Backout 193e7c0052a9, suspicion of regression a talos test (bug 910274) and sync failures (bug 910289)

This commit is contained in:
Mark Finkle 2013-08-28 12:10:07 -04:00
parent e65382d946
commit f376478e36
4 changed files with 122 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -1195,7 +1195,6 @@ abstract public class GeckoApp
GeckoProfile.setAsDefault(this, getProfile().getDir());

View File

@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ public final class GeckoProfile {
private static HashMap<String, GeckoProfile> sProfileCache = new HashMap<String, GeckoProfile>();
private static String sDefaultProfileName = null;
private static File mMozDir;
private final Context mContext;
private final String mName;
private File mMozDir;
private File mDir;
// Constants to cache whether or not a profile is "locked".
@ -52,8 +52,12 @@ public final class GeckoProfile {
private boolean mInGuestMode = false;
private static GeckoProfile mGuestProfile = null;
private static native int createSymLink(String filePath, String linkPath);
private static native int removeSymLink(String linkPath);
static private INIParser getProfilesINI(Context context) {
File filesDir = context.getFilesDir();
File mozillaDir = new File(filesDir, "mozilla");
File profilesIni = new File(mozillaDir, "profiles.ini");
return new INIParser(profilesIni);
public static GeckoProfile get(Context context) {
if (context instanceof GeckoApp) {
@ -119,10 +123,6 @@ public final class GeckoProfile {
public static File ensureMozillaDirectory(Context context) throws IOException {
if (mMozDir != null) {
return mMozDir;
synchronized (context) {
File filesDir = context.getFilesDir();
File mozDir = new File(filesDir, "mozilla");
@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ public final class GeckoProfile {
throw new IOException("Unable to create mozilla directory at " + mozDir.getAbsolutePath());
mMozDir = mozDir;
return mozDir;
@ -410,14 +409,52 @@ public final class GeckoProfile {
mDir = findProfileDir(mozillaDir);
if (mDir == null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error getting profile dir", ioe);
INIParser parser = getProfilesINI(mContext);
Hashtable<String, INISection> sections = parser.getSections();
for (Enumeration<INISection> e = sections.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
INISection section = e.nextElement();
String name = section.getStringProperty("Name");
if (name == null || !name.equals(mName))
if (section.getName().startsWith("Profile")) {
// ok, we have stupid Profile#-named things. Rename backwards.
try {
int sectionNumber = Integer.parseInt(section.getName().substring("Profile".length()));
String curSection = "Profile" + sectionNumber;
String nextSection = "Profile" + (sectionNumber+1);
while (sections.containsKey(nextSection)) {
parser.renameSection(nextSection, curSection);
curSection = nextSection;
nextSection = "Profile" + (sectionNumber+1);
} catch (NumberFormatException nex) {
// uhm, malformed Profile thing; we can't do much.
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Malformed section name in profiles.ini: " + section.getName());
return false;
} else {
// this really shouldn't be the case, but handle it anyway
return true;
return true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Failed to remove profile " + mName + ":\n" + ex);
return false;
return false;
public static String findDefaultProfile(Context context) {
@ -428,51 +465,91 @@ public final class GeckoProfile {
return sDefaultProfileName;
try {
File activeDir = new File(ensureMozillaDirectory(context), "active-profile");
if (activeDir.exists()) {
sDefaultProfileName = activeDir.getCanonicalFile().getName();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error getting currDir", ioe);
return sDefaultProfileName;
// Open profiles.ini to find the correct path
INIParser parser = getProfilesINI(context);
public static void setAsDefault(Context context, File defaultFile) {
try {
String symlinkPath = ensureMozillaDirectory(context).getAbsolutePath() + "/active-profile";
File activeFile = new File(symlinkPath);
// Unlink from previous file
if (activeFile.exists()) {
for (Enumeration<INISection> e = parser.getSections().elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
INISection section = e.nextElement();
if (section.getIntProperty("Default") == 1) {
sDefaultProfileName = section.getStringProperty("Name");
return sDefaultProfileName;
// Set as active profile
createSymLink(defaultFile.getAbsolutePath(), symlinkPath);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error setting default profile", ioe);
return null;
private File findProfileDir(File mozillaDir) {
File nameDir = new File(mozillaDir, mName);
if (! nameDir.exists()) {
return null;
// Open profiles.ini to find the correct path
INIParser parser = getProfilesINI(mContext);
for (Enumeration<INISection> e = parser.getSections().elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
INISection section = e.nextElement();
String name = section.getStringProperty("Name");
if (name != null && name.equals(mName)) {
if (section.getIntProperty("IsRelative") == 1) {
return new File(mozillaDir, section.getStringProperty("Path"));
return new File(section.getStringProperty("Path"));
return nameDir;
return null;
private static String saltProfileName(String name) {
String allowedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
StringBuilder salt = new StringBuilder(16);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
salt.append(allowedChars.charAt((int)(Math.random() * allowedChars.length())));
return salt.toString();
private File createProfileDir(File mozillaDir) throws IOException {
File profileDir = new File(mozillaDir, mName);
INIParser parser = getProfilesINI(mContext);
// Attempt to create the profile dir
// Salt the name of our requested profile
String saltedName = saltProfileName(mName);
File profileDir = new File(mozillaDir, saltedName);
while (profileDir.exists()) {
saltedName = saltProfileName(mName);
profileDir = new File(mozillaDir, saltedName);
// Attempt to create the salted profile dir
if (! profileDir.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to create profile at " + profileDir.getAbsolutePath());
Log.d(LOGTAG, "Created new profile dir at " + profileDir.getAbsolutePath());
// Now update profiles.ini
// If this is the first time its created, we also add a General section
// look for the first profile number that isn't taken yet
int profileNum = 0;
while (parser.getSection("Profile" + profileNum) != null) {
INISection profileSection = new INISection("Profile" + profileNum);
profileSection.setProperty("Name", mName);
profileSection.setProperty("IsRelative", 1);
profileSection.setProperty("Path", saltedName);
if (parser.getSection("General") == null) {
INISection generalSection = new INISection("General");
generalSection.setProperty("StartWithLastProfile", 1);
// only set as default if this is the first profile we're creating
profileSection.setProperty("Default", 1);
// Write out profile creation time, mirroring the logic in nsToolkitProfileService.
try {
FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(profileDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "times.json");

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@ -139,9 +139,7 @@ public class GeckoThread extends Thread implements GeckoEventListener {
String profile = "";
String guest = "";
if (GeckoAppShell.getGeckoInterface() != null) {
if (GeckoApp.sIsUsingCustomProfile) {
profile = " -P " + GeckoAppShell.getGeckoInterface().getProfile().getName();
} else {
if (GeckoAppShell.getGeckoInterface().getProfile().inGuestMode()) {
try {
profile = " -profile " + GeckoAppShell.getGeckoInterface().getProfile().getDir().getCanonicalPath();
} catch (IOException ioe) { Log.e(LOGTAG, "error getting guest profile path", ioe); }
@ -149,6 +147,8 @@ public class GeckoThread extends Thread implements GeckoEventListener {
if (args == null || !args.contains(BrowserApp.GUEST_BROWSING_ARG)) {
guest = " " + BrowserApp.GUEST_BROWSING_ARG;
} else if (GeckoApp.sIsUsingCustomProfile) {
profile = " -P " + GeckoAppShell.getGeckoInterface().getProfile().getName();

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@ -299,36 +299,6 @@ loadNSSLibs(const char *apkName)
return setup_nss_functions(nss_handle, nspr_handle, plc_handle);
extern "C" NS_EXPORT void JNICALL
Java_org_mozilla_gecko_GeckoProfile_createSymLink(JNIEnv* jenv, jclass clazz, jstring inputFilePath, jstring inputSymLinkPath)
const char* inputFilePathC = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(inputFilePath, NULL);
const char* inputSymLinkPathC = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(inputSymLinkPath, NULL);
int result = symlink(inputFilePathC, inputSymLinkPathC);
//release resources when done
jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(inputFilePath, inputFilePathC);
jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(inputSymLinkPath, inputSymLinkPathC);
if (result == -1)
JNI_Throw(jenv, "java/io/IOException", strerror(errno));
extern "C" NS_EXPORT void JNICALL
Java_org_mozilla_gecko_GeckoProfile_removeSymLink(JNIEnv* jenv, jclass clazz, jstring inputSymLinkPath)
const char *inputSymLinkPathC = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(inputSymLinkPath, NULL);
int result = unlink(inputSymLinkPathC);
//release resources when done
jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(inputSymLinkPath, inputSymLinkPathC);
if (result == -1)
JNI_Throw(jenv, "java/io/IOException", strerror(errno));
extern "C" NS_EXPORT void JNICALL
Java_org_mozilla_gecko_mozglue_GeckoLoader_loadGeckoLibsNative(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jGeckoAppShellClass, jstring jApkName)