Bug 733331 - Part 3: Add corresponding marionette test case. r=btseng

This commit is contained in:
Samael Wang 2015-03-24 19:02:31 +08:00
parent 53bea429d6
commit b3aeda2808
2 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -51,3 +51,4 @@ qemu = true

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
const kPrefLastKnownSimMcc = "ril.lastKnownSimMcc";
// "tablespoon" in Turkish. The character 'ç', 'ş' and 'ğ' exist in both Turkish
// locking and single shift tables, but is not available in either GSM default
// alphabet or its extension table.
const MSG_TURKISH = "çorba kaşığı";
// Random sentence taken from Turkish news with 155 characters. It's the longest
// message which can be encoded as single 7-bit SMS segment (while using UCS-2
// it will be splitted to 3 segments).
const MSG_TURKISH_LONG = "Sinan Akçıl-Ebru Şallı cephesinde sular durulmuyor. \
Çiftin ayrılığına dair yeni iddialar ortaya atıldı. İlk iddiaya göre; Sinan \
Akçıl, Ebru Şallı'dan 1.5..";
// Random sentence taken from Turkish news with 156 characters, which just
// exceeds the max length of single 7-bit SMS segment.
const MSG_TURKISH_MULTI_SEGS = "ABD'de Başkan Barack Obama'nın kendisini \
Twitter'dan takip ettiğini söyleyen Kam Brock adlı kadının psikiyatri tedavisi \
görmeye zorlandığı bildirildi. Obama";
function getSegmentInfoForText(aBody) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let domRequest = manager.getSegmentInfoForText(aBody);
domRequest.onsuccess = function() {
let segmentInfo = domRequest.result;
log("getSegmentInfoForText success: " + JSON.stringify(segmentInfo));
domRequest.onerror = function(){
log("getSegmentInfoForText error");
function verifySegmentInfo(segmentInfo, expectedSegmentInfo, msg) {
is(segmentInfo.segments, expectedSegmentInfo.segments, msg);
is(segmentInfo.charsPerSegment, expectedSegmentInfo.charsPerSegment, msg);
expectedSegmentInfo.charsAvailableInLastSegment, msg);
* Since charsPerSegment returned by getSegmentInfoForText should match the
* actual segment size when sending a message (which is verified in
* test_ril_worker_sms_sgement_info.js), here we verify the correct table tuples
* are loaded when MCC changes by comparing the value of charsPerSegment for the
* same text when applying different mcc values.
startTestCommon(function testCaseMain() {
return Promise.resolve()
// Change MCC to US.
.then(() => pushPrefEnv({set: [[kPrefLastKnownSimMcc, "310"]]}))
// US / UCS-2 / short Turkish message.
.then(() => getSegmentInfoForText(MSG_TURKISH))
.then((segmentInfo) => verifySegmentInfo(segmentInfo,
{segments: 1, charsPerSegment: 70,
charsAvailableInLastSegment: 70 - MSG_TURKISH.length},
"US / UCS-2 / short Turkish message."))
// US / UCS-2 / long Turkish message.
.then(() => getSegmentInfoForText(MSG_TURKISH_LONG))
.then((segmentInfo) => verifySegmentInfo(segmentInfo,
{segments: 3, charsPerSegment: 67,
charsAvailableInLastSegment: 67 - MSG_TURKISH_LONG.length % 67},
"US / UCS-2 / long Turkish message."))
// Change MCC to Turkey.
.then(() => pushPrefEnv({set: [[kPrefLastKnownSimMcc, "286"]]}))
// Turkey / GSM 7 bits / short Turkish message.
.then(() => getSegmentInfoForText(MSG_TURKISH))
.then((segmentInfo) => verifySegmentInfo(segmentInfo,
{segments: 1, charsPerSegment: 155,
charsAvailableInLastSegment: 155 - MSG_TURKISH.length},
"Turkey / GSM 7 bits / short Turkish message."))
// Turkey; GSM 7 bits; longest single segment Turkish message.
.then(() => getSegmentInfoForText(MSG_TURKISH_LONG))
.then((segmentInfo) => verifySegmentInfo(segmentInfo,
{segments: 1, charsPerSegment: 155, charsAvailableInLastSegment: 0},
"Turkey / GSM 7 bits / longest single segment Turkish message."))
// Turkey; GSM 7 bits; shortest dual segments Turkish message.
.then(() => getSegmentInfoForText(MSG_TURKISH_MULTI_SEGS))
.then((segmentInfo) => verifySegmentInfo(segmentInfo,
{segments: 2, charsPerSegment: 149,
charsAvailableInLastSegment: 149 - MSG_TURKISH_MULTI_SEGS.length % 149},
"Turkey / GSM 7 bits / shortest dual segments Turkish message."));