/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ interface MozMmsMessage; interface MozSmsMessage; dictionary SmsSegmentInfo { /** * The number of total segments for the input string. The value is always * larger-equal than 1. */ long segments = 0; /** * The number of characters available per segment. The value is always * larger-equal than 1. */ long charsPerSegment = 0; /** * The maximum number of available characters in the last segment. The value * is always larger-equal than 0. */ long charsAvailableInLastSegment = 0; }; dictionary MmsAttachment { DOMString? id = null; DOMString? location = null; Blob? content = null; }; dictionary MmsParameters { sequence receivers; DOMString? subject = null; DOMString? smil = null; sequence attachments; }; dictionary SmsSendParameters { unsigned long serviceId; // The ID of the RIL service which needs to be // specified under the multi-sim scenario. }; dictionary MmsSendParameters { unsigned long serviceId; // The ID of the RIL service which needs to be // specified under the multi-sim scenario. }; enum MobileMessageFilterDelivery { "sent", "received" }; dictionary MobileMessageFilter { // Close lower bound range for filtering by the message timestamp. // Time in milliseconds since Epoch. [EnforceRange] DOMTimeStamp? startDate = null; // Close upper bound range for filtering by the message timestamp. // Time in milliseconds since Epoch. [EnforceRange] DOMTimeStamp? endDate = null; // An array of string message participant addresses that any of which // appears or matches a message's sendor or recipients addresses. sequence? numbers = null; MobileMessageFilterDelivery? delivery = null; // Filtering by whether a message has been read or not. boolean? read = null; // Filtering by a message's threadId attribute. [EnforceRange] unsigned long long? threadId = 0; }; /** * TON defined in |Table 10.5.118: Called party BCD number| of 3GPP TS 24.008. * It's used in SM-RL originator / destination address element as defined in * | Destination address element| of 3GPP TS 24.011. */ enum TypeOfNumber { "unknown", "international", "national", "network-specific", "dedicated-access-short-code" }; /** * NPI defined in |Table 10.5.118: Called party BCD number| of 3GPP TS 24.008. * It's used in SM-RL originator / destination address element as defined in * | Destination address element| of 3GPP TS 24.011. */ enum NumberPlanIdentification { "unknown", "isdn", "data", "telex", "national", "private" }; /** * Type of address used in SmscAddress. * * As described in |3.1 Parameters Definitions| of 3GPP TS 27.005, the default * value of should be 129 (typeOfNumber=unknown, * numberPlanIdentification=isdn) if the number does not begin with '+'. * * |setSmscAddress| updates typeOfNumber to international automatically if the * given number begins with '+'. */ dictionary TypeOfAddress { TypeOfNumber typeOfNumber = "unknown"; NumberPlanIdentification numberPlanIdentification = "isdn"; }; /** * SMSC address. */ dictionary SmscAddress { DOMString address; TypeOfAddress typeOfAddress; }; [Pref="dom.sms.enabled", CheckAnyPermissions="sms", AvailableIn="CertifiedApps"] interface MozMobileMessageManager : EventTarget { [Throws] DOMRequest getSegmentInfoForText(DOMString text); /** * Send SMS. * * @param number * Either a DOMString (only one number) or an array of numbers. * @param text * The text message to be sent. * @param sendParameters * A SmsSendParameters object. * * @return * A DOMRequest object indicating the sending result if one number * has been passed; an array of DOMRequest objects otherwise. */ [Throws] DOMRequest send(DOMString number, DOMString text, optional SmsSendParameters sendParameters); [Throws] sequence send(sequence numbers, DOMString text, optional SmsSendParameters sendParameters); /** * Send MMS. * * @param parameters * A MmsParameters object. * @param sendParameters * A MmsSendParameters object. * * @return * A DOMRequest object indicating the sending result. */ [Throws] DOMRequest sendMMS(optional MmsParameters parameters, optional MmsSendParameters sendParameters); [Throws] DOMRequest getMessage(long id); // The parameter can be either a message id, or a Moz{Mms,Sms}Message, or an // array of Moz{Mms,Sms}Message objects. [Throws] DOMRequest delete(long id); [Throws] DOMRequest delete(MozSmsMessage message); [Throws] DOMRequest delete(MozMmsMessage message); [Throws] DOMRequest delete(sequence<(long or MozSmsMessage or MozMmsMessage)> params); // Iterates through Moz{Mms,Sms}Message. [Throws] DOMCursor getMessages(optional MobileMessageFilter filter, optional boolean reverse = false); [Throws] DOMRequest markMessageRead(long id, boolean read, optional boolean sendReadReport = false); // Iterates through nsIDOMMozMobileMessageThread. [Throws] DOMCursor getThreads(); [Throws] DOMRequest retrieveMMS(long id); [Throws] DOMRequest retrieveMMS(MozMmsMessage message); [Throws] Promise getSmscAddress(optional unsigned long serviceId); /** * Set the SMSC address. * * @param smscAddress * SMSC address to use. * Reject if smscAddress.address does not present. * @param serviceId (optional) * The ID of the RIL service which needs to be specified under * the multi-sim scenario. * @return a Promise * Resolve if success. Otherwise, reject with error cause. */ [NewObject] Promise setSmscAddress(optional SmscAddress smscAddress, optional unsigned long serviceId); attribute EventHandler onreceived; attribute EventHandler onretrieving; attribute EventHandler onsending; attribute EventHandler onsent; attribute EventHandler onfailed; attribute EventHandler ondeliverysuccess; attribute EventHandler ondeliveryerror; attribute EventHandler onreadsuccess; attribute EventHandler onreaderror; attribute EventHandler ondeleted; };