Bug 836869 - Make QueryPerformanceCounter bad leap detection heuristic smarter, r=tellrob, sr=benjamin

This commit is contained in:
Honza Bambas 2013-05-01 18:57:58 +02:00
parent 1dd1a807ec
commit d6c90a7f32
2 changed files with 118 additions and 104 deletions

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@ -55,31 +55,16 @@ static const LONGLONG kNsPerMillisec = 1000000;
// Global constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If QPC is found faulty for two stamps in this interval, we disable it
// completely.
// Tolerance to failures settings.
// Values is in [ms].
static const uint32_t kQPCHardFailureDetectionInterval = 2000;
// On every use of QPC values we check the overflow of skew difference of the
// two stamps doesn't go over this number of milliseconds. Both timer
// functions jitter so we have to have some limit. The value is based on tests.
// Changing kQPCHardFailureDetectionInterval influences this limit: prolonging
// just kQPCHardFailureDetectionInterval means to be more sensitive to threshold
// overflows.
// How this constant is used (see CheckQPC function):
// First, adjust the limit linearly to the check interval:
// LIMIT = (GTC_now - GTC_epoch) / kQPCHardFailureDetectionInterval
// Then, check the skew difference overflow is in this adjusted limit:
// ABS( (QPC_now - GTC_now) - (QPC_epoch - GTC_epoch) ) - THRESHOLD < LIMIT
// Thresholds are calculated dynamically, see sUnderrunThreshold and
// sOverrunThreshold below.
// Limit is in number of [ms].
static const ULONGLONG kOverflowLimit = 50;
// What is the interval we want to have failure free.
// in [ms]
static const uint32_t kFailureFreeInterval = 5000;
// How many failures we are willing to tolerate in the interval.
static const uint32_t kMaxFailuresPerInterval = 4;
// What is the threshold to treat fluctuations as actual failures.
// in [ms]
static const uint32_t kFailureThreshold = 50;
// If we are not able to get the value of GTC time increment, use this value
// which is the most usual increment.
@ -108,23 +93,41 @@ static const DWORD kDefaultTimeIncrement = 156001;
// Result of QueryPerformanceFrequency
static LONGLONG sFrequencyPerSec = 0;
// Lower and upper bound that QueryPerformanceCounter - GetTickCount must not
// go under or over when compared to any older QPC - GTC difference (skew).
// Values are based on the GetTickCount update interval.
// Schematically, QPC works correctly if ((QPC_now - GTC_now) -
// (QPC_epoch - GTC_epoch)) is in [sUnderrunThreshold, sOverrunThreshold]
// interval every time we compare two time stamps.
// Kept in [mt]
static LONGLONG sUnderrunThreshold;
static LONGLONG sOverrunThreshold;
// How much we are tolerant to GTC occasional loose of resoltion.
// This number says how many multiples of the minimal GTC resolution
// detected on the system are acceptable. This number is empirical.
static const LONGLONG kGTCTickLeapTolerance = 4;
// Interval to return duration using QPC. When two time stamps
// are within this interval, perform QPC check first.
// Base tolerance (more: "inability of detection" range) threshold is calculated
// dynamically, and kept in sGTCResulutionThreshold.
// Schematically, QPC worked "100%" correctly if ((GTC_now - GTC_epoch) -
// (QPC_now - QPC_epoch)) was in [-sGTCResulutionThreshold, sGTCResulutionThreshold]
// interval every time we'd compared two time stamps.
// If not, then we check the overflow behind this basic threshold
// is in kFailureThreshold. If not, we condider it as a QPC failure. If too many
// failures in short time are detected, QPC is considered faulty and disabled.
// Kept in [mt]
static LONGLONG sQPCHardFailureDetectionInterval;
static LONGLONG sGTCResulutionThreshold;
// If QPC is found faulty for two stamps in this interval, we engage
// the fault detection algorithm. For duration larger then this limit
// we bypass using durations calculated from QPC when jitter is detected,
// but don't touch the sUseQPC flag.
// Value is in [ms].
static const uint32_t kHardFailureLimit = 2000;
// Conversion to [mt]
static LONGLONG sHardFailureLimit;
// Conversion of kFailureFreeInterval and kFailureThreshold to [mt]
static LONGLONG sFailureFreeInterval;
static LONGLONG sFailureThreshold;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Systemm status flags
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Flag for stable TSC that indicates platform where QPC is stable.
static bool sHasStableTSC = false;
@ -150,6 +153,21 @@ static const DWORD kLockSpinCount = 4096;
// It is protecting the globals bellow.
static CRITICAL_SECTION sTimeStampLock;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global lock protected variables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Timestamp in future until QPC must behave correctly.
// Set to now + kFailureFreeInterval on first QPC failure detection.
// Set to now + E * kFailureFreeInterval on following errors,
// where E is number of errors detected during last kFailureFreeInterval
// milliseconds, calculated simply as:
// E = (sFaultIntoleranceCheckpoint - now) / kFailureFreeInterval + 1.
// When E > kMaxFailuresPerInterval -> disable QPC.
// Kept in [mt]
static ULONGLONG sFaultIntoleranceCheckpoint = 0;
// Used only when GetTickCount64 is not available on the platform.
// Last result of GetTickCount call.
@ -239,27 +257,17 @@ InitThresholds()
// Convert back to 100ns, values will be: 160000, 210000
timeIncrementCeil *= 10000;
// How many milli-ticks has the interval
LONGLONG ticksPerGetTickCountResolution =
(int64_t(timeIncrement) * sFrequencyPerSec) / 10000LL;
// How many milli-ticks has the interval rounded up
LONGLONG ticksPerGetTickCountResolutionCeiling =
(int64_t(timeIncrementCeil) * sFrequencyPerSec) / 10000LL;
// I observed differences about 2 times of the GTC resolution. GTC may
// jump by 32 ms in two steps, therefor use the ceiling value.
// Having 64 (15.6 or 16 * 4 exactly) is used to avoid false negatives
// for very short times where QPC and GTC may jitter even more.
sUnderrunThreshold =
LONGLONG((-4) * ticksPerGetTickCountResolutionCeiling);
// GTC may jump by 32 (2*16) ms in two steps, therefor use the ceiling value.
sGTCResulutionThreshold =
LONGLONG(kGTCTickLeapTolerance * ticksPerGetTickCountResolutionCeiling);
// QPC should go no further than 2 * GTC resolution.
sOverrunThreshold =
LONGLONG((+4) * ticksPerGetTickCountResolution);
sQPCHardFailureDetectionInterval =
LONGLONG(kQPCHardFailureDetectionInterval) * sFrequencyPerSec;
sHardFailureLimit = ms2mt(kHardFailureLimit);
sFailureFreeInterval = ms2mt(kFailureFreeInterval);
sFailureThreshold = ms2mt(kFailureThreshold);
static void
@ -341,66 +349,75 @@ TimeStampValue::operator-=(const int64_t aOther)
return *this;
// If the duration is less then one second, perform check of QPC stability
// by comparing both 'epoch' and 'now' skew (=GTC - QPC) values.
TimeStampValue::CheckQPC(int64_t aDuration, const TimeStampValue &aOther) const
// If the duration is less then two seconds, perform check of QPC stability
// by comparing both GTC and QPC calculated durations of this and aOther.
TimeStampValue::CheckQPC(const TimeStampValue &aOther) const
if (!mHasQPC || !aOther.mHasQPC) // Not both holding QPC
return false;
uint64_t deltaGTC = mGTC - aOther.mGTC;
if (!mHasQPC || !aOther.mHasQPC) // Both not holding QPC
return deltaGTC;
uint64_t deltaQPC = mQPC - aOther.mQPC;
if (sHasStableTSC) // For stable TSC there is no need to check
return true;
return deltaQPC;
if (!sUseQPC) // QPC globally disabled
return false;
// Treat absolutely for calibration purposes
aDuration = DeprecatedAbs(aDuration);
return deltaGTC;
// Check QPC is sane before using it.
int64_t diff = DeprecatedAbs(int64_t(deltaQPC) - int64_t(deltaGTC));
if (diff <= sGTCResulutionThreshold)
return deltaQPC;
LONGLONG skew1 = mGTC - mQPC;
LONGLONG skew2 = aOther.mGTC - aOther.mQPC;
// Treat absolutely for calibration purposes
int64_t duration = DeprecatedAbs(int64_t(deltaGTC));
int64_t overflow = diff - sGTCResulutionThreshold;
LONGLONG diff = skew1 - skew2;
LONGLONG overflow;
LOG(("TimeStamp: QPC check after %llums with overflow %1.4fms",
mt2ms(duration), mt2ms_f(overflow)));
if (diff < sUnderrunThreshold)
overflow = sUnderrunThreshold - diff;
else if (diff > sOverrunThreshold)
overflow = diff - sOverrunThreshold;
return true;
if (overflow <= sFailureThreshold) // We are in the limit, let go.
return deltaQPC; // XXX Should we return GTC here?
if (aDuration)
trend = LONGLONG(overflow * (double(sQPCHardFailureDetectionInterval) / aDuration));
trend = overflow;
// QPC deviates, don't use it, since now this method may only return deltaGTC.
LOG(("TimeStamp: QPC jittered over failure threshold"));
LOG(("TimeStamp: QPC check after %llums with overflow %1.4fms"
", adjusted trend per interval is %1.4fms",
if (trend <= ms2mt(kOverflowLimit)) {
// We are in the limit, let go.
return true;
// QPC deviates, don't use it.
LOG(("TimeStamp: QPC found highly jittering"));
if (aDuration < sQPCHardFailureDetectionInterval) {
if (duration < sHardFailureLimit) {
// Interval between the two time stamps is very short, consider
// QPC as unstable and disable it completely.
sUseQPC = false;
LOG(("TimeStamp: QPC disabled"));
// QPC as unstable and record a failure.
uint64_t now = ms2mt(sGetTickCount64());
AutoCriticalSection lock(&sTimeStampLock);
if (sFaultIntoleranceCheckpoint && sFaultIntoleranceCheckpoint > now) {
// There's already been an error in the last fault intollerant interval.
// Time since now to the checkpoint actually holds information on how many
// failures there were in the failure free interval we have defined.
uint64_t failureCount = (sFaultIntoleranceCheckpoint - now + sFailureFreeInterval - 1) /
if (failureCount > kMaxFailuresPerInterval) {
sUseQPC = false;
LOG(("TimeStamp: QPC disabled"));
else {
// Move the fault intolerance checkpoint more to the future, prolong it
// to reflect the number of detected failures.
sFaultIntoleranceCheckpoint = now + failureCount * sFailureFreeInterval;
LOG(("TimeStamp: recording %dth QPC failure", failureCount));
else {
// Setup fault intolerance checkpoint in the future for first detected error.
sFaultIntoleranceCheckpoint = now + sFailureFreeInterval;
LOG(("TimeStamp: recording 1st QPC failure"));
return false;
return deltaGTC;
@ -409,10 +426,7 @@ TimeStampValue::operator-(const TimeStampValue &aOther) const
if (mIsNull && aOther.mIsNull)
return uint64_t(0);
if (CheckQPC(int64_t(mGTC - aOther.mGTC), aOther))
return mQPC - aOther.mQPC;
return mGTC - aOther.mGTC;
return CheckQPC(aOther);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class TimeStampValue
TimeStampValue(uint64_t GTC, uint64_t QPC, bool hasQPC);
bool CheckQPC(int64_t aDuration, const TimeStampValue &aOther) const;
uint64_t CheckQPC(const TimeStampValue &aOther) const;
struct _SomethingVeryRandomHere;