Bug 872993 - Rewrite localization comments and use ordered arguments for multiple parameters. r=Pike

This commit is contained in:
Francesco Lodolo [:flod] 2013-05-21 08:29:33 -04:00
parent 410fd9530b
commit 7c4c99686f

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@ -2,122 +2,122 @@
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Inspector
# which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Inspect'.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Web Console
# command line which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu
# -> 'Web Console'.
# These messages are displayed when an attempt is made to validate a
# page or a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm
# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
# documentation on web development on the web.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noManifest): Used when an attempt is made to validate a
# page using AppCacheUtils.jsm that has no cache manifest.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noManifest): the specified page has no cache manifest.
noManifest=The specified page has no manifest.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notUTF8): Used when an attempt is made to validate a
# cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having a character encoding that is not
# UTF-8.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notUTF8): the associated cache manifest has a character
# encoding that is not UTF-8. Parameters: %S is the current encoding.
notUTF8=Manifest has a character encoding of %S. Manifests must have the utf-8 character encoding.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (badMimeType): Used when an attempt is made to validate a
# cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having a mimetype that is not
# text/cache-manifest.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (badMimeType): the associated cache manifest has a
# mimetype that is not text/cache-manifest. Parameters: %S is the current
# mimetype.
badMimeType=Manifest has a mimetype of %S. Manifests must have a mimetype of text/cache-manifest.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateURI): Used when an attempt is made to validate a
# page using AppCacheUtils.jsm that has a cache manifest which references the
# same URI from multiple locations.
duplicateURI=URI %S is referenced in multiple locations. This is not allowed: %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateURI): the associated cache manifest references
# the same URI from multiple locations. Parameters: %1$S is the URI, %2$S is a
# list of references to this URI.
duplicateURI=URI %1$S is referenced in multiple locations. This is not allowed: %2$S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkBlocksURI): Used when an attempt is made to validate
# a page using AppCacheUtils.jsm that has a cache manifest which references the
# same URI in the NETWORK section as it does in other sections.
networkBlocksURI=NETWORK section line %S (%S) prevents caching of line %S (%S) in the %S section.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkBlocksURI, fallbackBlocksURI): the associated
# cache manifest references the same URI in the NETWORK (or FALLBACK) section
# as it does in other sections. Parameters: %1$S is the line number, %2$S is
# the resource name, %3$S is the line number, %4$S is the resource name, %5$S
# is the section name.
networkBlocksURI=NETWORK section line %1$S (%2$S) prevents caching of line %3$S (%4$S) in the %5$S section.
fallbackBlocksURI=FALLBACK section line %1$S (%2$S) prevents caching of line %3$S (%4$S) in the %5$S section.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fallbackBlocksURI): Used when an attempt is made to
# validate a page using AppCacheUtils.jsm that has a cache manifest which
# references the same URI in the FALLBACK section as it does in other sections.
fallbackBlocksURI=FALLBACK section line %S (%S) prevents caching of line %S (%S) in the %S section.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fileChangedButNotManifest): Used when an attempt is made to
# validate a page using AppCacheUtils.jsm that has a cache manifest which
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fileChangedButNotManifest): the associated cache manifest
# references a URI that has a file modified after the cache manifest.
fileChangedButNotManifest=The file %S was modified after %S. Unless the text in the manifest file is changed the cached version will be used instead at line %S.
# Parameters: %1$S is the resource name, %2$S is the cache manifest, %3$S is
# the line number.
fileChangedButNotManifest=The file %1$S was modified after %2$S. Unless the text in the manifest file is changed the cached version will be used instead at line %3$S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cacheControlNoStore): Used when an attempt is made to
# validate a page using AppCacheUtils.jsm that has a header preventing caching
# or storing information.
cacheControlNoStore=%S has cache-control set to no-store. This will prevent the application cache from storing the file at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cacheControlNoStore): the specified page has a header
# preventing caching or storing information. Parameters: %1$S is the resource
# name, %2$S is the line number.
cacheControlNoStore=%1$S has cache-control set to no-store. This will prevent the application cache from storing the file at line %2$S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notAvailable): Used when an attempt is made to validate a
# page using AppCacheUtils.jsm that is not available.
notAvailable=%S points to a resource that is not available at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notAvailable): the specified resource is not available.
# Parameters: %1$S is the resource name, %2$S is the line number.
notAvailable=%1$S points to a resource that is not available at line %2$S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (invalidURI): Used when an invalid URI is passed to the
# appcache.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (invalidURI): it's used when an invalid URI is passed to
# the appcache.
invalidURI=The URI passed to AppCacheUtils is invalid.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noResults) Used when a search returns no results.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noResults): it's used when a search returns no results.
noResults=Your search returned no results.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cacheDisabled) Used when the cache is disabled and an
# attempt is made to view offline data.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cacheDisabled): it's used when the cache is disabled and
# an attempt is made to view offline data.
cacheDisabled=Your disk cache is disabled. Please set browser.cache.disk.enable to true in about:config and try again.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (firstLineMustBeCacheManifest): Used when an attempt is made
# to validate a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having a first line that
# is not "CACHE MANIFEST."
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (firstLineMustBeCacheManifest): the associated cache
# manifest has a first line that is not "CACHE MANIFEST". Parameters: %S is
# the line number.
firstLineMustBeCacheManifest=The first line of the manifest must be "CACHE MANIFEST" at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cacheManifestOnlyFirstLine): Used when an attempt is made
# to validate a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having "CACHE MANIFEST"
# on a line other than the first line.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cacheManifestOnlyFirstLine): the associated cache
# manifest has "CACHE MANIFEST" on a line other than the first line.
# Parameters: %S is the line number where "CACHE MANIFEST" appears.
cacheManifestOnlyFirstLine="CACHE MANIFEST" is only valid on the first line at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (asteriskInWrongSection): Used when an attempt is made
# to validate a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having an asterisk (*) in
# a section other than the network section.
asteriskInWrongSection=Asterisk used as a wildcard in the %S section at line %S. A single line containing an asterisk is called the online whitelist wildcard flag and is only valid in the NETWORK section. Other uses of the * character are prohibited. The presence of this flag indicates that any URI not listed as cached is to be implicitly treated as being in the online whitelist namespaces. If the flag is not present then the blocking state indicates that URIs not listed explicitly in the manifest are to be treated as unavailable.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (asteriskInWrongSection): the associated cache manifest
# has an asterisk (*) in a section other than the NETWORK section. Parameters:
# %1$S is the section name, %2$S is the line number.
asteriskInWrongSection=Asterisk used as a wildcard in the %1$S section at line %2$S. A single line containing an asterisk is called the online whitelist wildcard flag and is only valid in the NETWORK section. Other uses of the * character are prohibited. The presence of this flag indicates that any URI not listed as cached is to be implicitly treated as being in the online whitelist namespaces. If the flag is not present then the blocking state indicates that URIs not listed explicitly in the manifest are to be treated as unavailable.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (escapeSpaces): Used when an attempt is made to validate a
# cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having a space in a URI. Spaces are to
# be replaced with %20.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (escapeSpaces): the associated cache manifest has a space
# in a URI. Spaces must be replaced with %20. Parameters: %S is the line
# number where this error occurs.
escapeSpaces=Spaces in URIs need to be replaced with %20 at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (slashDotDotSlashBad): Used when an attempt is made to
# validate a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having a URI containing
# /../, which is invalid.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (slashDotDotSlashBad): the associated cache manifest has a
# URI containing /../, which is invalid. Parameters: %S is the line number
# where this error occurs.
slashDotDotSlashBad=/../ is not a valid URI prefix at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooManyDotDotSlashes): Used when an attempt is made to
# validate a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having a URI containing
# too many ../ operators. Too many of these operaters mean that the file would
# be below the root of the site, which is not possible.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooManyDotDotSlashes): the associated cache manifest has
# a URI containing too many ../ operators. Too many of these operators mean
# that the file would be below the root of the site, which is not possible.
# Parameters: %S is the line number where this error occurs.
tooManyDotDotSlashes=Too many dot dot slash operators (../) at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fallbackUseSpaces): Used when an attempt is made to
# validate a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having a FALLBACK section
# containing more or less than the standard two URIs seperated by a single
# space.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fallbackUseSpaces): the associated cache manifest has a
# FALLBACK section containing more or less than the standard two URIs
# separated by a single space. Parameters: %S is the line number where this
# error occurs.
fallbackUseSpaces=Only two URIs separated by spaces are allowed in the FALLBACK section at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fallbackAsterisk): Used when an attempt is made to validate
# a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having a FALLBACK section that
# attempts to use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. In this section the URI is
# simply a path prefix.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fallbackAsterisk): the associated cache manifest has a
# FALLBACK section that attempts to use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. In this
# section the URI is simply a path prefix. Parameters: %S is the line number
# where this error occurs.
fallbackAsterisk=Asterisk (*) incorrectly used as a wildcard in a fallback namespace at line %S. Namespaces simply need to match a path prefix.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settingsBadValue): Used when an attempt is made to validate
# a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm having a SETTINGS section containing
# something other than the valid "prefer-online" or "fast."
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settingsBadValue): the associated cache manifest has a
# SETTINGS section containing something other than the valid "prefer-online"
# or "fast". Parameters: %S is the line number where this error occurs.
settingsBadValue=The SETTINGS section may only contain a single value, "prefer-online" or "fast" at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (invalidSectionName): Used when an attempt is made to
# validate a cache manifest using AppCacheUtils.jsm containing an invalid
# section name.
invalidSectionName=Invalid section name (%S) at line %S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (invalidSectionName): the associated cache manifest
# contains an invalid section name. Parameters: %1$S is the section name, %2$S
# is the line number.
invalidSectionName=Invalid section name (%1$S) at line %2$S.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (entryNotFound): Used when an attempt is made to view a
# cache entry that does not exist.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (entryNotFound): the requested cache entry that does not
# exist.
entryNotFound=Entry not found.