package org.mozilla.gecko.tests; import org.mozilla.gecko.*; /* This patch tests the Master Password feature first by enabling the password, then testing it on a login page and finally disabling the password */ public class testMasterPassword extends PixelTest { Device dev; @Override protected int getTestType() { return TEST_MOCHITEST; } public void testMasterPassword() { blockForGeckoReady(); dev = new Device(); String password = ("Good"); String badPassword = ("Bad"); enableMasterPassword(password, badPassword); verifyLoginPage(password, badPassword); disableMasterPassword(password, badPassword); } public void enableMasterPassword(String password, String badPassword) { // Look for the 'Settings' menu if this device/OS uses it selectSettingsItem("Privacy", "Use master password"); waitForText("^Create Master Password$"); // Verify that the OK button is not activated until both fields are filled closeTabletKeyboard(); mAsserter.ok(!mSolo.getButton("OK").isEnabled(), "Verify if the OK button is inactive", "The OK button is inactive until both fields are filled"); // Verify that the OK button is not activated until the Confirm password field is filled editPasswordField(0, password); mAsserter.ok(!mSolo.getButton("OK").isEnabled(), "Verify if the OK button is inactive", "The OK button is inactive until the Confirm password field is filled"); // Verify that the OK button is not activated until both fields contain the same password editPasswordField(1, badPassword); mAsserter.ok(!mSolo.getButton("OK").isEnabled(), "Verify if the OK button is inactive", "The OK button is inactive until both fields contain the same password"); // Verify that the OK button is not activated until the Password field is filled mSolo.clearEditText(0); mAsserter.ok(!mSolo.getButton("OK").isEnabled(), "Verify if the OK button is inactive", "The OK button is inactive until the Password field is filled"); // Check that the Master Password is not set when canceling the action mSolo.clickOnEditText(0); mActions.sendKeys(password); mSolo.clearEditText(1); mSolo.clickOnEditText(1); mActions.sendKeys(password); waitForText("^Cancel$"); mSolo.clickOnText("^Cancel$"); waitForText("^Use master password$"); mSolo.clickOnText("^Use master password$"); mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText("^Create Master Password$"), "Checking if no password was set if the action was canceled", "No password was set"); // Enable Master Password mSolo.clickOnEditText(0); mActions.sendKeys(password); mSolo.clickOnEditText(1); mActions.sendKeys(password); // Verify that the input characters are converted to dots automatically mAsserter.ok(waitForText("."), "waiting to convert the letters in dots", "The letters are converted in dots"); mSolo.clickOnButton("OK"); // Verify that the Master Password was set mSolo.searchText("Privacy"); mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText("^Use master password$"), "Checking if Use master password is present", "Use master password is present"); mSolo.clickOnText("^Use master password$"); mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText("Remove Master Password"), "Checking if the password is enabled", "The password is enabled"); clickOnButton("Cancel"); // Go back to settings menu if ("phone".equals(mDevice.type)) { // Phones don't have headers like tablets, so we need to pop up one more level. waitForText("Use master password"); mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.BACK); } waitForText("Settings"); mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.BACK);// Close the Settings Menu } public void disableMasterPassword(String password, String badPassword) { // Look for the 'Settings' menu if this device/OS uses it selectSettingsItem("Privacy", "Use master password"); waitForText("^Remove Master Password$"); // Verify that the OK button is not activated if the password field is empty closeTabletKeyboard(); mAsserter.ok(!mSolo.getButton("OK").isEnabled(), "Verify if the OK button is inactive", "The OK button is inactive if the password field is empty"); // Verify that the OK button is activated if the password field contains characters editPasswordField(0, badPassword); mAsserter.ok(mSolo.getButton("OK").isEnabled(), "Verify if the OK button is activated", "The OK button is activated even if the wrong password is filled"); mSolo.clickOnButton("OK"); mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText("^Incorrect password$"), "Waiting for Incorrect password notification", "The Incorrect password notification appears"); // Disable Master Password mSolo.clickOnText("^Use master password$"); waitForText("^Remove Master Password$"); closeTabletKeyboard(); editPasswordField(0, password); mSolo.clickOnButton("OK"); // Verify that the Master Password was disabled mSolo.searchText("Privacy"); mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText("^Use master password$"), "Checking if Use master password is present", "Use master password is present"); mSolo.clickOnText("^Use master password$"); mAsserter.ok(waitForText("^Create Master Password$"), "Checking if the password is disabled", "The password is disabled"); clickOnButton("Cancel"); // Go back to settings menu } public void editPasswordField(int i, String password) { mSolo.clickOnEditText(i); mActions.sendKeys(password); toggleVKB(); // Don't use BACK; this will close the password dialog on devices with hardware keyboard. } public void noDoorhangerDisplayed(String LOGIN_URL) { waitForText("Browser Blank Page 01|Enter Search or Address"); inputAndLoadUrl(LOGIN_URL);"Save password for"), false, "Doorhanger notification is hidden"); } public void doorhangerDisplayed(String LOGIN_URL) { waitForText("Browser Blank Page 01|Enter Search or Address"); inputAndLoadUrl(LOGIN_URL);"Save password for"), true, "Doorhanger notification is displayed"); } // Checks to see if the device is a Tablet, because for those devices we need an extra back action to close the keyboard public void closeTabletKeyboard() { if (dev.type.equals("tablet")) { mSolo.sleep(1500); toggleVKB();// Close the keyboard for tablets } } public void clearPrivateData() { // Look for the 'Settings' menu if this device/OS uses it selectSettingsItem("Privacy", "Clear private data"); waitForText("Browsing & download history"); // Make sure the Clear private data pop-up is displayed Actions.EventExpecter clearPrivateDataEventExpecter = mActions.expectGeckoEvent("Sanitize:Finished"); if (mSolo.searchText("Clear data") && !mSolo.searchText("Cookies")) { mSolo.clickOnText("^Clear data$"); clearPrivateDataEventExpecter.blockForEvent(); } else { // For some reason the pop-up was not opened if (mSolo.searchText("Cookies")) { mSolo.clickOnText("^Clear private data$"); waitForText("Browsing & download history"); // Make sure the Clear private data pop-up is displayed mSolo.clickOnText("^Clear data$"); clearPrivateDataEventExpecter.blockForEvent(); } else { mAsserter.ok(false, "Something happened and the clear data dialog could not be opened", "Failed to clear data"); } } // Check that the Master Password isn't disabled by clearing private data waitForText("^Use master password$"); mSolo.clickOnText("^Use master password$"); mAsserter.ok(mSolo.searchText("^Remove Master Password$"), "Checking if the master password was disabled by clearing private data", "The master password is not disabled by clearing private data"); clickOnButton("Cancel"); // Close the Master Password menu if ("phone".equals(mDevice.type)) { // Phones don't have headers like tablets, so we need to pop up one more level. waitForText("Use master password"); mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.BACK); } waitForText("Settings"); mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.BACK);// Close the Settings Menu // Make sure the settings menu has been closed. mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText("Browser Blank Page 01"), "Waiting for blank browser page after exiting settings", "Blank browser page present"); } public void verifyLoginPage(String password, String badPassword) { String LOGIN_URL = getAbsoluteUrl("/robocop/robocop_login.html"); String option [] = {"Save", "Don't save"}; doorhangerDisplayed(LOGIN_URL);// Check that the doorhanger is displayed // TODO: Remove this hack -- see bug 915449 mSolo.sleep(2000); for (String item:option) { if (item.equals("Save")) { final String OK_BUTTON_LABEL = "^OK$"; final String SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL = "^Save$"; mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText(SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL), "Checking if Save option is present", "Save option is present"); mSolo.clickOnButton(SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL); // Verify that the Master Password isn't deactivated when the password field is empty closeTabletKeyboard(); waitForText(OK_BUTTON_LABEL); mSolo.clickOnButton(OK_BUTTON_LABEL); // Verify that the Master Password isn't deactivated when using the wrong password closeTabletKeyboard(); editPasswordField(0, badPassword); waitForText(OK_BUTTON_LABEL); mSolo.clickOnButton(OK_BUTTON_LABEL); // Verify that the Master Password is deactivated when using the right password closeTabletKeyboard(); editPasswordField(0, password); waitForText(OK_BUTTON_LABEL); mSolo.clickOnButton(OK_BUTTON_LABEL); // Verify that the Master Password is triggered once per session noDoorhangerDisplayed(LOGIN_URL);// Check that the doorhanger isn't displayed } else { clearPrivateData(); doorhangerDisplayed(LOGIN_URL);// Check that the doorhanger is displayed mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText("Don't save"), "Checking if Don't save option is present again", "Don't save option is present again"); mSolo.clickOnText("Don't save"); doorhangerDisplayed(LOGIN_URL);// Check that the doorhanger is displayed again mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText("Don't save"), "Checking if Don't save option is present again", "Don't save option is present again"); mSolo.clickOnText("Don't save"); // Make sure the settings menu has been closed. mAsserter.ok(mSolo.waitForText("Browser Blank Page 01"), "Waiting for blank browser page after exiting settings", "Blank browser page present"); } } } }