Benoit Jacob
Bug 959380 - 3/5 - Make gfxSurfaceType a typed enum - r=jrmuizel
find . -type f | grep -v '\./obj' | grep -v '\.hg' | xargs sed -i 's/\(^\|[^A-Za-z0-9_]\)gfxSurfaceType\(Image\|PDF\|PS\|Xlib\|Xcb\|Glitz\|Quartz\|Win32\|BeOS\|DirectFB\|SVG\|OS2\|Win32Printing\|QuartzImage\|Script\|QPainter\|Recording\|VG\|GL\|DRM\|Tee\|XML\|Skia\|Subsurface\|D2D\|Max\)\($\|[^A-Za-z0-9_]\)/\1gfxSurfaceType::\2\3/g'
2014-01-23 13:26:40 -05:00 |
Benoit Jacob
Bug 959380 - 2/5 - Make gfxImageFormat a typed enum - r=jrmuizel
find . -type f | grep -v \./obj | grep -v \.hg | xargs sed -i 's/\(^\|[^A-Za-z0-9_]\)gfxImageFormat\(ARGB32\|RGB24\|A8\|A1\|RGB16_565\|Unknown\)\($\|[^A-Za-z0-9_]\)/\1gfxImageFormat::\2\3/g'
2014-01-23 13:26:40 -05:00 |
Benoit Jacob
Bug 913872 - Take nested enums out of gfxASurface - 1/3 : automatic changes - r=jrmuizel
Generated by these regexes:
find . -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.mm' | grep -v '\.hg' | grep -v '^\.\/obj' | xargs sed -i 's/gfx[A-Za-z0-9_]*Surface\:\:[a-z]*\(\(ImageFormat\|SurfaceType\|ContentType\|MemoryLocation\)[0-9A-Za-z_]*\)/gfx\1/g'
find . -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.mm' | grep -v '\.hg' | grep -v '^\.\/obj' | xargs sed -i 's/gfx[A-Za-z0-9_]*Surface\:\:[a-z]*\(\(CONTENT_\|MEMORY_\)[0-9A-Za-z_]*\)/GFX_\1/g'
find . -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.mm' | grep -v '\.hg' | grep -v '^\.\/obj' | xargs sed -i 's/\(^\|[^A-Za-z0-9_]\)\(CONTENT_COLOR\|CONTENT_ALPHA\|CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA\|CONTENT_SENTINEL\|MEMORY_IN_PROCESS_HEAP\|MEMORY_IN_PROCESS_NONHEAP\|MEMORY_OUT_OF_PROCESS\)\($\|[^A-Za-z0-9_]\)/\1GFX_\2\3/g'
find . -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.mm' | grep -v '\.hg' | grep -v '^\.\/obj' | xargs sed -i 's/\(^\|[^A-Za-z0-9_]\)\(ImageFormatARGB32\|ImageFormatRGB24\|ImageFormatA8\|ImageFormatA1\|ImageFormatRGB16_565\|ImageFormatUnknown\|SurfaceTypeImage\|SurfaceTypePDF\|SurfaceTypePS\|SurfaceTypeXlib\|SurfaceTypeXcb\|SurfaceTypeGlitz\|SurfaceTypeQuartz\|SurfaceTypeWin32\|SurfaceTypeBeOS\|SurfaceTypeDirectFB\|SurfaceTypeSVG\|SurfaceTypeOS2\|SurfaceTypeWin32Printing\|SurfaceTypeQuartzImage\|SurfaceTypeScript\|SurfaceTypeQPainter\|SurfaceTypeRecording\|SurfaceTypeVG\|SurfaceTypeGL\|SurfaceTypeDRM\|SurfaceTypeTee\|SurfaceTypeXML\|SurfaceTypeSkia\|SurfaceTypeSubsurface\|SurfaceTypeD2D\|SurfaceTypeMax\)\($\|[^A-Za-z0-9_]\)/\1gfx\2\3/g'
2013-09-24 16:45:13 -04:00 |
Birunthan Mohanathas
Bug 784739 - Switch from NULL to nullptr in gfx/ipc/; r=ehsan
extra : rebase_source : b589ee0a3207a6522a8f47a4edfa7ca9fc49469e
2013-07-20 11:48:55 +03:00 |
Ehsan Akhgari
Bug 579517 - Part 1: Automated conversion of NSPR numeric types to stdint types in Gecko; r=bsmedberg
This patch was generated by a script. Here's the source of the script for
future reference:
function convert() {
echo "Converting $1 to $2..."
find . ! -wholename "*nsprpub*" \
! -wholename "*security/nss*" \
! -wholename "*/.hg*" \
! -wholename "obj-ff-dbg*" \
! -name nsXPCOMCID.h \
! -name prtypes.h \
-type f \
\( -iname "*.cpp" \
-o -iname "*.h" \
-o -iname "*.c" \
-o -iname "*.cc" \
-o -iname "*.idl" \
-o -iname "*.ipdl" \
-o -iname "*.ipdlh" \
-o -iname "*.mm" \) | \
xargs -n 1 sed -i -e "s/\b$1\b/$2/g"
convert PRInt8 int8_t
convert PRUint8 uint8_t
convert PRInt16 int16_t
convert PRUint16 uint16_t
convert PRInt32 int32_t
convert PRUint32 uint32_t
convert PRInt64 int64_t
convert PRUint64 uint64_t
convert PRIntn int
convert PRUintn unsigned
convert PRSize size_t
convert PROffset32 int32_t
convert PROffset64 int64_t
convert PRPtrdiff ptrdiff_t
convert PRFloat64 double
2012-08-22 11:56:38 -04:00 |
Gervase Markham
Bug 716478 - update licence to MPL 2.
2012-05-21 12:12:37 +01:00 |
Neil Rashbrook
Fix DOS line endings rs=joedrew!
2011-05-26 20:41:33 +01:00 |
Makoto Kato
Bug 611389 - Minefield 64-bit crash of NVIDIA driver [@ nvwgf2umx.dll@0x56f71a ]. r=bsmedberg a=blocking-beta8+
2010-11-17 14:50:39 +09:00 |
Benjamin Smedberg
Bug 596451 part E - Implement transparency using DIBs with builtin transparency. Flash at least does this correctly, and since nobody else really uses windowless transparency, this is going to be the Way It Is. r-pending=jimm/karlt
2010-10-27 09:03:09 -04:00 |
Benjamin Smedberg
More build bustage from Bug 596451 part D. Explicitly initialize the const structures for GCC.
2010-10-25 16:25:01 -04:00 |
Benjamin Smedberg
Bug 596451 part D - Hook up asynchronous plugin painting on Windows. This part allows opaque plugins to paint correctly. r=jmathies
2010-10-25 13:57:13 -04:00 |