* Move nsITimedChannel to HttpBaseChannel which is inherited by HttpChannelChild
* Return mZeroTime instead of 0 in nsPerformanceTiming
* Pass redirect count from parent to child channel
This patch was mostly generated with the following command:
find . -name "*.h" -o -name "*.cpp" | xargs sed -e '/WrapObject(JSContext/ {; N; s/\(WrapObject(JSContext *\* *a\{0,1\}[Cc]x\),\n\{0,1\} *JS::Handle<JSObject\*> a\{0,1\}[sS]cope/\1/ ; }' -i ""
and then reverting the changes that made to
dom/bindings/BindingUtils.h, since those WrapObject methods are not
the ones we're trying to change here, plus a bunch of manual fixups
for cases that this command did not catch (including all the callsites
of WrapObject()).
This patch was mostly generated with this command:
find . -name "*.h" -o -name "*.cpp" | xargs sed -e 's/Binding::Wrap(aCx, aScope, this/Binding::Wrap(aCx, this/' -e 's/Binding_workers::Wrap(aCx, aScope, this/Binding_workers::Wrap(aCx, this/' -e 's/Binding::Wrap(cx, scope, this/Binding::Wrap(cx, this/' -i ""
plus a few manual fixes to dom/bindings/Codegen.py, js/xpconnect/src/event_impl_gen.py, and a few C++ files that were not caught in the search-and-replace above.