Bug 1136945 - Convert GC events from memory actor to be emitted as pseudo-markers from the TimelineActor. Pull out the core of the MemoryActor into a bridge, so it does not have to be used over RDP. r=vp,fitzgen

This commit is contained in:
Jordan Santell 2015-04-28 10:32:32 -07:00
parent b6c103248f
commit e61d1fbb02
10 changed files with 542 additions and 296 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ support-files =
# that need to be moved over to performance tool

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
* Test that we get a "GarbageCollection" marker.
const TIME_CLOSE_TO = 10000;
function* spawnTest () {
let { target, front } = yield initBackend(SIMPLE_URL);
let markers;
front.on("timeline-data", handler);
let model = yield front.startRecording({ withTicks: true });
// Check async for markers found while GC/CCing between
yield waitUntil(() => {
return !!markers;
}, 100);
front.off("timeline-data", handler);
yield front.stopRecording(model);
info(`Got ${markers.length} markers.`);
let maxMarkerTime = model._timelineStartTime + model.getDuration() + TIME_CLOSE_TO;
ok(markers.every(({name}) => name === "GarbageCollection"), "All markers found are GC markers");
ok(markers.length > 0, "found atleast one GC marker");
ok(markers.every(({start}) => typeof start === "number" && start > 0 && start < maxMarkerTime),
"All markers have a start time between the valid range.");
ok(markers.every(({end}) => typeof end === "number" && end > 0 && end < maxMarkerTime),
"All markers have an end time between the valid range.");
ok(markers.every(({causeName}) => typeof causeName === "string"),
"All markers have a causeName.");
yield removeTab(target.tab);
function handler (_, name, m) {
if (name === "markers" && m[0].name === "GarbageCollection") {
markers = m;

View File

@ -497,3 +497,13 @@ function reload (aTarget, aEvent = "navigate") {
return once(aTarget, aEvent);
* Forces cycle collection and GC, used in AudioNode destruction tests.
function forceCC () {
info("Triggering GC/CC...");

View File

@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ const L10N = new ViewHelpers.L10N(STRINGS_URI);
* - label: the label used in the waterfall to identify the marker
* - colorName: the name of the DevTools color used for this marker. If adding
* a new color, be sure to check that there's an entry for
* `.marker-details-bullet.{COLORNAME}` for the equivilent entry.
* `.marker-details-bullet.{COLORNAME}` for the equivilent entry
* in ./browser/themes/shared/devtools/performance.inc.css
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/DevToolsColors
* Whenever this is changed, browser_timeline_waterfall-styles.js *must* be
@ -68,6 +69,11 @@ const TIMELINE_BLUEPRINT = {
colorName: "highlight-bluegrey",
label: L10N.getStr("timeline.label.consoleTime")
"GarbageCollection": {
group: 1,
colorName: "highlight-red",
label: L10N.getStr("timeline.label.garbageCollection")
// Exported symbols.

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ timeline.label.parseHTML=Parse HTML
timeline.label.parseXML=Parse XML
timeline.label.domevent=DOM Event
timeline.label.garbageCollection=GC Event
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (graphs.memory):
# This string is displayed in the memory graph of the Performance tool,

View File

@ -447,6 +447,13 @@
.waterfall-marker-bullet.highlight-lightorange {
background-color: var(--theme-highlight-lightorange);
#performance-filter-menupopup > menuitem.highlight-red:before,
.waterfall-marker-bullet.highlight-red {
background-color: var(--theme-highlight-red);
#waterfall-details > * {
padding-top: 3px;

View File

@ -4,41 +4,22 @@
"use strict";
const { Cc, Ci, Cu } = require("chrome");
let protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
let { method, RetVal, Arg, types } = protocol;
const { reportException } = require("devtools/toolkit/DevToolsUtils");
const protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const { method, RetVal, Arg, types } = protocol;
const { MemoryBridge } = require("./utils/memory-bridge");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "events", "sdk/event/core");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "StackFrameCache",
"devtools/server/actors/utils/stack", true);
* A method decorator that ensures the actor is in the expected state before
* proceeding. If the actor is not in the expected state, the decorated method
* returns a rejected promise.
* @param String expectedState
* The expected state.
* @param String activity
* Additional info about what's going on.
* @param Function method
* The actor method to proceed with when the actor is in the expected
* state.
* @returns Function
* The decorated method.
* Proxies a call to the MemoryActor to the underlying MemoryBridge,
* allowing access to MemoryBridge features by defining the RDP
* request/response signature.
function expectState(expectedState, method, activity) {
return function(...args) {
if (this.state !== expectedState) {
const msg = `Wrong state while ${activity}:` +
`Expected '${expectedState}',` +
`but current state is '${this.state}'.`;
return Promise.reject(new Error(msg));
return method.apply(this, args);
function linkBridge (methodName, definition) {
return method(function () {
return this.bridge[methodName].apply(this.bridge, arguments);
}, definition);
types.addDictType("AllocationsRecordingOptions", {
@ -66,6 +47,7 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* The set of unsolicited events the MemoryActor emits that will be sent over
* the RDP (by protocol.js).
events: {
// Same format as the data passed to the
// `Debugger.Memory.prototype.onGarbageCollection` hook. See
@ -76,37 +58,17 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
get dbg() {
if (!this._dbg) {
this._dbg = this.parent.makeDebugger();
return this._dbg;
initialize: function(conn, parent, frameCache = new StackFrameCache()) {
protocol.Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, conn);
this.parent = parent;
this._mgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1"]
this.state = "detached";
this._dbg = null;
this._frameCache = frameCache;
this._onGarbageCollection = data =>
events.emit(this, "garbage-collection", data);
this._onWindowReady = this._onWindowReady.bind(this);
events.on(this.parent, "window-ready", this._onWindowReady);
this._onGarbageCollection = this._onGarbageCollection.bind(this);
this.bridge = new MemoryBridge(parent, frameCache);
this.bridge.on("garbage-collection", this._onGarbageCollection);
destroy: function() {
events.off(this.parent, "window-ready", this._onWindowReady);
this._mgr = null;
if (this.state === "attached") {
this.bridge.off("garbage-collection", this._onGarbageCollection);
@ -117,12 +79,7 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* recording allocations or take a census of the heap. In addition, the
* MemoryActor will start emitting GC events.
attach: method(expectState("detached", function() {
this.dbg.memory.onGarbageCollection = this._onGarbageCollection;
this.state = "attached";
`attaching to the debugger`), {
attach: linkBridge("attach", {
request: {},
response: {
type: "attached"
@ -132,13 +89,7 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* Detach from this MemoryActor.
detach: method(expectState("attached", function() {
this.dbg.enabled = false;
this._dbg = null;
this.state = "detached";
`detaching from the debugger`), {
detach: linkBridge("detach", {
request: {},
response: {
type: "detached"
@ -148,51 +99,17 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* Gets the current MemoryActor attach/detach state.
getState: method(function() {
return this.state;
}, {
getState: linkBridge("getState", {
response: {
state: RetVal(0, "string")
_clearDebuggees: function() {
if (this._dbg) {
if (this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites) {
_clearFrames: function() {
if (this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites) {
* Handler for the parent actor's "window-ready" event.
_onWindowReady: function({ isTopLevel }) {
if (this.state == "attached") {
if (isTopLevel && this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites) {
* Take a census of the heap. See js/src/doc/Debugger/Debugger.Memory.md for
* more information.
takeCensus: method(expectState("attached", function() {
return this.dbg.memory.takeCensus();
`taking census`), {
takeCensus: linkBridge("takeCensus", {
request: {},
response: RetVal("json")
@ -203,24 +120,7 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* @param AllocationsRecordingOptions options
* See the protocol.js definition of AllocationsRecordingOptions above.
startRecordingAllocations: method(expectState("attached", function(options = {}) {
if (this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites) {
return Date.now();
this.dbg.memory.allocationSamplingProbability = options.probability != null
? options.probability
: 1.0;
if (options.maxLogLength != null) {
this.dbg.memory.maxAllocationsLogLength = options.maxLogLength;
this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = true;
return Date.now();
`starting recording allocations`), {
startRecordingAllocations: linkBridge("startRecordingAllocations", {
request: {
options: Arg(0, "nullable:AllocationsRecordingOptions")
@ -233,13 +133,7 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* Stop recording allocation sites.
stopRecordingAllocations: method(expectState("attached", function() {
this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = false;
return Date.now();
`stopping recording allocations`), {
stopRecordingAllocations: linkBridge("stopRecordingAllocations", {
request: {},
response: {
// Accept `nullable` in the case of server Gecko <= 37, handled on the front
@ -251,115 +145,14 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* Return settings used in `startRecordingAllocations` for `probability`
* and `maxLogLength`. Currently only uses in tests.
getAllocationsSettings: method(expectState("attached", function() {
return {
maxLogLength: this.dbg.memory.maxAllocationsLogLength,
probability: this.dbg.memory.allocationSamplingProbability
`getting allocations settings`), {
getAllocationsSettings: linkBridge("getAllocationsSettings", {
request: {},
response: {
options: RetVal(0, "json")
* Get a list of the most recent allocations since the last time we got
* allocations, as well as a summary of all allocations since we've been
* recording.
* @returns Object
* An object of the form:
* {
* allocations: [<index into "frames" below>, ...],
* allocationsTimestamps: [
* <timestamp for allocations[0]>,
* <timestamp for allocations[1]>,
* ...
* ],
* frames: [
* {
* line: <line number for this frame>,
* column: <column number for this frame>,
* source: <filename string for this frame>,
* functionDisplayName: <this frame's inferred function name function or null>,
* parent: <index into "frames">
* },
* ...
* ],
* counts: [
* <number of allocations in frames[0]>,
* <number of allocations in frames[1]>,
* <number of allocations in frames[2]>,
* ...
* ]
* }
* The timestamps' unit is microseconds since the epoch.
* Subsequent `getAllocations` request within the same recording and
* tab navigation will always place the same stack frames at the same
* indices as previous `getAllocations` requests in the same
* recording. In other words, it is safe to use the index as a
* unique, persistent id for its frame.
* Additionally, the root node (null) is always at index 0.
* Note that the allocation counts include "self" allocations only,
* and don't account for allocations in child frames.
* We use the indices into the "frames" array to avoid repeating the
* description of duplicate stack frames both when listing
* allocations, and when many stacks share the same tail of older
* frames. There shouldn't be any duplicates in the "frames" array,
* as that would defeat the purpose of this compression trick.
* In the future, we might want to split out a frame's "source" and
* "functionDisplayName" properties out the same way we have split
* frames out with the "frames" array. While this would further
* compress the size of the response packet, it would increase CPU
* usage to build the packet, and it should, of course, be guided by
* profiling and done only when necessary.
getAllocations: method(expectState("attached", function() {
if (this.dbg.memory.allocationsLogOverflowed) {
// Since the last time we drained the allocations log, there have been
// more allocations than the log's capacity, and we lost some data. There
// isn't anything actionable we can do about this, but put a message in
// the browser console so we at least know that it occurred.
"Warning: allocations log overflowed and lost some data.");
const allocations = this.dbg.memory.drainAllocationsLog()
const packet = {
allocations: [],
allocationsTimestamps: []
for (let { frame: stack, timestamp } of allocations) {
if (stack && Cu.isDeadWrapper(stack)) {
// Safe because SavedFrames are frozen/immutable.
let waived = Cu.waiveXrays(stack);
// Ensure that we have a form, count, and index for new allocations
// because we potentially haven't seen some or all of them yet. After this
// loop, we can rely on the fact that every frame we deal with already has
// its metadata stored.
let index = this._frameCache.addFrame(waived);
return this._frameCache.updateFramePacket(packet);
`getting allocations`), {
getAllocations: linkBridge("getAllocations", {
request: {},
response: RetVal("json")
@ -367,11 +160,7 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* Force a browser-wide GC.
forceGarbageCollection: method(function() {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
}, {
forceGarbageCollection: linkBridge("forceGarbageCollection", {
request: {},
response: {}
@ -381,9 +170,7 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* collection, see
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Interfacing_with_the_XPCOM_cycle_collector#What_the_cycle_collector_does
forceCycleCollection: method(function() {
}, {
forceCycleCollection: linkBridge("forceCycleCollection", {
request: {},
response: {}
@ -394,47 +181,23 @@ let MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* @returns object
measure: method(function() {
let result = {};
let jsObjectsSize = {};
let jsStringsSize = {};
let jsOtherSize = {};
let domSize = {};
let styleSize = {};
let otherSize = {};
let totalSize = {};
let jsMilliseconds = {};
let nonJSMilliseconds = {};
try {
this._mgr.sizeOfTab(this.parent.window, jsObjectsSize, jsStringsSize, jsOtherSize,
domSize, styleSize, otherSize, totalSize, jsMilliseconds, nonJSMilliseconds);
result.total = totalSize.value;
result.domSize = domSize.value;
result.styleSize = styleSize.value;
result.jsObjectsSize = jsObjectsSize.value;
result.jsStringsSize = jsStringsSize.value;
result.jsOtherSize = jsOtherSize.value;
result.otherSize = otherSize.value;
result.jsMilliseconds = jsMilliseconds.value.toFixed(1);
result.nonJSMilliseconds = nonJSMilliseconds.value.toFixed(1);
} catch (e) {
reportException("MemoryActor.prototype.measure", e);
return result;
}, {
measure: linkBridge("measure", {
request: {},
response: RetVal("json"),
residentUnique: method(function() {
return this._mgr.residentUnique;
}, {
residentUnique: linkBridge("residentUnique", {
request: {},
response: { value: RetVal("number") }
* Called when the underlying MemoryBridge fires a "garbage-collection" events.
* Propagates over RDP.
_onGarbageCollection: function (data) {
events.emit(this, "garbage-collection", data);
exports.MemoryActor = MemoryActor;

View File

@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ const protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const {method, Arg, RetVal, Option} = protocol;
const events = require("sdk/event/core");
const {setTimeout, clearTimeout} = require("sdk/timers");
const {Task} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", {});
const {MemoryActor} = require("devtools/server/actors/memory");
const {MemoryBridge} = require("devtools/server/actors/utils/memory-bridge");
const {FramerateActor} = require("devtools/server/actors/framerate");
const {StackFrameCache} = require("devtools/server/actors/utils/stack");
@ -109,9 +110,11 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
this._isRecording = false;
this._stackFrames = null;
this._memoryBridge = null;
// Make sure to get markers from new windows as they become available
this._onWindowReady = this._onWindowReady.bind(this);
this._onGarbageCollection = this._onGarbageCollection.bind(this);
events.on(this.tabActor, "window-ready", this._onWindowReady);
@ -132,6 +135,7 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
events.off(this.tabActor, "window-ready", this._onWindowReady);
this.tabActor = null;
this._memoryBridge = null;
@ -173,10 +177,7 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* markers, memory, tick and frames events, if any.
_pullTimelineData: function() {
if (!this._isRecording) {
if (!this.docShells.length) {
if (!this._isRecording || !this.docShells.length) {
@ -209,10 +210,10 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
if (markers.length > 0) {
events.emit(this, "markers", markers, endTime);
if (this._memoryActor) {
events.emit(this, "memory", endTime, this._memoryActor.measure());
if (this._withMemory) {
events.emit(this, "memory", endTime, this._memoryBridge.measure());
if (this._framerateActor) {
if (this._withTicks) {
events.emit(this, "ticks", endTime, this._framerateActor.getPendingTicks());
@ -235,9 +236,20 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* Start recording profile markers.
* @option {boolean} withMemory
* Boolean indiciating whether we want memory measurements sampled. A memory actor
* will be created regardless (to hook into GC events), but this determines
* whether or not a `memory` event gets fired.
* @option {boolean} withTicks
* Boolean indicating whether a `ticks` event is fired and a FramerateActor
* is created.
start: method(function({ withMemory, withTicks }) {
var startTime = this.docShells[0].now();
start: method(Task.async(function *({ withMemory, withTicks }) {
var startTime = this._startTime = this.docShells[0].now();
// Store the start time from unix epoch so we can normalize
// markers from the memory actor
this._unixStartTime = Date.now();
if (this._isRecording) {
return startTime;
@ -246,14 +258,16 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
this._isRecording = true;
this._stackFrames = new StackFrameCache();
this._withMemory = withMemory;
this._withTicks = withTicks;
for (let docShell of this.docShells) {
docShell.recordProfileTimelineMarkers = true;
if (withMemory) {
this._memoryActor = new MemoryActor(this.conn, this.tabActor, this._stackFrames);
this._memoryBridge = new MemoryBridge(this.tabActor, this._stackFrames);
events.on(this._memoryBridge, "garbage-collection", this._onGarbageCollection);
if (withTicks) {
this._framerateActor = new FramerateActor(this.conn, this.tabActor);
@ -262,7 +276,7 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
return startTime;
}, {
}), {
request: {
withMemory: Option(0, "boolean"),
withTicks: Option(0, "boolean")
@ -275,16 +289,15 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
* Stop recording profile markers.
stop: method(function() {
stop: method(Task.async(function *() {
if (!this._isRecording) {
this._isRecording = false;
this._stackFrames = null;
if (this._memoryActor) {
this._memoryActor = null;
events.off(this._memoryBridge, "garbage-collection", this._onGarbageCollection);
if (this._framerateActor) {
@ -297,7 +310,7 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
return this.docShells[0].now();
}, {
}), {
response: {
// Set as possibly nullable due to the end time possibly being
// undefined during destruction
@ -316,7 +329,38 @@ let TimelineActor = exports.TimelineActor = protocol.ActorClass({
docShell.recordProfileTimelineMarkers = true;
* Fired when the MemoryActor emits a `garbage-collection` event. Used to
* emit the data to the front end and in similar format to other markers.
* A GC "marker" here represents a full GC cycle, which may contain several incremental
* events within its `collection` array. The marker contains a `reason` field, indicating
* why there was a GC, and may contain a `nonincrementalReason` when SpiderMonkey could
* not incrementally collect garbage.
_onGarbageCollection: function ({ collections, reason, nonincrementalReason }) {
if (!this._isRecording || !this.docShells.length) {
// Normalize the start time to docshell start time, and convert it
// to microseconds.
let startTime = (this._unixStartTime - this._startTime) * 1000;
let endTime = this.docShells[0].now();
events.emit(this, "markers", collections.map(({ startTimestamp: start, endTimestamp: end }) => {
return {
name: "GarbageCollection",
causeName: reason,
nonincrementalReason: nonincrementalReason,
// Both timestamps are in microseconds -- convert to milliseconds to match other markers
start: (start - startTime) / 1000,
end: (end - startTime) / 1000
}), endTime);
exports.TimelineFront = protocol.FrontClass(TimelineActor, {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const { Cc, Ci, Cu } = require("chrome");
const { reportException } = require("devtools/toolkit/DevToolsUtils");
const { Class } = require("sdk/core/heritage");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "events", "sdk/event/core");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "EventTarget", "sdk/event/target", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "StackFrameCache",
"devtools/server/actors/utils/stack", true);
* A method decorator that ensures the actor is in the expected state before
* proceeding. If the actor is not in the expected state, the decorated method
* returns a rejected promise.
* @param String expectedState
* The expected state.
* @param String activity
* Additional info about what's going on.
* @param Function method
* The actor method to proceed with when the actor is in the expected
* state.
* @returns Function
* The decorated method.
function expectState(expectedState, method, activity) {
return function(...args) {
if (this.state !== expectedState) {
const msg = `Wrong state while ${activity}:` +
`Expected '${expectedState}',` +
`but current state is '${this.state}'.`;
return Promise.reject(new Error(msg));
return method.apply(this, args);
* A class that returns memory data for a parent actor's window.
* Using a tab-scoped actor with this instance will measure the memory footprint of its
* parent tab. Using a global-scoped actor instance however, will measure the memory
* footprint of the chrome window referenced by its root actor.
* To be consumed by actor's, like MemoryActor using MemoryBridge to
* send information over RDP, and TimelineActor for using more light-weight
* utilities like GC events and measuring memory consumption.
let MemoryBridge = Class({
extends: EventTarget,
* Requires a root actor and a StackFrameCache.
initialize: function (parent, frameCache = new StackFrameCache()) {
this.parent = parent;
this._mgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1"]
this.state = "detached";
this._dbg = null;
this._frameCache = frameCache;
this._onGarbageCollection = this._onGarbageCollection.bind(this);
this._onWindowReady = this._onWindowReady.bind(this);
events.on(this.parent, "window-ready", this._onWindowReady);
destroy: function() {
events.off(this.parent, "window-ready", this._onWindowReady);
this._mgr = null;
if (this.state === "attached") {
get dbg() {
if (!this._dbg) {
this._dbg = this.parent.makeDebugger();
return this._dbg;
* Attach to this MemoryBridge.
* This attaches the MemoryBridge's Debugger instance so that you can start
* recording allocations or take a census of the heap. In addition, the
* MemoryBridge will start emitting GC events.
attach: expectState("detached", function() {
this.dbg.memory.onGarbageCollection = this._onGarbageCollection.bind(this);
this.state = "attached";
}, `attaching to the debugger`),
* Detach from this MemoryBridge.
detach: expectState("attached", function() {
this.dbg.enabled = false;
this._dbg = null;
this.state = "detached";
}, `detaching from the debugger`),
* Gets the current MemoryBridge attach/detach state.
getState: function () {
return this.state;
_clearDebuggees: function() {
if (this._dbg) {
if (this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites) {
_clearFrames: function() {
if (this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites) {
* Handler for the parent actor's "window-ready" event.
_onWindowReady: function({ isTopLevel }) {
if (this.state == "attached") {
if (isTopLevel && this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites) {
* Handler for GC events on the Debugger.Memory instance.
_onGarbageCollection: function (data) {
events.emit(this, "garbage-collection", data);
* Take a census of the heap. See js/src/doc/Debugger/Debugger.Memory.md for
* more information.
takeCensus: expectState("attached", function() {
return this.dbg.memory.takeCensus();
}, `taking census`),
* Start recording allocation sites.
* @param AllocationsRecordingOptions options
* See the protocol.js definition of AllocationsRecordingOptions above.
startRecordingAllocations: expectState("attached", function(options = {}) {
if (this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites) {
return Date.now();
this.dbg.memory.allocationSamplingProbability = options.probability != null
? options.probability
: 1.0;
if (options.maxLogLength != null) {
this.dbg.memory.maxAllocationsLogLength = options.maxLogLength;
this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = true;
return Date.now();
}, `starting recording allocations`),
* Stop recording allocation sites.
stopRecordingAllocations: expectState("attached", function() {
this.dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = false;
return Date.now();
}, `stopping recording allocations`),
* Return settings used in `startRecordingAllocations` for `probability`
* and `maxLogLength`. Currently only uses in tests.
getAllocationsSettings: expectState("attached", function() {
return {
maxLogLength: this.dbg.memory.maxAllocationsLogLength,
probability: this.dbg.memory.allocationSamplingProbability
}, `getting allocations settings`),
* Get a list of the most recent allocations since the last time we got
* allocations, as well as a summary of all allocations since we've been
* recording.
* @returns Object
* An object of the form:
* {
* allocations: [<index into "frames" below>, ...],
* allocationsTimestamps: [
* <timestamp for allocations[0]>,
* <timestamp for allocations[1]>,
* ...
* ],
* frames: [
* {
* line: <line number for this frame>,
* column: <column number for this frame>,
* source: <filename string for this frame>,
* functionDisplayName: <this frame's inferred function name function or null>,
* parent: <index into "frames">
* },
* ...
* ],
* counts: [
* <number of allocations in frames[0]>,
* <number of allocations in frames[1]>,
* <number of allocations in frames[2]>,
* ...
* ]
* }
* The timestamps' unit is microseconds since the epoch.
* Subsequent `getAllocations` request within the same recording and
* tab navigation will always place the same stack frames at the same
* indices as previous `getAllocations` requests in the same
* recording. In other words, it is safe to use the index as a
* unique, persistent id for its frame.
* Additionally, the root node (null) is always at index 0.
* Note that the allocation counts include "self" allocations only,
* and don't account for allocations in child frames.
* We use the indices into the "frames" array to avoid repeating the
* description of duplicate stack frames both when listing
* allocations, and when many stacks share the same tail of older
* frames. There shouldn't be any duplicates in the "frames" array,
* as that would defeat the purpose of this compression trick.
* In the future, we might want to split out a frame's "source" and
* "functionDisplayName" properties out the same way we have split
* frames out with the "frames" array. While this would further
* compress the size of the response packet, it would increase CPU
* usage to build the packet, and it should, of course, be guided by
* profiling and done only when necessary.
getAllocations: expectState("attached", function() {
if (this.dbg.memory.allocationsLogOverflowed) {
// Since the last time we drained the allocations log, there have been
// more allocations than the log's capacity, and we lost some data. There
// isn't anything actionable we can do about this, but put a message in
// the browser console so we at least know that it occurred.
"Warning: allocations log overflowed and lost some data.");
const allocations = this.dbg.memory.drainAllocationsLog()
const packet = {
allocations: [],
allocationsTimestamps: []
for (let { frame: stack, timestamp } of allocations) {
if (stack && Cu.isDeadWrapper(stack)) {
// Safe because SavedFrames are frozen/immutable.
let waived = Cu.waiveXrays(stack);
// Ensure that we have a form, count, and index for new allocations
// because we potentially haven't seen some or all of them yet. After this
// loop, we can rely on the fact that every frame we deal with already has
// its metadata stored.
let index = this._frameCache.addFrame(waived);
return this._frameCache.updateFramePacket(packet);
}, `getting allocations`),
* Force a browser-wide GC.
forceGarbageCollection: function () {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
* Force an XPCOM cycle collection. For more information on XPCOM cycle
* collection, see
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Interfacing_with_the_XPCOM_cycle_collector#What_the_cycle_collector_does
forceCycleCollection: function () {
* A method that returns a detailed breakdown of the memory consumption of the
* associated window.
* @returns object
measure: function () {
let result = {};
let jsObjectsSize = {};
let jsStringsSize = {};
let jsOtherSize = {};
let domSize = {};
let styleSize = {};
let otherSize = {};
let totalSize = {};
let jsMilliseconds = {};
let nonJSMilliseconds = {};
try {
this._mgr.sizeOfTab(this.parent.window, jsObjectsSize, jsStringsSize, jsOtherSize,
domSize, styleSize, otherSize, totalSize, jsMilliseconds, nonJSMilliseconds);
result.total = totalSize.value;
result.domSize = domSize.value;
result.styleSize = styleSize.value;
result.jsObjectsSize = jsObjectsSize.value;
result.jsStringsSize = jsStringsSize.value;
result.jsOtherSize = jsOtherSize.value;
result.otherSize = otherSize.value;
result.jsMilliseconds = jsMilliseconds.value.toFixed(1);
result.nonJSMilliseconds = nonJSMilliseconds.value.toFixed(1);
} catch (e) {
reportException("MemoryBridge.prototype.measure", e);
return result;
residentUnique: function () {
return this._mgr.residentUnique;
exports.MemoryBridge = MemoryBridge;

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