/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsColorPicker.h" #include #include "mozilla/AutoRestore.h" #include "nsIWidget.h" #include "WidgetUtils.h" using namespace mozilla::widget; namespace { // Manages NS_NATIVE_TMP_WINDOW child windows. NS_NATIVE_TMP_WINDOWs are // temporary child windows of mParentWidget created to address RTL issues // in picker dialogs. We are responsible for destroying these. class AutoDestroyTmpWindow { public: explicit AutoDestroyTmpWindow(HWND aTmpWnd) : mWnd(aTmpWnd) { } ~AutoDestroyTmpWindow() { if (mWnd) DestroyWindow(mWnd); } inline HWND get() const { return mWnd; } private: HWND mWnd; }; static DWORD ColorStringToRGB(const nsAString& aColor) { DWORD result = 0; for (uint32_t i = 1; i < aColor.Length(); ++i) { result *= 16; char16_t c = aColor[i]; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { result += c - '0'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { result += 10 + (c - 'a'); } else { result += 10 + (c - 'A'); } } DWORD r = result & 0x00FF0000; DWORD g = result & 0x0000FF00; DWORD b = result & 0x000000FF; r = r >> 16; b = b << 16; result = r | g | b; return result; } static nsString ToHexString(BYTE n) { nsString result; if (n <= 0x0F) { result.Append('0'); } result.AppendInt(n, 16); return result; } static void BGRIntToRGBString(DWORD color, nsAString& aResult) { BYTE r = GetRValue(color); BYTE g = GetGValue(color); BYTE b = GetBValue(color); aResult.AssignLiteral("#"); aResult.Append(ToHexString(r)); aResult.Append(ToHexString(g)); aResult.Append(ToHexString(b)); } } // anonymous namespace AsyncColorChooser::AsyncColorChooser(const nsAString& aInitialColor, nsIWidget* aParentWidget, nsIColorPickerShownCallback* aCallback) : mInitialColor(aInitialColor) , mParentWidget(aParentWidget) , mCallback(aCallback) { } NS_IMETHODIMP AsyncColorChooser::Run() { static COLORREF sCustomColors[16] = {0} ; MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Color pickers can only be opened from main thread currently"); static bool sColorPickerOpen = false; // Allow only one color picker to be opened at a time, to workaround bug 944737 if (!sColorPickerOpen) { mozilla::AutoRestore autoRestoreColorPickerOpen(sColorPickerOpen); sColorPickerOpen = true; AutoDestroyTmpWindow adtw((HWND) (mParentWidget.get() ? mParentWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_TMP_WINDOW) : nullptr)); CHOOSECOLOR options; options.lStructSize = sizeof(options); options.hwndOwner = adtw.get(); options.Flags = CC_RGBINIT | CC_FULLOPEN; options.rgbResult = ColorStringToRGB(mInitialColor); options.lpCustColors = sCustomColors; if (ChooseColor(&options)) { BGRIntToRGBString(options.rgbResult, mColor); } } else { NS_WARNING("Currently, it's not possible to open more than one color " "picker at a time"); mColor = mInitialColor; } if (mCallback) { mCallback->Done(mColor); } return NS_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsIColorPicker nsColorPicker::nsColorPicker() { } nsColorPicker::~nsColorPicker() { } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsColorPicker, nsIColorPicker) NS_IMETHODIMP nsColorPicker::Init(nsIDOMWindow* parent, const nsAString& title, const nsAString& aInitialColor) { NS_PRECONDITION(parent, "Null parent passed to colorpicker, no color picker for you!"); mParentWidget = WidgetUtils::DOMWindowToWidget(parent); mInitialColor = aInitialColor; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsColorPicker::Open(nsIColorPickerShownCallback* aCallback) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aCallback); nsCOMPtr event = new AsyncColorChooser(mInitialColor, mParentWidget, aCallback); return NS_DispatchToMainThread(event); }