Bug 1148980 - have success and error log files for Sync and ReadingList based on whether an error record was written to the log. r=rnewman

This commit is contained in:
Mark Hammond 2015-05-18 17:34:22 +10:00
parent 1cffa50091
commit 77cf8b3181
4 changed files with 232 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ InternalScheduler.prototype = {
// the last success.
prefs.set("lastSync", new Date().toString());
this.state = this.STATE_OK;
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "readinglist:sync:finish", null);
this._currentErrorBackoff = 0; // error retry interval is reset on success.
return intervals.schedule;
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ InternalScheduler.prototype = {
this._currentErrorBackoff = 0; // error retry interval is reset on success.
this.log.info("Can't sync due to FxA account state " + err.message);
this.state = this.STATE_OK;
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "readinglist:sync:finish", null);
// it's unfortunate that we are probably going to hit this every
// 2 hours, but it should be invisible to the user.
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ InternalScheduler.prototype = {
this.log.error("Sync failed, now in state '${state}': ${err}",
{state: this.state, err});
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "readinglist:sync:error", null);
// We back-off on error retries until it hits our normally scheduled interval.
this._currentErrorBackoff = this._currentErrorBackoff == 0 ? intervals.retry :

View File

@ -45,15 +45,97 @@ let consoleAppender;
// A set of all preference roots used by all instances.
let allBranches = new Set();
// A storage appender that is flushable to a file on disk. Policies for
// when to flush, to what file, log rotation etc are up to the consumer
// (although it does maintain a .sawError property to help the consumer decide
// based on its policies)
function FlushableStorageAppender(formatter) {
Log.StorageStreamAppender.call(this, formatter);
this.sawError = false;
FlushableStorageAppender.prototype = {
__proto__: Log.StorageStreamAppender.prototype,
append(message) {
if (message.level >= Log.Level.Error) {
this.sawError = true;
Log.StorageStreamAppender.prototype.append.call(this, message);
reset() {
this.sawError = false;
// Flush the current stream to a file. Somewhat counter-intuitively, you
// must pass a log which will be written to with details of the operation.
flushToFile: Task.async(function* (subdirArray, filename, log) {
let inStream = this.getInputStream();
if (!inStream) {
log.debug("Failed to flush log to a file - no input stream");
log.debug("Flushing file log");
log.trace("Beginning stream copy to " + filename + ": " + Date.now());
try {
yield this._copyStreamToFile(inStream, subdirArray, filename, log);
log.trace("onCopyComplete", Date.now());
} catch (ex) {
log.error("Failed to copy log stream to file", ex);
* Copy an input stream to the named file, doing everything off the main
* thread.
* subDirArray is an array of path components, relative to the profile
* directory, where the file will be created.
* outputFileName is the filename to create.
* Returns a promise that is resolved on completion or rejected with an error.
_copyStreamToFile: Task.async(function* (inputStream, subdirArray, outputFileName, log) {
// The log data could be large, so we don't want to pass it all in a single
// message, so use BUFFER_SIZE chunks.
const BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
// get a binary stream
let binaryStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream);
let outputDirectory = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, ...subdirArray);
yield OS.File.makeDir(outputDirectory, { ignoreExisting: true, from: OS.Constants.Path.profileDir });
let fullOutputFileName = OS.Path.join(outputDirectory, outputFileName);
let output = yield OS.File.open(fullOutputFileName, { write: true} );
try {
while (true) {
let available = binaryStream.available();
if (!available) {
let chunk = binaryStream.readByteArray(Math.min(available, BUFFER_SIZE));
yield output.write(new Uint8Array(chunk));
} finally {
try {
binaryStream.close(); // inputStream is closed by the binaryStream
yield output.close();
} catch (ex) {
log.error("Failed to close the input stream", ex);
log.trace("finished copy to", fullOutputFileName);
// The public LogManager object.
function LogManager(prefRoot, logNames, logFilePrefix) {
this.init(prefRoot, logNames, logFilePrefix);
LogManager.prototype = {
REASON_SUCCESS: "success",
REASON_ERROR: "error",
_cleaningUpFileLogs: false,
_prefObservers: [],
@ -106,7 +188,7 @@ LogManager.prototype = {
this._observeDumpPref = setupAppender(dumpAppender, "log.appender.dump", Log.Level.Error, true);
// The file appender doesn't get the special singleton behaviour.
let fapp = this._fileAppender = new Log.StorageStreamAppender(formatter);
let fapp = this._fileAppender = new FlushableStorageAppender(formatter);
// the stream gets a default of Debug as the user must go out of their way
// to see the stuff spewed to it.
this._observeStreamPref = setupAppender(fapp, "log.appender.file.level", Log.Level.Debug);
@ -150,109 +232,62 @@ LogManager.prototype = {
return ["weave", "logs"];
* Copy an input stream to the named file, doing everything off the main
* thread.
* outputFileName is a string with the tail of the filename - the file will
* be created in the log directory.
* Returns a promise that is resolved<undefined> on completion or rejected if
* there is an error.
_copyStreamToFile: Task.async(function* (inputStream, outputFileName) {
// The log data could be large, so we don't want to pass it all in a single
// message, so use BUFFER_SIZE chunks.
const BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
// get a binary stream
let binaryStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream);
// We assume the profile directory exists, but not that the dirs under it do.
let profd = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", []);
let outputFile = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", this._logFileSubDirectoryEntries);
yield OS.File.makeDir(outputFile.path, { ignoreExisting: true, from: profd.path });
let output = yield OS.File.open(outputFile.path, { write: true} );
try {
while (true) {
let available = binaryStream.available();
if (!available) {
let chunk = binaryStream.readByteArray(Math.min(available, BUFFER_SIZE));
yield output.write(new Uint8Array(chunk));
} finally {
try {
binaryStream.close(); // inputStream is closed by the binaryStream
yield output.close();
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Failed to close the input stream", ex);
this._log.trace("finished copy to", outputFile.path);
// Result values for resetFileLog.
SUCCESS_LOG_WRITTEN: "success-log-written",
ERROR_LOG_WRITTEN: "error-log-written",
* Possibly generate a log file for all accumulated log messages and refresh
* the input & output streams.
* Returns a promise that resolves on completion or rejects if the file could
* not be written.
* Whether a "success" or "error" log is written is determined based on
* whether an "Error" log entry was written to any of the logs.
* Returns a promise that resolves on completion with either null (for no
* file written or on error), SUCCESS_LOG_WRITTEN if a "success" log was
* written, or ERROR_LOG_WRITTEN if an "error" log was written.
resetFileLog: Task.async(function* (reason) {
resetFileLog: Task.async(function* () {
try {
let flushToFile;
let reasonPrefix;
switch (reason) {
flushToFile = this._prefs.get("log.appender.file.logOnSuccess", false);
reasonPrefix = "success";
case this.REASON_ERROR:
flushToFile = this._prefs.get("log.appender.file.logOnError", true);
reasonPrefix = "error";
throw new Error("Invalid reason");
let reason;
if (this._fileAppender.sawError) {
reason = this.ERROR_LOG_WRITTEN;
flushToFile = this._prefs.get("log.appender.file.logOnError", true);
reasonPrefix = "error";
} else {
reason = this.SUCCESS_LOG_WRITTEN;
flushToFile = this._prefs.get("log.appender.file.logOnSuccess", false);
reasonPrefix = "success";
// might as well avoid creating an input stream if we aren't going to use it.
if (!flushToFile) {
return null;
let inStream = this._fileAppender.getInputStream();
if (inStream) {
this._log.debug("Flushing file log");
// We have reasonPrefix at the start of the filename so all "error"
// logs are grouped in about:sync-log.
let filename = reasonPrefix + "-" + this.logFilePrefix + "-" + Date.now() + ".txt";
this._log.trace("Beginning stream copy to " + filename + ": " +
try {
yield this._copyStreamToFile(inStream, filename);
this._log.trace("onCopyComplete", Date.now());
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Failed to copy log stream to file", ex);
// It's not completely clear to markh why we only do log cleanups
// for errors, but for now the Sync semantics have been copied...
// (one theory is that only cleaning up on error makes it less
// likely old error logs would be removed, but that's not true if
// there are occasional errors - let's address this later!)
if (reason == this.REASON_ERROR && !this._cleaningUpFileLogs) {
this._log.trace("Scheduling cleanup.");
// Note we don't return/yield or otherwise wait on this promise - it
// continues in the background
this.cleanupLogs().catch(err => {
this._log.error("Failed to cleanup logs", err);
// We have reasonPrefix at the start of the filename so all "error"
// logs are grouped in about:sync-log.
let filename = reasonPrefix + "-" + this.logFilePrefix + "-" + Date.now() + ".txt";
yield this._fileAppender.flushToFile(this._logFileSubDirectoryEntries, filename, this._log);
// It's not completely clear to markh why we only do log cleanups
// for errors, but for now the Sync semantics have been copied...
// (one theory is that only cleaning up on error makes it less
// likely old error logs would be removed, but that's not true if
// there are occasional errors - let's address this later!)
if (reason == this.ERROR_LOG_WRITTEN && !this._cleaningUpFileLogs) {
this._log.trace("Scheduling cleanup.");
// Note we don't return/yield or otherwise wait on this promise - it
// continues in the background
this.cleanupLogs().catch(err => {
this._log.error("Failed to cleanup logs", err);
return reason;
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Failed to resetFileLog", ex)
this._log.error("Failed to resetFileLog", ex);
return null;

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ add_task(function* test_noPrefs() {
// the "dump" and "console" appenders should get Error level
equal(capp.level, Log.Level.Error);
equal(dapp.level, Log.Level.Error);
// and the file (stream) appender gets Dump by default
// and the file (stream) appender gets Debug by default
equal(fapps.length, 1, "only 1 file appender");
equal(fapps[0].level, Log.Level.Debug);
@ -131,5 +131,99 @@ add_task(function* test_logFileErrorDefault() {
yield lm.resetFileLog(lm.REASON_ERROR);
// One error log file exists.
// Test that we correctly write success logs.
add_task(function* test_logFileSuccess() {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("log-manager.test.log.appender.file.logOnError", false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("log-manager.test.log.appender.file.logOnSuccess", false);
let lm = new LogManager("log-manager.test.", ["TestLog2"], "test");
let log = Log.repository.getLogger("TestLog2");
log.info("an info message");
yield lm.resetFileLog();
// Zero log files exist.
// Reset logOnSuccess and do it again - log should appear.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("log-manager.test.log.appender.file.logOnSuccess", true);
log.info("an info message");
yield lm.resetFileLog();
// Now test with no "reason" specified and no "error" record.
log.info("an info message");
yield lm.resetFileLog();
// should get a "success" entry.
// With no "reason" and an error record - should get no success log.
log.error("an error message");
yield lm.resetFileLog();
// should get no entry
// And finally now with no error, to ensure that the fact we had an error
// previously doesn't persist after the .resetFileLog call.
log.info("an info message");
yield lm.resetFileLog();
// Test that we correctly write error logs.
add_task(function* test_logFileError() {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("log-manager.test.log.appender.file.logOnError", false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("log-manager.test.log.appender.file.logOnSuccess", false);
let lm = new LogManager("log-manager.test.", ["TestLog2"], "test");
let log = Log.repository.getLogger("TestLog2");
log.info("an info message");
let reason = yield lm.resetFileLog();
Assert.equal(reason, null, "null returned when no file created.");
// Zero log files exist.
// Reset logOnSuccess - success logs should appear if no error records.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("log-manager.test.log.appender.file.logOnSuccess", true);
log.info("an info message");
reason = yield lm.resetFileLog();
Assert.equal(reason, lm.SUCCESS_LOG_WRITTEN);
// Set logOnError and unset logOnSuccess - error logs should appear.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("log-manager.test.log.appender.file.logOnSuccess", false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("log-manager.test.log.appender.file.logOnError", true);
log.error("an error message");
reason = yield lm.resetFileLog();
Assert.equal(reason, lm.ERROR_LOG_WRITTEN);
// Now test with no "error" record.
log.info("an info message");
reason = yield lm.resetFileLog();
// should get no file
Assert.equal(reason, null);
// With an error record we should get an error log.
log.error("an error message");
reason = yield lm.resetFileLog();
// should get en error log
Assert.equal(reason, lm.ERROR_LOG_WRITTEN);
// And finally now with success, to ensure that the fact we had an error
// previously doesn't persist after the .resetFileLog call.
log.info("an info message");
yield lm.resetFileLog();

View File

@ -602,7 +602,8 @@ ErrorHandler.prototype = {
this._log.debug(engine_name + " failed: " + Utils.exceptionStr(exception));
case "weave:service:login:error":
this._log.error("Sync encountered a login error");
if (this.shouldReportError()) {
@ -617,7 +618,8 @@ ErrorHandler.prototype = {
this._log.error("Sync encountered an error");
if (this.shouldReportError()) {
@ -642,8 +644,8 @@ ErrorHandler.prototype = {
if (Status.service == SYNC_FAILED_PARTIAL) {
this._log.debug("Some engines did not sync correctly.");
this._log.error("Some engines did not sync correctly.");
if (this.shouldReportError()) {
this.dontIgnoreErrors = false;
@ -651,7 +653,7 @@ ErrorHandler.prototype = {
} else {
this.dontIgnoreErrors = false;
@ -681,19 +683,15 @@ ErrorHandler.prototype = {
* Generate a log file for the sync that just completed
* and refresh the input & output streams.
* @param reason
* A constant from the LogManager that indicates the reason for the
* reset.
resetFileLog: function resetFileLog(reason) {
resetFileLog: function resetFileLog() {
let onComplete = () => {
this._log.trace("Notified: " + Date.now());
// Note we do not return the promise here - the caller doesn't need to wait
// for this to complete.
this._logManager.resetFileLog(reason).then(onComplete, onComplete);
this._logManager.resetFileLog().then(onComplete, onComplete);