Bug 1085783 (Part 1) - Snap both the fill and dest rects using UserToDeviceSnapped() when pixel snapping images. r=roc

This commit is contained in:
Seth Fowler 2015-04-22 13:04:04 -07:00
parent d08272a918
commit 78fb468573

View File

@ -5831,11 +5831,12 @@ ComputeSnappedImageDrawingParameters(gfxContext* aCtx,
// Avoid unnecessarily large offsets.
bool doTile = !aDest.Contains(aFill);
nsRect dest = doTile ? TileNearRect(aDest, aFill.Intersect(aDirty)) : aDest;
nsPoint anchor = aAnchor + (dest.TopLeft() - aDest.TopLeft());
nsRect appUnitDest = doTile ? TileNearRect(aDest, aFill.Intersect(aDirty))
: aDest;
nsPoint anchor = aAnchor + (appUnitDest.TopLeft() - aDest.TopLeft());
gfxRect devPixelDest =
nsLayoutUtils::RectToGfxRect(dest, aAppUnitsPerDevPixel);
nsLayoutUtils::RectToGfxRect(appUnitDest, aAppUnitsPerDevPixel);
gfxRect devPixelFill =
nsLayoutUtils::RectToGfxRect(aFill, aAppUnitsPerDevPixel);
gfxRect devPixelDirty =
@ -5843,52 +5844,57 @@ ComputeSnappedImageDrawingParameters(gfxContext* aCtx,
gfxMatrix currentMatrix = aCtx->CurrentMatrix();
gfxRect fill = devPixelFill;
gfxRect dest = devPixelDest;
bool didSnap;
// Snap even if we have a scale in the context. But don't snap if
// we have something that's not translation+scale, or if the scale flips in
// the X or Y direction, because snapped image drawing can't handle that yet.
if (!currentMatrix.HasNonAxisAlignedTransform() &&
currentMatrix._11 > 0.0 && currentMatrix._22 > 0.0 &&
aCtx->UserToDevicePixelSnapped(fill, true)) {
aCtx->UserToDevicePixelSnapped(fill, true) &&
aCtx->UserToDevicePixelSnapped(dest, true)) {
// We snapped. On this code path, |fill| and |dest| take into account
// currentMatrix's transform.
didSnap = true;
if (fill.IsEmpty()) {
return SnappedImageDrawingParameters();
} else {
// We didn't snap. On this code path, |fill| and |dest| do not take into
// account currentMatrix's transform.
didSnap = false;
fill = devPixelFill;
dest = devPixelDest;
// Apply the context's scale to the dest rect.
gfxSize destScale = didSnap ? gfxSize(currentMatrix._11, currentMatrix._22)
: currentMatrix.ScaleFactors(true);
gfxSize appUnitScaledDest(dest.width * destScale.width,
dest.height * destScale.height);
gfxSize scaledDest = appUnitScaledDest / aAppUnitsPerDevPixel;
if (scaledDest.IsEmpty()) {
// If we snapped above, |dest| already takes into account |currentMatrix|'s scale
// and has integer coordinates. If not, we need these properties to compute
// the optimal drawn image size, so compute |snappedDestSize| here.
gfxSize snappedDestSize = dest.Size();
if (!didSnap) {
gfxSize scaleFactors = currentMatrix.ScaleFactors(true);
snappedDestSize.Scale(scaleFactors.width, scaleFactors.height);
snappedDestSize.width = NS_round(snappedDestSize.width);
snappedDestSize.height = NS_round(snappedDestSize.height);
// We need to be sure that this is at least one pixel in width and height,
// or we'll end up drawing nothing even if we have a nonempty fill.
snappedDestSize.width = std::max(snappedDestSize.width, 1.0);
snappedDestSize.height = std::max(snappedDestSize.height, 1.0);
// Bail if we're not going to end up drawing anything.
if (fill.IsEmpty() || snappedDestSize.IsEmpty()) {
return SnappedImageDrawingParameters();
// Compute a snapped version of the scaled dest rect, which we'll use to
// determine the optimal image size to draw with. We need to be sure that
// this rect is at least one pixel in width and height, or we'll end up
// drawing nothing even if we have a nonempty fill.
gfxSize snappedScaledDest =
gfxSize(NSAppUnitsToIntPixels(appUnitScaledDest.width, aAppUnitsPerDevPixel),
NSAppUnitsToIntPixels(appUnitScaledDest.height, aAppUnitsPerDevPixel));
snappedScaledDest.width = std::max(snappedScaledDest.width, 1.0);
snappedScaledDest.height = std::max(snappedScaledDest.height, 1.0);
nsIntSize intImageSize =
aGraphicsFilter, aImageFlags);
gfxSize imageSize(intImageSize.width, intImageSize.height);
// XXX(seth): May be buggy; see bug 1151016.
CSSIntSize svgViewportSize = currentMatrix.IsIdentity()
? CSSIntSize(intImageSize.width, intImageSize.height)
: CSSIntSize(NSAppUnitsToIntPixels(dest.width, aAppUnitsPerDevPixel), //XXX BUG!
NSAppUnitsToIntPixels(dest.height, aAppUnitsPerDevPixel)); //XXX BUG!
: CSSIntSize(devPixelDest.width, devPixelDest.height);
// Compute the set of pixels that would be sampled by an ideal rendering
gfxPoint subimageTopLeft =
@ -5904,8 +5910,9 @@ ComputeSnappedImageDrawingParameters(gfxContext* aCtx,
gfxMatrix transform;
gfxMatrix invTransform;
bool anchorAtUpperLeft = anchor.x == dest.x && anchor.y == dest.y;
bool exactlyOneImageCopy = aFill.IsEqualEdges(dest);
bool anchorAtUpperLeft = anchor.x == appUnitDest.x &&
anchor.y == appUnitDest.y;
bool exactlyOneImageCopy = aFill.IsEqualEdges(appUnitDest);
if (anchorAtUpperLeft && exactlyOneImageCopy) {
// The simple case: we can ignore the anchor point and compute the
// transformation from the sampled region (the subimage) to the fill rect.
@ -5933,7 +5940,14 @@ ComputeSnappedImageDrawingParameters(gfxContext* aCtx,
anchorPoint = StableRound(anchorPoint);
gfxRect anchoredDestRect(anchorPoint, scaledDest);
// Compute an unsnapped version of the dest rect's size. We continue to
// follow the pattern that we take |currentMatrix| into account only if
// |didSnap| is true.
gfxSize unsnappedDestSize
= didSnap ? devPixelDest.Size() * currentMatrix.ScaleFactors(true)
: devPixelDest.Size();
gfxRect anchoredDestRect(anchorPoint, unsnappedDestSize);
gfxRect anchoredImageRect(imageSpaceAnchorPoint, imageSize);
// Calculate anchoredDestRect with snapped fill rect when the devPixelFill rect