Bug 979134: convert test_mobile_operator_names.js to Promise. r=hsinyi

This commit is contained in:
Vicamo Yang 2014-04-09 13:16:10 +08:00
parent 02df5e8a12
commit a31a423313
5 changed files with 210 additions and 203 deletions

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@ -496,6 +496,81 @@ function setEmulatorGsmLocation(aLac, aCid) {
return runEmulatorCmdSafe(cmd);
* Get emulator operators info.
* Fulfill params:
* An array of { longName: <string>, shortName: <string>, mccMnc: <string> }.
* Reject params:
* result -- an array of emulator response lines.
* @return A deferred promise.
function getEmulatorOperatorNames() {
let cmd = "operator dumpall";
return runEmulatorCmdSafe(cmd)
.then(function(aResults) {
let operators = [];
for (let i = 0; i < aResults.length - 1; i++) {
let names = aResults[i].split(',');
longName: names[0],
shortName: names[1],
mccMnc: names[2],
ok(true, "emulator operators list: " + JSON.stringify(operators));
return operators;
* Set emulator operators info.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params:
* result -- an array of emulator response lines.
* @param aOperator
* "home" or "roaming".
* @param aLongName
* A string.
* @param aShortName
* A string.
* @param aMcc [optional]
* A string.
* @param aMnc [optional]
* A string.
* @return A deferred promise.
function setEmulatorOperatorNames(aOperator, aLongName, aShortName, aMcc, aMnc) {
const EMULATOR_OPERATORS = [ "home", "roaming" ];
let index = EMULATOR_OPERATORS.indexOf(aOperator);
if (index < 0) {
throw "invalid operator";
let cmd = "operator set " + index + " " + aLongName + "," + aShortName;
if (aMcc && aMnc) {
cmd = cmd + "," + aMcc + aMnc;
return runEmulatorCmdSafe(cmd)
.then(function(aResults) {
let exp = "^" + aLongName + "," + aShortName + ",";
if (aMcc && aMnc) {
cmd = cmd + aMcc + aMnc;
let re = new RegExp(exp);
ok(aResults[index].match(new RegExp(exp)),
"Long/short name and/or mcc/mnc should be changed.");
let _networkManager;

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ qemu = true

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@ -2,217 +2,38 @@
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
SpecialPowers.addPermission("mobileconnection", true, document);
function check(aLongName, aShortName) {
let network = mobileConnection.voice.network;
const OPERATOR_HOME = 0;
// Permission changes can't change existing Navigator.prototype
// objects, so grab our objects from a new Navigator
let ifr = document.createElement("iframe");
let connection;
let voice;
let network;
ifr.onload = function() {
connection = ifr.contentWindow.navigator.mozMobileConnections[0];
ok(connection instanceof ifr.contentWindow.MozMobileConnection,
"connection is instanceof " + connection.constructor);
voice = connection.voice;
ok(voice, "voice connection valid");
network = voice.network;
ok(network, "voice network info valid");
waitFor(testMobileOperatorNames, function() {
return voice.connected;
let emulatorCmdPendingCount = 0;
function sendEmulatorCommand(cmd, callback) {
runEmulatorCmd(cmd, function(result) {
is(result[result.length - 1], "OK");
function setEmulatorOperatorNamesAndMccMnc(which, longName, shortName,
mcc, mnc, callback) {
let cmd = "operator set " + which + " " + longName + "," +
shortName + "," + mcc + mnc;
sendEmulatorCommand(cmd, function(result) {
let re = new RegExp("^" + longName + "," +
shortName + "," + mcc + mnc);
ok(result[which].match(re), "Long/short name and mcc/mnc should be changed.");
if (callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 0);
function setEmulatorOperatorNames(which, longName, shortName, callback) {
let cmd = "operator set " + which + " " + longName + "," + shortName;
sendEmulatorCommand(cmd, function(result) {
let re = new RegExp("^" + longName + "," + shortName + ",");
ok(result[which].match(re), "Long/short name should be changed.");
if (callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 0);
function setEmulatorRoaming(roaming, callback) {
let cmd = "gsm voice " + (roaming ? "roaming" : "home");
sendEmulatorCommand(cmd, function(result) {
is(result[0], "OK");
if (callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 0);
function checkValidMccMnc() {
is(network.longName, aLongName, "network.longName");
is(network.shortName, aShortName, "network.shortName");
is(network.mcc, "310", "network.mcc");
is(network.mnc, "260", "network.mnc");
function waitForVoiceChange(callback) {
connection.addEventListener("voicechange", function onvoicechange() {
connection.removeEventListener("voicechange", onvoicechange);
function test(aLongName, aShortName) {
log("Testing '" + aLongName + "', '" + aShortName + "':");
let promises = [];
promises.push(setEmulatorOperatorNames("home", aLongName, aShortName));
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(() => check(aLongName, aShortName));
function doTestMobileOperatorNames(longName, shortName, callback) {
log("Testing '" + longName + "', '" + shortName + "':");
startTestCommon(function() {
return getEmulatorOperatorNames()
.then(function(aOperators) {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => test("Mozilla", "B2G"))
.then(() => test("Mozilla", ""))
.then(() => test("", "B2G"))
.then(() => test("", ""))
waitForVoiceChange(function() {
is(network.longName, longName, "network.longName");
is(network.shortName, shortName, "network.shortName");
window.setTimeout(callback, 0);
setEmulatorOperatorNames(OPERATOR_HOME, longName, shortName);
function testMobileOperatorNames() {
doTestMobileOperatorNames("Mozilla", "B2G", function() {
doTestMobileOperatorNames("Mozilla", "", function() {
doTestMobileOperatorNames("", "B2G", function() {
doTestMobileOperatorNames("", "", function() {
doTestMobileOperatorNames("Android", "Android", testOperatorPLMNList);
// Reset back to initial values.
.then(() => test(aOperators[0].longName, aOperators[0].shortName));
function doTestOperatorPLMNList(mcc, mnc, expectedLongName,
expectedShortName, callback) {
log("Testing mcc = " + mcc + ", mnc = " + mnc + ":");
waitForVoiceChange(function() {
is(network.longName, expectedLongName, "network.longName");
is(network.shortName, expectedShortName, "network.shortName");
is(network.mcc, mcc, "network.mcc");
is(network.mnc, mnc, "network.mnc");
window.setTimeout(callback, 0);
setEmulatorOperatorNamesAndMccMnc(OPERATOR_HOME, "Android", "Android", mcc, mnc);
function testOperatorPLMNList() {
doTestOperatorPLMNList("123", "456", "Android", "Android", function() {
doTestOperatorPLMNList("310", "070", "AT&T", "", function() {
doTestOperatorPLMNList("310", "260", "Android", "Android", testRoamingCheck);
// See bug 797972 - B2G RIL: False roaming situation
// Steps to test:
// 1. set roaming operator names
// 2. set emulator roaming
// 3. wait for onvoicechange event and test passing conditions
// 4. set emulator roaming back to false
// 5. wait for onvoicechange event again and callback
function doTestRoamingCheck(longName, shortName, callback) {
log("Testing roaming check '" + longName + "', '" + shortName + "':");
setEmulatorOperatorNames(OPERATOR_ROAMING, longName, shortName,
window.setTimeout.bind(window, function() {
let done = false;
function resetRoaming() {
if (!done) {
window.setTimeout(resetRoaming, 100);
waitForVoiceChange(function() {
is(network.longName, longName, "network.longName");
is(network.shortName, shortName, "network.shortName");
is(voice.roaming, false, "voice.roaming");
setEmulatorRoaming(true, function() {
done = true;
}, 3000) // window.setTimeout.bind
); // setEmulatorOperatorNames
function testRoamingCheck() {
// If Either long name or short name of current registered operator matches
// SPN("Android"), then the `roaming` attribute should be set to false.
doTestRoamingCheck("Android", "Android", function() {
doTestRoamingCheck("Android", "android", function() {
doTestRoamingCheck("Android", "Xxx", function() {
doTestRoamingCheck("android", "Android", function() {
doTestRoamingCheck("android", "android", function() {
doTestRoamingCheck("android", "Xxx", function() {
doTestRoamingCheck("Xxx", "Android", function() {
doTestRoamingCheck("Xxx", "android", function() {
setEmulatorOperatorNames(OPERATOR_ROAMING, "TelKila", "TelKila",
window.setTimeout.bind(window, cleanUp, 3000));
function cleanUp() {
if (emulatorCmdPendingCount > 0) {
setTimeout(cleanUp, 100);
SpecialPowers.removePermission("mobileconnection", document);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
function check(aLongName, aShortName, aMcc, aMnc) {
let network = mobileConnection.voice.network;
is(network.longName, aLongName, "network.longName");
is(network.shortName, aShortName, "network.shortName");
is(network.mcc, aMcc, "network.mcc");
is(network.mnc, aMnc, "network.mnc");
function test(aLongName, aShortName, aMcc, aMnc, aExpectedLongName,
aExpectedShortName) {
log("Testing mcc = " + aMcc + ", mnc = " + aMnc + ":");
let promises = [];
promises.push(setEmulatorOperatorNames("home", aLongName, aShortName, aMcc, aMnc));
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(() => check(aExpectedLongName, aExpectedShortName, aMcc, aMnc));
startTestCommon(function() {
return getEmulatorOperatorNames()
.then(function(aOperators) {
let {longName: longName, shortName: shortName} = aOperators[0];
let {mcc: mcc, mnc: mnc} = mobileConnection.voice.network;
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => test(longName, shortName, "123", "456", longName, shortName))
.then(() => test(longName, shortName, "310", "070", "AT&T", ""))
// Reset back to initial values.
.then(() => test(longName, shortName, mcc, mnc, longName, shortName));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
function check(aLongName, aShortName, aRoaming) {
let voice = mobileConnection.voice;
let network = voice.network;
is(network.longName, aLongName, "network.longName");
is(network.shortName, aShortName, "network.shortName");
is(voice.roaming, aRoaming, "voice.roaming");
function setEmulatorOperatorNamesAndWait(aWhich, aLongName, aShortName) {
let promises = [];
promises.push(setEmulatorOperatorNames(aWhich, aLongName, aShortName));
return Promise.all(promises);
// See bug 797972 - B2G RIL: False roaming situation
// Steps to test:
// 1. set roaming operator names
// 2. set emulator roaming
// 3. wait for onvoicechange event and test passing conditions
// 4. set emulator roaming back to false
// 5. wait for onvoicechange event again and callback
function test(aLongName, aShortName, aRoaming) {
log("Testing roaming check '" + aLongName + "', '" + aShortName + "':");
return Promise.resolve()
// We should not have voicechange here, but, yes, we do.
.then(() => setEmulatorOperatorNamesAndWait("roaming", aLongName, aShortName))
.then(() => setEmulatorVoiceDataStateAndWait("voice", "roaming"))
.then(() => check(aLongName, aShortName, aRoaming))
.then(() => setEmulatorVoiceDataStateAndWait("voice", "home"));
startTestCommon(function() {
return getEmulatorOperatorNames()
.then(function(aOperators) {
let {longName: longName, shortName: shortName} = aOperators[0];
return Promise.resolve()
// If Either long name or short name of current registered operator
// matches SPN("Android"), then the `roaming` attribute should be set
// to false.
.then(() => test(longName, shortName, false))
.then(() => test(longName, shortName.toLowerCase(), false))
.then(() => test(longName, "Bar", false))
.then(() => test(longName.toLowerCase(), shortName, false))
.then(() => test(longName.toLowerCase(), shortName.toLowerCase(), false))
.then(() => test(longName.toLowerCase(), "Bar", false))
.then(() => test("Foo", shortName, false))
.then(() => test("Foo", shortName.toLowerCase(), false))
.then(() => test("Foo", "Bar", true))
// Reset roaming operator.
.then(() => setEmulatorOperatorNamesAndWait("roaming",