mirror of
synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
Merge m-c to inbound a=merge
This commit is contained in:
@ -133,11 +133,11 @@
<project name="platform/hardware/akm" path="hardware/akm" revision="6d3be412647b0eab0adff8a2768736cf4eb68039"/>
<project groups="invensense" name="platform/hardware/invensense" path="hardware/invensense" revision="e6d9ab28b4f4e7684f6c07874ee819c9ea0002a2"/>
<project name="platform/hardware/ril" path="hardware/ril" revision="865ce3b4a2ba0b3a31421ca671f4d6c5595f8690"/>
<project name="kernel/common" path="kernel" revision="7cd1a292befc685e8be55996cedad1386037cbea"/>
<project name="kernel/common" path="kernel" revision="388015e5f2f34a8156500226bf37be76a68154ce"/>
<project name="platform/system/core" path="system/core" revision="b5de04ae22343b6bdaa3455aee291bdf9a872738"/>
<project name="u-boot" path="u-boot" revision="81522506a5ade829a18bcc8d1f1813129010b6fe"/>
<project name="u-boot" path="u-boot" revision="3ab28edd4be2673ac979a2338be8d9f0f25b8314"/>
<project name="vendor/sprd/gps" path="vendor/sprd/gps" revision="7feb3df0e150053e0143ef525f6e082bda320aea"/>
<project name="vendor/sprd/open-source" path="vendor/sprd/open-source" revision="da06ca296bccf13e1f775ca5e7ba9b6d98069fc8"/>
<project name="vendor/sprd/open-source" path="vendor/sprd/open-source" revision="8010ea42ca4963d610c88279dbe35dbaa2f6daf6"/>
<project name="vendor/sprd/partner" path="vendor/sprd/partner" revision="8649c7145972251af11b0639997edfecabfc7c2e"/>
<project name="vendor/sprd/proprietories" path="vendor/sprd/proprietories" revision="d994b716d979a5b57b11a61cc05d31fe7ca61d38"/>
@ -786,11 +786,7 @@ WebappsApplicationMgmt.prototype = {
case "Webapps:Uninstall:Broadcast:Return:OK":
let detail = {
manifestURL: msg.manifestURL,
origin: msg.origin
let app = createContentApplicationObject(this._window, detail);
let app = createContentApplicationObject(this._window, msg);
let event =
new this._window.MozApplicationEvent("uninstall", { application : app });
@ -85,11 +85,20 @@ function runTest() {
ok(app2, "App 2 is non-null");
is(app2.manifestURL, manifestURL2, "App 2 manifest url is correct.");
navigator.mozApps.mgmt.onuninstall = function(event) {
var app = event.application;
is(app.manifestURL, manifestURL1, "App 1 uninstall event ok.");
is(app.manifest.name, "Really Rapid Release (hosted)",
"App 1 uninstall manifest ok.");
request = navigator.mozApps.mgmt.uninstall(app1);
request.onerror = cbError;
request.onsuccess = continueTest;
yield undefined;
yield undefined;
is(request.result, manifestURL1, "App 1 uninstalled.");
navigator.mozApps.mgmt.onuninstall = null;
request = navigator.mozApps.mgmt.uninstall(app2);
request.onerror = cbError;
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ if (SpecialPowers.isMainProcess()) {
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-api-read", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-api-write", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-read", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-write", true, document);
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ if (SpecialPowers.isMainProcess()) {
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-read", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-write", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-api-read", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-api-write", true, document);
function onUnwantedSuccess() {
ok(false, "onUnwantedSuccess: shouldn't get here");
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ if (SpecialPowers.isMainProcess()) {
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-read", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-write", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-api-read", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-api-write", true, document);
function onUnwantedSuccess() {
ok(false, "onUnwantedSuccess: shouldn't get here");
@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ function testPref() {
{type: "settings-read", allow: 0, context: document},
{type: "settings-write", allow: 0, context: document}
{type: "settings-write", allow: 0, context: document},
{type: "settings-api-read", allow: 0, context: document},
{type: "settings-api-write", allow: 0, context: document}
], function() {
ise(frames[0].navigator.mozSettings, null, "navigator.mozSettings is null when the page doesn't have permissions");
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ if (SpecialPowers.isMainProcess()) {
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-write", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-read", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-api-read", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("settings-api-write", true, document);
var screenBright = {"screen.brightness": 0.7};
@ -31,7 +31,11 @@ if (SpecialPowers.isMainProcess()) {
function test1() {
//This pushPermissions call is after pushPrefEnv call and pushPrefEnv calls follow after this
SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([{'type': 'settings-read', 'allow': true, 'context': document}, {'type': 'settings-write', 'allow': true, 'context': document}], test2);
SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([{'type': 'settings-read', 'allow': true, 'context': document},
{'type': 'settings-write', 'allow': true, 'context': document},
{'type': 'settings-api-write', 'allow': true, 'context': document},
{'type': 'settings-api-read', 'allow': true, 'context': document}
], test2);
function test2() {
@ -31,7 +31,11 @@ if (SpecialPowers.isMainProcess()) {
function test1() {
//This pushPermissions call is after pushPrefEnv call and pushPrefEnv calls follow after this
SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([{'type': 'settings-read', 'allow': true, 'context': document}, {'type': 'settings-write', 'allow': true, 'context': document}], test2);
SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([{'type': 'settings-read', 'allow': true, 'context': document},
{'type': 'settings-write', 'allow': true, 'context': document},
{'type': 'settings-api-write', 'allow': true, 'context': document},
{'type': 'settings-api-read', 'allow': true, 'context': document}
], test2);
var watchId;
@ -3844,6 +3844,12 @@ WorkerPrivate::GetLoadInfo(JSContext* aCx, nsPIDOMWindow* aWindow,
loadInfo.mXHRParamsAllowed = perm == nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION;
uint16_t appStatus = loadInfo.mPrincipal->GetAppStatus();
loadInfo.mIsInPrivilegedApp =
(appStatus == nsIPrincipal::APP_STATUS_CERTIFIED ||
appStatus == nsIPrincipal::APP_STATUS_PRIVILEGED);
loadInfo.mIsInCertifiedApp = (appStatus == nsIPrincipal::APP_STATUS_CERTIFIED);
} else {
// Not a window
@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ public:
gfx::CompositionOp GetMixBlendMode() const { return mMixBlendMode; }
const nsIntRect* GetClipRect() { return mUseClipRect ? &mClipRect : nullptr; }
uint32_t GetContentFlags() { return mContentFlags; }
const nsIntRegion& GetVisibleRegion() { return mVisibleRegion; }
const nsIntRegion& GetVisibleRegion() const { return mVisibleRegion; }
const FrameMetrics& GetFrameMetrics() const { return mFrameMetrics; }
FrameMetrics::ViewID GetScrollHandoffParentId() const { return mScrollHandoffParentId; }
const EventRegions& GetEventRegions() const { return mEventRegions; }
@ -36,6 +36,28 @@ typedef mozilla::gfx::Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4;
float APZCTreeManager::sDPI = 160.0;
struct APZCTreeManager::TreeBuildingState {
TreeBuildingState(CompositorParent* aCompositor,
bool aIsFirstPaint, uint64_t aOriginatingLayersId,
APZTestData* aTestData, uint32_t aPaintSequence)
: mCompositor(aCompositor)
, mIsFirstPaint(aIsFirstPaint)
, mOriginatingLayersId(aOriginatingLayersId)
, mPaintLogger(aTestData, aPaintSequence)
// State that doesn't change as we recurse in the tree building
CompositorParent* const mCompositor;
const bool mIsFirstPaint;
const uint64_t mOriginatingLayersId;
const APZPaintLogHelper mPaintLogger;
// State that is updated as we perform the tree build
nsTArray< nsRefPtr<AsyncPanZoomController> > mApzcsToDestroy;
std::map<ScrollableLayerGuid, AsyncPanZoomController*> mApzcMap;
: mTreeLock("APZCTreeLock"),
@ -108,6 +130,19 @@ APZCTreeManager::UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(CompositorParent* aCompositor,
MonitorAutoLock lock(mTreeLock);
// For testing purposes, we log some data to the APZTestData associated with
// the layers id that originated this update.
APZTestData* testData = nullptr;
if (gfxPrefs::APZTestLoggingEnabled()) {
if (CompositorParent::LayerTreeState* state = CompositorParent::GetIndirectShadowTree(aOriginatingLayersId)) {
testData = &state->mApzTestData;
TreeBuildingState state(aCompositor, aIsFirstPaint, aOriginatingLayersId,
testData, aPaintSequenceNumber);
// We do this business with collecting the entire tree into an array because otherwise
// it's very hard to determine which APZC instances need to be destroyed. In the worst
// case, there are two scenarios: (a) a layer with an APZC is removed from the layer
@ -120,38 +155,21 @@ APZCTreeManager::UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(CompositorParent* aCompositor,
// we are sure that the layer was removed and not just transplanted elsewhere. Doing that
// as part of a recursive tree walk is hard and so maintaining a list and removing
// APZCs that are still alive is much simpler.
nsTArray< nsRefPtr<AsyncPanZoomController> > apzcsToDestroy;
Collect(mRootApzc, &apzcsToDestroy);
Collect(mRootApzc, &state.mApzcsToDestroy);
mRootApzc = nullptr;
// For testing purposes, we log some data to the APZTestData associated with
// the layers id that originated this update.
APZTestData* testData = nullptr;
if (gfxPrefs::APZTestLoggingEnabled()) {
if (CompositorParent::LayerTreeState* state = CompositorParent::GetIndirectShadowTree(aOriginatingLayersId)) {
testData = &state->mApzTestData;
APZPaintLogHelper paintLogger(testData, aPaintSequenceNumber);
if (aRoot) {
mApzcTreeLog << "[start]\n";
std::map<ScrollableLayerGuid, AsyncPanZoomController*> apzcMap;
UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(state, aRoot,
// aCompositor is null in gtest scenarios
aCompositor ? aCompositor->RootLayerTreeId() : 0,
Matrix4x4(), nullptr, nullptr,
aIsFirstPaint, aOriginatingLayersId,
paintLogger, &apzcsToDestroy, apzcMap,
Matrix4x4(), nullptr, nullptr, nsIntRegion());
mApzcTreeLog << "[end]\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < apzcsToDestroy.Length(); i++) {
APZCTM_LOG("Destroying APZC at %p\n", apzcsToDestroy[i].get());
for (size_t i = 0; i < state.mApzcsToDestroy.Length(); i++) {
APZCTM_LOG("Destroying APZC at %p\n", state.mApzcsToDestroy[i].get());
@ -187,177 +205,191 @@ ComputeTouchSensitiveRegion(GeckoContentController* aController,
APZCTreeManager::UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(CompositorParent* aCompositor,
APZCTreeManager::PrepareAPZCForLayer(const Layer* aLayer,
const FrameMetrics& aMetrics,
uint64_t aLayersId,
const gfx::Matrix4x4& aAncestorTransform,
const nsIntRegion& aObscured,
AsyncPanZoomController*& aOutParent,
AsyncPanZoomController*& aOutNextSibling,
TreeBuildingState& aState)
if (!aMetrics.IsScrollable()) {
return nullptr;
const CompositorParent::LayerTreeState* state = CompositorParent::GetIndirectShadowTree(aLayersId);
if (!(state && state->mController.get())) {
return nullptr;
AsyncPanZoomController* apzc = nullptr;
// If we get here, aLayer is a scrollable layer and somebody
// has registered a GeckoContentController for it, so we need to ensure
// it has an APZC instance to manage its scrolling.
// aState.mApzcMap allows reusing the exact same APZC instance for different layers
// with the same FrameMetrics data. This is needed because in some cases content
// that is supposed to scroll together is split into multiple layers because of
// e.g. non-scrolling content interleaved in z-index order.
ScrollableLayerGuid guid(aLayersId, aMetrics);
auto insertResult = aState.mApzcMap.insert(std::make_pair(guid, static_cast<AsyncPanZoomController*>(nullptr)));
if (!insertResult.second) {
apzc = insertResult.first->second;
APZCTM_LOG("Found APZC %p for layer %p with identifiers %lld %lld\n", apzc, aLayer, guid.mLayersId, guid.mScrollId);
// If we haven't encountered a layer already with the same metrics, then we need to
// do the full reuse-or-make-an-APZC algorithm, which is contained inside the block
// below.
if (apzc == nullptr) {
apzc = aLayer->GetAsyncPanZoomController();
// If the content represented by the scrollable layer has changed (which may
// be possible because of DLBI heuristics) then we don't want to keep using
// the same old APZC for the new content. Null it out so we run through the
// code to find another one or create one.
if (apzc && !apzc->Matches(guid)) {
apzc = nullptr;
// If the layer doesn't have an APZC already, try to find one of our
// pre-existing ones that matches. In particular, if we find an APZC whose
// ScrollableLayerGuid is the same, then we know what happened is that the
// layout of the page changed causing the layer tree to be rebuilt, but the
// underlying content for which the APZC was originally created is still
// there. So it makes sense to pick up that APZC instance again and use it here.
if (apzc == nullptr) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < aState.mApzcsToDestroy.Length(); i++) {
if (aState.mApzcsToDestroy.ElementAt(i)->Matches(guid)) {
apzc = aState.mApzcsToDestroy.ElementAt(i);
// The APZC we get off the layer may have been destroyed previously if the layer was inactive
// or omitted from the layer tree for whatever reason from a layers update. If it later comes
// back it will have a reference to a destroyed APZC and so we need to throw that out and make
// a new one.
bool newApzc = (apzc == nullptr || apzc->IsDestroyed());
if (newApzc) {
apzc = new AsyncPanZoomController(aLayersId, this, state->mController,
if (state->mCrossProcessParent != nullptr) {
} else {
// If there was already an APZC for the layer clear the tree pointers
// so that it doesn't continue pointing to APZCs that should no longer
// be in the tree. These pointers will get reset properly as we continue
// building the tree. Also remove it from the set of APZCs that are going
// to be destroyed, because it's going to remain active.
APZCTM_LOG("Using APZC %p for layer %p with identifiers %lld %lld\n", apzc, aLayer, aLayersId, aMetrics.GetScrollId());
aState.mIsFirstPaint && (aLayersId == aState.mOriginatingLayersId));
nsIntRegion unobscured = ComputeTouchSensitiveRegion(state->mController, aMetrics, aObscured);
apzc->SetLayerHitTestData(unobscured, aAncestorTransform);
APZCTM_LOG("Setting region %s as visible region for APZC %p\n",
Stringify(unobscured).c_str(), apzc);
mApzcTreeLog << "APZC " << guid
<< "\tcb=" << aMetrics.mCompositionBounds
<< "\tsr=" << aMetrics.mScrollableRect
<< (aLayer->GetVisibleRegion().IsEmpty() ? "\tscrollinfo" : "")
<< (apzc->HasScrollgrab() ? "\tscrollgrab" : "")
<< "\t" << aLayer->GetContentDescription();
// Bind the APZC instance into the tree of APZCs
if (aOutNextSibling) {
} else if (aOutParent) {
} else {
mRootApzc = apzc;
// For testing, log the parent scroll id of every APZC that has a
// parent. This allows test code to reconstruct the APZC tree.
// Note that we currently only do this for APZCs in the layer tree
// that originated the update, because the only identifying information
// we are logging about APZCs is the scroll id, and otherwise we could
// confuse APZCs from different layer trees with the same scroll id.
if (aLayersId == aState.mOriginatingLayersId && apzc->GetParent()) {
aState.mPaintLogger.LogTestData(aMetrics.GetScrollId(), "parentScrollId",
// Let this apzc be the parent of other controllers when we recurse downwards
aOutParent = apzc;
if (newApzc) {
if (apzc->IsRootForLayersId()) {
// If we just created a new apzc that is the root for its layers ID, then
// we need to update its zoom constraints which might have arrived before this
// was created
ZoomConstraints constraints;
if (state->mController->GetRootZoomConstraints(&constraints)) {
} else {
// For an apzc that is not the root for its layers ID, we give it the
// same zoom constraints as its parent. This ensures that if e.g.
// user-scalable=no was specified, none of the APZCs allow double-tap
// to zoom.
insertResult.first->second = apzc;
} else {
// We already built an APZC earlier in this tree walk, but we have another layer
// now that will also be using that APZC. The hit-test region on the APZC needs
// to be updated to deal with the new layer's hit region.
// FIXME: Combining this hit test region to the existing hit test region has a bit
// of a problem, because it assumes the z-index of this new region is the same as
// the z-index of the old region (from the previous layer with the same scrollid)
// when in fact that may not be the case.
// Consider the case where we have three layers: A, B, and C. A is at the top in
// z-order and C is at the bottom. A and C share a scrollid and scroll together; but
// B has a different scrollid and scrolls independently. Depending on how B moves
// and the async transform on it, a larger/smaller area of C may be unobscured.
// However, when we combine the hit regions of A and C here we are ignoring the async
// async transform and so we basically assume the same amount of C is always visible
// on top of B. Fixing this doesn't appear to be very easy so I'm leaving it for
// now in the hopes that we won't run into this problem a lot.
nsIntRegion unobscured = ComputeTouchSensitiveRegion(state->mController, aMetrics, aObscured);
APZCTM_LOG("Adding region %s to visible region of APZC %p\n", Stringify(unobscured).c_str(), apzc);
return apzc;
APZCTreeManager::UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(TreeBuildingState& aState,
Layer* aLayer, uint64_t aLayersId,
const Matrix4x4& aAncestorTransform,
const gfx::Matrix4x4& aAncestorTransform,
AsyncPanZoomController* aParent,
AsyncPanZoomController* aNextSibling,
bool aIsFirstPaint,
uint64_t aOriginatingLayersId,
const APZPaintLogHelper& aPaintLogger,
nsTArray< nsRefPtr<AsyncPanZoomController> >* aApzcsToDestroy,
std::map<ScrollableLayerGuid, AsyncPanZoomController*>& aApzcMap,
const nsIntRegion& aObscured)
AsyncPanZoomController* apzc = nullptr;
mApzcTreeLog << aLayer->Name() << '\t';
const FrameMetrics& metrics = aLayer->GetFrameMetrics();
if (metrics.IsScrollable()) {
const CompositorParent::LayerTreeState* state = CompositorParent::GetIndirectShadowTree(aLayersId);
if (state && state->mController.get()) {
// If we get here, aLayer is a scrollable layer and somebody
// has registered a GeckoContentController for it, so we need to ensure
// it has an APZC instance to manage its scrolling.
// aApzcMap allows reusing the exact same APZC instance for different layers
// with the same FrameMetrics data. This is needed because in some cases content
// that is supposed to scroll together is split into multiple layers because of
// e.g. non-scrolling content interleaved in z-index order.
ScrollableLayerGuid guid(aLayersId, metrics);
auto insertResult = aApzcMap.insert(std::make_pair(guid, static_cast<AsyncPanZoomController*>(nullptr)));
if (!insertResult.second) {
apzc = insertResult.first->second;
APZCTM_LOG("Found APZC %p for layer %p with identifiers %lld %lld\n", apzc, aLayer, guid.mLayersId, guid.mScrollId);
// If we haven't encountered a layer already with the same metrics, then we need to
// do the full reuse-or-make-an-APZC algorithm, which is contained inside the block
// below.
if (apzc == nullptr) {
apzc = aLayer->GetAsyncPanZoomController();
// If the content represented by the scrollable layer has changed (which may
// be possible because of DLBI heuristics) then we don't want to keep using
// the same old APZC for the new content. Null it out so we run through the
// code to find another one or create one.
if (apzc && !apzc->Matches(guid)) {
apzc = nullptr;
// If the layer doesn't have an APZC already, try to find one of our
// pre-existing ones that matches. In particular, if we find an APZC whose
// ScrollableLayerGuid is the same, then we know what happened is that the
// layout of the page changed causing the layer tree to be rebuilt, but the
// underlying content for which the APZC was originally created is still
// there. So it makes sense to pick up that APZC instance again and use it here.
if (apzc == nullptr) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < aApzcsToDestroy->Length(); i++) {
if (aApzcsToDestroy->ElementAt(i)->Matches(guid)) {
apzc = aApzcsToDestroy->ElementAt(i);
// The APZC we get off the layer may have been destroyed previously if the layer was inactive
// or omitted from the layer tree for whatever reason from a layers update. If it later comes
// back it will have a reference to a destroyed APZC and so we need to throw that out and make
// a new one.
bool newApzc = (apzc == nullptr || apzc->IsDestroyed());
if (newApzc) {
apzc = new AsyncPanZoomController(aLayersId, this, state->mController,
if (state->mCrossProcessParent != nullptr) {
} else {
// If there was already an APZC for the layer clear the tree pointers
// so that it doesn't continue pointing to APZCs that should no longer
// be in the tree. These pointers will get reset properly as we continue
// building the tree. Also remove it from the set of APZCs that are going
// to be destroyed, because it's going to remain active.
APZCTM_LOG("Using APZC %p for layer %p with identifiers %lld %lld\n", apzc, aLayer, aLayersId, metrics.GetScrollId());
aIsFirstPaint && (aLayersId == aOriginatingLayersId));
nsIntRegion unobscured = ComputeTouchSensitiveRegion(state->mController, metrics, aObscured);
apzc->SetLayerHitTestData(unobscured, aAncestorTransform);
APZCTM_LOG("Setting region %s as visible region for APZC %p\n",
Stringify(unobscured).c_str(), apzc);
mApzcTreeLog << "APZC " << guid
<< "\tcb=" << metrics.mCompositionBounds
<< "\tsr=" << metrics.mScrollableRect
<< (aLayer->GetVisibleRegion().IsEmpty() ? "\tscrollinfo" : "")
<< (apzc->HasScrollgrab() ? "\tscrollgrab" : "")
<< "\t" << aLayer->GetContentDescription();
// Bind the APZC instance into the tree of APZCs
if (aNextSibling) {
} else if (aParent) {
} else {
mRootApzc = apzc;
// For testing, log the parent scroll id of every APZC that has a
// parent. This allows test code to reconstruct the APZC tree.
// Note that we currently only do this for APZCs in the layer tree
// that originated the update, because the only identifying information
// we are logging about APZCs is the scroll id, and otherwise we could
// confuse APZCs from different layer trees with the same scroll id.
if (aLayersId == aOriginatingLayersId && apzc->GetParent()) {
aPaintLogger.LogTestData(metrics.GetScrollId(), "parentScrollId",
// Let this apzc be the parent of other controllers when we recurse downwards
aParent = apzc;
if (newApzc) {
if (apzc->IsRootForLayersId()) {
// If we just created a new apzc that is the root for its layers ID, then
// we need to update its zoom constraints which might have arrived before this
// was created
ZoomConstraints constraints;
if (state->mController->GetRootZoomConstraints(&constraints)) {
} else {
// For an apzc that is not the root for its layers ID, we give it the
// same zoom constraints as its parent. This ensures that if e.g.
// user-scalable=no was specified, none of the APZCs allow double-tap
// to zoom.
insertResult.first->second = apzc;
} else {
// We already built an APZC earlier in this tree walk, but we have another layer
// now that will also be using that APZC. The hit-test region on the APZC needs
// to be updated to deal with the new layer's hit region.
// FIXME: Combining this hit test region to the existing hit test region has a bit
// of a problem, because it assumes the z-index of this new region is the same as
// the z-index of the old region (from the previous layer with the same scrollid)
// when in fact that may not be the case.
// Consider the case where we have three layers: A, B, and C. A is at the top in
// z-order and C is at the bottom. A and C share a scrollid and scroll together; but
// B has a different scrollid and scrolls independently. Depending on how B moves
// and the async transform on it, a larger/smaller area of C may be unobscured.
// However, when we combine the hit regions of A and C here we are ignoring the async
// async transform and so we basically assume the same amount of C is always visible
// on top of B. Fixing this doesn't appear to be very easy so I'm leaving it for
// now in the hopes that we won't run into this problem a lot.
nsIntRegion unobscured = ComputeTouchSensitiveRegion(state->mController, metrics, aObscured);
APZCTM_LOG("Adding region %s to visible region of APZC %p\n", Stringify(unobscured).c_str(), apzc);
AsyncPanZoomController* apzc = PrepareAPZCForLayer(aLayer,
aLayer->GetFrameMetrics(), aLayersId, aAncestorTransform,
aObscured, aParent, aNextSibling, aState);
mApzcTreeLog << '\n';
@ -399,9 +431,9 @@ APZCTreeManager::UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(CompositorParent* aCompositor,
AsyncPanZoomController* next = apzc ? nullptr : aNextSibling;
for (Layer* child = aLayer->GetLastChild(); child; child = child->GetPrevSibling()) {
gfx::TreeAutoIndent indent(mApzcTreeLog);
next = UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(aCompositor, child, childLayersId, ancestorTransform, aParent, next,
aIsFirstPaint, aOriginatingLayersId,
aPaintLogger, aApzcsToDestroy, aApzcMap, obscured);
next = UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(aState, child, childLayersId,
ancestorTransform, aParent, next,
// Each layer obscures its previous siblings, so we augment the obscured
// region as we loop backwards through the children.
@ -89,6 +89,12 @@ class APZCTreeManager {
typedef mozilla::layers::AllowedTouchBehavior AllowedTouchBehavior;
typedef uint32_t TouchBehaviorFlags;
// Helper struct to hold some state while we build the APZ tree. The
// sole purpose of this struct is to shorten the argument list to
// UpdatePanZoomControllerTree. All the state that we don't need to
// push on the stack during recursion and pop on unwind is stored here.
struct TreeBuildingState;
@ -372,6 +378,15 @@ private:
void UpdateZoomConstraintsRecursively(AsyncPanZoomController* aApzc,
const ZoomConstraints& aConstraints);
AsyncPanZoomController* PrepareAPZCForLayer(const Layer* aLayer,
const FrameMetrics& aMetrics,
uint64_t aLayersId,
const gfx::Matrix4x4& aAncestorTransform,
const nsIntRegion& aObscured,
AsyncPanZoomController*& aOutParent,
AsyncPanZoomController*& aOutNextSibling,
TreeBuildingState& aState);
* Recursive helper function to build the APZC tree. The tree of APZC instances has
* the same shape as the layer tree, but excludes all the layers that are not scrollable.
@ -381,16 +396,11 @@ private:
* tree also as a last-child-prev-sibling tree because that simplifies the hit detection
* code.
AsyncPanZoomController* UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(CompositorParent* aCompositor,
AsyncPanZoomController* UpdatePanZoomControllerTree(TreeBuildingState& aState,
Layer* aLayer, uint64_t aLayersId,
const gfx::Matrix4x4& aAncestorTransform,
AsyncPanZoomController* aParent,
AsyncPanZoomController* aNextSibling,
bool aIsFirstPaint,
uint64_t aOriginatingLayersId,
const APZPaintLogHelper& aPaintLogger,
nsTArray< nsRefPtr<AsyncPanZoomController> >* aApzcsToDestroy,
std::map<ScrollableLayerGuid, AsyncPanZoomController*>& aApzcMap,
const nsIntRegion& aObscured);
Reference in New Issue
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