Bug 493559 - The 'Clear Recent History' dialog can be too slow when Everything is selected; r=johnath

This commit is contained in:
Drew Willcoxon 2009-05-19 19:31:42 +04:30
parent b67a8cedd3
commit f91a54288d

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@ -156,18 +156,9 @@ var gSanitizePromptDialog = {
this._warningIsInited = true;
// Get the number of items in history and the oldest item.
var histServ = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1"].
var query = histServ.getNewQuery();
var opts = histServ.getNewQueryOptions();
opts.sortingMode = opts.SORT_BY_DATE_ASCENDING;
opts.queryType = opts.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY;
var result = histServ.executeQuery(query, opts);
result.root.containerOpen = true;
var numItems = result.root.childCount;
var oldestTime = numItems > 0 ? result.root.getChild(0).time : null;
result.root.containerOpen = false;
// If the date and time-aware locale warning string is ever used again,
// initialize it here. Currently we use the no-visits warning string,
// which does not include date and time. See bug 480169 comment 48.
var warningDesc = document.getElementById("sanitizeEverythingWarning");
warningDesc.textContent =