Bug 913899 - An implementation of shutdown phases;r=froydnj,sr=bsmedberg

This commit is contained in:
David Rajchenbach-Teller 2013-09-14 18:48:39 +02:00
parent b8563aa5a9
commit d1215337dd
4 changed files with 427 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* Managing safe shutdown of asynchronous services.
* Firefox shutdown is composed of phases that take place
* sequentially. Typically, each shutdown phase removes some
* capabilities from the application. For instance, at the end of
* phase profileBeforeChange, no service is permitted to write to the
* profile directory (with the exception of Telemetry). Consequently,
* if any service has requested I/O to the profile directory before or
* during phase profileBeforeChange, the system must be informed that
* these requests need to be completed before the end of phase
* profileBeforeChange. Failing to inform the system of this
* requirement can (and has been known to) cause data loss.
* Example: At some point during shutdown, the Add-On Manager needs to
* ensure that all add-ons have safely written their data to disk,
* before writing its own data. Since the data is saved to the
* profile, this must be completed during phase profileBeforeChange.
* AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.addBlocker(
* "Add-on manager: shutting down",
* function condition() {
* // Do things.
* // Perform I/O that must take place during phase profile-before-change
* return promise;
* }
* });
* In this example, function |condition| will be called at some point
* during phase profileBeforeChange and phase profileBeforeChange
* itself is guaranteed to not terminate until |promise| is either
* resolved or rejected.
"use strict";
const Cu = Components.utils;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", this);
// Display timeout warnings after 10 seconds
const DELAY_WARNING_MS = 10 * 1000;
* Display a warning.
* As this code is generally used during shutdown, there are chances
* that the UX will not be available to display warnings on the
* console. We therefore use dump() rather than Cu.reportError().
function warn(msg, error = null) {
dump("WARNING: " + msg + "\n");
if (error) {
dump("WARNING: " + error + "\n");
if (typeof error == "object" && "stack" in error) {
dump("WARNING: " + error.stack + "\n");
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["AsyncShutdown"];
* {string} topic -> phase
let gPhases = new Map();
this.AsyncShutdown = {
* Access function getPhase. For testing purposes only.
get _getPhase() {
let accepted = false;
try {
accepted = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("toolkit.asyncshutdown.testing");
} catch (ex) {
// Ignore errors
if (accepted) {
return getPhase;
return undefined;
* Register a new phase.
* @param {string} topic The notification topic for this Phase.
* @see {https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Observer_Notifications}
function getPhase(topic) {
let phase = gPhases.get(topic);
if (phase) {
return phase;
let spinner = new Spinner(topic);
phase = Object.freeze({
* Register a blocker for the completion of a phase.
* @param {string} name The human-readable name of the blocker. Used
* for debugging/error reporting. Please make sure that the name
* respects the following model: "Some Service: some action in progress" -
* for instance "OS.File: flushing all pending I/O";
* @param {function|promise|*} condition A condition blocking the
* completion of the phase. Generally, this is a function
* returning a promise. This function is evaluated during the
* phase and the phase is guaranteed to not terminate until the
* resulting promise is either resolved or rejected. If
* |condition| is not a function but another value |v|, it behaves
* as if it were a function returning |v|.
* Examples:
* AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.addBlocker("Module: just a promise",
* promise); // profileBeforeChange will not complete until
* // promise is resolved or rejected
* AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.addBlocker("Module: a callback",
* function callback() {
* // ...
* // Execute this code during profileBeforeChange
* return promise;
* // profileBeforeChange will not complete until promise
* // is resolved or rejected
* });
* AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.addBlocker("Module: trivial callback",
* function callback() {
* // ...
* // Execute this code during profileBeforeChange
* // No specific guarantee about completion of profileBeforeChange
* });
addBlocker: function(name, condition) {
if (typeof name != "string") {
throw new TypeError("Expected a human-readable name as first argument");
spinner.addBlocker({name: name, condition: condition});
gPhases.set(topic, phase);
return phase;
* Utility class used to spin the event loop until all blockers for a
* Phase are satisfied.
* @param {string} topic The xpcom notification for that phase.
function Spinner(topic) {
this._topic = topic;
this._conditions = new Set(); // set to |null| once it is too late to register
Services.obs.addObserver(this, topic, false);
Spinner.prototype = {
* Register a new condition for this phase.
* @param {object} condition A Condition that must be fulfilled before
* we complete this Phase.
* Must contain fields:
* - {string} name The human-readable name of the condition. Used
* for debugging/error reporting.
* - {function} action An action that needs to be completed
* before we proceed to the next runstate. If |action| returns a promise,
* we wait until the promise is resolved/rejected before proceeding
* to the next runstate.
addBlocker: function(condition) {
if (!this._conditions) {
throw new Error("Phase " + this._topic +
" has already begun, it is too late to register" +
" completion conditions.");
observe: function() {
let topic = this._topic;
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, topic);
let conditions = this._conditions;
this._conditions = null; // Too late to register
if (conditions.size == 0) {
// No need to spin anything
let allPromises = [];
for (let {condition, name} of conditions) {
// Gather all completion conditions
try {
if (typeof condition == "function") {
// Normalize |condition| to the result of the function.
condition = condition(topic);
// Normalize to a promise. Of course, if |condition| was not a
// promise in the first place (in particular if the above
// function didn't return or returned |undefined|), that new
// promise isn't going to be terribly interesting, but it will
// behave as a promise.
condition = Promise.resolve(condition);
// If the promise takes too long to be resolved/rejected,
// we need to notify the user.
// Future versions may decide to crash Firefox rather than
// let it loop and suck battery power forever.
let timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
timer.initWithCallback(function() {
let msg = "A phase completion condition is" +
" taking too long to complete." +
" Condition: " + name +
" Phase: " + topic;
condition = condition.then(function onSuccess() {
}, function onError(error) {
let msg = "A completion condition encountered an error" +
" while we were spinning the event loop." +
" Condition: " + name +
" Phase: " + topic;
warn(msg, error);
} catch (error) {
let msg = "A completion condition encountered an error" +
" while we were initializing the phase." +
" Condition: " + name +
" Phase: " + topic;
warn(msg, error);
conditions = null;
let promise = Promise.all(allPromises);
allPromises = null;
promise = promise.then(null, function onError(error) {
// I don't think that this can happen.
// However, let's be overcautious with async/shutdown error reporting.
let msg = "An uncaught error appeared while completing the phase." +
" Phase: " + topic;
warn(msg, error);
let satisfied = false; // |true| once we have satisfied all conditions
promise = promise.then(function() {
satisfied = true;
}/* No error is possible here*/);
// Now, spin the event loop
let thread = Services.tm.mainThread;
while(!satisfied) {
// List of well-known runstates
// Ideally, runstates should be registered from the component that decides
// when they start/stop. For compatibility with existing startup/shutdown
// mechanisms, we register a few runstates here.
this.AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange = getPhase("profile-before-change");
this.AsyncShutdown.webWorkersShutdown = getPhase("web-workers-shutdown");

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
TEST_DIRS += ['tests']

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
let Cu = Components.utils;
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("toolkit.asyncshutdown.testing", true);
* An asynchronous task that takes several ticks to complete.
* @param {*=} resolution The value with which the resulting promise will be
* resolved once the task is complete. This may be a rejected promise,
* in which case the resulting promise will itself be rejected.
* @param {object=} outResult An object modified by side-effect during the task.
* Initially, its field |isFinished| is set to |false|. Once the task is
* complete, its field |isFinished| is set to |true|.
* @return {promise} A promise fulfilled once the task is complete
function longRunningAsyncTask(resolution = undefined, outResult = {}) {
outResult.isFinished = false;
if (!("countFinished" in outResult)) {
outResult.countFinished = 0;
let deferred = Promise.defer();
do_timeout(100, function() {
outResult.isFinished = true;
return deferred.promise;
* Generate a unique notification topic.
function getUniqueTopic() {
const PREFIX = "testing-phases-";
return PREFIX + ++getUniqueTopic.counter;
getUniqueTopic.counter = 0;
add_task(function test_no_condition() {
do_print("Testing a phase with no condition");
let topic = getUniqueTopic();
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic, null);
do_print("Phase with no condition didn't lock");
add_task(function test_simple_async() {
do_print("Testing various combinations of a phase with a single condition");
for (let arg of [undefined, null, "foo", 100, new Error("BOOM")]) {
for (let resolution of [arg, Promise.reject(arg)]) {
// Asynchronous phase
do_print("Asynchronous test with " + arg + ", " + resolution);
let topic = getUniqueTopic();
let outParam = { isFinished: false };
"Async test",
() => longRunningAsyncTask(resolution, outParam)
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic, null);
// Synchronous phase - just test that we don't throw/freeze
do_print("Synchronous test with " + arg + ", " + resolution);
topic = getUniqueTopic();
"Sync test",
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic, null);
add_task(function test_many() {
do_print("Testing various combinations of a phase with many conditions");
let topic = getUniqueTopic();
let phase = AsyncShutdown._getPhase(topic);
let outParams = [];
for (let arg of [undefined, null, "foo", 100, new Error("BOOM")]) {
for (let resolution of [arg, Promise.reject(arg)]) {
let outParam = { isFinished: false };
() => longRunningAsyncTask(resolution, outParam)
do_check_true(outParams.every((x) => !x.isFinished));
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic, null);
do_check_true(outParams.every((x) => x.isFinished));
function get_exn(f) {
try {
return null;
} catch (ex) {
return ex;
add_task(function test_various_failures() {
do_print("Ensure that we cannot add a condition for a phase that is already complete");
let topic = getUniqueTopic();
let phase = AsyncShutdown._getPhase(topic);
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic, null);
let exn = get_exn(() => phase.addBlocker("Test", true));
do_print("Ensure that an incomplete blocker causes a TypeError");
exn = get_exn(() => phase.addBlocker());
do_check_eq(exn.name, "TypeError");
exn = get_exn(() => phase.addBlocker(null, true));
do_check_eq(exn.name, "TypeError");
add_task(function() {
function run_test() {

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