Bug 908060 - Choose a better size for the background thumbnail service's browser. r=markh

This commit is contained in:
Drew Willcoxon 2013-08-23 17:38:21 -07:00
parent c2e27d0bc0
commit bd8dcf3d0b

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@ -146,17 +146,19 @@ const BackgroundPageThumbs = {
browser.setAttribute("remote", "true");
browser.setAttribute("privatebrowsing", "true");
// Size the browser. Setting the width and height attributes doesn't
// work -- the resulting thumbnails are blank and transparent -- but
// setting the style does.
let width = {};
let height = {};
// Size the browser. Make its aspect ratio the same as the canvases' that
// the thumbnails are drawn into; the canvases' aspect ratio is the same as
// the screen's, so use that. Aim for a size in the ballpark of 1024x768.
let [swidth, sheight] = [{}, {}];
GetRectDisplayPix({}, {}, width, height);
browser.style.width = width.value + "px";
browser.style.height = height.value + "px";
GetRectDisplayPix({}, {}, swidth, sheight);
let bwidth = Math.min(1024, swidth.value);
// Setting the width and height attributes doesn't work -- the resulting
// thumbnails are blank and transparent -- but setting the style does.
browser.style.width = bwidth + "px";
browser.style.height = (bwidth * sheight.value / swidth.value) + "px";