function getURLContent(aURL) { var ios = Components.classes[";1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var uri = ios.newURI(aURL, null, null); var chan = ios.newChannelFromURI(uri); var inp =; var scinp = Components.classes[";1"]. createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream); scinp.init(inp); var result = ""; var avail = scinp.available(); while (avail) { result +=; avail = scinp.available(); } return result; } function storeCache(aURL, aContent) { const nsICache = Components.interfaces.nsICache; var cache = Components.classes[";1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsICacheService); var session = cache.createSession("FTP", nsICache.STORE_ANYWHERE, nsICache.STREAM_BASED); var cacheEntry = session.openCacheEntry(aURL, nsICache.ACCESS_READ_WRITE, false); cacheEntry.setMetaDataElement("servertype", "0"); var oStream = cacheEntry.openOutputStream(0); var written = oStream.write(aContent, aContent.length); if (written != aContent.length) { do_throw("oStream.write have not written all data!\n" + " Expected: " + written + "\n" + " Actual: " + aContent.length + "\n"); } oStream.close(); cacheEntry.close(); } function run_test() { /* Unix style listing, space at the end of filename */ var rawData = "drwxrwxr-x 2 500 500 4096 Jan 01 2000 a \r\n"; storeCache("ftp://localhost/bug365133/", rawData); var parsedData = getURLContent("ftp://localhost/bug365133/"); do_check_eq(parsedData, "300: ftp://localhost/bug365133/\n" + "200: filename content-length last-modified file-type\n" + "201: \"a%20\" 0 Sun%2C%2001%20Jan%202000%2000%3A00%3A00 DIRECTORY \n"); /* Unix style listing, space at the end of link name */ rawData = "lrwxrwxrwx 1 500 500 2 Jan 01 2000 l -> a \r\n"; storeCache("ftp://localhost/bug365133/", rawData); parsedData = getURLContent("ftp://localhost/bug365133/"); do_check_eq(parsedData, "300: ftp://localhost/bug365133/\n" + "200: filename content-length last-modified file-type\n" + "201: \"l%20\" 2 Sun%2C%2001%20Jan%202000%2000%3A00%3A00 SYMBOLIC-LINK \n"); /* Unix style listing, regular file with " -> " in name */ rawData = "-rw-rw-r-- 1 500 500 0 Jan 01 2000 arrow -> in name \r\n"; storeCache("ftp://localhost/bug365133/", rawData); parsedData = getURLContent("ftp://localhost/bug365133/"); do_check_eq(parsedData, "300: ftp://localhost/bug365133/\n" + "200: filename content-length last-modified file-type\n" + "201: \"arrow%20-%3E%20in%20name%20\" 0 Sun%2C%2001%20Jan%202000%2000%3A00%3A00 FILE \n"); /* Unix style listing, tab at the end of filename */ rawData = "drwxrwxrwx 2 500 500 4096 Jan 01 2000 t \r\n"; storeCache("ftp://localhost/bug365133/", rawData); parsedData = getURLContent("ftp://localhost/bug365133/"); do_check_eq(parsedData, "300: ftp://localhost/bug365133/\n" + "200: filename content-length last-modified file-type\n" + "201: \"t%09\" 0 Sun%2C%2001%20Jan%202000%2000%3A00%3A00 DIRECTORY \n"); /* Unix style listing, multiple " -> " in filename */ rawData = "lrwxrwxrwx 1 500 500 26 Jan 01 2000 symlink with arrow -> in name -> file with arrow -> in name\r\n"; storeCache("ftp://localhost/bug365133/", rawData); parsedData = getURLContent("ftp://localhost/bug365133/"); do_check_eq(parsedData, "300: ftp://localhost/bug365133/\n" + "200: filename content-length last-modified file-type\n" + "201: \"symlink%20with%20arrow%20-%3E%20in%20name\" 26 Sun%2C%2001%20Jan%202000%2000%3A00%3A00 SYMBOLIC-LINK \n"); /* Unix style listing, multiple " -> " in filename, incorrect filesize */ rawData = "lrwxrwxrwx 1 500 500 0 Jan 01 2000 symlink with arrow -> in name -> file with arrow -> in name\r\n"; storeCache("ftp://localhost/bug365133/", rawData); parsedData = getURLContent("ftp://localhost/bug365133/"); do_check_eq(parsedData, "300: ftp://localhost/bug365133/\n" + "200: filename content-length last-modified file-type\n" + "201: \"symlink%20with%20arrow%20-%3E%20in%20name%20-%3E%20file%20with%20arrow\" 0 Sun%2C%2001%20Jan%202000%2000%3A00%3A00 SYMBOLIC-LINK \n"); /* DOS style listing, space at the end of filename, year 1999 */ rawData = "01-01-99 01:00AM 1024 file \r\n"; storeCache("ftp://localhost/bug365133/", rawData); parsedData = getURLContent("ftp://localhost/bug365133/"); do_check_eq(parsedData, "300: ftp://localhost/bug365133/\n" + "200: filename content-length last-modified file-type\n" + "201: \"file%20\" 1024 Sun%2C%2001%20Jan%201999%2001%3A00%3A00 FILE \n"); /* DOS style listing, tab at the end of filename, year 2000 */ rawData = "01-01-00 01:00AM 1024 file \r\n"; storeCache("ftp://localhost/bug365133/", rawData); parsedData = getURLContent("ftp://localhost/bug365133/"); do_check_eq(parsedData, "300: ftp://localhost/bug365133/\n" + "200: filename content-length last-modified file-type\n" + "201: \"file%09\" 1024 Sun%2C%2001%20Jan%202000%2001%3A00%3A00 FILE \n"); }