Bug 773160: expose a reduced 'navigator' object to social frameworker workers. r=gavin

This commit is contained in:
Mark Hammond 2012-07-16 15:35:39 +10:00
parent 37f0a0f325
commit f8595357d1
2 changed files with 78 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ FrameWorker.prototype = {
'atob', 'btoa', 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'dump',
'setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'XMLHttpRequest',
'MozBlobBuilder', 'FileReader', 'Blob',
'navigator', 'location'];
workerAPI.forEach(function(fn) {
try {
// XXX Need to unwrap for this to work - find out why!
@ -109,6 +109,25 @@ FrameWorker.prototype = {
Cu.reportError("FrameWorker: failed to import API "+fn+"\n"+e+"\n");
// the "navigator" object in a worker is a subset of the full navigator;
// specifically, just the interfaces 'NavigatorID' and 'NavigatorOnLine'
let navigator = {
__exposedProps__: {
"appName": "r",
"appVersion": "r",
"platform": "r",
"userAgent": "r",
"onLine": "r"
// interface NavigatorID
appName: workerWindow.navigator.appName,
appVersion: workerWindow.navigator.appVersion,
platform: workerWindow.navigator.platform,
userAgent: workerWindow.navigator.userAgent,
// interface NavigatorOnLine
get onLine() workerWindow.navigator.onLine
sandbox.navigator = navigator;
// and we delegate ononline and onoffline events to the worker.
// See http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/workers.html#workerglobalscope

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@ -405,5 +405,63 @@ let tests = {
testNavigator: function(cbnext) {
let run = function() {
let port;
ononline = function() {
port.postMessage({topic: "ononline", data: navigator.onLine});
onoffline = function() {
port.postMessage({topic: "onoffline", data: navigator.onLine});
onconnect = function(e) {
port = e.ports[0];
port.postMessage({topic: "ready",
data: {
appName: navigator.appName,
appVersion: navigator.appVersion,
platform: navigator.platform,
userAgent: navigator.userAgent,
let ioService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService2);
let oldManage = ioService.manageOfflineStatus;
let oldOffline = ioService.offline;
ioService.manageOfflineStatus = false;
let worker = getFrameWorkerHandle(makeWorkerUrl(run), undefined, "testNavigator");
let expected_topic = "onoffline";
let expected_data = false;
worker.port.onmessage = function(e) {
is(e.data.topic, "ready");
for each (let attr in ['appName', 'appVersion', 'platform', 'userAgent']) {
// each attribute must be a string with length > 0.
is(typeof e.data.data[attr], "string");
ok(e.data.data[attr].length > 0);
worker.port.onmessage = function(e) {
// a handler specifically for the offline notification.
is(e.data.topic, "onoffline");
is(e.data.data, false);
// add another handler specifically for the 'online' case.
worker.port.onmessage = function(e) {
is(e.data.topic, "ononline");
is(e.data.data, true);
// all good!
ioService.manageOfflineStatus = oldManage;
ioService.offline = oldOffline;
ioService.offline = false;
ioService.offline = true;