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synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
Bug 496448: check in python scripts for TraceVis, r=brendan
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This directory contains TraceVis scripts.
To use TraceVis:
- Currently it can only be used with the JavaScript shell 'js', not within
- Configure using --enable-tracevis.
- If running your program from the command line, use the -T option, i.e.:
js -j -T <tracevis-file> foo.js
- If running your programs within the interactive shell, use the
startTraceVis() and stopTraceVis() functions to turn TraceVis recording on
and off. startTraceVis() takes an optional parameter which is the name of
the file to write the TraceVis output to; if unspecified, the name
defaults to 'tracevis.dat' in the current directory.
- To view the recorded data in graphical form, run:
python vis.py <tracevis-file> <png-file>
The graph will be written to the file <png-file> in PNG format.
- To view some basic data about the recorded data, run:
python binlog.py <tracevis-file>
TODO list:
- Make the Python scripts more robust, e.g. handle file opening failures
- Make it usable within Firefox.
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# Define JS engine activities
# This must match the C++ enum used by the engine instrumentation patch:
# For each int value of the enum, there should be a corresponding
# element in this list with an appropriate name.
states = [
# Must match C++ enum
reasons = [
# Special stuff that doesn't match C++
# Estimated speedup vs. the interpreter when doing a given activity.
# Activities not listed default to 0.
speedup_d = {
'interpret': 1.0,
'record': 0.95,
'native': 2.5
speedups = [ speedup_d.get(name, 0) for name in states ]
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# Parse the binary log file of activity timings.
# If run as a script, print a summary of the log, giving the total
# time in each activity.
import sys
import struct
from config import *
from acts import *
def unpack(raw):
for i in range(0, len(raw), 8):
ull = struct.unpack_from('Q', raw, i)[0]
s = (ull >> 60) & 0xf
r = (ull >> 55) & 0x1f
t = ull & ~(0x1ff << 55)
yield s, r, t
def parse_input(filename):
f = open(filename)
raw = f.read()
return unpack(raw)
class TimeCount(object):
def __init__(self):
self.t = 0
self.t2 = 0
self.ta = 1e30
self.tz = -1e30
self.n = 0
def add(self, dt):
self.t += dt
self.t2 += dt*dt
self.n += 1
if dt < self.ta:
self.ta = dt
if dt > self.tz:
self.tz = dt
class StackPoint(object):
def __init__(self, s, r, t):
self.s = s
self.r = r
self.t = t
class TimePoint(object):
"""Transition from state s0 to s1 at time t."""
def __init__(self, t, r, s0, s1):
self.t = t
self.r = r
self.s0 = s0
self.s1 = s1
class History(object):
def __init__(self):
self.state_summary = [ 0 ] * len(states)
self.stack = None
def init(self):
def record(self, t, r, s0, s1):
def goto(self, s0, t0, s1, r, t1):
dt = t1 - t0
self.state_summary[s0] += dt
self.record(t1, r, s0, s1)
def enter(self, s, r, t):
if self.stack is None:
self.stack = [ StackPoint(0, 0, t) ]
sp = self.stack[-1]
self.goto(sp.s, sp.t, s, r, t)
self.stack.append(StackPoint(s, r, t))
def exit(self, r, t):
sp = self.stack.pop()
osp = self.stack[-1]
self.goto(sp.s, sp.t, osp.s, r, t)
osp.t = t
osp.r = r
class FullHistory(History):
def init(self):
self.timeline = []
def record(self, t1, r, s0, s1):
self.timeline.append(TimePoint(t1, r, s0, s1))
def collect(ts, full=False):
if full:
cls = FullHistory
cls = History
h = cls()
for s, r, t in ts:
#if t < 1160909415950669-877953307: continue
#if t > 1160909415950669: break
if s:
h.enter(s, r, t)
h.exit(r, t)
#assert len(h.stack) == 1
#assert sum(h.state_summary) == ts[-1][2] - ts[0][2]
return h
reason_cache = {}
def getreason(hist, i):
ans = None
while True:
p0 = hist.timeline[i]
r = p0.r
if r:
ans = reasons[r]
if not p0.s0:
ans = 'start'
name = states[p0.s0]
if name != 'interpret':
ans = name
i -= 1
r = reason_cache.get(i)
if r:
ans = r
reason_cache[i] = ans
return ans
def summary(hist):
ep = 0 # estimated progress
print 'Activity duration summary:'
cycles = hist.state_summary
for sn, cyc, xf in zip(states, cycles, speedups):
if sn == 'exitlast': continue
ep += xf * cyc
print '%-12s %12.6f'%(sn, cyc/CPU_SPEED * 1000)
print '-'*25
print '%-12s %12.6f'%('Subtotal', sum(cycles[1:])/CPU_SPEED * 1000)
print '%-12s %12.6f'%('Non-JS', cycles[0]/CPU_SPEED * 1000)
print '='*25
print '%-12s %12.6f'%('Total', sum(cycles)/CPU_SPEED * 1000)
print 'Estimated speedup: %.2fx'%(ep/sum(cycles[1:]))
print 'Reasons for transitions to interpret:'
xd = {}
for i in range(len(hist.timeline)-1):
p0 = hist.timeline[i]
if states[p0.s1] == 'interpret':
p1 = hist.timeline[i+1]
name = getreason(hist, i)
x = xd.get(name)
if not x:
x = xd[name] = TimeCount()
x.add(p1.t - p0.t)
print '%-12s %12s %8s %12s %12s %12s'%(
'Reason', 'sum (ms)', 'N', 'mean (us)', 'min (us)', 'max (us)')
for name, x in sorted(xd.items(), key=lambda p: -p[1].t):
if not x.n: continue
print '%-12s %12.3f %8d %12.3f %12.3f %12.3f'%(
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
print >> sys.stderr, "usage: python binlog.py infile"
print sys.argv[0]
print sys.argv[1]
filename = sys.argv[1]
summary(collect(parse_input(filename), True))
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# Local machine configuration.
# CPU speed in clock cycles per second
CPU_SPEED = 2.2e9
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import sys
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from config import *
from acts import *
from binlog import parse_input, collect
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
font = ImageFont.load_default()
states = [
(0, 0, 0),
(225, 225, 225), #(170, 20, 10),
(225, 30, 12),
(140, 0, 255),
(0, 0, 255),
(180, 180, 30),
(0, 160, 30),
timeslices_ms = [
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 ]
def parse(filename):
return collect(parse_input(filename), True)
def run(filename, outfile):
W, H, HA, HB = 1600, 256, 64, 64
HZ = H + 4 + HA + 4 + HB
im = Image.new('RGBA', (W, HZ + 20))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
hist = parse(filename)
t0 = hist.timeline[0].t
ts = []
for x in hist.timeline:
ts.append((x.s0, x.t-t0))
# Filter
if 0:
a, b = 10*2.2e9, 12*2.2e9
ts = [(s, t-a) for s, t in ts if a <= t <= b ]
total = ts[-1][1] - ts[0][1]
total_ms = total / CPU_SPEED * 1000
pp = 1.0 * total / (W*H)
pc_us = 1.0 * total / CPU_SPEED / W * 1e6
print "Parsed %d items, t=%f, t/pixel=%f, t0=%d"%(len(ts), total/CPU_SPEED, pp/CPU_SPEED*1000, hist.timeline[0].t)
d.rectangle((0, H + 4, W, H + 4 + HA), (255, 255, 255))
eps = []
# estimated progress
ep = 0
ti = 0
for i in range(W*H):
t0 = pp * i
t1 = t0 + pp
color = [ 0, 0, 0 ]
tx = t0
while ti < len(ts):
q = (min(ts[ti][1], t1)-tx)/pp
c = states[ts[ti][0]]
color[0] += q * c[0]
color[1] += q * c[1]
color[2] += q * c[2]
ep += q * speedups[ts[ti][0]]
if ts[ti][1] > t1:
tx = ts[ti][1]
ti += 1
color[0] = int(color[0])
color[1] = int(color[1])
color[2] = int(color[2])
d.point((i/H, i%H), fill=tuple(color))
if i % H == H - 1:
ep = 0
epmax = 2.5*H
d.line((0, H+4+HA-1.0*H/epmax*HA, W, H+4+HA-1.0*H/epmax*HA), fill=(192, 192, 192))
d.line((0, H+4+HA-2.5*H/epmax*HA, W, H+4+HA-2.5*H/epmax*HA), fill=(192, 192, 192))
last = None
for i in range(W):
n = 0
sm = 0
for j in range(max(0, i-3), min(W-1, i+3)):
sm += eps[j]
n += 1
ep = sm / n
ep_scaled = 1.0 * ep / epmax * HA
px = (i, H + 4 + HA - int(ep_scaled))
if last:
d.line((px, last), fill=(0, 0, 0))
last = px
#d.point((i, H + 4 + HA - int(ep_scaled)), fill=(0, 0, 0))
t = 0
ppt = 1.0 * W / total
for dt, c in zip(hist.state_summary, states):
x1 = int(t * ppt)
y1 = H + 4 + HA + 5
x2 = int((t+dt) * ppt)
y2 = H + 4 + HA + 4 + HB
d.rectangle((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill=c)
t += dt
# Time lines
i = 0
while i < len(timeslices_ms):
divs = total_ms / timeslices_ms[i]
if divs < 15: break
i += 1
timeslice = timeslices_ms[i]
t = timeslice
c = (128, 128, 128)
while t < total_ms:
x = t / total_ms * W
y = 0
while y < HZ:
d.line((x, y, x, y + 8), fill=c)
y += 12
text = '%d ms'%t
w, h = font.getsize(text)
d.text((x-w/2, HZ), text, fill=BLACK, font=font)
t += timeslice
d.text((0, HZ), '[%.1fus]'%pc_us, fill=BLACK)
im.save(outfile, "PNG")
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) <= 2:
print >> sys.stderr, "usage: python vis.py infile outfile"
filename = sys.argv[1]
outfile = sys.argv[2]
if not outfile.endswith('.png'):
print >> sys.stderr, "warning: output filename does not end with .png; output is in png format."
run(filename, outfile)
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