# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import posixpath import os import re ''' Like os.path, with a reduced set of functions, and with normalized path separators (always use forward slashes). Also contains a few additional utilities not found in os.path. ''' def normsep(path): ''' Normalize path separators, by using forward slashes instead of whatever os.sep is. ''' if os.sep != '/': path = path.replace(os.sep, '/') return path def relpath(path, start): rel = normsep(os.path.relpath(path, start)) return '' if rel == '.' else rel def join(*paths): paths = [normsep(p) for p in paths] return posixpath.join(*paths) def normpath(path): return posixpath.normpath(normsep(path)) def dirname(path): return posixpath.dirname(normsep(path)) def commonprefix(paths): return posixpath.commonprefix([normsep(path) for path in paths]) def basename(path): return os.path.basename(path) def splitext(path): return posixpath.splitext(normsep(path)) def split(path): ''' Return the normalized path as a list of its components. split('foo/bar/baz') returns ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] ''' return normsep(path).split('/') def basedir(path, bases): ''' Given a list of directories (bases), return which one contains the given path. If several matches are found, the deepest base directory is returned. basedir('foo/bar/baz', ['foo', 'baz', 'foo/bar']) returns 'foo/bar' ('foo' and 'foo/bar' both match, but 'foo/bar' is the deepest match) ''' path = normsep(path) bases = [normsep(b) for b in bases] if path in bases: return path for b in sorted(bases, reverse=True): if b == '' or path.startswith(b + '/'): return b re_cache = {} def match(path, pattern): ''' Return whether the given path matches the given pattern. An asterisk can be used to match any string, including the null string, in one part of the path: 'foo' matches '*', 'f*' or 'fo*o' However, an asterisk matching a subdirectory may not match the null string: 'foo/bar' does *not* match 'foo/*/bar' If the pattern matches one of the ancestor directories of the path, the patch is considered matching: 'foo/bar' matches 'foo' Two adjacent asterisks can be used to match files and zero or more directories and subdirectories. 'foo/bar' matches 'foo/**/bar', or '**/bar' ''' if not pattern: return True if not pattern in re_cache: pattern = re.escape(pattern) pattern = re.sub(r'(^|\\\/)\\\*\\\*\\\/', r'\1(?:.+/)?', pattern) pattern = re.sub(r'(^|\\\/)\\\*\\\*$', r'(?:\1.+)?', pattern) pattern = pattern.replace(r'\*', '[^/]*') + '(?:/.*)?$' re_cache[pattern] = re.compile(pattern) return re_cache[pattern].match(path) is not None def rebase(oldbase, base, relativepath): ''' Return relativepath relative to base instead of oldbase. ''' if base == oldbase: return relativepath if len(base) < len(oldbase): assert basedir(oldbase, [base]) == base relbase = relpath(oldbase, base) result = join(relbase, relativepath) else: assert basedir(base, [oldbase]) == oldbase relbase = relpath(base, oldbase) result = relpath(relativepath, relbase) result = normpath(result) if relativepath.endswith('/') and not result.endswith('/'): result += '/' return result