Bug 749883 - Remove unused txDOM.h; r=sicking

This commit is contained in:
Ms2ger 2012-05-05 11:00:06 +02:00
parent c5dcfd1bc7
commit cddee1288b

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@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is TransforMiiX XSLT processor code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* The MITRE Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999
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// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
// LF 08/06/1999 Changed static const short NodeType to enum
// Added "friend NamedNodeMap"; to NodeListDefinition
#ifndef MITRE_DOM
#define MITRE_DOM
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "txList.h"
#include "nsIAtom.h"
#include "nsTHashtable.h"
#include "nsBaseHashtable.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "txCore.h"
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#define kTxNsNodeIndexOffset 0x00000000;
#define kTxAttrIndexOffset 0x40000000;
#define kTxChildIndexOffset 0x80000000;
class NamedNodeMap;
class Document;
class Element;
class Attr;
class ProcessingInstruction;
#define kNameSpaceID_Unknown -1
#define kNameSpaceID_None 0
// not really a namespace, but it needs to play the game
#define kNameSpaceID_XMLNS 1
#define kNameSpaceID_XML 2
// kNameSpaceID_XSLT is 6 for module, see nsINameSpaceManager.h
#define kNameSpaceID_XSLT 3
// Abstract Class defining the interface for a Node. See NodeDefinition below
// for the actual implementation of the WC3 node.
class Node : public txObject
//Node type constants
//-- LF - changed to enum
enum NodeType {
//Read functions
virtual nsresult getNodeName(nsAString& aName) const = 0;
virtual nsresult getNodeValue(nsAString& aValue) = 0;
virtual unsigned short getNodeType() const = 0;
virtual Node* getParentNode() const = 0;
virtual Node* getFirstChild() const = 0;
virtual Node* getLastChild() const = 0;
virtual Node* getPreviousSibling() const = 0;
virtual Node* getNextSibling() const = 0;
virtual Document* getOwnerDocument() const = 0;
//Node manipulation functions
virtual Node* appendChild(Node* newChild) = 0;
virtual bool hasChildNodes() const = 0;
//From DOM3 26-Jan-2001 WD
virtual nsresult getBaseURI(nsAString& aURI) = 0;
//Introduced in DOM2
virtual nsresult getNamespaceURI(nsAString& aNSURI) = 0;
//txXPathNode functions
virtual bool getLocalName(nsIAtom** aLocalName) = 0;
virtual PRInt32 getNamespaceID() = 0;
virtual Node* getXPathParent() = 0;
virtual PRInt32 compareDocumentPosition(Node* aOther) = 0;
// Definition and Implementation of Node and NodeList functionality. This is
// the central class, from which all other DOM classes (objects) are derrived.
// Users of this DOM should work strictly with the Node interface and NodeList
// interface (see above for those definitions)
class NodeDefinition : public Node
virtual ~NodeDefinition(); //Destructor, delete all children of node
//Read functions
virtual nsresult getNodeName(nsAString& aName) const;
nsresult getNodeValue(nsAString& aValue);
unsigned short getNodeType() const;
Node* getParentNode() const;
Node* getFirstChild() const;
Node* getLastChild() const;
Node* getPreviousSibling() const;
Node* getNextSibling() const;
Document* getOwnerDocument() const;
//Child node manipulation functions
virtual Node* appendChild(Node* newChild);
bool hasChildNodes() const;
//From DOM3 26-Jan-2001 WD
virtual nsresult getBaseURI(nsAString& aURI);
//Introduced in DOM2
nsresult getNamespaceURI(nsAString& aNSURI);
//txXPathNode functions
virtual bool getLocalName(nsIAtom** aLocalName);
virtual PRInt32 getNamespaceID();
virtual Node* getXPathParent();
virtual PRInt32 compareDocumentPosition(Node* aOther);
//Only to be used from XMLParser
void appendData(const PRUnichar* aData, int aLength)
nodeValue.Append(aData, aLength);
friend class Document;
friend class txXPathTreeWalker;
friend class txXPathNodeUtils;
NodeDefinition(NodeType type, nsIAtom *aLocalName,
const nsAString& value, Document* owner);
//Name, value, and attributes for this node. Available to derrived
//classes, since those derrived classes have a better idea how to use them,
//than the generic node does.
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> mLocalName;
nsString nodeValue;
NodeDefinition* implAppendChild(NodeDefinition* newChild);
NodeDefinition* implRemoveChild(NodeDefinition* oldChild);
//Type of node this is
NodeType nodeType;
//Data members for linking this Node to its parent and siblings
NodeDefinition* parentNode;
NodeDefinition* previousSibling;
NodeDefinition* nextSibling;
//Pointer to the node's document
Document* ownerDocument;
PRUint32 length;
//Data members for maintaining a list of child nodes
NodeDefinition* firstChild;
NodeDefinition* lastChild;
// Struct to hold document order information
struct OrderInfo {
PRUint32* mOrder;
PRInt32 mSize;
Node* mRoot;
// OrderInfo object for comparing document order
OrderInfo* mOrderInfo;
// Helperfunction for compareDocumentOrder
OrderInfo* getOrderInfo();
//Definition and Implementation of a Document.
typedef nsTHashtable<nsBaseHashtableET<nsStringHashKey, Element*> > txIDMap;
class Document : public NodeDefinition
Element* getDocumentElement();
//Factory functions for various node types
Node* createComment(const nsAString& aData);
ProcessingInstruction* createProcessingInstruction(nsIAtom *aTarget,
const nsAString& aData);
Node* createTextNode(const nsAString& theData);
Element* createElementNS(nsIAtom *aPrefix, nsIAtom *aLocalName,
PRInt32 aNamespaceID);
Element* getElementById(const nsAString& aID);
// Node manipulation functions
Node* appendChild(Node* newChild);
//Override to return documentBaseURI
nsresult getBaseURI(nsAString& aURI);
bool setElementID(const nsAString& aID, Element* aElement);
Element* documentElement;
// This class is friend to be able to set the documentBaseURI
// and IDs.
friend class txXMLParser;
txIDMap mIDMap;
nsString documentBaseURI;
//Definition and Implementation of an Element
class Element : public NodeDefinition
NamedNodeMap* getAttributes();
nsresult appendAttributeNS(nsIAtom *aPrefix, nsIAtom *aLocalName,
PRInt32 aNamespaceID, const nsAString& aValue);
// Node manipulation functions
Node* appendChild(Node* newChild);
//txXPathNode functions override
nsresult getNodeName(nsAString& aName) const;
bool getLocalName(nsIAtom** aLocalName);
PRInt32 getNamespaceID();
bool getAttr(nsIAtom* aLocalName, PRInt32 aNSID, nsAString& aValue);
bool hasAttr(nsIAtom* aLocalName, PRInt32 aNSID);
// ID getter
bool getIDValue(nsAString& aValue);
Attr *getFirstAttribute()
return mFirstAttribute;
friend class Document;
void setIDValue(const nsAString& aValue);
Element(nsIAtom *aPrefix, nsIAtom *aLocalName, PRInt32 aNamespaceID,
Document* aOwner);
nsAutoPtr<Attr> mFirstAttribute;
nsString mIDValue;
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> mPrefix;
PRInt32 mNamespaceID;
//Definition and Implementation of a Attr
// NOTE: For the time bing use just the default functionality found in the
// NodeDefinition class
class Attr : public NodeDefinition
Node* appendChild(Node* newChild);
//txXPathNode functions override
nsresult getNodeName(nsAString& aName) const;
bool getLocalName(nsIAtom** aLocalName);
PRInt32 getNamespaceID();
Node* getXPathParent();
bool equals(nsIAtom *aLocalName, PRInt32 aNamespaceID)
return mLocalName == aLocalName && aNamespaceID == mNamespaceID;
Attr *getNextAttribute()
return mNextAttribute;
friend class Element;
Attr(nsIAtom *aPrefix, nsIAtom *aLocalName, PRInt32 aNamespaceID,
Element *aOwnerElement, const nsAString &aValue);
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> mPrefix;
PRInt32 mNamespaceID;
Element *mOwnerElement;
nsAutoPtr<Attr> mNextAttribute;
//Definition and Implemention of a ProcessingInstruction node. Most
//functionality is inherrited from NodeDefinition.
// The Target of a processing instruction is stored in the nodeName datamember
// inherrited from NodeDefinition.
// The Data of a processing instruction is stored in the nodeValue datamember
// inherrited from NodeDefinition
class ProcessingInstruction : public NodeDefinition
//txXPathNode functions override
bool getLocalName(nsIAtom** aLocalName);
friend class Document;
ProcessingInstruction(nsIAtom *theTarget, const nsAString& theData,
Document* owner);
class txStandaloneNamespaceManager
static PRInt32 getNamespaceID(const nsAString& aURI)
if (!mNamespaces && !init())
return kNameSpaceID_Unknown;
PRInt32 id = mNamespaces->IndexOf(aURI);
if (id != -1) {
return id + 1;
if (!mNamespaces->AppendString(aURI)) {
NS_ERROR("Out of memory, namespaces are getting lost");
return kNameSpaceID_Unknown;
return mNamespaces->Count();
static nsresult getNamespaceURI(const PRInt32 aID, nsAString& aNSURI)
// empty namespace, and errors
if (aID <= 0 || (!mNamespaces && !init()) ||
aID > mNamespaces->Count()) {
return NS_OK;
aNSURI = *mNamespaces->StringAt(aID - 1);
return NS_OK;
static bool init()
"called without matching shutdown()");
if (mNamespaces)
return true;
mNamespaces = new nsStringArray();
if (!mNamespaces)
return false;
* Hardwiring some Namespace IDs.
* no Namespace is 0
* xmlns prefix is 1, mapped to http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/
* xml prefix is 2, mapped to http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
if (!mNamespaces->AppendString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")) ||
!mNamespaces->AppendString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")) ||
!mNamespaces->AppendString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"))) {
delete mNamespaces;
mNamespaces = 0;
return false;
return true;
static void shutdown()
NS_ASSERTION(mNamespaces, "called without matching init()");
if (!mNamespaces)
delete mNamespaces;
mNamespaces = nsnull;
static nsStringArray* mNamespaces;
nsStringArray* txStandaloneNamespaceManager::mNamespaces = 0