Bug 724949 - Extract a PixelTest class to reuse common pixel-checking operations. r=jmaher

This commit is contained in:
Kartikaya Gupta 2012-02-07 14:10:58 -05:00
parent 6ee843ce24
commit 86ebca2400
6 changed files with 106 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#filter substitution
package @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.tests;
class PixelTest extends BaseTest {
private static final long PAINT_CLEAR_DELAY = 500; // milliseconds
protected final int[][] loadAndPaint(String url) {
Actions.RepeatedEventExpecter paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
return mDriver.getPaintedSurface();
protected final int[][] waitForPaint(Actions.RepeatedEventExpecter expecter) {
return mDriver.getPaintedSurface();
// this matches the algorithm in robocop_boxes.html
protected final int[] getBoxColorAt(int x, int y) {
x -= (x % 100);
y -= (y % 100);
int r = (x + y) % 255;
int g = 255 - (y / 10);
int b = 255 - (x / 10);
return new int[] { r, g, b };
* Checks the top-left corner of the visible area of the page is at (x,y) of robocop_boxes.html.
protected final void checkScrollWithBoxes(int[][] painted, int x, int y) {
int[] color = getBoxColorAt(x, y);
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[0][0], color[0], color[1], color[2], "Pixel at 0, 0");
color = getBoxColorAt(x + 100, y);
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[0][100], color[0], color[1], color[2], "Pixel at 100, 0");
color = getBoxColorAt(x, y + 100);
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][0], color[0], color[1], color[2], "Pixel at 0, 100");
color = getBoxColorAt(x + 100, y + 100);
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][100], color[0], color[1], color[2], "Pixel at 100, 100");
* Loads the robocop_boxes.html file and verifies that we are positioned at (0,0) on it.
* @param url URL of the robocop_boxes.html file.
* @return The painted surface after rendering the file.
protected final int[][] loadAndVerifyBoxes(String url) {
int[][] painted = loadAndPaint(url);
checkScrollWithBoxes(painted, 0, 0);
return painted;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
This file is specifically designed to create a page larger than
any screen fennec could run on (to allow panning in both axes).
It is filled with 100x100 pixel boxes that are of unique colour,
so that we can identify exactly what part of the page we are
rendering at any given time. A lot of the tests depend on this
behaviour, so ensure that all the tests pass (on a variety of
screen sizes) when making any changes to this file.
<html style="margin: 0; padding: 0">
<title>Browser Box test</title>
<title>Browser Box test</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0"/>
<body style="margin: 0; padding: 0">
<script type="text/javascript">
for (var y = 0; y < 2000; y += 100) {

View File

@ -3,20 +3,18 @@ package @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.tests;
public class testLoad extends BaseTest {
* A basic page load test.
* - loads a page
* - verifies it rendered properly
* - verifies the displayed url is correct
public class testLoad extends PixelTest {
public void testLoad() {
String url = getAbsoluteUrl("/robocop/robocop_boxes.html");
Actions.RepeatedEventExpecter paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
int[][] painted = mDriver.getPaintedSurface();
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[0][0], 0, 255, 255, "Pixel at 0, 0");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[0][100], 100, 255, 245, "Pixel at 100, 0");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][0], 100, 245, 255, "Pixel at 0, 100");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][100], 200, 245, 245, "Pixel at 100, 100");

View File

@ -3,15 +3,19 @@ package @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.tests;
public class testPan extends BaseTest {
* A panning performance test.
* Drags the page a bunch of times and measures the frames per second
* that fennec draws at.
public class testPan extends PixelTest {
public void testPan() {
String url = getAbsoluteUrl("/startup_test/fennecmark/wikipedia.html");
// Setup scrolling coordinates.

View File

@ -4,51 +4,32 @@ package @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.tests;
import android.app.Instrumentation;
public class testPanCorrectness extends BaseTest {
private void checkPixels(int[][] colors) {
int[][] painted = mDriver.getPaintedSurface();
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[0][0], colors[0][0], colors[0][1], colors[0][2], "Pixel at 0, 0");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[0][100], colors[1][0], colors[1][1], colors[1][2], "Pixel at 100, 0");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][0], colors[2][0], colors[2][1], colors[2][2], "Pixel at 0, 100");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][100], colors[3][0], colors[3][1], colors[3][2], "Pixel at 100, 100");
* A basic panning correctness test.
* - Loads a page and verifies it draws
* - drags page upwards by 100 pixels and verifies it draws
* - drags page leftwards by 100 pixels and verifies it draws
public class testPanCorrectness extends PixelTest {
public void testPanCorrectness() {
String url = getAbsoluteUrl("/robocop/robocop_boxes.html");
MotionEventHelper meh = new MotionEventHelper(getInstrumentation(), mDriver.getGeckoLeft(), mDriver.getGeckoTop());
checkPixels(new int[][] {
/* at 0, 0 */ /* at 100, 0 */
{ 0, 255, 255 }, { 100, 255, 245 },
/* at 0, 100 */ /* at 100, 100 */
{ 100, 245, 255 }, { 200, 245, 245 },
// load page and check we're at 0,0
// drag page upwards by 100 pixels
Actions.RepeatedEventExpecter paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
meh.dragSync(10, 150, 10, 50);
checkPixels(new int[][] {
/* 0, 100 now at 0, 0 */ /* 100, 100 now at 100, 0 */
{ 100, 245, 255 }, { 200, 245, 245 },
/* 0, 200 now at 0, 100 */ /* 100, 200 now at 100, 100 */
{ 200, 235, 255 }, { 45, 235, 245 },
int[][] painted = waitForPaint(paintExpecter);
checkScrollWithBoxes(painted, 0, 100);
// drag page leftwards by 100 pixels
paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
meh.dragSync(150, 10, 50, 10);
checkPixels(new int[][] {
/* 100, 100 now at 0, 0 */ /* 200, 100 now at 100, 0 */
{ 200, 245, 245 }, { 45, 245, 235 },
/* 100, 200 now at 0, 100 */ /* 200, 200 now at 100, 100 */
{ 45, 235, 245 }, { 145, 235, 235 },
painted = waitForPaint(paintExpecter);
checkScrollWithBoxes(painted, 100, 100);

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.tests;
import android.app.Instrumentation;
public class test_bug720538 extends BaseTest {
public class test_bug720538 extends PixelTest {
public void test_bug720538() {
String url = getAbsoluteUrl("/robocop/test_bug720538.html");
@ -22,25 +22,21 @@ public class test_bug720538 extends BaseTest {
* the gray shades of the checkerboard.
Actions.RepeatedEventExpecter paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
int[][] painted = loadAndPaint(url);
// first we check that the point we want to double-tap (100, 100) is blue, indicating it's inside the iframe
int[][] painted = mDriver.getPaintedSurface();
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][100], 0, 0, 0xFF, "Ensuring double-tap point is in the iframe");
// do the double tap and wait for the double-tap animation to finish. we assume the animation is done
// when we find a 500ms period with no paint events that occurs after at least one paint event.
paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
Actions.RepeatedEventExpecter paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
MotionEventHelper meh = new MotionEventHelper(getInstrumentation(), mDriver.getGeckoLeft(), mDriver.getGeckoTop());
meh.doubleTap(100, 100);
painted = waitForPaint(paintExpecter);
// check a few points to ensure that we did a good zoom-to-block on the iframe. this checks that
// the background color is visible on the left and right edges of the viewport, but the iframe is
// visible in between those edges
painted = mDriver.getPaintedSurface();
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][0], 0, 0x80, 0, "Checking page background to the left of the iframe");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][50], 0, 0, 0xFF, "Checking for iframe a few pixels from the left edge");
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[100][mDriver.getGeckoWidth() - 51], 0, 0, 0xFF, "Checking for iframe a few pixels from the right edge");
@ -49,12 +45,11 @@ public class test_bug720538 extends BaseTest {
// now we do double-tap again to zoom out and wait for the animation to finish, as before
paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint();
meh.doubleTap(100, mDriver.getGeckoWidth() / 2);
painted = waitForPaint(paintExpecter);
// and now we check a pixel at the bottom of the view to ensure that we have the page
// background and not some checkerboarding. use the second-last row of pixels instead of
// the last row because the last row is subject to rounding and clipping errors
painted = mDriver.getPaintedSurface();
mAsserter.ispixel(painted[mDriver.getGeckoHeight() - 2][0], 0, 0x80, 0, "Checking bottom-left corner of viewport");