Bug 1090880 - Remove FUEL.r=mak

This commit is contained in:
chaithanya 2016-01-28 16:47:26 +01:00
parent 3323f87496
commit d5ff8fca4b
20 changed files with 0 additions and 1964 deletions

View File

@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ browser/components/translation/**
# Ignore all of loop since it is imported from github and checked at source.

View File

@ -247,7 +247,6 @@
@ -400,8 +399,6 @@

View File

@ -1,823 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cc = Components.classes;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Deprecated",
const APPLICATION_CID = Components.ID("fe74cf80-aa2d-11db-abbd-0800200c9a66");
const APPLICATION_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/fuel/application;1";
// Singleton that holds services and utilities
var Utilities = {
get bookmarks() {
let bookmarks = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-bookmarks-service;1"].
this.__defineGetter__("bookmarks", () => bookmarks);
return this.bookmarks;
get bookmarksObserver() {
let bookmarksObserver = new BookmarksObserver();
this.__defineGetter__("bookmarksObserver", () => bookmarksObserver);
return this.bookmarksObserver;
get annotations() {
let annotations = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/annotation-service;1"].
this.__defineGetter__("annotations", () => annotations);
return this.annotations;
get history() {
let history = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1"].
this.__defineGetter__("history", () => history);
return this.history;
get windowMediator() {
let windowMediator = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].
this.__defineGetter__("windowMediator", () => windowMediator);
return this.windowMediator;
makeURI: function fuelutil_makeURI(aSpec) {
if (!aSpec)
return null;
var ios = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
return ios.newURI(aSpec, null, null);
free: function fuelutil_free() {
delete this.bookmarks;
delete this.bookmarksObserver;
delete this.annotations;
delete this.history;
delete this.windowMediator;
// Window implementation
var fuelWindowMap = new WeakMap();
function getWindow(aWindow) {
let fuelWindow = fuelWindowMap.get(aWindow);
if (!fuelWindow) {
fuelWindow = new Window(aWindow);
fuelWindowMap.set(aWindow, fuelWindow);
return fuelWindow;
// Don't call new Window() directly; use getWindow instead.
function Window(aWindow) {
this._window = aWindow;
this._events = new Events();
Window.prototype = {
get events() {
return this._events;
get _tabbrowser() {
return this._window.gBrowser;
* Helper used to setup event handlers on the XBL element. Note that the events
* are actually dispatched to tabs, so we capture them.
_watch: function win_watch(aType) {
this._tabbrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener(aType, this,
/* useCapture = */ true);
handleEvent: function win_handleEvent(aEvent) {
this._events.dispatch(aEvent.type, getBrowserTab(this, aEvent.originalTarget.linkedBrowser));
get tabs() {
var tabs = [];
var browsers = this._tabbrowser.browsers;
for (var i=0; i<browsers.length; i++)
tabs.push(getBrowserTab(this, browsers[i]));
return tabs;
get activeTab() {
return getBrowserTab(this, this._tabbrowser.selectedBrowser);
open: function win_open(aURI) {
return getBrowserTab(this, this._tabbrowser.addTab(aURI.spec).linkedBrowser);
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.fuelIWindow])
// BrowserTab implementation
var fuelBrowserTabMap = new WeakMap();
function getBrowserTab(aFUELWindow, aBrowser) {
let fuelBrowserTab = fuelBrowserTabMap.get(aBrowser);
if (!fuelBrowserTab) {
fuelBrowserTab = new BrowserTab(aFUELWindow, aBrowser);
fuelBrowserTabMap.set(aBrowser, fuelBrowserTab);
else {
// This tab may have moved to another window, so make sure its cached
// window is up-to-date.
fuelBrowserTab._window = aFUELWindow;
return fuelBrowserTab;
// Don't call new BrowserTab() directly; call getBrowserTab instead.
function BrowserTab(aFUELWindow, aBrowser) {
this._window = aFUELWindow;
this._browser = aBrowser;
this._events = new Events();
BrowserTab.prototype = {
get _tabbrowser() {
return this._window._tabbrowser;
get uri() {
return this._browser.currentURI;
get index() {
var tabs = this._tabbrowser.tabs;
for (var i=0; i<tabs.length; i++) {
if (tabs[i].linkedBrowser == this._browser)
return i;
return -1;
get events() {
return this._events;
get window() {
return this._window;
get document() {
return this._browser.contentDocument;
* Helper used to setup event handlers on the XBL element
_watch: function bt_watch(aType) {
this._browser.addEventListener(aType, this,
/* useCapture = */ true);
handleEvent: function bt_handleEvent(aEvent) {
if (aEvent.type == "load") {
if (!(aEvent.originalTarget instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument))
if (aEvent.originalTarget.defaultView instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow &&
this._events.dispatch(aEvent.type, this);
* Helper used to determine the index offset of the browsertab
_getTab: function bt_gettab() {
var tabs = this._tabbrowser.tabs;
return tabs[this.index] || null;
load: function bt_load(aURI) {
this._browser.loadURI(aURI.spec, null, null);
focus: function bt_focus() {
this._tabbrowser.selectedTab = this._getTab();
close: function bt_close() {
moveBefore: function bt_movebefore(aBefore) {
this._tabbrowser.moveTabTo(this._getTab(), aBefore.index);
moveToEnd: function bt_moveend() {
this._tabbrowser.moveTabTo(this._getTab(), this._tabbrowser.browsers.length);
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.fuelIBrowserTab])
// Annotations implementation
function Annotations(aId) {
this._id = aId;
Annotations.prototype = {
get names() {
return Utilities.annotations.getItemAnnotationNames(this._id);
has: function ann_has(aName) {
return Utilities.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(this._id, aName);
get: function ann_get(aName) {
if (this.has(aName))
return Utilities.annotations.getItemAnnotation(this._id, aName);
return null;
set: function ann_set(aName, aValue, aExpiration) {
Utilities.annotations.setItemAnnotation(this._id, aName, aValue, 0, aExpiration);
remove: function ann_remove(aName) {
if (aName)
Utilities.annotations.removeItemAnnotation(this._id, aName);
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.fuelIAnnotations])
// BookmarksObserver implementation (internal class)
// BookmarksObserver is a global singleton which watches the browser's
// bookmarks and sends you events when things change.
// You can register three different kinds of event listeners on
// BookmarksObserver, using addListener, addFolderListener, and
// addRootlistener.
// - addListener(aId, aEvent, aListener) lets you listen to a specific
// bookmark. You can listen to the "change", "move", and "remove" events.
// - addFolderListener(aId, aEvent, aListener) lets you listen to a specific
// bookmark folder. You can listen to "addchild" and "removechild".
// - addRootListener(aEvent, aListener) lets you listen to the root bookmark
// node. This lets you hear "add", "remove", and "change" events on all
// bookmarks.
function BookmarksObserver() {
this._eventsDict = {};
this._folderEventsDict = {};
this._rootEvents = new Events();
Utilities.bookmarks.addObserver(this, /* ownsWeak = */ true);
BookmarksObserver.prototype = {
onBeginUpdateBatch: function () {},
onEndUpdateBatch: function () {},
onItemVisited: function () {},
onItemAdded: function bo_onItemAdded(aId, aFolder, aIndex, aItemType, aURI) {
this._rootEvents.dispatch("add", aId);
this._dispatchToEvents("addchild", aId, this._folderEventsDict[aFolder]);
onItemRemoved: function bo_onItemRemoved(aId, aFolder, aIndex) {
this._rootEvents.dispatch("remove", aId);
this._dispatchToEvents("remove", aId, this._eventsDict[aId]);
this._dispatchToEvents("removechild", aId, this._folderEventsDict[aFolder]);
onItemChanged: function bo_onItemChanged(aId, aProperty, aIsAnnotationProperty, aValue) {
this._rootEvents.dispatch("change", aProperty);
this._dispatchToEvents("change", aProperty, this._eventsDict[aId]);
onItemMoved: function bo_onItemMoved(aId, aOldParent, aOldIndex, aNewParent, aNewIndex) {
this._dispatchToEvents("move", aId, this._eventsDict[aId]);
_dispatchToEvents: function bo_dispatchToEvents(aEvent, aData, aEvents) {
if (aEvents) {
aEvents.dispatch(aEvent, aData);
_addListenerToDict: function bo_addListenerToDict(aId, aEvent, aListener, aDict) {
var events = aDict[aId];
if (!events) {
events = new Events();
aDict[aId] = events;
events.addListener(aEvent, aListener);
_removeListenerFromDict: function bo_removeListenerFromDict(aId, aEvent, aListener, aDict) {
var events = aDict[aId];
if (!events) {
events.removeListener(aEvent, aListener);
if (events._listeners.length == 0) {
delete aDict[aId];
addListener: function bo_addListener(aId, aEvent, aListener) {
this._addListenerToDict(aId, aEvent, aListener, this._eventsDict);
removeListener: function bo_removeListener(aId, aEvent, aListener) {
this._removeListenerFromDict(aId, aEvent, aListener, this._eventsDict);
addFolderListener: function addFolderListener(aId, aEvent, aListener) {
this._addListenerToDict(aId, aEvent, aListener, this._folderEventsDict);
removeFolderListener: function removeFolderListener(aId, aEvent, aListener) {
this._removeListenerFromDict(aId, aEvent, aListener, this._folderEventsDict);
addRootListener: function addRootListener(aEvent, aListener) {
this._rootEvents.addListener(aEvent, aListener);
removeRootListener: function removeRootListener(aEvent, aListener) {
this._rootEvents.removeListener(aEvent, aListener);
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINavBookmarkObserver,
// Bookmark implementation
// Bookmark event listeners are stored in BookmarksObserver, not in the
// Bookmark objects themselves. Thus, you don't have to hold on to a Bookmark
// object in order for your event listener to stay valid, and Bookmark objects
// not kept alive by the extension can be GC'ed.
// A consequence of this is that if you have two different Bookmark objects x
// and y for the same bookmark (i.e., x != y but x.id == y.id), and you do
// x.addListener("foo", fun);
// y.removeListener("foo", fun);
// the second line will in fact remove the listener added in the first line.
function Bookmark(aId, aParent, aType) {
this._id = aId;
this._parent = aParent;
this._type = aType || "bookmark";
this._annotations = new Annotations(this._id);
// Our _events object forwards to bookmarksObserver.
var self = this;
this._events = {
addListener: function bookmarkevents_al(aEvent, aListener) {
Utilities.bookmarksObserver.addListener(self._id, aEvent, aListener);
removeListener: function bookmarkevents_rl(aEvent, aListener) {
Utilities.bookmarksObserver.removeListener(self._id, aEvent, aListener);
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.extIEvents])
// For our onItemMoved listener, which updates this._parent.
Utilities.bookmarks.addObserver(this, /* ownsWeak = */ true);
Bookmark.prototype = {
get id() {
return this._id;
get title() {
return Utilities.bookmarks.getItemTitle(this._id);
set title(aTitle) {
Utilities.bookmarks.setItemTitle(this._id, aTitle);
get uri() {
return Utilities.bookmarks.getBookmarkURI(this._id);
set uri(aURI) {
return Utilities.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(this._id, aURI);
get description() {
return this._annotations.get("bookmarkProperties/description");
set description(aDesc) {
this._annotations.set("bookmarkProperties/description", aDesc, Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER);
get keyword() {
return Utilities.bookmarks.getKeywordForBookmark(this._id);
set keyword(aKeyword) {
Utilities.bookmarks.setKeywordForBookmark(this._id, aKeyword);
get type() {
return this._type;
get parent() {
return this._parent;
set parent(aFolder) {
Utilities.bookmarks.moveItem(this._id, aFolder.id, Utilities.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
// this._parent is updated in onItemMoved
get annotations() {
return this._annotations;
get events() {
return this._events;
remove : function bm_remove() {
onBeginUpdateBatch: function () {},
onEndUpdateBatch: function () {},
onItemAdded: function () {},
onItemVisited: function () {},
onItemRemoved: function () {},
onItemChanged: function () {},
onItemMoved: function(aId, aOldParent, aOldIndex, aNewParent, aNewIndex) {
if (aId == this._id) {
this._parent = new BookmarkFolder(aNewParent, Utilities.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(aNewParent));
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.fuelIBookmark,
// BookmarkFolder implementation
// As with Bookmark, events on BookmarkFolder are handled by the
// BookmarksObserver singleton.
function BookmarkFolder(aId, aParent) {
this._id = aId;
this._parent = aParent;
this._annotations = new Annotations(this._id);
// Our event listeners are handled by the BookmarksObserver singleton. This
// is a bit complicated because there are three different kinds of events we
// might want to listen to here:
// - If this._parent is null, we're the root bookmark folder, and all our
// listeners should be root listeners.
// - Otherwise, events ending with "child" (addchild, removechild) are
// handled by a folder listener.
// - Other events are handled by a vanilla bookmark listener.
var self = this;
this._events = {
addListener: function bmfevents_al(aEvent, aListener) {
if (self._parent) {
if (/child$/.test(aEvent)) {
Utilities.bookmarksObserver.addFolderListener(self._id, aEvent, aListener);
else {
Utilities.bookmarksObserver.addListener(self._id, aEvent, aListener);
else {
Utilities.bookmarksObserver.addRootListener(aEvent, aListener);
removeListener: function bmfevents_rl(aEvent, aListener) {
if (self._parent) {
if (/child$/.test(aEvent)) {
Utilities.bookmarksObserver.removeFolderListener(self._id, aEvent, aListener);
else {
Utilities.bookmarksObserver.removeListener(self._id, aEvent, aListener);
else {
Utilities.bookmarksObserver.removeRootListener(aEvent, aListener);
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.extIEvents])
// For our onItemMoved listener, which updates this._parent.
Utilities.bookmarks.addObserver(this, /* ownsWeak = */ true);
BookmarkFolder.prototype = {
get id() {
return this._id;
get title() {
return Utilities.bookmarks.getItemTitle(this._id);
set title(aTitle) {
Utilities.bookmarks.setItemTitle(this._id, aTitle);
get description() {
return this._annotations.get("bookmarkProperties/description");
set description(aDesc) {
this._annotations.set("bookmarkProperties/description", aDesc, Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER);
get type() {
return "folder";
get parent() {
return this._parent;
set parent(aFolder) {
Utilities.bookmarks.moveItem(this._id, aFolder.id, Utilities.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
// this._parent is updated in onItemMoved
get annotations() {
return this._annotations;
get events() {
return this._events;
get children() {
var items = [];
var options = Utilities.history.getNewQueryOptions();
var query = Utilities.history.getNewQuery();
query.setFolders([this._id], 1);
var result = Utilities.history.executeQuery(query, options);
var rootNode = result.root;
rootNode.containerOpen = true;
var cc = rootNode.childCount;
for (var i=0; i<cc; ++i) {
var node = rootNode.getChild(i);
if (node.type == node.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER) {
var folder = new BookmarkFolder(node.itemId, this._id);
else if (node.type == node.RESULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR) {
var separator = new Bookmark(node.itemId, this._id, "separator");
else {
var bookmark = new Bookmark(node.itemId, this._id, "bookmark");
rootNode.containerOpen = false;
return items;
addBookmark: function bmf_addbm(aTitle, aUri) {
var newBookmarkID = Utilities.bookmarks.insertBookmark(this._id, aUri, Utilities.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, aTitle);
var newBookmark = new Bookmark(newBookmarkID, this, "bookmark");
return newBookmark;
addSeparator: function bmf_addsep() {
var newBookmarkID = Utilities.bookmarks.insertSeparator(this._id, Utilities.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
var newBookmark = new Bookmark(newBookmarkID, this, "separator");
return newBookmark;
addFolder: function bmf_addfolder(aTitle) {
var newFolderID = Utilities.bookmarks.createFolder(this._id, aTitle, Utilities.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
var newFolder = new BookmarkFolder(newFolderID, this);
return newFolder;
remove: function bmf_remove() {
// observer
onBeginUpdateBatch: function () {},
onEndUpdateBatch : function () {},
onItemAdded : function () {},
onItemRemoved : function () {},
onItemChanged : function () {},
onItemMoved: function bf_onItemMoved(aId, aOldParent, aOldIndex, aNewParent, aNewIndex) {
if (this._id == aId) {
this._parent = new BookmarkFolder(aNewParent, Utilities.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(aNewParent));
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.fuelIBookmarkFolder,
// BookmarkRoots implementation
function BookmarkRoots() {
BookmarkRoots.prototype = {
get menu() {
if (!this._menu)
this._menu = new BookmarkFolder(Utilities.bookmarks.bookmarksMenuFolder, null);
return this._menu;
get toolbar() {
if (!this._toolbar)
this._toolbar = new BookmarkFolder(Utilities.bookmarks.toolbarFolder, null);
return this._toolbar;
get tags() {
if (!this._tags)
this._tags = new BookmarkFolder(Utilities.bookmarks.tagsFolder, null);
return this._tags;
get unfiled() {
if (!this._unfiled)
this._unfiled = new BookmarkFolder(Utilities.bookmarks.unfiledBookmarksFolder, null);
return this._unfiled;
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.fuelIBookmarkRoots])
// Factory - Treat Application as a singleton
// XXX This is required, because we're registered for the 'JavaScript global
// privileged property' category, whose handler always calls createInstance.
// See bug 386535.
var gSingleton = null;
var ApplicationFactory = {
createInstance: function af_ci(aOuter, aIID) {
if (aOuter != null)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
if (gSingleton == null) {
gSingleton = new Application();
return gSingleton.QueryInterface(aIID);
#include ../../toolkit/components/exthelper/extApplication.js
// Application constructor
function Application() {
Deprecated.warning("FUEL is deprecated, you should use the add-on SDK instead.",
// Application implementation
function ApplicationPrototype() {
// for nsIClassInfo + XPCOMUtils
// redefine the default factory for XPCOMUtils
this._xpcom_factory = ApplicationFactory;
// for nsISupports
this.QueryInterface = XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
// for nsIClassInfo
this.classInfo = XPCOMUtils.generateCI({
interfaces: [
flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.SINGLETON
// for nsIObserver
this.observe = function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
// Call the extApplication version of this function first
var superPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(this));
superPrototype.observe.call(this, aSubject, aTopic, aData);
if (aTopic == "xpcom-shutdown") {
this._obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");
Object.defineProperty(this, "bookmarks", {
get: function bookmarks () {
let bookmarks = new BookmarkRoots();
Object.defineProperty(this, "bookmarks", { value: bookmarks });
return this.bookmarks;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(this, "windows", {
get: function windows() {
var win = [];
var browserEnum = Utilities.windowMediator.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (browserEnum.hasMoreElements())
return win;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(this, "activeWindow", {
get: () => getWindow(Utilities.windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser")),
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
// set the proto, defined in extApplication.js
ApplicationPrototype.prototype = extApplication.prototype;
Application.prototype = new ApplicationPrototype();
this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([Application]);

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
component {fe74cf80-aa2d-11db-abbd-0800200c9a66} fuelApplication.js
contract @mozilla.org/fuel/application;1 {fe74cf80-aa2d-11db-abbd-0800200c9a66}
category JavaScript-global-privileged-property Application @mozilla.org/fuel/application;1

View File

@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "extIApplication.idl"
interface nsIVariant;
interface nsIURI;
interface nsIDOMHTMLDocument;
interface fuelIBookmarkFolder;
interface fuelIBrowserTab;
* Interface representing a collection of annotations associated
* with a bookmark or bookmark folder.
[scriptable, uuid(335c9292-91a1-4ca0-ad0b-07d5f63ed6cd)]
interface fuelIAnnotations : nsISupports
* Array of the annotation names associated with the owning item
readonly attribute nsIVariant names;
* Determines if an annotation exists with the given name.
* @param aName
* The name of the annotation
* @returns true if an annotation exists with the given name,
* false otherwise.
boolean has(in AString aName);
* Gets the value of an annotation with the given name.
* @param aName
* The name of the annotation
* @returns A variant containing the value of the annotation. Supports
* string, boolean and number.
nsIVariant get(in AString aName);
* Sets the value of an annotation with the given name.
* @param aName
* The name of the annotation
* @param aValue
* The new value of the annotation. Supports string, boolean
* and number
* @param aExpiration
* The expiration policy for the annotation.
* See nsIAnnotationService.
void set(in AString aName, in nsIVariant aValue, in int32_t aExpiration);
* Removes the named annotation from the owner item.
* @param aName
* The name of annotation.
void remove(in AString aName);
* Interface representing a bookmark item.
[scriptable, uuid(808585b6-7568-4b26-8c62-545221bf2b8c)]
interface fuelIBookmark : nsISupports
* The id of the bookmark.
readonly attribute long long id;
* The title of the bookmark.
attribute AString title;
* The uri of the bookmark.
attribute nsIURI uri;
* The description of the bookmark.
attribute AString description;
* The keyword associated with the bookmark.
attribute AString keyword;
* The type of the bookmark.
* values: "bookmark", "separator"
readonly attribute AString type;
* The parent folder of the bookmark.
attribute fuelIBookmarkFolder parent;
* The annotations object for the bookmark.
readonly attribute fuelIAnnotations annotations;
* The events object for the bookmark.
* supports: "remove", "change", "visit", "move"
readonly attribute extIEvents events;
* Removes the item from the parent folder. Used to
* delete a bookmark or separator
void remove();
* Interface representing a bookmark folder. Folders
* can hold bookmarks, separators and other folders.
[scriptable, uuid(9f42fe20-52de-4a55-8632-a459c7716aa0)]
interface fuelIBookmarkFolder : nsISupports
* The id of the folder.
readonly attribute long long id;
* The title of the folder.
attribute AString title;
* The description of the folder.
attribute AString description;
* The type of the folder.
* values: "folder"
readonly attribute AString type;
* The parent folder of the folder.
attribute fuelIBookmarkFolder parent;
* The annotations object for the folder.
readonly attribute fuelIAnnotations annotations;
* The events object for the folder.
* supports: "add", "addchild", "remove", "removechild", "change", "move"
readonly attribute extIEvents events;
* Array of all bookmarks, separators and folders contained
* in this folder.
readonly attribute nsIVariant children;
* Adds a new child bookmark to this folder.
* @param aTitle
* The title of bookmark.
* @param aURI
* The uri of bookmark.
fuelIBookmark addBookmark(in AString aTitle, in nsIURI aURI);
* Adds a new child separator to this folder.
fuelIBookmark addSeparator();
* Adds a new child folder to this folder.
* @param aTitle
* The title of folder.
fuelIBookmarkFolder addFolder(in AString aTitle);
* Removes the folder from the parent folder.
void remove();
* Interface representing a container for bookmark roots. Roots
* are the top level parents for the various types of bookmarks in the system.
[scriptable, uuid(c9a80870-eb3c-11dc-95ff-0800200c9a66)]
interface fuelIBookmarkRoots : nsISupports
* The folder for the 'bookmarks menu' root.
readonly attribute fuelIBookmarkFolder menu;
* The folder for the 'personal toolbar' root.
readonly attribute fuelIBookmarkFolder toolbar;
* The folder for the 'tags' root.
readonly attribute fuelIBookmarkFolder tags;
* The folder for the 'unfiled bookmarks' root.
readonly attribute fuelIBookmarkFolder unfiled;
* Interface representing a browser window.
[scriptable, uuid(207edb28-eb5e-424e-a862-b0e97C8de866)]
interface fuelIWindow : nsISupports
* A collection of browser tabs within the browser window.
readonly attribute nsIVariant tabs;
* The currently-active tab within the browser window.
readonly attribute fuelIBrowserTab activeTab;
* Open a new browser tab, pointing to the specified URI.
* @param aURI
* The uri to open the browser tab to
fuelIBrowserTab open(in nsIURI aURI);
* The events object for the browser window.
* supports: "TabOpen", "TabClose", "TabMove", "TabSelect"
readonly attribute extIEvents events;
* Interface representing a browser tab.
[scriptable, uuid(3073ceff-777c-41ce-9ace-ab37268147c1)]
interface fuelIBrowserTab : nsISupports
* The current uri of this tab.
readonly attribute nsIURI uri;
* The current index of this tab in the browser window.
readonly attribute int32_t index;
* The browser window that is holding the tab.
readonly attribute fuelIWindow window;
* The content document of the browser tab.
readonly attribute nsIDOMHTMLDocument document;
* The events object for the browser tab.
* supports: "load"
readonly attribute extIEvents events;
* Load a new URI into this browser tab.
* @param aURI
* The uri to load into the browser tab
void load(in nsIURI aURI);
* Give focus to this browser tab, and bring it to the front.
void focus();
* Close the browser tab. This may not actually close the tab
* as script may abort the close operation.
void close();
* Moves this browser tab before another browser tab within the window.
* @param aBefore
* The tab before which the target tab will be moved
void moveBefore(in fuelIBrowserTab aBefore);
* Move this browser tab to the last tab within the window.
void moveToEnd();
* Interface for managing and accessing the applications systems
[scriptable, uuid(fe74cf80-aa2d-11db-abbd-0800200c9a66)]
interface fuelIApplication : extIApplication
* The root bookmarks object for the application.
* Contains all the bookmark roots in the system.
readonly attribute fuelIBookmarkRoots bookmarks;
* An array of browser windows within the application.
readonly attribute nsIVariant windows;
* The currently active browser window.
readonly attribute fuelIWindow activeWindow;

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# -*- Mode: python; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
# vim: set filetype=python:
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
BROWSER_CHROME_MANIFESTS += ['test/browser.ini']

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"extends": [

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<title>Content Page A</title>
<h1>Content Page A</h1>
<div id="desc">This is a simple content page used for testing FUEL Browser API</div>
<div id="test1">A</div>
<div id="test2">B</div>

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<title>Content Page B</title>
<h1>Content Page B</h1>
<div id="desc">This is a simple content page used for testing FUEL Browser API</div>
<div id="test1">1</div>
<div id="test2">2</div>

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<title>Content Page with Frames</title>
<h1>Content Page with Frames</h1>
<div id="desc">This is a simple framed content page used for testing FUEL Browser API</div>
<iframe src="ContentA.html"></iframe>
<iframe src="ContentB.html"></iframe>

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
support-files =

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
// This listens for the next opened window and checks it is of the right url.
// opencallback is called when the new window is fully loaded
// closecallback is called when the window is closed
function WindowOpenListener(url, opencallback, closecallback) {
this.url = url;
this.opencallback = opencallback;
this.closecallback = closecallback;
WindowOpenListener.prototype = {
url: null,
opencallback: null,
closecallback: null,
window: null,
domwindow: null,
handleEvent: function(event) {
is(this.domwindow.document.location.href, this.url, "Should have opened the correct window");
this.domwindow.removeEventListener("load", this, false);
// Allow any other load handlers to execute
var self = this;
executeSoon(function() { self.opencallback(self.domwindow); } );
onWindowTitleChange: function(window, title) {
onOpenWindow: function(window) {
if (this.window)
this.window = window;
this.domwindow = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
this.domwindow.addEventListener("load", this, false);
onCloseWindow: function(window) {
if (this.window != window)
this.opencallback = null;
this.window = null;
this.domwindow = null;
// Let the window close complete
this.closecallback = null;
function test() {
ok(Application, "Check global access to Application");
// I'd test these against a specific value, but that is bound to flucuate
ok(Application.id, "Check to see if an ID exists for the Application");
ok(Application.name, "Check to see if a name exists for the Application");
ok(Application.version, "Check to see if a version exists for the Application");
var wMediator = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator);
var console = wMediator.getMostRecentWindow("global:console");
ok(!console, "Console should not already be open");
new WindowOpenListener("chrome://global/content/console.xul", consoleOpened, consoleClosed);
function consoleOpened(win) {
function consoleClosed() {

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@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
// The various properties that we'll be testing
var testdata = {
missing: "fuel.fuel-test-missing",
dummy: "fuel.fuel-test",
string: "browser.active_color",
integer: "permissions.default.image",
boolean: "browser.underline_anchors"
function test() {
// test getting nonexistent values
var itemValue = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.missing, "default");
is(itemValue, "default", "Check 'Application.prefs.getValue' for nonexistent item");
is(Application.prefs.get(testdata.missing), null, "Check 'Application.prefs.get' for nonexistent item");
// test setting and getting a value
Application.prefs.setValue(testdata.dummy, "dummy");
itemValue = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, "default");
is(itemValue, "dummy", "Check 'Application.prefs.getValue' for existing item");
// test for overwriting an existing value
Application.prefs.setValue(testdata.dummy, "smarty");
itemValue = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, "default");
is(itemValue, "smarty", "Check 'Application.prefs.getValue' for overwritten item");
// test setting and getting a value
Application.prefs.get(testdata.dummy).value = "dummy2";
itemValue = Application.prefs.get(testdata.dummy).value;
is(itemValue, "dummy2", "Check 'Application.prefs.get().value' for existing item");
// test resetting a pref [since there is no default value, the pref should disappear]
itemValue = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, "default");
is(itemValue, "default", "Check 'Application.prefs.getValue' for reset pref");
// test to see if a non-existant property exists
ok(!Application.prefs.has(testdata.dummy), "Check non-existant property for existence");
// PREF: string browser.active_color == #EE0000
// test to see if an existing string property exists
ok(Application.prefs.has(testdata.string), "Check existing string property for existence");
// test accessing a non-existant string property
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, "default");
is(val, "default", "Check non-existant string property for expected value");
// test accessing an existing string property
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.string, "default");
is(val, "#EE0000", "Check existing string property for expected value");
// test manipulating an existing string property
Application.prefs.setValue(testdata.string, "#EF0000");
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.string, "default");
is(val, "#EF0000", "Set existing string property");
// test getting the type of an existing string property
var type = Application.prefs.get(testdata.string).type;
is(type, "String", "Check 'Application.prefs.get().type' for string pref");
// test resetting an existing string property
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.string, "default");
is(val, "#EE0000", "Reset existing string property");
// PREF: integer permissions.default.image == 1
// test to see if an existing integer property exists
ok(Application.prefs.has(testdata.integer), "Check existing integer property for existence");
// test accessing a non-existant integer property
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, 0);
is(val, 0, "Check non-existant integer property for expected value");
// test accessing an existing integer property
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.integer, 0);
is(val, 1, "Check existing integer property for expected value");
// test manipulating an existing integer property
Application.prefs.setValue(testdata.integer, 0);
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.integer, 1);
is(val, 0, "Set existing integer property");
// test getting the type of an existing integer property
var type = Application.prefs.get(testdata.integer).type;
is(type, "Number", "Check 'Application.prefs.get().type' for integer pref");
// test resetting an existing integer property
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.integer, 0);
is(val, 1, "Reset existing integer property");
// PREF: boolean browser.underline_anchors == true
// test to see if an existing boolean property exists
ok(Application.prefs.has(testdata.boolean), "Check existing boolean property for existence");
// test accessing a non-existant boolean property
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, true);
ok(val, "Check non-existant boolean property for expected value");
// test accessing an existing boolean property
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.boolean, false);
ok(val, "Check existing boolean property for expected value");
// test manipulating an existing boolean property
Application.prefs.setValue(testdata.boolean, false);
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.boolean, true);
ok(!val, "Set existing boolean property");
// test getting the type of an existing boolean property
var type = Application.prefs.get(testdata.boolean).type;
is(type, "Boolean", "Check 'Application.prefs.get().type' for boolean pref");
// test resetting an existing boolean property
var val = Application.prefs.getValue(testdata.boolean, false);
ok(val, "Reset existing string property for expected value");
// test getting all preferences
var allPrefs = Application.prefs.all;
ok(allPrefs.length >= 800, "Check 'Application.prefs.all' for the right number of preferences");
ok(allPrefs[0].name.length > 0, "Check 'Application.prefs.all' for a valid name in the starting preference");
// test the value of the preference root
is(Application.prefs.root, "", "Check the Application preference root");
// test for user changed preferences
ok(Application.prefs.get("browser.dom.window.dump.enabled").modified, "A single preference is marked as modified.");
ok(!Application.prefs.get(testdata.string).modified, "A single preference is marked as not modified.");
// test for a locked preference
var pref = Application.prefs.get(testdata.string);
ok(!pref.locked, "A single preference should not be locked.");
pref.locked = true;
ok(pref.locked, "A single preference should be locked.");
try {
prev.value = "test value";
ok(false, "A locked preference could be modified.");
} catch(e){
ok(true, "A locked preference should not be able to be modified.");
pref.locked = false;
ok(!pref.locked, "A single preference is unlocked.");
// check for change event when setting a value
Application.prefs.events.addListener("change", onPrefChange);
Application.prefs.setValue("fuel.fuel-test", "change event");
function onPrefChange(evt) {
is(evt.data, testdata.dummy, "Check 'Application.prefs.setValue' fired a change event");
Application.prefs.events.removeListener("change", onPrefChange);
// We are removing the old listener after adding the new listener so we can test that
// removing a listener does not remove all listeners
Application.prefs.get("fuel.fuel-test").events.addListener("change", onPrefChangeDummy);
Application.prefs.get("fuel.fuel-test").events.addListener("change", onPrefChange2);
Application.prefs.get("fuel.fuel-test").events.removeListener("change", onPrefChangeDummy);
Application.prefs.setValue("fuel.fuel-test", "change event2");
function onPrefChange2(evt) {
is(evt.data, testdata.dummy, "Check 'Application.prefs.setValue' fired a change event for a single preference");
Application.prefs.events.removeListener("change", onPrefChange2);
function onPrefChangeDummy(evt) {
ok(false, "onPrefChangeDummy shouldn't be invoked!");

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
function test() {
function quitRequestObserver(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
ok(aTopic == "quit-application-requested" &&
aSubject instanceof Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool,
"Received a quit request we're going to deny");
aSubject.data = true;
// ensure that we don't accidentally quit
Services.obs.addObserver(quitRequestObserver, "quit-application-requested", false);
ok(!Application.quit(), "Tried to quit - and didn't succeed");
ok(!Application.restart(), "Tried to restart - and didn't succeed");
// clean up
Services.obs.removeObserver(quitRequestObserver, "quit-application-requested");

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
function test() {
// test for existence of values
var hasItem = Application.storage.has("fuel-test-missing");
is(hasItem, false, "Check 'Application.storage.has' for nonexistent item");
Application.storage.set("fuel-test", "dummy");
hasItem = Application.storage.has("fuel-test");
is(hasItem, true, "Check 'Application.storage.has' for existing item");
// test getting nonexistent and existing values
var itemValue = Application.storage.get("fuel-test-missing", "default");
is(itemValue, "default", "Check 'Application.storage.get' for nonexistent item");
itemValue = Application.storage.get("fuel-test", "default");
is(itemValue, "dummy", "Check 'Application.storage.get' for existing item");
// test for overwriting an existing value
Application.storage.set("fuel-test", "smarty");
itemValue = Application.storage.get("fuel-test", "default");
is(itemValue, "smarty", "Check 'Application.storage.get' for overwritten item");
// check for change event when setting a value
Application.storage.events.addListener("change", onStorageChange);
Application.storage.set("fuel-test", "change event");
function onStorageChange(evt) {
is(evt.data, "fuel-test", "Check 'Application.storage.set' fired a change event");
Application.storage.events.removeListener("change", onStorageChange);

View File

@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
var gLastFolderAction = "";
var gLastBookmarkAction = "";
var gLastRootAction = "";
function url(spec) {
return Services.io.newURI(spec, null, null);
function test() {
// Some very basic tests on the tags root
var tags = Application.bookmarks.tags;
ok(tags, "Check access to bookmark tags root");
ok(!tags.parent, "Check tags parent (should be null)");
// Some very basic tests on the unfiled root
var unfiled = Application.bookmarks.unfiled;
ok(unfiled, "Check access to bookmark unfiled root");
ok(!unfiled.parent, "Check unfiled parent (should be null)");
// Some basic tests on the toolbar root
var toolbar = Application.bookmarks.toolbar;
ok(toolbar, "Check access to bookmark toolbar root");
ok(!toolbar.parent, "Check toolbar parent (should be null)");
var toolbarKidCount = toolbar.children.length;
// test adding folders
var testFolderToolbar = toolbar.addFolder("FUEL in Toolbar");
ok(testFolderToolbar, "Check folder creation");
is(testFolderToolbar.type, "folder", "Check 'folder.type' after creation");
ok(testFolderToolbar.parent, "Check parent after folder creation");
is(toolbar.children.length, toolbarKidCount, "Check toolbar folder child count after adding a child folder");
// Main testing is done on the bookmarks menu root
var root = Application.bookmarks.menu;
ok(root, "Check access to bookmark root");
ok(!root.parent, "Check root parent (should be null)");
var rootKidCount = root.children.length;
// test adding folders
var testFolder = root.addFolder("FUEL");
ok(testFolder, "Check folder creation");
is(testFolder.type, "folder", "Check 'folder.type' after creation");
ok(testFolder.parent, "Check parent after folder creation");
is(root.children.length, rootKidCount, "Check root folder child count after adding a child folder");
// test modifying a folder
testFolder.events.addListener("change", onFolderChange);
testFolder.description = "FUEL folder";
is(testFolder.description, "FUEL folder", "Check setting 'folder.description'");
is(gLastFolderAction, "bookmarkProperties/description", "Check event handler for setting 'folder.description'");
testFolder.title = "fuel-is-cool";
is(testFolder.title, "fuel-is-cool", "Check setting 'folder.title'");
is(gLastFolderAction, "title", "Check event handler for setting 'folder.title'");
testFolder.annotations.set("testing/folder", "annotate-this", 0);
ok(testFolder.annotations.has("testing/folder"), "Checking existence of added annotation");
is(gLastFolderAction, "testing/folder", "Check event handler for setting annotation");
gLastFolderAction = "";
is(testFolder.annotations.get("testing/folder"), "annotate-this", "Checking existence of added annotation");
ok(!testFolder.annotations.has("testing/folder"), "Checking existence of removed annotation");
is(gLastFolderAction, "testing/folder", "Check event handler for removing annotation");
testFolder.events.addListener("addchild", onFolderAddChild);
testFolder.events.addListener("removechild", onFolderRemoveChild);
// test adding a bookmark
var testBookmark = testFolder.addBookmark("Mozilla", url("https://www.mozilla.org/"));
ok(testBookmark, "Check bookmark creation");
ok(testBookmark.parent, "Check parent after bookmark creation");
is(gLastFolderAction, "addchild", "Check event handler for adding a child to a folder");
is(testBookmark.type, "bookmark", "Check 'bookmark.type' after creation");
is(testBookmark.title, "Mozilla", "Check 'bookmark.title' after creation");
is(testBookmark.uri.spec, "https://www.mozilla.org/", "Check 'bookmark.uri' after creation");
is(testFolder.children.length, 1, "Check test folder child count after adding a child bookmark");
// test modifying a bookmark
testBookmark.events.addListener("change", onBookmarkChange);
testBookmark.description = "mozcorp";
is(testBookmark.description, "mozcorp", "Check setting 'bookmark.description'");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "bookmarkProperties/description", "Check event handler for setting 'bookmark.description'");
testBookmark.keyword = "moz"
is(testBookmark.keyword, "moz", "Check setting 'bookmark.keyword'");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "keyword", "Check event handler for setting 'bookmark.keyword'");
testBookmark.title = "MozCorp"
is(testBookmark.title, "MozCorp", "Check setting 'bookmark.title'");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "title", "Check event handler for setting 'bookmark.title'");
testBookmark.uri = url("http://www.mozilla.org/");
is(testBookmark.uri.spec, "http://www.mozilla.org/", "Check setting 'bookmark.uri'");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "uri", "Check event handler for setting 'bookmark.uri'");
// test adding and removing a bookmark annotation
testBookmark.annotations.set("testing/bookmark", "annotate-this", 0);
ok(testBookmark.annotations.has("testing/bookmark"), "Checking existence of added annotation");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "testing/bookmark", "Check event handler for setting annotation");
gLastBookmarkAction = "";
is(testBookmark.annotations.get("testing/bookmark"), "annotate-this", "Checking existence of added annotation");
ok(!testBookmark.annotations.has("testing/bookmark"), "Checking existence of removed annotation");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "testing/bookmark", "Check event handler for removing annotation");
is(testBookmark.annotations.get("testing/bookmark"), null, "Check existence of a missing annotation");
// quick annotation type tests
testBookmark.annotations.set("testing/bookmark/string", "annotate-this", 0);
ok(testBookmark.annotations.has("testing/bookmark/string"), "Checking existence of added string annotation");
is(testBookmark.annotations.get("testing/bookmark/string"), "annotate-this", "Checking value of added string annotation");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "testing/bookmark/string", "Check event handler for setting annotation");
gLastBookmarkAction = "";
testBookmark.annotations.set("testing/bookmark/int", 100, 0);
ok(testBookmark.annotations.has("testing/bookmark/int"), "Checking existence of added integer annotation");
is(testBookmark.annotations.get("testing/bookmark/int"), 100, "Checking value of added integer annotation");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "testing/bookmark/int", "Check event handler for setting annotation");
gLastBookmarkAction = "";
testBookmark.annotations.set("testing/bookmark/double", 3.333, 0);
ok(testBookmark.annotations.has("testing/bookmark/double"), "Checking existence of added double annotation");
is(testBookmark.annotations.get("testing/bookmark/double"), 3.333, "Checking value of added double annotation");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "testing/bookmark/double", "Check event handler for setting annotation");
gLastBookmarkAction = "";
// test names array - NOTE: "bookmarkProperties/description" is an annotation too
var names = testBookmark.annotations.names;
ok(names.some(f => f == "bookmarkProperties/description"), "Checking for description annotation");
ok(names.some(f => f == "testing/bookmark/string"), "Checking for string test annotation");
ok(names.some(f => f == "testing/bookmark/int"), "Checking for int test annotation");
ok(names.some(f => f == "testing/bookmark/double"), "Checking for double test annotation");
// test adding a separator
var testSeparator = testFolder.addSeparator();
ok(testSeparator, "Check bookmark creation");
ok(testSeparator.parent, "Check parent after separator creation");
is(gLastFolderAction, "addchild", "Check event handler for adding a child separator to a folder");
is(testSeparator.type, "separator", "Check 'bookmark.type' after separator creation");
is(testFolder.children.length, 2, "Check test folder child count after adding a child separator");
// test removing separator
testSeparator.events.addListener("remove", onBookmarkRemove);
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "remove", "Check event handler for removing separator");
is(gLastFolderAction, "removechild", "Check event handler for removing a child separator from a folder");
is(testFolder.children.length, 1, "Check test folder child count after removing a child separator");
// test removing bookmark
testBookmark.events.addListener("remove", onBookmarkRemove);
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "remove", "Check event handler for removing bookmark");
is(gLastFolderAction, "removechild", "Check event handler for removing a child from a folder");
is(testFolder.children.length, 0, "Check test folder child count after removing a child bookmark");
// test removing a folder
testFolder.events.addListener("remove", onFolderRemove);
is(gLastFolderAction, "remove", "Check event handler for removing child folder");
is(root.children.length, rootKidCount, "Check root folder child count after removing a child folder");
// test moving between folders
var testFolderA = root.addFolder("folder-a");
var testFolderB = root.addFolder("folder-b");
var testMove = testFolderA.addBookmark("Mozilla", url("https://www.mozilla.org/"));
testMove.events.addListener("move", onBookmarkMove);
is(testMove.parent.title, "folder-a", "Checking for new parent before moving bookmark");
testMove.parent = testFolderB;
is(testMove.parent.title, "folder-b", "Checking for new parent after moving bookmark");
is(gLastBookmarkAction, "move", "Checking for event handler after moving bookmark");
// test moving a folder
testFolderA.events.addListener("move", onFolderMove);
testFolderA.parent = testFolderB;
is(testFolderA.parent.title, "folder-b", "Checking for new parent after moving folder");
is(gLastFolderAction, "move", "Checking for event handler after moving folder");
// test events on the root
root.events.addListener("add", onRootAdd);
root.events.addListener("remove", onRootRemove);
root.events.addListener("change", onRootChange);
var testFolderC = root.addFolder("folder-c");
is(gLastRootAction, "add");
root.events.removeListener("add", onRootAdd);
gLastRootAction = "";
var testFolderD = root.addFolder("folder-d");
is(gLastRootAction, "");
is(gLastRootAction, "remove");
testFolderD.description = "Foo";
is(gLastRootAction, "bookmarkProperties/description");
function onFolderChange(evt) {
gLastFolderAction = evt.data;
function onFolderRemove(evt) {
gLastFolderAction = evt.type;
function onFolderAddChild(evt) {
gLastFolderAction = evt.type;
function onFolderRemoveChild(evt) {
gLastFolderAction = evt.type;
function onFolderMove(evt) {
gLastFolderAction = evt.type;
function onBookmarkChange(evt) {
gLastBookmarkAction = evt.data;
function onBookmarkRemove(evt) {
gLastBookmarkAction = evt.type;
function onBookmarkMove(evt) {
gLastBookmarkAction = evt.type;
function onRootAdd(evt) {
gLastRootAction = evt.type;
function onRootRemove(evt) {
gLastRootAction = evt.type;
function onRootChange(evt) {
gLastRootAction = evt.data;

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@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
var gPageA = null;
var gPageB = null;
// cached data from events
var gTabOpenPageA = null;
var gTabOpenPageB = null;
var gTabOpenCount = 0;
var gTabCloseCount = 0;
var gTabMoveCount = 0;
var gPageLoadCount = 0;
var rootDir = getRootDirectory(gTestPath);
const CHROMEROOT = rootDir;
function test() {
var windows = Application.windows;
ok(windows, "Check access to browser windows");
is(windows.length, 1, "There should be one browser window open");
var activeWin = Application.activeWindow;
activeWin.events.addListener("TabOpen", onTabOpen);
activeWin.events.addListener("TabClose", onTabClose);
activeWin.events.addListener("TabMove", onTabMove);
gPageA = activeWin.open(makeURI(CHROMEROOT + "ContentA.html"));
gPageA.events.addListener("load", onPageAFirstLoad);
is(activeWin.tabs.length, 2, "Checking length of 'Browser.tabs' after opening 1 additional tab");
function onPageAFirstLoad(event) {
gPageA.events.removeListener("load", onPageAFirstLoad);
is(gPageA.uri.spec, event.data.uri.spec, "Checking event browser tab is equal to page A");
gPageB = activeWin.open(makeURI(CHROMEROOT + "ContentB.html"));
gPageB.events.addListener("load", delayAfterOpen);
is(activeWin.tabs.length, 3, "Checking length of 'Browser.tabs' after opening a second additional tab");
is(activeWin.activeTab.index, gPageB.index, "Checking 'Browser.activeTab' after setting focus");
function delayAfterOpen() {
// need to wait for the url's to be refreshed during the load
function afterOpen(event) {
gPageB.events.removeListener("load", delayAfterOpen);
// check actuals
is(gPageA.uri.spec, CHROMEROOT + "ContentA.html", "Checking 'BrowserTab.uri' after opening");
is(gPageB.uri.spec, CHROMEROOT + "ContentB.html", "Checking 'BrowserTab.uri' after opening");
// check event
is(gTabOpenCount, 2, "Checking event handler for tab open");
// check cached values from TabOpen event
is(gPageA.uri.spec, gTabOpenPageA.uri.spec, "Checking first browser tab open is equal to page A");
is(gPageB.uri.spec, gTabOpenPageB.uri.spec, "Checking second browser tab open is equal to page B");
// test document access
var test1 = gPageA.document.getElementById("test1");
ok(test1, "Checking existence of element in content DOM");
is(test1.innerHTML, "A", "Checking content of element in content DOM");
// test moving tab
is(gTabMoveCount, 0, "Checking initial tab move count");
// move the tab
is(gPageA.index, 2, "Checking index after moving tab");
// check event
is(gTabMoveCount, 1, "Checking event handler for tab move");
onStateChange: function (webProgress, request, stateFlags, status) {
info("onStateChange: " + stateFlags);
const complete = Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW +
Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK +
if ((stateFlags & complete) == complete) {
onLocationChange: () => 0,
onProgressChange: () => 0,
onStatusChange: () => 0,
onSecurityChange: () => 0
// test loading new content with a frame into a tab
// the event will be checked in onPageBLoadComplete
gPageB.events.addListener("load", onPageBLoadWithFrames);
gPageB.load(makeURI(CHROMEROOT + "ContentWithFrames.html"));
function onPageBLoadWithFrames(event) {
info("onPageBLoadWithFrames: " + gPageLoadCount);
function onPageBLoadComplete() {
gPageB.events.removeListener("load", onPageBLoadWithFrames);
// check page load with frame event
is(gPageLoadCount, 1, "Checking load count after loading new content with a frame");
// test loading new content into a tab
// the event will be checked in onPageASecondLoad
gPageA.events.addListener("load", onPageASecondLoad);
gPageA.load(makeURI(CHROMEROOT + "ContentB.html"));
function onPageASecondLoad(event) {
gPageA.events.removeListener("load", onPageASecondLoad);
is(gPageA.uri.spec, CHROMEROOT + "ContentB.html", "Checking 'BrowserTab.uri' after loading new content");
// start testing closing tabs
// the event will be checked in afterClose
// use executeSoon so the onPageASecondLoad
// has a chance to finish first
is(gTabCloseCount, 2, "Checking that tabs closed");
is(activeWin.tabs.length, 1, "Checking length of 'Browser.tabs' after closing 2 tabs");
function onTabOpen(event) {
// cache these values so we can check them later (after loading completes)
if (gTabOpenCount == 1)
gTabOpenPageA = event.data;
if (gTabOpenCount == 2)
gTabOpenPageB = event.data;
function onTabClose(event) {
function onTabMove(event) {

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