mirror of
synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
Bug 1081057 - fix CRLF line endings in some Places files. r=me
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,313 +1,313 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
* This module provides an asynchronous API for managing bookmarks.
* Bookmarks are organized in a tree structure, and can be bookmarked URLs,
* folders or separators. Multiple bookmarks for the same URL are allowed.
* Note that if you are handling bookmarks operations in the UI, you should
* not use this API directly, but rather use PlacesTransactions.jsm, so that
* any operation is undo/redo-able.
* Each bookmarked item is represented by an object having the following
* properties:
* - guid (string)
* The globally unique identifier of the item.
* - parentGuid (string)
* The globally unique identifier of the folder containing the item.
* This will be an empty string for the Places root folder.
* - index (number)
* The 0-based position of the item in the parent folder.
* - dateAdded (Date)
* The time at which the item was added.
* - lastModified (Date)
* The time at which the item was last modified.
* - type (number)
* The following properties are only valid for bookmarks or folders.
* - title (string)
* The item's title, if any. Empty titles and null titles are considered
* the same and the property is unset on retrieval in such a case.
* Title cannot be longer than TITLE_LENGTH_MAX, or it will be truncated.
* The following properties are only valid for bookmarks:
* - url (URL, href or nsIURI)
* The item's URL. Note that while input objects can contains either
* an URL object, an href string, or an nsIURI, output objects will always
* contain an URL object.
* URL cannot be longer than URL_LENGTH_MAX, methods will throw if a
* longer value is provided
* - keyword (string)
* The associated keyword, if any.
* Each successful operation notifies through the nsINavBookmarksObserver
* interface. To listen to such notifications you must register using
* nsINavBookmarksService addObserver and removeObserver methods.
* Note that bookmark addition or order changes won't notify onItemMoved for
* items that have their indexes changed.
* Similarly, lastModified changes not done explicitly (like changing another
* property) won't fire an onItemChanged notification for the lastModified
* property.
* @see nsINavBookmarkObserver
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "Bookmarks" ];
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Sqlite",
const URL_LENGTH_MAX = 65536;
const TITLE_LENGTH_MAX = 4096;
let Bookmarks = Object.freeze({
* Item's type constants.
* These should stay consistent with nsINavBookmarksService.idl
* Default index used to append a bookmarked item at the end of a container.
* This should stay consistent with nsINavBookmarksService.idl
* Creates or updates a bookmarked item.
* If the given guid is found the corresponding item is updated, otherwise,
* if no guid is provided, a bookmark is created and a new guid is assigned
* to it.
* In the creation case, a minimum set of properties must be provided:
* - type
* - parentGuid
* - url, only for bookmarks
* If an index is not specified, it defaults to appending.
* It's also possible to pass a non-existent guid to force creation of an
* item with the given guid, but unless you have a very sound reason, such as
* an undo manager implementation or synchronization, you should not do that.
* In the update case, you should only set the properties which should be
* changed, undefined properties won't be taken into account for the update.
* Moreover, the item's type and the guid are ignored, since they are
* immutable after creation. Note that if the passed in values are not
* coherent with the known values, this rejects.
* Passing null or an empty string as keyword clears any keyword
* associated with this bookmark.
* Note that any known property that doesn't apply to the specific item type
* throws an exception.
* @param info
* object representing a bookmarked item, as defined above.
* @param onResult [optional]
* Callback invoked for each created or updated bookmark. It gets
* the bookmark object as argument.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the update is complete.
* @resolves to a boolean indicating whether any new bookmark has been created.
* @rejects JavaScript exception if it's not possible to update or create the
* requested bookmark.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX Will replace functionality from these methods:
// long long insertBookmark(in long long aParentId, in nsIURI aURI, in long aIndex, in AUTF8String aTitle, [optional] in ACString aGUID);
// long long createFolder(in long long aParentFolder, in AUTF8String name, in long index, [optional] in ACString aGUID);
// void moveItem(in long long aItemId, in long long aNewParentId, in long aIndex);
// long long insertSeparator(in long long aParentId, in long aIndex, [optional] in ACString aGUID);
// void setItemTitle(in long long aItemId, in AUTF8String aTitle);
// void setItemDateAdded(in long long aItemId, in PRTime aDateAdded);
// void setItemLastModified(in long long aItemId, in PRTime aLastModified);
// void changeBookmarkURI(in long long aItemId, in nsIURI aNewURI);
// void setKeywordForBookmark(in long long aItemId, in AString aKeyword);
update: function (info, onResult=null) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
* Removes a bookmarked item.
* Input can either be a guid or an object with one of the following
* properties set:
* - guid: if set, only the corresponding item is removed.
* - parentGuid: if it's set and is a folder, any children of that folder is
* removed, but not the folder itself.
* - url: if set, any bookmark for that URL is removed.
* If multiple of these properties are set, the method throws.
* Any other property is ignored, known properties may be overwritten.
* @param guidOrInfo
* The globally unique identifier of the item to remove, or an
* object representing it, as defined above.
* @param onResult [optional]
* Callback invoked for each removed bookmark. It gets the bookmark
* object as argument.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the removal is complete.
* @resolves to a boolean indicating whether any object has been removed.
* @rejects JavaScript exception if the provided guid or parentGuid don't
* match any existing bookmark.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX Will replace functionality from these methods:
// removeItem(in long long aItemId);
// removeFolderChildren(in long long aItemId);
remove: function (guidOrInfo, onResult=null) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
* Fetches information about a bookmarked item.
* Input can be either a guid or an object with one, and only one, of these
* filtering properties set:
* - guid
* retrieves the item with the specified guid
* - parentGuid and index
* retrieves the item by its position
* - url
* retrieves an array of items having the given URL.
* - keyword
* retrieves an array of items having the given keyword.
* Any other property is ignored. Known properties may be overwritten.
* @param guidOrInfo
* The globally unique identifier of the item to fetch, or an
* object representing it, as defined above.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the fetch is complete.
* @resolves to an object representing the found item, as described above, or
* an array of such objects. if no item is found, the returned
* promise is resolved to null.
* @rejects JavaScript exception.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX Will replace functionality from these methods:
// long long getIdForItemAt(in long long aParentId, in long aIndex);
// AUTF8String getItemTitle(in long long aItemId);
// PRTime getItemDateAdded(in long long aItemId);
// PRTime getItemLastModified(in long long aItemId);
// nsIURI getBookmarkURI(in long long aItemId);
// long getItemIndex(in long long aItemId);
// unsigned short getItemType(in long long aItemId);
// boolean isBookmarked(in nsIURI aURI);
// long long getFolderIdForItem(in long long aItemId);
// void getBookmarkIdsForURI(in nsIURI aURI, [optional] out unsigned long count, [array, retval, size_is(count)] out long long bookmarks);
// AString getKeywordForURI(in nsIURI aURI);
// AString getKeywordForBookmark(in long long aItemId);
// nsIURI getURIForKeyword(in AString keyword);
fetch: function (guidOrInfo) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
* Retrieves an object representation of a bookmarked item, along with all of
* its descendants, if any.
* Each node in the tree is an object that extends the item representation
* described above with some additional properties:
* - [deprecated] id (number)
* the item's id. Defined only if aOptions.includeItemIds is set.
* - annos (array)
* the item's annotations. This is not set if there are no annotations
* set for the item.
* The root object of the tree also has the following properties set:
* - itemsCount (number, not enumerable)
* the number of items, including the root item itself, which are
* represented in the resolved object.
* Bookmarked URLs may also have the following properties:
* - tags (string)
* csv string of the bookmark's tags, if any.
* - charset (string)
* the last known charset of the bookmark, if any.
* - iconurl (URL)
* the bookmark's favicon URL, if any.
* Folders may also have the following properties:
* - children (array)
* the folder's children information, each of them having the same set of
* properties as above.
* @param [optional] guid
* the topmost item to be queried. If it's not passed, the Places
* root folder is queried: that is, you get a representation of the
* entire bookmarks hierarchy.
* @param [optional] options
* Options for customizing the query behavior, in the form of an
* object with any of the following properties:
* - excludeItemsCallback: a function for excluding items, along with
* their descendants. Given an item object (that has everything set
* apart its potential children data), it should return true if the
* item should be excluded. Once an item is excluded, the function
* isn't called for any of its descendants. This isn't called for
* the root item.
* WARNING: since the function may be called for each item, using
* this option can slow down the process significantly if the
* callback does anything that's not relatively trivial. It is
* highly recommended to avoid any synchronous I/O or DB queries.
* - includeItemIds: opt-in to include the deprecated id property.
* Use it if you must. It'll be removed once the switch to guids is
* complete.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the fetch is complete.
* @resolves to an object that represents either a single item or a
* bookmarks tree. if guid points to a non-existent item, the
* returned promise is resolved to null.
* @rejects JavaScript exception.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX: will replace functionality for these methods:
// PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree()
fetchTree: function (guid = "", options = {}) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
* Reorders contents of a folder based on a provided array of GUIDs.
* @param parentGuid
* The globally unique identifier of the folder whose contents should
* be reordered.
* @param orderedChildrenGuids
* Ordered array of the children's GUIDs. If this list contains
* non-existing entries they will be ignored. If the list is
* incomplete, missing entries will be appended.
* @return {Promise} resolved when reordering is complete.
* @rejects JavaScript exception.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX Will replace functionality from these methods:
// void setItemIndex(in long long aItemId, in long aNewIndex);
reorder: function (parentGuid, orderedChildrenGuids) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
* This module provides an asynchronous API for managing bookmarks.
* Bookmarks are organized in a tree structure, and can be bookmarked URLs,
* folders or separators. Multiple bookmarks for the same URL are allowed.
* Note that if you are handling bookmarks operations in the UI, you should
* not use this API directly, but rather use PlacesTransactions.jsm, so that
* any operation is undo/redo-able.
* Each bookmarked item is represented by an object having the following
* properties:
* - guid (string)
* The globally unique identifier of the item.
* - parentGuid (string)
* The globally unique identifier of the folder containing the item.
* This will be an empty string for the Places root folder.
* - index (number)
* The 0-based position of the item in the parent folder.
* - dateAdded (Date)
* The time at which the item was added.
* - lastModified (Date)
* The time at which the item was last modified.
* - type (number)
* The following properties are only valid for bookmarks or folders.
* - title (string)
* The item's title, if any. Empty titles and null titles are considered
* the same and the property is unset on retrieval in such a case.
* Title cannot be longer than TITLE_LENGTH_MAX, or it will be truncated.
* The following properties are only valid for bookmarks:
* - url (URL, href or nsIURI)
* The item's URL. Note that while input objects can contains either
* an URL object, an href string, or an nsIURI, output objects will always
* contain an URL object.
* URL cannot be longer than URL_LENGTH_MAX, methods will throw if a
* longer value is provided
* - keyword (string)
* The associated keyword, if any.
* Each successful operation notifies through the nsINavBookmarksObserver
* interface. To listen to such notifications you must register using
* nsINavBookmarksService addObserver and removeObserver methods.
* Note that bookmark addition or order changes won't notify onItemMoved for
* items that have their indexes changed.
* Similarly, lastModified changes not done explicitly (like changing another
* property) won't fire an onItemChanged notification for the lastModified
* property.
* @see nsINavBookmarkObserver
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "Bookmarks" ];
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Sqlite",
const URL_LENGTH_MAX = 65536;
const TITLE_LENGTH_MAX = 4096;
let Bookmarks = Object.freeze({
* Item's type constants.
* These should stay consistent with nsINavBookmarksService.idl
* Default index used to append a bookmarked item at the end of a container.
* This should stay consistent with nsINavBookmarksService.idl
* Creates or updates a bookmarked item.
* If the given guid is found the corresponding item is updated, otherwise,
* if no guid is provided, a bookmark is created and a new guid is assigned
* to it.
* In the creation case, a minimum set of properties must be provided:
* - type
* - parentGuid
* - url, only for bookmarks
* If an index is not specified, it defaults to appending.
* It's also possible to pass a non-existent guid to force creation of an
* item with the given guid, but unless you have a very sound reason, such as
* an undo manager implementation or synchronization, you should not do that.
* In the update case, you should only set the properties which should be
* changed, undefined properties won't be taken into account for the update.
* Moreover, the item's type and the guid are ignored, since they are
* immutable after creation. Note that if the passed in values are not
* coherent with the known values, this rejects.
* Passing null or an empty string as keyword clears any keyword
* associated with this bookmark.
* Note that any known property that doesn't apply to the specific item type
* throws an exception.
* @param info
* object representing a bookmarked item, as defined above.
* @param onResult [optional]
* Callback invoked for each created or updated bookmark. It gets
* the bookmark object as argument.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the update is complete.
* @resolves to a boolean indicating whether any new bookmark has been created.
* @rejects JavaScript exception if it's not possible to update or create the
* requested bookmark.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX Will replace functionality from these methods:
// long long insertBookmark(in long long aParentId, in nsIURI aURI, in long aIndex, in AUTF8String aTitle, [optional] in ACString aGUID);
// long long createFolder(in long long aParentFolder, in AUTF8String name, in long index, [optional] in ACString aGUID);
// void moveItem(in long long aItemId, in long long aNewParentId, in long aIndex);
// long long insertSeparator(in long long aParentId, in long aIndex, [optional] in ACString aGUID);
// void setItemTitle(in long long aItemId, in AUTF8String aTitle);
// void setItemDateAdded(in long long aItemId, in PRTime aDateAdded);
// void setItemLastModified(in long long aItemId, in PRTime aLastModified);
// void changeBookmarkURI(in long long aItemId, in nsIURI aNewURI);
// void setKeywordForBookmark(in long long aItemId, in AString aKeyword);
update: function (info, onResult=null) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
* Removes a bookmarked item.
* Input can either be a guid or an object with one of the following
* properties set:
* - guid: if set, only the corresponding item is removed.
* - parentGuid: if it's set and is a folder, any children of that folder is
* removed, but not the folder itself.
* - url: if set, any bookmark for that URL is removed.
* If multiple of these properties are set, the method throws.
* Any other property is ignored, known properties may be overwritten.
* @param guidOrInfo
* The globally unique identifier of the item to remove, or an
* object representing it, as defined above.
* @param onResult [optional]
* Callback invoked for each removed bookmark. It gets the bookmark
* object as argument.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the removal is complete.
* @resolves to a boolean indicating whether any object has been removed.
* @rejects JavaScript exception if the provided guid or parentGuid don't
* match any existing bookmark.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX Will replace functionality from these methods:
// removeItem(in long long aItemId);
// removeFolderChildren(in long long aItemId);
remove: function (guidOrInfo, onResult=null) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
* Fetches information about a bookmarked item.
* Input can be either a guid or an object with one, and only one, of these
* filtering properties set:
* - guid
* retrieves the item with the specified guid
* - parentGuid and index
* retrieves the item by its position
* - url
* retrieves an array of items having the given URL.
* - keyword
* retrieves an array of items having the given keyword.
* Any other property is ignored. Known properties may be overwritten.
* @param guidOrInfo
* The globally unique identifier of the item to fetch, or an
* object representing it, as defined above.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the fetch is complete.
* @resolves to an object representing the found item, as described above, or
* an array of such objects. if no item is found, the returned
* promise is resolved to null.
* @rejects JavaScript exception.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX Will replace functionality from these methods:
// long long getIdForItemAt(in long long aParentId, in long aIndex);
// AUTF8String getItemTitle(in long long aItemId);
// PRTime getItemDateAdded(in long long aItemId);
// PRTime getItemLastModified(in long long aItemId);
// nsIURI getBookmarkURI(in long long aItemId);
// long getItemIndex(in long long aItemId);
// unsigned short getItemType(in long long aItemId);
// boolean isBookmarked(in nsIURI aURI);
// long long getFolderIdForItem(in long long aItemId);
// void getBookmarkIdsForURI(in nsIURI aURI, [optional] out unsigned long count, [array, retval, size_is(count)] out long long bookmarks);
// AString getKeywordForURI(in nsIURI aURI);
// AString getKeywordForBookmark(in long long aItemId);
// nsIURI getURIForKeyword(in AString keyword);
fetch: function (guidOrInfo) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
* Retrieves an object representation of a bookmarked item, along with all of
* its descendants, if any.
* Each node in the tree is an object that extends the item representation
* described above with some additional properties:
* - [deprecated] id (number)
* the item's id. Defined only if aOptions.includeItemIds is set.
* - annos (array)
* the item's annotations. This is not set if there are no annotations
* set for the item.
* The root object of the tree also has the following properties set:
* - itemsCount (number, not enumerable)
* the number of items, including the root item itself, which are
* represented in the resolved object.
* Bookmarked URLs may also have the following properties:
* - tags (string)
* csv string of the bookmark's tags, if any.
* - charset (string)
* the last known charset of the bookmark, if any.
* - iconurl (URL)
* the bookmark's favicon URL, if any.
* Folders may also have the following properties:
* - children (array)
* the folder's children information, each of them having the same set of
* properties as above.
* @param [optional] guid
* the topmost item to be queried. If it's not passed, the Places
* root folder is queried: that is, you get a representation of the
* entire bookmarks hierarchy.
* @param [optional] options
* Options for customizing the query behavior, in the form of an
* object with any of the following properties:
* - excludeItemsCallback: a function for excluding items, along with
* their descendants. Given an item object (that has everything set
* apart its potential children data), it should return true if the
* item should be excluded. Once an item is excluded, the function
* isn't called for any of its descendants. This isn't called for
* the root item.
* WARNING: since the function may be called for each item, using
* this option can slow down the process significantly if the
* callback does anything that's not relatively trivial. It is
* highly recommended to avoid any synchronous I/O or DB queries.
* - includeItemIds: opt-in to include the deprecated id property.
* Use it if you must. It'll be removed once the switch to guids is
* complete.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the fetch is complete.
* @resolves to an object that represents either a single item or a
* bookmarks tree. if guid points to a non-existent item, the
* returned promise is resolved to null.
* @rejects JavaScript exception.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX: will replace functionality for these methods:
// PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree()
fetchTree: function (guid = "", options = {}) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
* Reorders contents of a folder based on a provided array of GUIDs.
* @param parentGuid
* The globally unique identifier of the folder whose contents should
* be reordered.
* @param orderedChildrenGuids
* Ordered array of the children's GUIDs. If this list contains
* non-existing entries they will be ignored. If the list is
* incomplete, missing entries will be appended.
* @return {Promise} resolved when reordering is complete.
* @rejects JavaScript exception.
* @throws if input is invalid.
// XXX WIP XXX Will replace functionality from these methods:
// void setItemIndex(in long long aItemId, in long aNewIndex);
reorder: function (parentGuid, orderedChildrenGuids) {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented");
@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
function run_test() {
/* Bug 1016953 - When a previous bookmark backup exists with the same hash
regardless of date, an automatic backup should attempt to either rename it to
today's date if the backup was for an old date or leave it alone if it was for
the same date. However if the file ext was json it will accidentally rename it
to jsonlz4 while keeping the json contents
add_task(function* test_same_date_same_hash() {
// If old file has been created on the same date and has the same hash
// the file should be left alone
let backupFolder = yield PlacesBackups.getBackupFolder();
// Save to profile dir to obtain hash and nodeCount to append to filename
let tempPath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir,
let {count, hash} = yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(tempPath);
// Save JSON file in backup folder with hash appended
let dateObj = new Date();
let filename = "bookmarks-" + dateObj.toLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d") + "_" +
count + "_" + hash + ".json";
let backupFile = OS.Path.join(backupFolder, filename);
yield OS.File.move(tempPath, backupFile);
// Force a compressed backup which fallbacks to rename
yield PlacesBackups.create();
let mostRecentBackupFile = yield PlacesBackups.getMostRecentBackup();
// check to ensure not renamed to jsonlz4
Assert.equal(mostRecentBackupFile, backupFile);
// inspect contents and check if valid json
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let result = yield OS.File.read(mostRecentBackupFile);
let jsonString = converter.convertFromByteArray(result, result.length);
do_log_info("Check is valid JSON");
// Cleanup
yield OS.File.remove(backupFile);
yield OS.File.remove(tempPath);
PlacesBackups._backupFiles = null; // To force re-cache of backupFiles
add_task(function* test_same_date_diff_hash() {
// If the old file has been created on the same date, but has a different hash
// the existing file should be overwritten with the newer compressed version
let backupFolder = yield PlacesBackups.getBackupFolder();
let tempPath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir,
let {count, hash} = yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(tempPath);
let dateObj = new Date();
let filename = "bookmarks-" + dateObj.toLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d") + "_" +
count + "_" + "differentHash==" + ".json";
let backupFile = OS.Path.join(backupFolder, filename);
yield OS.File.move(tempPath, backupFile);
yield PlacesBackups.create(); // Force compressed backup
mostRecentBackupFile = yield PlacesBackups.getMostRecentBackup();
// Decode lz4 compressed file to json and check if json is valid
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let result = yield OS.File.read(mostRecentBackupFile, { compression: "lz4" });
let jsonString = converter.convertFromByteArray(result, result.length);
do_log_info("Check is valid JSON");
// Cleanup
yield OS.File.remove(mostRecentBackupFile);
yield OS.File.remove(tempPath);
PlacesBackups._backupFiles = null; // To force re-cache of backupFiles
add_task(function* test_diff_date_same_hash() {
// If the old file has been created on an older day but has the same hash
// it should be renamed with today's date without altering the contents.
let backupFolder = yield PlacesBackups.getBackupFolder();
let tempPath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir,
let {count, hash} = yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(tempPath);
let oldDate = new Date(2014, 1, 1);
let curDate = new Date();
let oldFilename = "bookmarks-" + oldDate.toLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d") + "_" +
count + "_" + hash + ".json";
let newFilename = "bookmarks-" + curDate.toLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d") + "_" +
count + "_" + hash + ".json";
let backupFile = OS.Path.join(backupFolder, oldFilename);
let newBackupFile = OS.Path.join(backupFolder, newFilename);
yield OS.File.move(tempPath, backupFile);
// Ensure file has been renamed correctly
yield PlacesBackups.create();
let mostRecentBackupFile = yield PlacesBackups.getMostRecentBackup();
Assert.equal(mostRecentBackupFile, newBackupFile);
// Cleanup
yield OS.File.remove(mostRecentBackupFile);
yield OS.File.remove(tempPath);
function run_test() {
/* Bug 1016953 - When a previous bookmark backup exists with the same hash
regardless of date, an automatic backup should attempt to either rename it to
today's date if the backup was for an old date or leave it alone if it was for
the same date. However if the file ext was json it will accidentally rename it
to jsonlz4 while keeping the json contents
add_task(function* test_same_date_same_hash() {
// If old file has been created on the same date and has the same hash
// the file should be left alone
let backupFolder = yield PlacesBackups.getBackupFolder();
// Save to profile dir to obtain hash and nodeCount to append to filename
let tempPath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir,
let {count, hash} = yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(tempPath);
// Save JSON file in backup folder with hash appended
let dateObj = new Date();
let filename = "bookmarks-" + dateObj.toLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d") + "_" +
count + "_" + hash + ".json";
let backupFile = OS.Path.join(backupFolder, filename);
yield OS.File.move(tempPath, backupFile);
// Force a compressed backup which fallbacks to rename
yield PlacesBackups.create();
let mostRecentBackupFile = yield PlacesBackups.getMostRecentBackup();
// check to ensure not renamed to jsonlz4
Assert.equal(mostRecentBackupFile, backupFile);
// inspect contents and check if valid json
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let result = yield OS.File.read(mostRecentBackupFile);
let jsonString = converter.convertFromByteArray(result, result.length);
do_log_info("Check is valid JSON");
// Cleanup
yield OS.File.remove(backupFile);
yield OS.File.remove(tempPath);
PlacesBackups._backupFiles = null; // To force re-cache of backupFiles
add_task(function* test_same_date_diff_hash() {
// If the old file has been created on the same date, but has a different hash
// the existing file should be overwritten with the newer compressed version
let backupFolder = yield PlacesBackups.getBackupFolder();
let tempPath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir,
let {count, hash} = yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(tempPath);
let dateObj = new Date();
let filename = "bookmarks-" + dateObj.toLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d") + "_" +
count + "_" + "differentHash==" + ".json";
let backupFile = OS.Path.join(backupFolder, filename);
yield OS.File.move(tempPath, backupFile);
yield PlacesBackups.create(); // Force compressed backup
mostRecentBackupFile = yield PlacesBackups.getMostRecentBackup();
// Decode lz4 compressed file to json and check if json is valid
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let result = yield OS.File.read(mostRecentBackupFile, { compression: "lz4" });
let jsonString = converter.convertFromByteArray(result, result.length);
do_log_info("Check is valid JSON");
// Cleanup
yield OS.File.remove(mostRecentBackupFile);
yield OS.File.remove(tempPath);
PlacesBackups._backupFiles = null; // To force re-cache of backupFiles
add_task(function* test_diff_date_same_hash() {
// If the old file has been created on an older day but has the same hash
// it should be renamed with today's date without altering the contents.
let backupFolder = yield PlacesBackups.getBackupFolder();
let tempPath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir,
let {count, hash} = yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(tempPath);
let oldDate = new Date(2014, 1, 1);
let curDate = new Date();
let oldFilename = "bookmarks-" + oldDate.toLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d") + "_" +
count + "_" + hash + ".json";
let newFilename = "bookmarks-" + curDate.toLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d") + "_" +
count + "_" + hash + ".json";
let backupFile = OS.Path.join(backupFolder, oldFilename);
let newBackupFile = OS.Path.join(backupFolder, newFilename);
yield OS.File.move(tempPath, backupFile);
// Ensure file has been renamed correctly
yield PlacesBackups.create();
let mostRecentBackupFile = yield PlacesBackups.getMostRecentBackup();
Assert.equal(mostRecentBackupFile, newBackupFile);
// Cleanup
yield OS.File.remove(mostRecentBackupFile);
yield OS.File.remove(tempPath);
@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* Bug 1017502 - Add a foreign_count column to moz_places
This tests, tests the triggers that adjust the foreign_count when a bookmark is
added or removed and also the maintenance task to fix wrong counts.
const T_URI = NetUtil.newURI("https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/firstrun/");
function* getForeignCountForURL(conn, url) {
yield promiseAsyncUpdates();
url = url instanceof Ci.nsIURI ? url.spec : url;
let rows = yield conn.executeCached(
"SELECT foreign_count FROM moz_places WHERE url = :t_url ", { t_url: url });
return rows[0].getResultByName("foreign_count");
function run_test() {
add_task(function* add_remove_change_bookmark_test() {
let conn = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
// Simulate a visit to the url
yield promiseAddVisits(T_URI);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
// Add 1st bookmark which should increment foreign_count by 1
let id1 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
T_URI, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "First Run");
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 1);
// Add 2nd bookmark
let id2 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId,
T_URI, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "First Run");
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 2);
// Remove 2nd bookmark which should decrement foreign_count by 1
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 1);
// Change first bookmark's URI
const URI2 = NetUtil.newURI("http://www.mozilla.org");
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(id1, URI2);
// Check foreign count for original URI
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
// Check foreign count for new URI
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, URI2)), 1);
// Cleanup - Remove changed bookmark
let id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getBookmarkIdsForURI(URI2);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, URI2)), 0);
add_task(function* maintenance_foreign_count_test() {
let conn = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
// Simulate a visit to the url
yield promiseAddVisits(T_URI);
// Adjust the foreign_count for the added entry to an incorrect value
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let stmt = DBConn().createAsyncStatement(
"UPDATE moz_places SET foreign_count = 10 WHERE url = :t_url ");
stmt.params.t_url = T_URI.spec;
handleCompletion: function(){
yield deferred.promise;
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 10);
// Run maintenance
let promiseMaintenanceFinished =
yield promiseMaintenanceFinished;
// Check if the foreign_count has been adjusted to the correct value
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
add_task(function* add_remove_tags_test(){
let conn = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
yield promiseAddVisits(T_URI);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
// Check foreign count incremented by 1 for a single tag
PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(T_URI, ["test tag"]);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 1);
// Check foreign count is incremented by 2 for two tags
PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(T_URI, ["one", "two"]);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 3);
// Check foreign count is set to 0 when all tags are removed
PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(T_URI, ["test tag", "one", "two"]);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* Bug 1017502 - Add a foreign_count column to moz_places
This tests, tests the triggers that adjust the foreign_count when a bookmark is
added or removed and also the maintenance task to fix wrong counts.
const T_URI = NetUtil.newURI("https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/firstrun/");
function* getForeignCountForURL(conn, url) {
yield promiseAsyncUpdates();
url = url instanceof Ci.nsIURI ? url.spec : url;
let rows = yield conn.executeCached(
"SELECT foreign_count FROM moz_places WHERE url = :t_url ", { t_url: url });
return rows[0].getResultByName("foreign_count");
function run_test() {
add_task(function* add_remove_change_bookmark_test() {
let conn = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
// Simulate a visit to the url
yield promiseAddVisits(T_URI);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
// Add 1st bookmark which should increment foreign_count by 1
let id1 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
T_URI, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "First Run");
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 1);
// Add 2nd bookmark
let id2 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId,
T_URI, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "First Run");
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 2);
// Remove 2nd bookmark which should decrement foreign_count by 1
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 1);
// Change first bookmark's URI
const URI2 = NetUtil.newURI("http://www.mozilla.org");
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(id1, URI2);
// Check foreign count for original URI
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
// Check foreign count for new URI
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, URI2)), 1);
// Cleanup - Remove changed bookmark
let id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getBookmarkIdsForURI(URI2);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, URI2)), 0);
add_task(function* maintenance_foreign_count_test() {
let conn = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
// Simulate a visit to the url
yield promiseAddVisits(T_URI);
// Adjust the foreign_count for the added entry to an incorrect value
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let stmt = DBConn().createAsyncStatement(
"UPDATE moz_places SET foreign_count = 10 WHERE url = :t_url ");
stmt.params.t_url = T_URI.spec;
handleCompletion: function(){
yield deferred.promise;
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 10);
// Run maintenance
let promiseMaintenanceFinished =
yield promiseMaintenanceFinished;
// Check if the foreign_count has been adjusted to the correct value
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
add_task(function* add_remove_tags_test(){
let conn = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
yield promiseAddVisits(T_URI);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
// Check foreign count incremented by 1 for a single tag
PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(T_URI, ["test tag"]);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 1);
// Check foreign count is incremented by 2 for two tags
PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(T_URI, ["one", "two"]);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 3);
// Check foreign count is set to 0 when all tags are removed
PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(T_URI, ["test tag", "one", "two"]);
Assert.equal((yield getForeignCountForURL(conn, T_URI)), 0);
@ -10,24 +10,24 @@ add_task(function*() {
Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("AliasedMozSearch", "", "doit", "",
"GET", "http://s.example.com/search");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "doit",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "doit", searchQuery: "doit"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "doit mozilla",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "AliasedMozSearch", input: "doit mozilla", searchQuery: "mozilla"}), title: "AliasedMozSearch" }, ]
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "doit mozzarella mozilla",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "AliasedMozSearch", input: "doit mozzarella mozilla", searchQuery: "mozzarella mozilla"}), title: "AliasedMozSearch" }, ]
yield cleanup();
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "doit",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "doit", searchQuery: "doit"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "doit mozilla",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "AliasedMozSearch", input: "doit mozilla", searchQuery: "mozilla"}), title: "AliasedMozSearch" }, ]
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "doit mozzarella mozilla",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "AliasedMozSearch", input: "doit mozzarella mozilla", searchQuery: "mozzarella mozilla"}), title: "AliasedMozSearch" }, ]
yield cleanup();
@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
add_task(function*() {
Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("MozSearch", "", "", "", "GET",
let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("MozSearch");
Services.search.currentEngine = engine;
Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("AliasedMozSearch", "", "doit", "",
"GET", "http://s.example.com/search");
do_log_info("search engine");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "mozilla", searchQuery: "mozilla"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
do_log_info("search engine, uri-like input");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "http:///",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "http:///", searchQuery: "http:///"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
do_log_info("search engine, multiple words");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozzarella cheese",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "mozzarella cheese", searchQuery: "mozzarella cheese"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
do_log_info("search engine, after current engine has changed");
Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("MozSearch2", "", "", "", "GET",
engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("MozSearch2");
notEqual(Services.search.currentEngine, engine, "New engine shouldn't be the current engine yet");
Services.search.currentEngine = engine;
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch2", input: "mozilla", searchQuery: "mozilla"}), title: "MozSearch2" }, ]
yield cleanup();
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
add_task(function*() {
Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("MozSearch", "", "", "", "GET",
let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("MozSearch");
Services.search.currentEngine = engine;
Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("AliasedMozSearch", "", "doit", "",
"GET", "http://s.example.com/search");
do_log_info("search engine");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "mozilla", searchQuery: "mozilla"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
do_log_info("search engine, uri-like input");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "http:///",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "http:///", searchQuery: "http:///"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
do_log_info("search engine, multiple words");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozzarella cheese",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "mozzarella cheese", searchQuery: "mozzarella cheese"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
do_log_info("search engine, after current engine has changed");
Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("MozSearch2", "", "", "", "GET",
engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("MozSearch2");
notEqual(Services.search.currentEngine, engine, "New engine shouldn't be the current engine yet");
Services.search.currentEngine = engine;
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch2", input: "mozilla", searchQuery: "mozilla"}), title: "MozSearch2" }, ]
yield cleanup();
@ -4,50 +4,50 @@
add_task(function*() {
do_log_info("visit url, no protocol");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla.org",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("visiturl", {url: "http://mozilla.org/", input: "mozilla.org"}), title: "http://mozilla.org/" }, ]
do_log_info("visit url, with protocol");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "https://mozilla.org",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("visiturl", {url: "https://mozilla.org/", input: "https://mozilla.org"}), title: "https://mozilla.org/" }, ]
do_log_info("visit url, about: protocol (no host)");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "about:config",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("visiturl", {url: "about:config", input: "about:config"}), title: "about:config" }, ]
// This is distinct because of how we predict being able to url autofill via
// host lookups.
do_log_info("visit url, host matching visited host but not visited url");
yield promiseAddVisits([
{ uri: NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla.org/wine/"), title: "Mozilla Wine", transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla.org/rum",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("visiturl", {url: "http://mozilla.org/rum", input: "mozilla.org/rum"}), title: "http://mozilla.org/rum" }, ]
// And hosts with no dot in them are special, due to requiring whitelisting.
do_log_info("visit url, host matching visited host but not visited url, non-whitelisted host");
Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("MozSearch", "", "", "", "GET",
let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("MozSearch");
Services.search.currentEngine = engine;
yield promiseAddVisits([
{ uri: NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla/bourbon/"), title: "Mozilla Bourbon", transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla/rum",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "mozilla/rum", searchQuery: "mozilla/rum"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla.org",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("visiturl", {url: "http://mozilla.org/", input: "mozilla.org"}), title: "http://mozilla.org/" }, ]
do_log_info("visit url, with protocol");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "https://mozilla.org",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("visiturl", {url: "https://mozilla.org/", input: "https://mozilla.org"}), title: "https://mozilla.org/" }, ]
do_log_info("visit url, about: protocol (no host)");
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "about:config",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("visiturl", {url: "about:config", input: "about:config"}), title: "about:config" }, ]
// This is distinct because of how we predict being able to url autofill via
// host lookups.
do_log_info("visit url, host matching visited host but not visited url");
yield promiseAddVisits([
{ uri: NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla.org/wine/"), title: "Mozilla Wine", transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla.org/rum",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("visiturl", {url: "http://mozilla.org/rum", input: "mozilla.org/rum"}), title: "http://mozilla.org/rum" }, ]
// And hosts with no dot in them are special, due to requiring whitelisting.
do_log_info("visit url, host matching visited host but not visited url, non-whitelisted host");
Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("MozSearch", "", "", "", "GET",
let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("MozSearch");
Services.search.currentEngine = engine;
yield promiseAddVisits([
{ uri: NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla/bourbon/"), title: "Mozilla Bourbon", transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
yield check_autocomplete({
search: "mozilla/rum",
searchParam: "enable-actions",
matches: [ { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", {engineName: "MozSearch", input: "mozilla/rum", searchQuery: "mozilla/rum"}), title: "MozSearch" }, ]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user