bug 940155 make marks button work in Australis menu panel, r=markh

This commit is contained in:
Shane Caraveo 2013-12-16 21:24:44 -08:00
parent 47254b9a46
commit 8cbeba7cc6
3 changed files with 201 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ SocialUI = {
Services.prefs.addObserver("social.toast-notifications.enabled", this, false);
gBrowser.addEventListener("ActivateSocialFeature", this._activationEventHandler.bind(this), true, true);
document.getElementById("PanelUI-popup").addEventListener("popupshown", SocialMarks.updatePanelButtons, true);
if (!Social.initialized) {
@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ SocialUI = {
Services.prefs.removeObserver("social.sidebar.open", this);
Services.prefs.removeObserver("social.toast-notifications.enabled", this);
document.getElementById("PanelUI-popup").removeEventListener("popupshown", SocialMarks.updatePanelButtons, true);
_matchesCurrentProvider: function (origin) {
@ -1641,6 +1644,22 @@ SocialMarks = {
updatePanelButtons: function() {
// querySelectorAll does not work on the menu panel the panel, so we have to
// do this the hard way.
let providers = SocialMarks.getProviders();
let panel = document.getElementById("PanelUI-popup");
for (let p of providers) {
let widgetId = SocialMarks._toolbarHelper.idFromOrigin(p.origin);
let widget = CustomizableUI.getWidget(widgetId);
if (!widget)
let node = widget.forWindow(window).node;
if (node)
getProviders: function() {
// only rely on providers that the user has placed in the UI somewhere. This
// also means that populateToolbarPalette must be called prior to using this

View File

@ -9,23 +9,52 @@
<binding id="toolbarbutton-marks" display="xul:button"
<content disabled="true">
<xul:panel anonid="panel" hidden="true" type="arrow" class="social-panel">
<xul:iframe type="content" flex="1" tooltip="aHTMLTooltip"
class="social-panel-frame" context="contentAreaContextMenu"
<xul:panel anonid="panel" hidden="true" type="arrow" class="social-panel"/>
<xul:image class="toolbarbutton-icon" xbl:inherits="validate,src=image,label"/>
<xul:label class="toolbarbutton-text" crop="right" flex="1"
<implementation implements="nsIDOMEventListener, nsIObserver">
<field name="panel" readonly="true">
document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "panel");
<field name="inMenuPanel">false</field>
<field name="content" readonly="true">
<property name="panel">
let widgetGroup = CustomizableUI.getWidget(this.getAttribute("id"));
let widget = widgetGroup.forWindow(window);
this.inMenuPanel = widgetGroup.areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL;
if (this.inMenuPanel) {
widget.node.setAttribute("noautoclose", "true");
return document.getElementById("PanelUI-socialapi");
return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "panel");
<property name="content">
if (this._frame)
return this._frame;
let notificationFrameId = "social-mark-frame-" + this.getAttribute("origin");
this._frame = SharedFrame.createFrame(
notificationFrameId, /* frame name */
this.panel, /* parent */
"type": "content",
"mozbrowser": "true",
"class": "social-panel-frame",
"id": notificationFrameId,
"tooltip": "aHTMLTooltip",
"flex": "1",
"context": "contentAreaContextMenu",
"origin": this.getAttribute("origin"),
"src": "about:blank"
this._frame.addEventListener("DOMLinkAdded", this);
this.setAttribute("notificationFrameId", notificationFrameId);
return this._frame;
<property name="contentWindow">
@ -46,16 +75,17 @@
<property name="isMarked">
this._isMarked = val;
let provider = this.provider;
// we cannot size the image when we apply it via listStyleImage, so
// use the toolbar image
if (val)
this.setAttribute("image", provider.unmarkedIcon || provider.iconURL);
this.setAttribute("image", provider.markedIcon || provider.iconURL);
let place = CustomizableUI.getPlaceForItem(this);
val = val && place != "palette";
let icon = val ? provider.markedIcon : provider.unmarkedIcon;
let iconURL = icon || provider.icon32URL || provider.iconURL;
this.setAttribute("image", iconURL);
return this._isMarked;
@ -69,12 +99,11 @@
this._dynamicResizer = null;
this.setAttribute("src", "about:blank");
this.content.setAttribute("src", "about:blank");
// do we have a savable page loaded?
let aURI = gBrowser.currentURI;
this.disabled = !aURI || !(aURI.schemeIs('http') || aURI.schemeIs('https'));
if (this.disabled) {
this.isMarked = false;
} else {
@ -82,11 +111,17 @@
this.isMarked = isMarked;
this.setAttribute("label", provider.name);
this.setAttribute("tooltiptext", provider.name);
this.setAttribute("origin", provider.origin);
this.panel.hidden = true;
this.content.setAttribute("origin", provider.origin);
if (!this.inMenuPanel) {
let panel = this.panel;
// if customization is currently happening, we may not have a panel
// that we can hide
if (panel.hidePopup) {
panel.hidden = true;
this.pageData = null;
@ -95,21 +130,32 @@
<parameter name="pageData"/>
let provider = this.provider;
this.panel.hidden = false;
let panel = this.panel;
panel.hidden = false;
// reparent the iframe if we've been customized to a new location
if (this.content.parentNode != panel)
let URLTemplate = provider.markURL;
this.pageData = pageData || OpenGraphBuilder.getData(gBrowser);
let endpoint = OpenGraphBuilder.generateEndpointURL(URLTemplate, this.pageData);
// setup listeners
this.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function DOMContentLoaded(event) {
let DOMContentLoaded = (event) => {
if (event.target != this.contentDocument)
this._loading = false;
this.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, true);
this.content.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, true);
// add our resizer after the dom is ready
let DynamicResizeWatcher = Cu.import("resource:///modules/Social.jsm", {}).DynamicResizeWatcher;
this._dynamicResizer = new DynamicResizeWatcher();
this._dynamicResizer.start(this.panel, this.content);
if (!this.inMenuPanel) {
let DynamicResizeWatcher = Cu.import("resource:///modules/Social.jsm", {}).DynamicResizeWatcher;
this._dynamicResizer = new DynamicResizeWatcher();
this._dynamicResizer.start(this.panel, this.content);
} else if (this._dynamicResizer) {
this._dynamicResizer = null;
// send the opengraph data
let evt = this.contentDocument.createEvent("CustomEvent");
evt.initCustomEvent("OpenGraphData", true, true, JSON.stringify(this.pageData));
@ -134,24 +180,63 @@
contentWindow.removeEventListener("unload", unload);
contentWindow.removeEventListener("socialMarkUpdate", markUpdate);
}, true);
this.content.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, true);
this._loading = true;
this.setAttribute("src", endpoint);
this.content.setAttribute("src", endpoint);
<method name="openPanel">
<parameter name="aResetOnClose"/>
let panel = this.panel;
let frameId = this.getAttribute("notificationFrameId");
let wasAlive = SharedFrame.isGroupAlive(frameId);
SharedFrame.setOwner(frameId, this.content);
// Clear dimensions on all browsers so the panel size will
// only use the selected browser.
let frameIter = panel.firstElementChild;
while (frameIter) {
frameIter.collapsed = (frameIter != this.content);
frameIter = frameIter.nextElementSibling;
// if we're a slice in the hambuger, use that panel instead
let widgetGroup = CustomizableUI.getWidget(this.getAttribute("id"));
let widget = widgetGroup.forWindow(window);
let inMenuPanel = widgetGroup.areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL;
if (inMenuPanel) {
PanelUI.showSubView("PanelUI-socialapi", widget.node,
} else {
panel.openPopup(this, "bottomcenter topright", 0, 0, false, false);
if (aResetOnClose) {
let evName = inMenuPanel ? "ViewHiding": "popuphidden";
panel.addEventListener(evName, function _hidden() {
panel.removeEventListener(evName, _hidden);
}.bind(this), false);
<method name="markCurrentPage">
<parameter name="aOpenPanel"/>
// we always set the src on click if it has not been set for this tab,
// but we only want to open the panel if it was previously annotated.
let openPanel = this.isMarked || aOpenPanel || !this.provider.haveLoggedInUser();
let src = this.getAttribute("src");
let openPanel = this.isMarked || aOpenPanel ||
this.inMenuPanel || !this.provider.haveLoggedInUser();
let src = this.content.getAttribute("src");
if (!src || src == "about:blank") {
if (openPanel)
this.panel.openPopup(this, "bottomcenter topright", 0, 0, false, false);
@ -167,13 +252,9 @@
// and show it since the url may not be the browser tab, but an image,
// link, etc. inside the page. We also "update" the iframe to the
// previous url when it is closed.
this.setAttribute("src", "about:blank");
this.content.setAttribute("src", "about:blank");
this.loadPanel({ url: aUrl });
this.panel.openPopup(this, "bottomcenter topright", 0, 0, false, false);
this.panel.addEventListener("popuphidden", function _hidden() {
this.panel.removeEventListener("popuphidden", _hidden);
}.bind(this), false);
@ -186,23 +267,67 @@
<handler event="popupshown"><![CDATA[
<method name="onShown">
// because the panel may be preloaded, we need to size the panel when
// showing as well as after load
let sizeSocialPanelToContent = Cu.import("resource:///modules/Social.jsm", {}).sizeSocialPanelToContent;
if (!this._loading && this.contentDocument.readyState == "complete") {
if (!this._loading && this.contentDocument &&
this.contentDocument.readyState == "complete") {
sizeSocialPanelToContent(this.panel, this.content);
if (!this.inMenuPanel)
sizeSocialPanelToContent(this.panel, this.content);
} else {
let panelBrowserOnload = () => {
this.content.addEventListener("load", function panelBrowserOnload(e) {
this.content.removeEventListener("load", panelBrowserOnload, true);
sizeSocialPanelToContent(this.panel, this.content);
this.content.addEventListener("load", panelBrowserOnload, true);
if (!this.inMenuPanel)
sizeSocialPanelToContent(this.panel, this.content);
}.bind(this), true);
<method name="handleEvent">
<parameter name="aEvent"/>
if (aEvent.eventPhase != aEvent.BUBBLING_PHASE)
switch(aEvent.type) {
case "DOMLinkAdded": {
// much of this logic is from DOMLinkHandler in browser.js, this sets
// the presence icon for a chat user, we simply use favicon style
// updating
let link = aEvent.originalTarget;
let rel = link.rel && link.rel.toLowerCase();
if (!link || !link.ownerDocument || !rel || !link.href)
if (link.rel.indexOf("icon") < 0)
let uri = DOMLinkHandler.getLinkIconURI(link);
if (!uri)
// we cannot size the image when we apply it via listStyleImage, so
// use the toolbar image
this.setAttribute("image", uri.spec);
case "ViewShowing":
case "ViewHiding":
<handler event="popupshown"><![CDATA[
<handler event="popuphidden"><![CDATA[
@ -210,25 +335,6 @@
<handler event="command"><![CDATA[
<handler event="DOMLinkAdded"><![CDATA[
// much of this logic is from DOMLinkHandler in browser.js, this sets
// the presence icon for a chat user, we simply use favicon style
// updating
let link = event.originalTarget;
let rel = link.rel && link.rel.toLowerCase();
if (!link || !link.ownerDocument || !rel || !link.href)
if (link.rel.indexOf("icon") < 0)
let uri = DOMLinkHandler.getLinkIconURI(link);
if (!uri)
// we cannot size the image when we apply it via listStyleImage, so
// use the toolbar image
this.setAttribute("image", uri.spec);

View File

@ -436,8 +436,14 @@ function CreateSocialMarkWidget(aId, aProvider) {
node.id = this.id;
node.setAttribute('class', 'toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional social-mark-button');
node.setAttribute('type', "socialmark");
node.style.listStyleImage = "url(" + aProvider.iconURL + ")";
node.style.listStyleImage = "url(" + (aProvider.unmarkedIcon || aProvider.icon32URL || aProvider.iconURL) + ")";
node.setAttribute("origin", aProvider.origin);
node.setAttribute("oncommand", "this.markCurrentPage();");
let window = aDocument.defaultView;
let menuLabel = window.gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("social.markpageMenu.label", [aProvider.name]);
node.setAttribute("label", menuLabel);
node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", menuLabel);
return node;