Backed out changeset 57c170af6a23 (bug 726427) for Mac 10.6 mochitest Failure in Bug 947126

This commit is contained in:
Carsten "Tomcat" Book 2013-12-06 14:50:05 +01:00
parent 0c709fb258
commit d1ad182828
9 changed files with 35 additions and 862 deletions

View File

@ -31,4 +31,3 @@ support-files =

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
// Tests that the spectrum color picker works correctly
const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<div></div>";
const {CSSTransformPreviewer} = devtools.require("devtools/shared/widgets/CSSTransformPreviewer");
let doc, root;
function test() {
addTab(TEST_URI, () => {
doc = content.document;
root = doc.querySelector("div");
function endTests() {
doc = root = null;
function startTests() {
function testCreateAndDestroyShouldAppendAndRemoveElements() {
ok(root, "We have the root node to append the preview to");
is(root.childElementCount, 0, "Root node is empty");
let p = new CSSTransformPreviewer(root);
p.preview("matrix(1, -0.2, 0, 1, 0, 0)");
ok(root.childElementCount > 0, "Preview has appended elements");
ok(root.querySelector("canvas"), "Canvas preview element is here");
is(root.childElementCount, 0, "Destroying preview removed all nodes");
function testCanvasDimensionIsConstrainedByMaxDim() {
let p = new CSSTransformPreviewer(root);
p.MAX_DIM = 500;
p.preview("scale(1)", "center", 1000, 1000);
let canvas = root.querySelector("canvas");
is(canvas.width, 500, "Canvas width is correct");
is(canvas.height, 500, "Canvas height is correct");
function testCallingPreviewSeveralTimesReusesTheSameCanvas() {
let p = new CSSTransformPreviewer(root);
p.preview("scale(1)", "center", 1000, 1000);
let canvas = root.querySelector("canvas");
let canvases = root.querySelectorAll("canvas");
is(canvases.length, 1, "Still one canvas element");
is(canvases[0], canvas, "Still the same canvas element");
function testCanvasDimensionAreCorrect() {
// Only test a few simple transformations
let p = new CSSTransformPreviewer(root);
// Make sure we have a square
let w = 200, h = w;
p.MAX_DIM = w;
// We can't test the content of the canvas here, just that, given a max width
// the aspect ratio of the canvas seems correct.
// Translate a square by its width, should be a rectangle
p.preview("translateX(200px)", "center", w, h);
let canvas = root.querySelector("canvas");
is(canvas.width, w, "width is correct");
is(canvas.height, h/2, "height is half of the width");
// Rotate on the top right corner, should be a rectangle
p.preview("rotate(-90deg)", "top right", w, h);
is(canvas.width, w, "width is correct");
is(canvas.height, h/2, "height is half of the width");
// Rotate on the bottom left corner, should be a rectangle
p.preview("rotate(90deg)", "top right", w, h);
is(canvas.width, w/2, "width is half of the height");
is(canvas.height, h, "height is correct");
// Scale from center, should still be a square
p.preview("scale(2)", "center", w, h);
is(canvas.width, w, "width is correct");
is(canvas.height, h, "height is correct");
// Skew from center, 45deg, should be a rectangle
p.preview("skew(45deg)", "center", w, h);
is(canvas.width, w, "width is correct");
is(canvas.height, h/2, "height is half of the height");
function testPreviewingInvalidTransformReturnsFalse() {
let p = new CSSTransformPreviewer(root);
ok(!p.preview("veryWow(muchPx) suchTransform(soDeg)"), "Returned false for invalid transform");
ok(!p.preview("rotae(3deg)"), "Returned false for invalid transform");
// Verify the canvas is empty by checking the image data
let canvas = root.querySelector("canvas"), ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
for (let i = 0, n = data.length; i < n; i += 4) {
// Let's not log 250*250*4 asserts! Instead, just log when it fails
let red = data[i];
let green = data[i + 1];
let blue = data[i + 2];
let alpha = data[i + 3];
if (red !== 0 || green !== 0 || blue !== 0 || alpha !== 0) {
ok(false, "Image data is not empty after an invalid transformed was previewed");
is(p.preview("translateX(30px)"), true, "Returned true for a valid transform");

View File

@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
* The CSSTransformPreview module displays, using a <canvas> a rectangle, with
* a given width and height and its transformed version, given a css transform
* property and origin. It also displays arrows from/to each corner.
* It is useful to visualize how a css transform affected an element. It can
* help debug tricky transformations. It is used today in a tooltip, and this
* tooltip is shown when hovering over a css transform declaration in the rule
* and computed view panels.
* TODO: For now, it multiplies matrices itself to calculate the coordinates of
* the transformed box, but that should be removed as soon as we can get access
* to getQuads().
const HTML_NS = "";
* The TransformPreview needs an element to output a canvas tag.
* Usage example:
* let t = new CSSTransformPreviewer(myRootElement);
* t.preview("rotate(45deg)", "top left", 200, 400);
* t.preview("skew(19deg)", "center", 100, 500);
* t.preview("matrix(1, -0.2, 0, 1, 0, 0)");
* t.destroy();
* @param {nsIDOMElement} parentEl
* Where the canvas will go
function CSSTransformPreviewer(parentEl) {
this.parentEl = parentEl;
this.doc = this.parentEl.ownerDocument;
this.canvas = null;
this.ctx = null;
module.exports.CSSTransformPreviewer = CSSTransformPreviewer;
CSSTransformPreviewer.prototype = {
* The preview look-and-feel can be changed using these properties
MAX_DIM: 250,
PAD: 5,
TRANSFORMED_FILL: "rgba(200, 200, 200, .5)",
* Destroy removes the canvas from the parentelement passed in the constructor
destroy: function() {
if (this.canvas) {
if (this._hiddenDiv) {
this.parentEl = this.canvas = this.ctx = this.doc = null;
_createMarkup: function() {
this.canvas = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "canvas");
this.canvas.setAttribute("id", "canvas");
this.canvas.setAttribute("width", this.MAX_DIM);
this.canvas.setAttribute("height", this.MAX_DIM); = "relative";
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
_getComputed: function(name, value, width, height) {
if (!this._hiddenDiv) {
// Create a hidden element to apply the style to
this._hiddenDiv = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); = "hidden"; = "absolute";
// Camelcase the name
name = name.replace(/-([a-z]{1})/g, (m, letter) => letter.toUpperCase());
// Apply width and height to make sure computation is made correctly = width + "px"; = height + "px";
// Show the hidden div, apply the style, read the computed style, hide the
// hidden div again = "block";[name] = value;
let computed = this.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this._hiddenDiv);
let computedValue = computed[name]; = "none";
return computedValue;
_getMatrixFromTransformString: function(transformStr) {
let matrix = transformStr.substring(0, transformStr.length - 1).
substring(transformStr.indexOf("(") + 1).split(",");
matrix.forEach(function(value, index) {
matrix[index] = parseFloat(value, 10);
let transformMatrix = null;
if (matrix.length === 6) {
// 2d transform
transformMatrix = [
[matrix[0], matrix[2], matrix[4], 0],
[matrix[1], matrix[3], matrix[5], 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
} else {
// 3d transform
transformMatrix = [
[matrix[0], matrix[4], matrix[8], matrix[12]],
[matrix[1], matrix[5], matrix[9], matrix[13]],
[matrix[2], matrix[6], matrix[10], matrix[14]],
[matrix[3], matrix[7], matrix[11], matrix[15]]
return transformMatrix;
_getOriginFromOriginString: function(originStr) {
let offsets = originStr.split(" ");
offsets.forEach(function(item, index) {
offsets[index] = parseInt(item, 10);
return offsets;
_multiply: function(m1, m2) {
let m = [];
for (let m1Line = 0; m1Line < m1.length; m1Line++) {
m[m1Line] = 0;
for (let m2Col = 0; m2Col < m2.length; m2Col++) {
m[m1Line] += m1[m1Line][m2Col] * m2[m2Col];
return [m[0], m[1]];
_getTransformedPoint: function(matrix, point, origin) {
let pointMatrix = [point[0] - origin[0], point[1] - origin[1], 1, 1];
return this._multiply(matrix, pointMatrix);
_getTransformedPoints: function(matrix, rect, origin) {
return => {
let tPoint = this._getTransformedPoint(matrix, [point[0], point[1]], origin);
return [tPoint[0] + origin[0], tPoint[1] + origin[1]];
* For canvas to avoid anti-aliasing
_round: x => Math.round(x) + .5,
_drawShape: function(points, fillStyle, strokeStyle) {;
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;
this.ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;
this.ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
this.ctx.moveTo(this._round(points[0][0]), this._round(points[0][1]));
for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
this.ctx.lineTo(this._round(points[i][0]), this._round(points[i][1]));
this.ctx.lineTo(this._round(points[0][0]), this._round(points[0][1]));
_drawArrow: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
// do not draw if the line is too small
if (Math.abs(x2-x1) < 20 && Math.abs(y2-y1) < 20) {
this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.ARROW_STROKE;
this.ctx.fillStyle = this.ARROW_STROKE;
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;
this.ctx.moveTo(this._round(x1), this._round(y1));
this.ctx.lineTo(this._round(x2), this._round(y2));
this.ctx.translate(x2, y2);
let radians = Math.atan((y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2));
radians += ((x1 >= x2) ? -90 : 90) * Math.PI / 180;
this.ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.ARROW_TIP_WIDTH / 2, this.ARROW_TIP_HEIGHT);
this.ctx.lineTo(-this.ARROW_TIP_WIDTH / 2, this.ARROW_TIP_HEIGHT);
_drawOrigin: function(x, y) {;
this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.ORIGIN_STROKE;
this.ctx.fillStyle = this.ORIGIN_STROKE;
this.ctx.arc(x, y, 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
* Computes the largest width and height of all the given shapes and changes
* all of the shapes' points (by reference) so they fit into the configured
* MAX_DIM - 2*PAD area.
* @return {Object} A {w, h} giving the size the canvas should be
_fitAllShapes: function(allShapes) {
let allXs = [], allYs = [];
for (let shape of allShapes) {
for (let point of shape) {
let minX = Math.min.apply(Math, allXs);
let maxX = Math.max.apply(Math, allXs);
let minY = Math.min.apply(Math, allYs);
let maxY = Math.max.apply(Math, allYs);
let spanX = maxX - minX;
let spanY = maxY - minY;
let isWide = spanX > spanY;
let cw = isWide ? this.MAX_DIM :
this.MAX_DIM * Math.min(spanX, spanY) / Math.max(spanX, spanY);
let ch = !isWide ? this.MAX_DIM :
this.MAX_DIM * Math.min(spanX, spanY) / Math.max(spanX, spanY);
let mapX = x => this.PAD + ((cw - 2 * this.PAD) / (maxX - minX)) * (x - minX);
let mapY = y => this.PAD + ((ch - 2 * this.PAD) / (maxY - minY)) * (y - minY);
for (let shape of allShapes) {
for (let point of shape) {
point[0] = mapX(point[0]);
point[1] = mapY(point[1]);
return {w: cw, h: ch};
_drawShapes: function(shape, corner, transformed, transformedCorner) {
_drawOriginal: function(points) {
this._drawShape(points, this.ORIGINAL_FILL, this.ORIGINAL_STROKE);
_drawTransformed: function(points) {
this._drawShape(points, this.TRANSFORMED_FILL, this.TRANSFORMED_STROKE);
_drawOriginalCorner: function(points) {
this._drawShape(points, this.ORIGINAL_STROKE, this.ORIGINAL_STROKE);
_drawTransformedCorner: function(points) {
this._drawShape(points, this.TRANSFORMED_STROKE, this.TRANSFORMED_STROKE);
_drawArrows: function(shape, transformed) {
this._drawArrow(shape[0][0], shape[0][1], transformed[0][0], transformed[0][1]);
this._drawArrow(shape[1][0], shape[1][1], transformed[1][0], transformed[1][1]);
this._drawArrow(shape[2][0], shape[2][1], transformed[2][0], transformed[2][1]);
this._drawArrow(shape[3][0], shape[3][1], transformed[3][0], transformed[3][1]);
* Draw a transform preview
* @param {String} transform
* The css transform value as a string, as typed by the user, as long
* as it can be computed by the browser
* @param {String} origin
* Same as above for the transform-origin value. Defaults to "center"
* @param {Number} width
* The width of the container. Defaults to 200
* @param {Number} height
* The height of the container. Defaults to 200
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the preview could be created. Will return
* false for instance if the transform is invalid
preview: function(transform, origin="center", width=200, height=200) {
// Create/clear the canvas
if (!this.canvas) {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
// Get computed versions of transform and origin
transform = this._getComputed("transform", transform, width, height);
if (transform && transform !== "none") {
origin = this._getComputed("transform-origin", origin, width, height);
// Get the matrix, origin and width height data for the previewed element
let originData = this._getOriginFromOriginString(origin);
let matrixData = this._getMatrixFromTransformString(transform);
// Compute the original box rect and transformed box rect
let shapePoints = [
[0, 0],
[width, 0],
[width, height],
[0, height]
let transformedPoints = this._getTransformedPoints(matrixData, shapePoints, originData);
// Do the same for the corner triangle shape
let cornerSize = Math.min(shapePoints[2][1] - shapePoints[1][1],
shapePoints[1][0] - shapePoints[0][0]) / this.CORNER_SIZE_RATIO;
let cornerPoints = [
[shapePoints[1][0], shapePoints[1][1]],
[shapePoints[1][0], shapePoints[1][1] + cornerSize],
[shapePoints[1][0] - cornerSize, shapePoints[1][1]]
let transformedCornerPoints = this._getTransformedPoints(matrixData, cornerPoints, originData);
// Resize points to fit everything in the canvas
let {w, h} = this._fitAllShapes([
this.canvas.setAttribute("width", w);
this.canvas.setAttribute("height", h);
this._drawShapes(shapePoints, cornerPoints, transformedPoints, transformedCornerPoints)
this._drawArrows(shapePoints, transformedPoints);
this._drawOrigin(originData[0], originData[1]);
return true;
} else {
return false;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ const {Spectrum} = require("devtools/shared/widgets/Spectrum");
const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter");
const {colorUtils} = require("devtools/css-color");
const Heritage = require("sdk/core/heritage");
const {CSSTransformPreviewer} = require("devtools/shared/widgets/CSSTransformPreviewer");
@ -101,6 +100,7 @@ let PanelFactory = {
panel.setAttribute("hidden", true);
panel.setAttribute("ignorekeys", true);
// Prevent the click used to close the panel from being consumed
panel.setAttribute("consumeoutsideclicks", options.get("consumeOutsideClick"));
panel.setAttribute("noautofocus", options.get("noAutoFocus"));
panel.setAttribute("type", "arrow");
@ -229,10 +229,6 @@ Tooltip.prototype = {
return this.panel.state !== "closed" && this.panel.state !== "hiding";
setSize: function(width, height) {
this.panel.sizeTo(width, height);
* Empty the tooltip's content
@ -308,8 +304,7 @@ Tooltip.prototype = {
* The container for all target nodes
* @param {Function} targetNodeCb
* A function that accepts a node argument and returns true or false
* (or a promise that resolves or rejects) to signify if the tooltip
* should be shown on that node or not.
* to signify if the tooltip should be shown on that node or not.
* Additionally, the function receives a second argument which is the
* tooltip instance itself, to be used to add/modify the content of the
* tooltip if needed. If omitted, the tooltip will be shown everytime.
@ -317,7 +312,7 @@ Tooltip.prototype = {
* An optional delay that will be observed before showing the tooltip.
* Defaults to this.defaultShowDelay.
startTogglingOnHover: function(baseNode, targetNodeCb, showDelay=this.defaultShowDelay) {
startTogglingOnHover: function(baseNode, targetNodeCb, showDelay = this.defaultShowDelay) {
if (this._basedNode) {
@ -362,12 +357,7 @@ Tooltip.prototype = {
_showOnHover: function(target) {
let res = this._targetNodeCb(target, this);
if (res && res.then) {
res.then(() => {;
} else if (res) {
if (this._targetNodeCb(target, this)) {;
@ -537,8 +527,6 @@ Tooltip.prototype = {
let w = options.naturalWidth || imgObj.naturalWidth;
let h = options.naturalHeight || imgObj.naturalHeight;
label.textContent = w + " x " + h;
this.setSize(vbox.width, vbox.height);
@ -595,54 +583,6 @@ Tooltip.prototype = {
// Put the iframe in the tooltip
this.content = iframe;
return def.promise;
* Set the content of the tooltip to be the result of CSSTransformPreviewer.
* Meaning a canvas previewing a css transformation.
* @param {String} transform
* The CSS transform value (e.g. "rotate(45deg) translateX(50px)")
* @param {PageStyleActor} pageStyle
* An instance of the PageStyleActor that will be used to retrieve
* computed styles
* @param {NodeActor} node
* The NodeActor for the currently selected node
* @return A promise that resolves when the tooltip content is ready, or
* rejects if no transform is provided or is invalid
setCssTransformContent: function(transform, pageStyle, node) {
let def = promise.defer();
if (transform) {
// Look into the computed styles to find the width and height and possibly
// the origin if it hadn't been provided
pageStyle.getComputed(node, {
filter: "user",
markMatched: false,
onlyMatched: false
}).then(styles => {
let origin = styles["transform-origin"].value;
let width = parseInt(styles["width"].value);
let height = parseInt(styles["height"].value);
let root = this.doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div");
let previewer = new CSSTransformPreviewer(root);
this.content = root;
if (!previewer.preview(transform, origin, width, height)) {
// If the preview didn't work, reject the promise
} else {
// Else, make sure the tooltip has the right size and resolve
this.setSize(previewer.canvas.width, previewer.canvas.height);
} else {
return def.promise;

View File

@ -505,27 +505,21 @@ CssHtmlTree.prototype = {
_buildTooltipContent: function(target)
// Test for image url
if (target.classList.contains("theme-link")) {
let propValue = target.parentNode;
let propName = propValue.parentNode.querySelector(".property-name");
if (propName.textContent === "background-image") {
return true;
// If the hovered element is not a property view and is not a background
// image, then don't show a tooltip
let isPropertyValue = target.classList.contains("property-value");
if (!isPropertyValue) {
return false;
let propName = target.parentNode.querySelector(".property-name");
let isBackgroundImage = propName.textContent === "background-image";
if (!isBackgroundImage) {
return false;
// Test for css transform
if (target.classList.contains("property-value")) {
let def = promise.defer();
let propValue = target;
let propName = target.parentNode.querySelector(".property-name");
if (propName.textContent === "transform") {
this.pageStyle, this.viewedElement).then(def.resolve);
return def.promise;
// Fill some content
return true;

View File

@ -1125,32 +1125,27 @@ CssRuleView.prototype = {
* prepare some content for the tooltip
_buildTooltipContent: function(target) {
let property = target.textProperty, def = promise.defer(), hasTooltip = false;
// Test for css transform
if (property && === "transform") {
this.previewTooltip.setCssTransformContent(property.value, this.pageStyle,
hasTooltip = true;
// Test for image
let isImageHref = target.classList.contains("theme-link") &&
if (isImageHref) {
property = target.parentNode.textProperty;
hasTooltip = true;
// If the inplace-editor is visible or if this is not a background image
// don't show the tooltip
if (!isImageHref) {
return false;
if (hasTooltip) {
// Retrieve the TextProperty for the hovered element
let property = target.parentNode.textProperty;
let href = property.rule.domRule.href;
return def.promise;
// Fill some content
this.previewTooltip.setCssBackgroundImageContent(property.value, href);
// Hide the color picker tooltip if shown and revert changes
return true;
@ -1306,7 +1301,7 @@ CssRuleView.prototype = {
* Update the highlighted element.
* @param {NodeActor} aElement
* @param {nsIDOMElement} aElement
* The node whose style rules we'll inspect.
highlight: function CssRuleView_highlight(aElement)

View File

@ -53,6 +53,4 @@ support-files = browser_ruleview_pseudoelement.html

View File

@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
let contentDoc;
let inspector;
let ruleView;
let computedView;
const PAGE_CONTENT = [
'<style type="text/css">',
' #testElement {',
' width: 500px;',
' height: 300px;',
' background: red;',
' transform: skew(16deg);',
' }',
' .test-element {',
' transform-origin: top left;',
' transform: rotate(45deg);',
' }',
' div {',
' transform: scaleX(1.5);',
' transform-origin: bottom right;',
' }',
' [attr] {',
' }',
'<div id="testElement" class="test-element" attr="value">transformed element</div>'
function test() {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(evt) {
gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener(evt.type, arguments.callee, true);
contentDoc = content.document;
waitForFocus(createDocument, content);
}, true);
content.location = "data:text/html,rule view css transform tooltip test";
function createDocument() {
contentDoc.body.innerHTML = PAGE_CONTENT;
openRuleView((aInspector, aRuleView) => {
inspector = aInspector;
ruleView = aRuleView;
function startTests() {
inspector.once("inspector-updated", testTransformTooltipOnIDSelector);
function endTests() {
contentDoc = inspector = ruleView = computedView = null;
function testTransformTooltipOnIDSelector() {
info("Testing that a transform tooltip appears on the #ID rule");
let panel = ruleView.previewTooltip.panel;
ok(panel, "The XUL panel exists for the rule-view preview tooltips");
let {valueSpan} = getRuleViewProperty("#testElement", "transform");
assertTooltipShownOn(ruleView.previewTooltip, valueSpan, () => {
// The transform preview is canvas, so there's not much we can test, so for
// now, let's just be happy with the fact that the tooltips is shown!
ok(true, "Tooltip shown on the transform property of the #ID rule");
function testTransformTooltipOnClassSelector() {
info("Testing that a transform tooltip appears on the .class rule");
let {valueSpan} = getRuleViewProperty(".test-element", "transform");
assertTooltipShownOn(ruleView.previewTooltip, valueSpan, () => {
// The transform preview is canvas, so there's not much we can test, so for
// now, let's just be happy with the fact that the tooltips is shown!
ok(true, "Tooltip shown on the transform property of the .class rule");
function testTransformTooltipOnTagSelector() {
info("Testing that a transform tooltip appears on the tag rule");
let {valueSpan} = getRuleViewProperty("div", "transform");
assertTooltipShownOn(ruleView.previewTooltip, valueSpan, () => {
// The transform preview is canvas, so there's not much we can test, so for
// now, let's just be happy with the fact that the tooltips is shown!
ok(true, "Tooltip shown on the transform property of the tag rule");
function testTransformTooltipNotShownOnInvalidTransform() {
info("Testing that a transform tooltip does not appear for invalid values");
// This is the list of keys to type in the inplace-editor
let keyData = "transform".split("");
keyData = keyData.concat("muchTransform(suchAngle)".split(""));
// Focus the inplace editor
let rule = getRule("[attr]");
let brace = rule.querySelector(".ruleview-ruleclose");
waitForEditorFocus(brace.parentNode, editor => {
// Enter an invalid value
typeKeySequence(keyData, () => {
let {valueSpan} = getRuleViewProperty("[attr]", "transform");
assertTooltipNotShownOn(ruleView.previewTooltip, valueSpan, () => {
function testTransformTooltipOnComputedView() {
info("Testing that a transform tooltip appears in the computed view too");"computedview");
computedView = inspector.sidebar.getWindowForTab("computedview").computedview.view;
let doc = computedView.styleDocument;
let panel = computedView.tooltip.panel;
let {valueSpan} = getComputedViewProperty("transform");
assertTooltipShownOn(computedView.tooltip, valueSpan, () => {
// The transform preview is canvas, so there's not much we can test, so for
// now, let's just be happy with the fact that the tooltips is shown!
ok(true, "Tooltip shown on the computed transform property");
function assertTooltipShownOn(tooltip, element, cb) {
// If there is indeed a show-on-hover on element, the xul panel will be shown
tooltip.panel.addEventListener("popupshown", function shown() {
tooltip.panel.removeEventListener("popupshown", shown, true);
}, true);
function assertTooltipNotShownOn(tooltip, element, cb) {
// The only way to make sure the tooltip is not shown is try and show it, wait
// for a given amount of time, and then check if it's shown or not
setTimeout(() => {
ok(!tooltip.isShown(), "The tooltip did not appear on hover of the element");
}, tooltip.defaultShowDelay + 100);
function typeKeySequence(sequence, cb, index=0) {
if (index === sequence.length) {
return cb();
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(sequence[index], {}, ruleView.doc.defaultView);
executeSoon(() => {
typeKeySequence(sequence, cb, index + 1);
function getRule(selectorText) {
let rule;
[]".ruleview-rule"), aRule => {
let selector = aRule.querySelector(".ruleview-selector-matched");
if (selector && selector.textContent === selectorText) {
rule = aRule;
return rule;
function getRuleViewProperty(selectorText, propertyName) {
let prop;
let rule = getRule(selectorText);
if (rule) {
// Look for the propertyName in that rule element
[]".ruleview-property"), property => {
let nameSpan = property.querySelector(".ruleview-propertyname");
let valueSpan = property.querySelector(".ruleview-propertyvalue");
if (nameSpan.textContent === propertyName) {
prop = {nameSpan: nameSpan, valueSpan: valueSpan};
return prop;
function getComputedViewProperty(name) {
let prop;
[]".property-view"), property => {
let nameSpan = property.querySelector(".property-name");
let valueSpan = property.querySelector(".property-value");
if (nameSpan.textContent === name) {
prop = {nameSpan: nameSpan, valueSpan: valueSpan};
return prop;

View File

@ -142,9 +142,8 @@ function testComputedView() {
let panel = computedView.tooltip.panel;
let {valueSpan} = getComputedViewProperty("background-image");
let uriSpan = valueSpan.querySelector(".theme-link");
assertTooltipShownOn(computedView.tooltip, uriSpan, () => {
assertTooltipShownOn(computedView.tooltip, valueSpan, () => {
let images = panel.getElementsByTagName("image");
is(images.length, 1, "Tooltip contains an image");
ok(images[0].src === "chrome://global/skin/icons/warning-64.png");