function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); ignoreAllUncaughtExceptions(); testCustomize(window, finish); } function testCustomize(aWindow, aCallback) { var addonBar = aWindow.document.getElementById("addon-bar"); ok(addonBar, "got addon bar"); ok(!isElementVisible(addonBar), "addon bar initially hidden"); // Launch toolbar customization // ctEl is either iframe that contains the customize sheet, or the dialog var ctEl = aWindow.BrowserCustomizeToolbar(); aWindow.gNavToolbox.addEventListener("beforecustomization", function () { aWindow.gNavToolbox.removeEventListener("beforecustomization", arguments.callee, false); executeSoon(ctInit); }, false); function ctInit() { ok(isElementVisible(addonBar), "add-on bar is visible during toolbar customization"); // Close toolbar customization closeToolbarCustomization(aWindow, ctEl); ok(!isElementVisible(addonBar), "addon bar is hidden after toolbar customization"); if (aCallback) aCallback(); } } function closeToolbarCustomization(aWindow, aCTWindow) { // Force the cleanup code to be run now instead of onunload. // This also hides the sheet on Mac. aCTWindow.finishToolbarCustomization(); // On windows and linux, need to explicitly close the window. if (!gCustomizeSheet) aCTWindow.close(); }