Bug 899352 - Increase the installation timeout for the stub installer. r=bbondy

This commit is contained in:
Robert Strong 2014-03-19 18:32:46 -07:00
parent e6a85ba891
commit f0619098ed
2 changed files with 56 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Var HandleDownload
Var CanSetAsDefault
Var InstallCounterStep
Var InstallStepSize
Var InstallTotalSteps
Var TmpVal
Var ExitCode
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ Var ControlRightPX
* The following errors prefixed with ERR_INSTALL apply to the install phase.
; The installation timed out. The installation timeout is defined by the number
; of progress steps defined in InstallProgresSteps and the install timer
; of progress steps defined in InstallTotalSteps and the install timer
; interval defined in InstallIntervalMS
@ -164,18 +165,25 @@ Var ControlRightPX
; Interval for the install timer
!define InstallIntervalMS 100
; Number of steps for the install progress.
; This is 120 seconds with a 100 millisecond timer and a first step of 20 as
; defined by InstallProgressFirstStep. This might not be enough when installing
; on a slow network drive so it will fallback to downloading the full installer
; if it reaches this number. The size of the install progress step increases
; when the full installer finishes instead of waiting the entire 120 seconds.
!define InstallProgresSteps 1220
; The first step for the install progress bar. By starting with a large step
; immediate feedback is given to the user.
!define InstallProgressFirstStep 20
; Number of steps for the install progress.
; This might not be enough when installing on a slow network drive so it will
; fallback to downloading the full installer if it reaches this number. The size
; of the install progress step is increased when the full installer finishes
; instead of waiting.
; Approximately 150 seconds with a 100 millisecond timer and a first step of 20
; as defined by InstallProgressFirstStep.
!define /math InstallCleanTotalSteps ${InstallProgressFirstStep} + 1500
; Approximately 165 seconds (minus 0.2 seconds for each file that is removed)
; with a 100 millisecond timer and a first step of 20 as defined by
; InstallProgressFirstStep .
!define /math InstallPaveOverTotalSteps ${InstallProgressFirstStep} + 1800
; The interval in MS used for the progress bars set as marquee.
!define ProgressbarMarqueeIntervalMS 10
@ -1245,6 +1253,12 @@ Function createInstall
System::Call "kernel32::GetTickCount()l .s"
Pop $StartDownloadPhaseTickCount
${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\uninstall\uninstall.log"
StrCpy $InstallTotalSteps ${InstallPaveOverTotalSteps}
StrCpy $InstallTotalSteps ${InstallCleanTotalSteps}
${NSD_CreateTimer} StartDownload ${DownloadIntervalMS}
LockWindow off
@ -1338,7 +1352,7 @@ Function OnDownload
StrCpy $DownloadSizeBytes "$4"
System::Int64Op $4 / 2
Pop $HalfOfDownload
System::Int64Op $HalfOfDownload / ${InstallProgresSteps}
System::Int64Op $HalfOfDownload / $InstallTotalSteps
Pop $InstallStepSize
SendMessage $Progressbar ${PBM_SETMARQUEE} 0 0 ; start=1|stop=0 interval(ms)=+N
${RemoveStyle} $Progressbar ${PBS_MARQUEE}
@ -1493,7 +1507,7 @@ Function OnDownload
WriteIniStr "$0" "TASKBAR" "Migrated" "true"
${OnStubInstallUninstall} $Progressbar $InstallCounterStep
; Delete the install.log and let the full installer create it. When the
; installer closes it we can detect that it has completed.
@ -1562,7 +1576,7 @@ FunctionEnd
Function CheckInstall
IntOp $InstallCounterStep $InstallCounterStep + 1
${If} $InstallCounterStep >= ${InstallProgresSteps}
${If} $InstallCounterStep >= $InstallTotalSteps
${NSD_KillTimer} CheckInstall
; Close the handle that prevents modification of the full installer
System::Call 'kernel32::CloseHandle(i $HandleDownload)'
@ -1602,12 +1616,12 @@ FunctionEnd
Function FinishInstall
; The full installer has completed but the progress bar still needs to finish
; so increase the size of the step.
IntOp $InstallCounterStep $InstallCounterStep + 20
${If} ${InstallProgresSteps} < $InstallCounterStep
StrCpy $InstallCounterStep "${InstallProgresSteps}"
IntOp $InstallCounterStep $InstallCounterStep + 40
${If} $InstallTotalSteps < $InstallCounterStep
StrCpy $InstallCounterStep "$InstallTotalSteps"
${If} ${InstallProgresSteps} != $InstallCounterStep
${If} $InstallTotalSteps != $InstallCounterStep
SendMessage $Progressbar ${PBM_STEPIT} 0 0

View File

@ -4337,6 +4337,15 @@
* When modifying this macro be aware that LineFind uses all registers except
* $R0-$R3 so be cautious. Callers of this macro are not affected.
* The progress bar to update using PBM_STEPIT.
* The install step counter to increment. The variable specified in
* this parameter is also updated.
!macro OnStubInstallUninstall
@ -4350,14 +4359,15 @@
!define OnStubInstallUninstall "!insertmacro OnStubInstallUninstallCall"
Function OnStubInstallUninstall
Exch $R2
Exch 1
Exch $R3
Push $R9
Push $R8
Push $R7
Push $R6
Push $R5
Push $R4
Push $R3
Push $R2
Push $R1
Push $R0
Push $TmpVal
@ -4384,14 +4394,15 @@
Pop $TmpVal
Pop $R0
Pop $R1
Pop $R2
Pop $R3
Pop $R4
Pop $R5
Pop $R6
Pop $R7
Pop $R8
Pop $R9
Exch $R3
Exch 1
Exch $R2
Function StubRemoveFilesCallback
@ -4409,16 +4420,20 @@
StrCpy $R1 "$INSTDIR$R9" ; Copy the install dir path and suffix it with the string
IfFileExists "$R1" +1 end
IntOp $R2 $R2 + 2
SendMessage $R3 ${PBM_STEPIT} 0 0
SendMessage $R3 ${PBM_STEPIT} 0 0
Delete "$R1"
${Unless} ${Errors}
Goto end
GetTempFileName $R2 "$INSTDIR\${TO_BE_DELETED}"
Delete "$R2"
GetTempFileName $R0 "$INSTDIR\${TO_BE_DELETED}"
Delete "$R0"
Rename "$R1" "$R2"
Rename "$R1" "$R0"
${If} ${Errors}
Delete /REBOOTOK "$R1"
@ -4433,10 +4448,13 @@
!macro OnStubInstallUninstallCall
!macro OnStubInstallUninstallCall _PROGRESSBAR _INSTALL_STEP_COUNTER
!verbose push
!verbose ${_MOZFUNC_VERBOSE}
Call OnStubInstallUninstall
!verbose pop