Bug 1202482 - [webext] Implement browser.extension.getViews (r=gabor)

This commit is contained in:
Bill McCloskey 2015-09-07 09:57:46 -07:00
parent e45b3bd6f7
commit add10a99bd
3 changed files with 209 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ skip-if = os == 'android' || buildapp == 'b2g' || os == 'mac'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
let {CustomizableUI} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", {});
function makeWidgetId(id)
id = id.toLowerCase();
return id.replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/g, "_");
function genericChecker()
var kind = "background";
var path = window.location.pathname;
if (path.indexOf("popup") != -1) {
kind = "popup";
} else if (path.indexOf("tab") != -1) {
kind = "tab";
window.kind = kind;
browser.test.onMessage.addListener((msg, ...args) => {
if (msg == kind + "-check-views") {
var views = browser.extension.getViews();
var counts = {
"background": 0,
"tab": 0,
"popup": 0
for (var i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
var view = views[i];
browser.test.assertTrue(view.kind in counts, "view type is valid");
if (view.kind == "background") {
browser.test.assertTrue(view === browser.extension.getBackgroundPage(),
"background page is correct");
browser.test.sendMessage("counts", counts);
} else if (msg == kind + "-open-tab") {
browser.tabs.create({windowId: args[0], url: chrome.runtime.getURL("tab.html")});
} else if (msg == kind + "-close-tab") {
windowId: args[0],
}, tabs => {
var tab = tabs.find(tab => tab.url.indexOf("tab.html") != -1);
browser.tabs.remove(tab.id, () => {
browser.test.sendMessage(kind + "-ready");
add_task(function* () {
let win1 = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
let win2 = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
manifest: {
"permissions": ["tabs"],
"browser_action": {
"default_popup": "popup.html"
files: {
"tab.html": `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="tab.js"></script>
"tab.js": genericChecker,
"popup.html": `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="popup.js"></script>
"popup.js": genericChecker,
background: genericChecker,
yield Promise.all([extension.startup(), extension.awaitMessage("background-ready")]);
let {TabManager, WindowManager} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Extension.jsm", {});
let winId1 = WindowManager.getId(win1);
let winId2 = WindowManager.getId(win2);
function* openTab(winId) {
extension.sendMessage("background-open-tab", winId);
yield extension.awaitMessage("tab-ready");
function* checkViews(kind, tabCount, popupCount) {
extension.sendMessage(kind + "-check-views");
let counts = yield extension.awaitMessage("counts");
is(counts.background, 1, "background count correct");
is(counts.tab, tabCount, "tab count correct");
is(counts.popup, popupCount, "popup count correct");
yield checkViews("background", 0, 0);
yield openTab(winId1);
yield checkViews("background", 1, 0);
yield checkViews("tab", 1, 0);
yield openTab(winId2);
yield checkViews("background", 2, 0);
function* triggerPopup(win, callback) {
let widgetId = makeWidgetId(extension.id) + "-browser-action";
let node = CustomizableUI.getWidget(widgetId).forWindow(win).node;
let evt = new CustomEvent("command", {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
yield extension.awaitMessage("popup-ready");
yield callback();
let panel = node.querySelector("panel");
if (panel) {
yield triggerPopup(win1, function*() {
yield checkViews("background", 2, 1);
yield checkViews("popup", 2, 1);
yield triggerPopup(win2, function*() {
yield checkViews("background", 2, 1);
yield checkViews("popup", 2, 1);
info("checking counts after popups");
yield checkViews("background", 2, 0);
info("closing one tab");
extension.sendMessage("background-close-tab", winId1);
yield extension.awaitMessage("closed");
info("one tab closed, one remains");
yield checkViews("background", 1, 0);
info("opening win1 popup");
yield triggerPopup(win1, function*() {
yield checkViews("background", 1, 1);
yield checkViews("tab", 1, 1);
yield checkViews("popup", 1, 1);
info("opening win2 popup");
yield triggerPopup(win2, function*() {
yield checkViews("background", 1, 1);
yield checkViews("tab", 1, 1);
yield checkViews("popup", 1, 1);
yield extension.unload();
yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win1);
yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win2);

View File

@ -4,6 +4,28 @@ extensions.registerAPI((extension, context) => {
getURL: function(url) {
return extension.baseURI.resolve(url);
getViews: function(fetchProperties) {
let result = Cu.cloneInto([], context.cloneScope);
for (let view of extension.views) {
if (fetchProperties && "type" in fetchProperties) {
if (view.type != fetchProperties.type) {
if (fetchProperties && "windowId" in fetchProperties) {
if (view.windowId != fetchProperties.windowId) {
return result;