Bug 1017242 - Part C: remove API 8 code from GeckoEvent. r=mfinkle

This commit is contained in:
Richard Newman 2014-07-18 16:47:10 -07:00
parent 2bb9094b5e
commit b71e9c9fdc

View File

@ -470,38 +470,30 @@ public class GeckoEvent {
mPoints[index] = new Point(Math.round(geckoPoint.x), Math.round(geckoPoint.y));
mPointIndicies[index] = event.getPointerId(eventIndex);
// getToolMajor, getToolMinor and getOrientation are API Level 9 features
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 9) {
double radians = event.getOrientation(eventIndex);
mOrientations[index] = (float) Math.toDegrees(radians);
// w3c touchevents spec does not allow orientations == 90
// this shifts it to -90, which will be shifted to zero below
if (mOrientations[index] == 90)
mOrientations[index] = -90;
// w3c touchevent radius are given by an orientation between 0 and 90
// the radius is found by removing the orientation and measuring the x and y
// radius of the resulting ellipse
// for android orientations >= 0 and < 90, the major axis should correspond to
// just reporting the y radius as the major one, and x as minor
// however, for a radius < 0, we have to shift the orientation by adding 90, and
// reverse which radius is major and minor
if (mOrientations[index] < 0) {
mOrientations[index] += 90;
mPointRadii[index] = new Point((int)event.getToolMajor(eventIndex)/2,
} else {
mPointRadii[index] = new Point((int)event.getToolMinor(eventIndex)/2,
double radians = event.getOrientation(eventIndex);
mOrientations[index] = (float) Math.toDegrees(radians);
// w3c touchevents spec does not allow orientations == 90
// this shifts it to -90, which will be shifted to zero below
if (mOrientations[index] == 90)
mOrientations[index] = -90;
// w3c touchevent radius are given by an orientation between 0 and 90
// the radius is found by removing the orientation and measuring the x and y
// radius of the resulting ellipse
// for android orientations >= 0 and < 90, the major axis should correspond to
// just reporting the y radius as the major one, and x as minor
// however, for a radius < 0, we have to shift the orientation by adding 90, and
// reverse which radius is major and minor
if (mOrientations[index] < 0) {
mOrientations[index] += 90;
mPointRadii[index] = new Point((int)event.getToolMajor(eventIndex)/2,
} else {
float size = event.getSize(eventIndex);
Resources resources = GeckoAppShell.getContext().getResources();
DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = resources.getDisplayMetrics();
size = size*Math.min(displaymetrics.heightPixels, displaymetrics.widthPixels);
mPointRadii[index] = new Point((int)size,(int)size);
mOrientations[index] = 0;
mPointRadii[index] = new Point((int)event.getToolMinor(eventIndex)/2,
if (!keepInViewCoordinates) {
// If we are converting to gecko CSS pixels, then we should adjust the
// radii as well