]], [[[]]]], [[[1]]], [[[[]], []]], ]; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { let keyI = keys[i]; is(indexedDB.cmp(keyI, keyI), 0, i + " compared to self"); function doCompare(keyI) { for (var j = i-1; j >= i-10 && j >= 0; --j) { is(indexedDB.cmp(keyI, keys[j]), 1, i + " compared to " + j); is(indexedDB.cmp(keys[j], keyI), -1, j + " compared to " + i); } } doCompare(keyI); store.add(i, keyI).onsuccess = function(e) { is(indexedDB.cmp(e.target.result, keyI), 0, "Returned key should cmp as equal"); ok(compareKeys(e.target.result, keyI), "Returned key should actually be equal"); }; // Test that -0 compares the same as 0 if (keyI === 0) { doCompare(-0); let req = store.add(i, -0); req.addEventListener("error", new ExpectError("ConstraintError", true)); req.onsuccess = unexpectedSuccessHandler; yield; } else if (Array.isArray(keyI) && keyI.length === 1 && keyI[0] === 0) { doCompare([-0]); let req = store.add(i, [-0]); req.addEventListener("error", new ExpectError("ConstraintError", true)); req.onsuccess = unexpectedSuccessHandler; yield; } } store.openCursor().onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { event = yield; let cursor = event.target.result; is(indexedDB.cmp(cursor.key, keys[i]), 0, "Read back key should cmp as equal"); ok(compareKeys(cursor.key, keys[i]), "Read back key should actually be equal"); is(cursor.value, i, "Stored with right value"); cursor.continue(); } event = yield; is(event.target.result, undefined, "no more results expected"); var nan = 0/0; var invalidKeys = [ nan, undefined, null, /x/, {}, new Date(NaN), new Date("foopy"), [nan], [undefined], [null], [/x/], [{}], [new Date(NaN)], [1, nan], [1, undefined], [1, null], [1, /x/], [1, {}], [1, [nan]], [1, [undefined]], [1, [null]], [1, [/x/]], [1, [{}]], ]; for (i = 0; i < invalidKeys.length; ++i) { try { indexedDB.cmp(invalidKeys[i], 1); ok(false, "didn't throw"); } catch(ex) { ok(ex instanceof DOMException, "Threw DOMException"); is(ex.name, "DataError", "Threw right DOMException"); is(ex.code, 0, "Threw with right code"); } try { indexedDB.cmp(1, invalidKeys[i]); ok(false, "didn't throw2"); } catch(ex) { ok(ex instanceof DOMException, "Threw DOMException2"); is(ex.name, "DataError", "Threw right DOMException2"); is(ex.code, 0, "Threw with right code2"); } try { store.put(1, invalidKeys[i]); ok(false, "didn't throw3"); } catch(ex) { ok(ex instanceof DOMException, "Threw DOMException3"); is(ex.name, "DataError", "Threw right DOMException3"); is(ex.code, 0, "Threw with right code3"); } } openRequest.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; yield; finishTest(); yield; }