Bug 788073 - Use platform touch redirection. r=kats,wesj

This commit is contained in:
Brian Nicholson 2014-09-22 11:53:12 -07:00
parent 9a7fac6615
commit 9fb31aae04
2 changed files with 74 additions and 296 deletions

View File

@ -456,13 +456,19 @@ pref("font.size.inflation.minTwips", 120);
// When true, zooming will be enabled on all sites, even ones that declare user-scalable=no.
pref("browser.ui.zoom.force-user-scalable", false);
// Touch radius (area around the touch location to look for target elements),
// in 1/240-inch pixels:
pref("browser.ui.touch.left", 32);
pref("browser.ui.touch.right", 32);
pref("browser.ui.touch.top", 48);
pref("browser.ui.touch.bottom", 16);
pref("browser.ui.touch.weight.visited", 120); // percentage
pref("ui.touch.radius.enabled", true);
pref("ui.touch.radius.leftmm", 3);
pref("ui.touch.radius.topmm", 5);
pref("ui.touch.radius.rightmm", 3);
pref("ui.touch.radius.bottommm", 2);
pref("ui.touch.radius.visitedWeight", 120);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.enabled", true);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.leftmm", 3);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.topmm", 5);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.rightmm", 3);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.bottommm", 2);
pref("ui.mouse.radius.visitedWeight", 120);
// The percentage of the screen that needs to be scrolled before margins are exposed.
pref("browser.ui.show-margins-threshold", 10);

View File

@ -2353,39 +2353,6 @@ var NativeWindow = {
return res;
_findTarget: function(x, y) {
let isDescendant = function(parent, child) {
let node = child;
while (node) {
if (node === parent) {
return true;
node = node.parentNode;
return false;
let target = BrowserEventHandler._highlightElement;
let touchTarget = ElementTouchHelper.anyElementFromPoint(x, y);
// If we have a highlighted element that has a click handler, we want to ensure our target is inside it
if (isDescendant(target, touchTarget)) {
target = touchTarget;
} else if (!target) {
// Otherwise, let's try to find something clickable
target = ElementTouchHelper.elementFromPoint(x, y);
// If that failed, we'll just fall back to anything under the user's finger
if (!target) {
target = touchTarget;
return target;
/* Checks if there are context menu items to show, and if it finds them
* sends a contextmenu event to content. We also send showing events to
* any html5 context menus we are about to show, and fire some local notifications
@ -2398,8 +2365,8 @@ var NativeWindow = {
// Find the target of the long-press / contextmenu event.
this._target = this._findTarget(event.clientX, event.clientY);
// Use the highlighted element for the context menu target.
this._target = BrowserEventHandler._highlightElement;
if (!this._target) {
@ -4795,41 +4762,34 @@ var BrowserEventHandler = {
if (!BrowserApp.isBrowserContentDocumentDisplayed() || aEvent.touches.length > 1 || aEvent.defaultPrevented)
let closest = aEvent.target;
let target = aEvent.target;
if (!target) {
if (closest) {
// If we've pressed a scrollable element, let Java know that we may
// want to override the scroll behaviour (for document sub-frames)
this._scrollableElement = this._findScrollableElement(closest, true);
this._firstScrollEvent = true;
// If we've pressed a scrollable element, let Java know that we may
// want to override the scroll behaviour (for document sub-frames)
this._scrollableElement = this._findScrollableElement(target, true);
this._firstScrollEvent = true;
if (this._scrollableElement != null) {
// Discard if it's the top-level scrollable, we let Java handle this
// The top-level scrollable is the body in quirks mode and the html element
// in standards mode
let doc = BrowserApp.selectedBrowser.contentDocument;
let rootScrollable = (doc.compatMode === "BackCompat" ? doc.body : doc.documentElement);
if (this._scrollableElement != rootScrollable) {
Messaging.sendRequest({ type: "Panning:Override" });
if (this._scrollableElement != null) {
// Discard if it's the top-level scrollable, we let Java handle this
// The top-level scrollable is the body in quirks mode and the html element
// in standards mode
let doc = BrowserApp.selectedBrowser.contentDocument;
let rootScrollable = (doc.compatMode === "BackCompat" ? doc.body : doc.documentElement);
if (this._scrollableElement != rootScrollable) {
Messaging.sendRequest({ type: "Panning:Override" });
if (!ElementTouchHelper.isElementClickable(closest, null, false))
closest = ElementTouchHelper.elementFromPoint(aEvent.changedTouches[0].screenX,
if (!closest)
closest = aEvent.target;
if (closest) {
let uri = this._getLinkURI(closest);
if (uri) {
try {
Services.io.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISpeculativeConnect).speculativeConnect(uri, null);
} catch (e) {}
let uri = this._getLinkURI(target);
if (uri) {
try {
Services.io.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISpeculativeConnect).speculativeConnect(uri, null);
} catch (e) {}
_getLinkURI: function(aElement) {
@ -4924,32 +4884,29 @@ var BrowserEventHandler = {
case "Gesture:SingleTap": {
let element = this._highlightElement;
if (element) {
try {
let data = JSON.parse(aData);
let [x, y] = [data.x, data.y];
if (ElementTouchHelper.isElementClickable(element)) {
[x, y] = this._moveClickPoint(element, x, y);
// Was the element already focused before it was clicked?
let isFocused = (element == BrowserApp.getFocusedInput(BrowserApp.selectedBrowser));
this._sendMouseEvent("mousemove", element, x, y);
this._sendMouseEvent("mousedown", element, x, y);
this._sendMouseEvent("mouseup", element, x, y);
// If the element was previously focused, show the caret attached to it.
if (isFocused)
// scrollToFocusedInput does its own checks to find out if an element should be zoomed into
} catch(e) {
try {
// If the element was previously focused, show the caret attached to it.
let element = this._highlightElement;
if (element && element == BrowserApp.getFocusedInput(BrowserApp.selectedBrowser)) {
} catch(e) {
// The _highlightElement was chosen after fluffing the touch events
// that led to this SingleTap, so by fluffing the mouse events, they
// should find the same target since we fluff them again below.
let data = JSON.parse(aData);
let {x, y} = data;
this._sendMouseEvent("mousemove", x, y);
this._sendMouseEvent("mousedown", x, y);
this._sendMouseEvent("mouseup", x, y);
// scrollToFocusedInput does its own checks to find out if an element should be zoomed into
@ -5098,40 +5055,11 @@ var BrowserEventHandler = {
this.motionBuffer.push({ dx: dx, dy: dy, time: this.lastTime });
_moveClickPoint: function(aElement, aX, aY) {
// the element can be out of the aX/aY point because of the touch radius
// if outside, we gracefully move the touch point to the edge of the element
if (!(aElement instanceof HTMLHtmlElement)) {
let isTouchClick = true;
let rects = ElementTouchHelper.getContentClientRects(aElement);
for (let i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
let rect = rects[i];
let inBounds =
(aX > rect.left && aX < (rect.left + rect.width)) &&
(aY > rect.top && aY < (rect.top + rect.height));
if (inBounds) {
isTouchClick = false;
if (isTouchClick) {
let rect = rects[0];
// if either width or height is zero, we don't want to move the click to the edge of the element. See bug 757208
if (rect.width != 0 && rect.height != 0) {
aX = Math.min(Math.ceil(rect.left + rect.width) - 1, Math.max(Math.ceil(rect.left), aX));
aY = Math.min(Math.ceil(rect.top + rect.height) - 1, Math.max(Math.ceil(rect.top), aY));
return [aX, aY];
_sendMouseEvent: function _sendMouseEvent(aName, aElement, aX, aY) {
let window = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
_sendMouseEvent: function _sendMouseEvent(aName, aX, aY) {
let win = BrowserApp.selectedBrowser.contentWindow;
try {
let cwu = window.top.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
cwu.sendMouseEventToWindow(aName, aX, aY, 0, 1, 0, true);
let cwu = win.top.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
cwu.sendMouseEventToWindow(aName, aX, aY, 0, 1, 0, true, 0, Ci.nsIDOMMouseEvent.MOZ_SOURCE_TOUCH);
} catch(e) {
@ -5202,8 +5130,6 @@ var BrowserEventHandler = {
const kReferenceDpi = 240; // standard "pixel" size used in some preferences
const ElementTouchHelper = {
/* Return the element at the given coordinates, starting from the given window and
drilling down through frames. If no window is provided, the top-level window of
@ -5225,184 +5151,30 @@ const ElementTouchHelper = {
return elem;
/* Return the most appropriate clickable element (if any), starting from the given window
and drilling down through iframes as necessary. If no window is provided, the top-level
window of the currently selected tab is used. The coordinates provided should be CSS
pixels relative to the window's scroll position. The element returned may not actually
contain the coordinates passed in because of touch radius and clickability heuristics. */
elementFromPoint: function(aX, aY, aWindow) {
// browser's elementFromPoint expect browser-relative client coordinates.
// subtract browser's scroll values to adjust
let win = (aWindow ? aWindow : BrowserApp.selectedBrowser.contentWindow);
let cwu = win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
let elem = this.getClosest(cwu, aX, aY);
// step through layers of IFRAMEs and FRAMES to find innermost element
while (elem && (elem instanceof HTMLIFrameElement || elem instanceof HTMLFrameElement)) {
// adjust client coordinates' origin to be top left of iframe viewport
let rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
aX -= rect.left;
aY -= rect.top;
cwu = elem.contentDocument.defaultView.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
elem = this.getClosest(cwu, aX, aY);
return elem;
/* Returns the touch radius in content px. */
/* Returns the touch radius with zoom factored in. */
getTouchRadius: function getTouchRadius() {
let dpiRatio = ViewportHandler.displayDPI / kReferenceDpi;
let zoom = BrowserApp.selectedTab._zoom;
return {
top: this.radius.top * dpiRatio / zoom,
right: this.radius.right * dpiRatio / zoom,
bottom: this.radius.bottom * dpiRatio / zoom,
left: this.radius.left * dpiRatio / zoom
top: this.radius.top / zoom,
right: this.radius.right / zoom,
bottom: this.radius.bottom / zoom,
left: this.radius.left / zoom
/* Returns the touch radius in reference pixels. */
/* Returns the touch radius in device pixels. */
get radius() {
let mmToIn = 1 / 25.4;
let mmToPx = mmToIn * ViewportHandler.displayDPI;
let prefs = Services.prefs;
delete this.radius;
return this.radius = { "top": prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.top"),
"right": prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.right"),
"bottom": prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.bottom"),
"left": prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.left")
return this.radius = { "top": prefs.getIntPref("ui.touch.radius.topmm") * mmToPx,
"right": prefs.getIntPref("ui.touch.radius.rightmm") * mmToPx,
"bottom": prefs.getIntPref("ui.touch.radius.bottommm") * mmToPx,
"left": prefs.getIntPref("ui.touch.radius.leftmm") * mmToPx
get weight() {
delete this.weight;
return this.weight = { "visited": Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.weight.visited") };
/* Retrieve the closest element to a point by looking at borders position */
getClosest: function getClosest(aWindowUtils, aX, aY) {
let target = aWindowUtils.elementFromPoint(aX, aY,
true, /* ignore root scroll frame*/
false); /* don't flush layout */
// if this element is clickable we return quickly. also, if it isn't,
// use a cache to speed up future calls to isElementClickable in the
// loop below.
let unclickableCache = new Array();
if (this.isElementClickable(target, unclickableCache, false))
return target;
target = null;
let radius = this.getTouchRadius();
let nodes = aWindowUtils.nodesFromRect(aX, aY, radius.top, radius.right, radius.bottom, radius.left, true, false);
let threshold = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
let current = nodes[i];
if (!current.matches || !this.isElementClickable(current, unclickableCache, true))
let rect = current.getBoundingClientRect();
let distance = this._computeDistanceFromRect(aX, aY, rect);
// increase a little bit the weight for already visited items
if (current && current.matches("*:visited"))
distance *= (this.weight.visited / 100);
if (distance < threshold) {
target = current;
threshold = distance;
return target;
isElementClickable: function isElementClickable(aElement, aUnclickableCache, aAllowBodyListeners) {
const selector = "a,:link,:visited,[role=button],button,input,select,textarea";
let stopNode = null;
if (!aAllowBodyListeners && aElement && aElement.ownerDocument)
stopNode = aElement.ownerDocument.body;
for (let elem = aElement; elem && elem != stopNode; elem = elem.parentNode) {
if (aUnclickableCache && aUnclickableCache.indexOf(elem) != -1)
if (this._hasMouseListener(elem))
return true;
if (elem.matches && elem.matches(selector))
return true;
if (elem instanceof HTMLLabelElement && elem.control != null)
return true;
if (aUnclickableCache)
return false;
_computeDistanceFromRect: function _computeDistanceFromRect(aX, aY, aRect) {
let x = 0, y = 0;
let xmost = aRect.left + aRect.width;
let ymost = aRect.top + aRect.height;
// compute horizontal distance from left/right border depending if X is
// before/inside/after the element's rectangle
if (aRect.left < aX && aX < xmost)
x = Math.min(xmost - aX, aX - aRect.left);
else if (aX < aRect.left)
x = aRect.left - aX;
else if (aX > xmost)
x = aX - xmost;
// compute vertical distance from top/bottom border depending if Y is
// above/inside/below the element's rectangle
if (aRect.top < aY && aY < ymost)
y = Math.min(ymost - aY, aY - aRect.top);
else if (aY < aRect.top)
y = aRect.top - aY;
if (aY > ymost)
y = aY - ymost;
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));
_els: Cc["@mozilla.org/eventlistenerservice;1"].getService(Ci.nsIEventListenerService),
_clickableEvents: ["mousedown", "mouseup", "click"],
_hasMouseListener: function _hasMouseListener(aElement) {
let els = this._els;
let listeners = els.getListenerInfoFor(aElement, {});
for (let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (this._clickableEvents.indexOf(listeners[i].type) != -1)
return true;
return false;
getContentClientRects: function(aElement) {
let offset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
let nativeRects = aElement.getClientRects();
// step out of iframes and frames, offsetting scroll values
for (let frame = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView; frame.frameElement; frame = frame.parent) {
// adjust client coordinates' origin to be top left of iframe viewport
let rect = frame.frameElement.getBoundingClientRect();
let left = frame.getComputedStyle(frame.frameElement, "").borderLeftWidth;
let top = frame.getComputedStyle(frame.frameElement, "").borderTopWidth;
offset.x += rect.left + parseInt(left);
offset.y += rect.top + parseInt(top);
let result = [];
for (let i = nativeRects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let r = nativeRects[i];
result.push({ left: r.left + offset.x,
top: r.top + offset.y,
width: r.width,
height: r.height
return result;
getBoundingContentRect: function(aElement) {
if (!aElement)
return {x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0};