Bug 674926 - refactor the webProgressListener used to keep track of whether to save tab thumbnails; r=dietrich

rename : browser/base/content/test/tabview/browser_tabview_bug627239.js => browser/base/content/test/tabview/browser_tabview_storage_policy.js
This commit is contained in:
Tim Taubert 2011-08-21 16:29:43 +02:00
parent 19a1226d22
commit 69f769db4a
8 changed files with 404 additions and 132 deletions

View File

@ -34,13 +34,156 @@
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
addEventListener("DOMWillOpenModalDialog", function (event) {
"use strict";
const Cu = Components.utils;
// Bug 671101 - directly using webProgress in this context
// causes docShells to leak
__defineGetter__("webProgress", function () {
let ifaceReq = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
return ifaceReq.getInterface(Ci.nsIWebProgress);
// ----------
// WindowEventHandler
// Handles events dispatched by the content window.
let WindowEventHandler = {
// ----------
// Function: onDOMContentLoaded
// Sends an asynchronous message when the "onDOMContentLoaded" event for the
// current page is fired.
onDOMContentLoaded: function WEH_onDOMContentLoaded(event) {
// ----------
// Function: onDOMWillOpenModalDialog
// Sends a synchronous message when the "onDOMWillOpenModalDialog" event
// is fired right before a modal dialog will be opened by the current page.
onDOMWillOpenModalDialog: function WEH_onDOMWillOpenModalDialog(event) {
// (event.isTrusted == true) when the event is generated by a user action
// and does not originate from a script.
if (event.isTrusted) {
if (!event.isTrusted)
// we're intentionally sending a synchronous message to handle this event
// as quick as possible, switch the selected tab and hide the tabview
// before the modal dialog is shown
}, true);
// add event listeners
addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", WindowEventHandler.onDOMContentLoaded, false);
addEventListener("DOMWillOpenModalDialog", WindowEventHandler.onDOMWillOpenModalDialog, false);
// ----------
// WindowMessageHandler
// Handles messages sent by the chrome process.
let WindowMessageHandler = {
// ----------
// Function: isDocumentLoaded
// Checks if the currently active document is loaded.
isDocumentLoaded: function WMH_isDocumentLoaded(cx) {
let isLoaded = (content.document.readyState == "complete" &&
sendAsyncMessage(cx.name, {isLoaded: isLoaded});
// add message listeners
addMessageListener("Panorama:isDocumentLoaded", WindowMessageHandler.isDocumentLoaded);
// ----------
// WebProgressListener
// Observe the web progress of content pages loaded into this browser. When the
// state of a page changes we check if we're still allowed to store page
// information permanently.
let WebProgressListener = {
// ----------
// Function: onStateChange
// Called by the webProgress when its state changes.
onStateChange: function WPL_onStateChange(webProgress, request, flag, status) {
// The browser just started loading (again). Explicitly grant storage
// because the browser might have been blocked before (e.g. when navigating
// from a https-page to a http-page).
if (flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START) {
// ensure the dom window is the top one
if (this._isTopWindow(webProgress))
// The browser finished loading - check the cache control headers. Send
// a message if we're not allowed to store information about this page.
if (flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) {
// ensure the dom window is the top one
if (this._isTopWindow(webProgress) &&
request && request instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel) {
let exclude = false;
let reason = "";
// Check if the "Cache-Control" header is "no-store". In this case we're
// not allowed to store information about the current page.
if (this._isNoStoreResponse(request)) {
exclude = true;
reason = "no-store";
// Otherwise we'll deny storage if we're currently viewing a https
// page without a "Cache-Control: public" header.
else if (request.URI.schemeIs("https")) {
let cacheControlHeader = this._getCacheControlHeader(request);
if (cacheControlHeader && !(/public/i).test(cacheControlHeader)) {
exclude = true;
reason = "https";
if (exclude)
sendAsyncMessage("Panorama:StoragePolicy:denied", {reason: reason});
// ----------
// Function: _isTopWindow
// Returns whether the DOMWindow associated with the webProgress is the
// top content window (and not an iframe or similar).
_isTopWindow: function WPL__isTopWindow(webProgress) {
// can throw if there's no associated DOMWindow
return !!Utils.attempt(function () webProgress.DOMWindow == content);
// ----------
// Function: _isNoStoreResponse
// Checks if the "Cache-Control" header is "no-store".
_isNoStoreResponse: function WPL__isNoStoreResponse(req) {
// can throw if called before the response has been received
return !!Utils.attempt(function () req.isNoStoreResponse());
// ----------
// Function: _getCacheControlHeader
// Returns the value of the "Cache-Control" header.
_getCacheControlHeader: function WPL__getCacheControlHeader(req) {
// can throw when the "Cache-Control" header doesn't exist
return Utils.attempt(function () req.getResponseHeader("Cache-Control"));
// ----------
// Implements progress listener interface.
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIWebProgressListener,
// add web progress listener
webProgress.addProgressListener(WebProgressListener, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_WINDOW);

View File

@ -776,5 +776,22 @@ let Utils = {
// Return the modified object
return target;
// ----------
// Function: attempt
// Tries to execute a number of functions. Returns immediately the return
// value of the first non-failed function without executing successive
// functions, or null.
attempt: function () {
let args = arguments;
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
try {
return args[i]();
} catch (e) {}
return null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is storagePolicy.js.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* the Mozilla Foundation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Tim Taubert <ttaubert@mozilla.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
// **********
// Title: storagePolicy.js
// ##########
// Class: StoragePolicy
// Singleton for implementing a storage policy for sensitive data.
let StoragePolicy = {
// Pref that controls whether we can store SSL content on disk
PREF_DISK_CACHE_SSL: "browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl",
// Used to keep track of disk_cache_ssl preference
_enablePersistentHttpsCaching: null,
// Used to keep track of browsers whose data we shouldn't store permanently
_deniedBrowsers: [],
// ----------
// Function: toString
// Prints [StoragePolicy] for debug use.
toString: function StoragePolicy_toString() {
return "[StoragePolicy]";
// ----------
// Function: init
// Initializes the StoragePolicy object.
init: function StoragePolicy_init() {
// store the preference value
this._enablePersistentHttpsCaching =
Services.prefs.addObserver(this.PREF_DISK_CACHE_SSL, this, false);
// tabs are already loaded before UI is initialized so cache-control
// values are unknown. We add browsers with https to the list for now.
if (!this._enablePersistentHttpsCaching)
Array.forEach(gBrowser.browsers, this._initializeBrowser.bind(this));
// make sure to remove tab browsers when tabs get closed
this._onTabClose = this._onTabClose.bind(this);
gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabClose", this._onTabClose, false);
let mm = gWindow.messageManager;
// add message listeners for storage granted
this._onGranted = this._onGranted.bind(this);
mm.addMessageListener("Panorama:StoragePolicy:granted", this._onGranted);
// add message listeners for storage denied
this._onDenied = this._onDenied.bind(this);
mm.addMessageListener("Panorama:StoragePolicy:denied", this._onDenied);
// ----------
// Function: _initializeBrowser
// Initializes the given browser and checks if we need to add it to our
// internal exclusion list.
_initializeBrowser: function StoragePolicy__initializeBrowser(browser) {
let self = this;
function checkExclusion() {
if (browser.currentURI.schemeIs("https"))
function waitForDocumentLoad() {
let mm = browser.messageManager;
mm.addMessageListener("Panorama:DOMContentLoaded", function onLoad(cx) {
mm.removeMessageListener(cx.name, onLoad);
this._isDocumentLoaded(browser, function (isLoaded) {
if (isLoaded)
// ----------
// Function: _isDocumentLoaded
// Check if the given browser's document is loaded.
_isDocumentLoaded: function StoragePolicy__isDocumentLoaded(browser, callback) {
let mm = browser.messageManager;
let message = "Panorama:isDocumentLoaded";
mm.addMessageListener(message, function onMessage(cx) {
mm.removeMessageListener(cx.name, onMessage);
// ----------
// Function: uninit
// Is called by UI.init() when the browser windows is closed.
uninit: function StoragePolicy_uninit() {
Services.prefs.removeObserver(this.PREF_DISK_CACHE_SSL, this);
gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabClose", this._onTabClose, false);
let mm = gWindow.messageManager;
// remove message listeners
mm.removeMessageListener("Panorama:StoragePolicy:granted", this._onGranted);
mm.removeMessageListener("Panorama:StoragePolicy:denied", this._onDenied);
// ----------
// Function: _onGranted
// Handle the 'granted' message and remove the given browser from the list
// of denied browsers.
_onGranted: function StoragePolicy__onGranted(cx) {
let index = this._deniedBrowsers.indexOf(cx.target);
if (index > -1)
this._deniedBrowsers.splice(index, 1);
// ----------
// Function: _onDenied
// Handle the 'denied' message and add the given browser to the list of denied
// browsers.
_onDenied: function StoragePolicy__onDenied(cx) {
// exclusion is optional because cache-control is not no-store or public and
// the protocol is https. don't exclude when persistent https caching is
// enabled.
if ("https" == cx.json.reason && this._enablePersistentHttpsCaching)
let browser = cx.target;
if (this._deniedBrowsers.indexOf(browser) == -1)
// ----------
// Function: _onTabClose
// Remove the browser from our internal exclusion list when a tab gets closed.
_onTabClose: function StoragePolicy__onTabClose(event) {
let browser = event.target.linkedBrowser;
let index = this._deniedBrowsers.indexOf(browser);
if (index > -1)
this._deniedBrowsers.splice(index, 1);
// ----------
// Function: canStoreThumbnailForTab
// Returns whether we're allowed to store the thumbnail of the given tab.
canStoreThumbnailForTab: function StoragePolicy_canStoreThumbnailForTab(tab) {
return (this._deniedBrowsers.indexOf(tab.linkedBrowser) == -1);
// ----------
// Function: observe
// Observe pref changes.
observe: function StoragePolicy_observe(subject, topic, data) {
this._enablePersistentHttpsCaching =

View File

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ let AllTabs = {
#include iq.js
#include storage.js
#include storagePolicy.js
#include items.js
#include groupitems.js
#include tabitems.js

View File

@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
let ThumbnailStorage = {
CACHE_PREFIX: "moz-panorama:",
PREF_DISK_CACHE_SSL: "browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl",
// Holds the cache session reference
_cacheSession: null,
@ -55,15 +54,6 @@ let ThumbnailStorage = {
// Holds the storage stream reference
_storageStream: null,
// Holds the progress listener reference
_progressListener: null,
// Used to keep track of disk_cache_ssl preference
enablePersistentHttpsCaching: null,
// Used to keep track of browsers whose thumbs we shouldn't save
excludedBrowsers: [],
// ----------
// Function: toString
// Prints [ThumbnailStorage] for debug use.
@ -87,40 +77,6 @@ let ThumbnailStorage = {
this._storageStream = Components.Constructor(
"@mozilla.org/storagestream;1", "nsIStorageStream",
// store the preference value
this.enablePersistentHttpsCaching =
Services.prefs.addObserver(this.PREF_DISK_CACHE_SSL, this, false);
let self = this;
// tabs are already loaded before UI is initialized so cache-control
// values are unknown. We add browsers with https to the list for now.
gBrowser.browsers.forEach(function(browser) {
let checkAndAddToList = function(browserObj) {
if (!self.enablePersistentHttpsCaching &&
if (browser.contentDocument.readyState != "complete" ||
browser.webProgress.isLoadingDocument) {
browser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
browser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
}, true);
} else {
// Function: uninit
// Should be called when window is unloaded.
uninit: function ThumbnailStorage_uninit() {
Services.prefs.removeObserver(this.PREF_DISK_CACHE_SSL, this);
// ----------
@ -151,12 +107,6 @@ let ThumbnailStorage = {
// Function: _shouldSaveThumbnail
// Checks whether to save tab's thumbnail or not.
_shouldSaveThumbnail : function ThumbnailStorage__shouldSaveThumbnail(tab) {
return (this.excludedBrowsers.indexOf(tab.linkedBrowser) == -1);
// ----------
// Function: saveThumbnail
// Saves the <imageData> to the cache using the given <url> as key.
@ -166,7 +116,7 @@ let ThumbnailStorage = {
Utils.assert(tab, "tab");
Utils.assert(imageData, "imageData");
if (!this._shouldSaveThumbnail(tab)) {
if (!StoragePolicy.canStoreThumbnailForTab(tab)) {
if (callback)
@ -288,61 +238,6 @@ let ThumbnailStorage = {
this._openCacheEntry(url, Ci.nsICache.ACCESS_READ,
onCacheEntryAvailable, onCacheEntryUnavailable);
// ----------
// Function: observe
// Implements the observer interface.
observe: function ThumbnailStorage_observe(subject, topic, data) {
this.enablePersistentHttpsCaching =
// ----------
// Implements progress listener interface.
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIWebProgressListener,
onStateChange: function ThumbnailStorage_onStateChange(
browser, webProgress, request, flag, status) {
if (flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START &&
flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW) {
// ensure the dom window is the top one
if (webProgress.DOMWindow.parent == webProgress.DOMWindow) {
let index = this.excludedBrowsers.indexOf(browser);
if (index != -1)
this.excludedBrowsers.splice(index, 1);
if (flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP &&
flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW) {
// ensure the dom window is the top one
if (webProgress.DOMWindow.parent == webProgress.DOMWindow &&
request && request instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel) {
let inhibitPersistentThumb = false;
if (request.isNoStoreResponse()) {
inhibitPersistentThumb = true;
} else if (!this.enablePersistentHttpsCaching &&
request.URI.schemeIs("https")) {
let cacheControlHeader;
try {
cacheControlHeader = request.getResponseHeader("Cache-Control");
} catch(e) {
// this error would occur when "Cache-Control" doesn't exist in
// the eaders
if (cacheControlHeader && !(/public/i).test(cacheControlHeader))
inhibitPersistentThumb = true;
if (inhibitPersistentThumb &&
this.excludedBrowsers.indexOf(browser) == -1)

View File

@ -175,6 +175,9 @@ let UI = {
// ___ storage
// ___ storage policy
if (Storage.readWindowBusyState(gWindow))
@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ let UI = {
this._currentTab = null;

View File

@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ _BROWSER_FILES = \
browser_tabview_bug626455.js \
browser_tabview_bug626525.js \
browser_tabview_bug626791.js \
browser_tabview_bug627239.js \
browser_tabview_bug627288.js \
browser_tabview_bug627736.js \
browser_tabview_bug628061.js \
@ -170,6 +169,7 @@ _BROWSER_FILES = \
browser_tabview_search.js \
browser_tabview_snapping.js \
browser_tabview_startup_transitions.js \
browser_tabview_storage_policy.js \
browser_tabview_undo_group.js \
dummy_page.html \
head.js \

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
const PREF_DISK_CACHE_SSL = "browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl";
let contentWindow;
let enablePersistentHttpsCaching;
let newTab;
function test() {
@ -17,8 +19,7 @@ function test() {
contentWindow.ThumbnailStorage.enablePersistentHttpsCaching =
showTabView(function() {
@ -31,18 +32,19 @@ function test() {
function test1() {
// page with cache-control: no-store, should not save thumbnail
HttpRequestObserver.cacheControlValue = "no-store";
afterAllTabsLoaded(function() {
whenStorageDenied(newTab, function () {
let tabItem = newTab._tabViewTabItem;
"Should not save the thumbnail for tab");
whenDeniedToCacheImageData(tabItem, test2);
HttpRequestObserver.cacheControlValue = null;
function test2() {
@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ function test2() {
afterAllTabsLoaded(function() {
let tabItem = newTab._tabViewTabItem;
"Should save the thumbnail for tab");
whenSavedCachedImageData(tabItem, test3);
@ -65,15 +67,13 @@ function test3() {
// page with cache-control: private with https caching enabled, should save thumbnail
HttpRequestObserver.cacheControlValue = "private";
enablePersistentHttpsCaching =
contentWindow.ThumbnailStorage.enablePersistentHttpsCaching = true;
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_DISK_CACHE_SSL, true);
afterAllTabsLoaded(function() {
let tabItem = newTab._tabViewTabItem;
"Should save the thumbnail for tab");
whenSavedCachedImageData(tabItem, test4);
@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ function test4() {
// page with cache-control: public with https caching disabled, should save thumbnail
HttpRequestObserver.cacheControlValue = "public";
contentWindow.ThumbnailStorage.enablePersistentHttpsCaching = false;
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_DISK_CACHE_SSL, false);
afterAllTabsLoaded(function() {
let tabItem = newTab._tabViewTabItem;
"Should save the thumbnail for tab");
whenSavedCachedImageData(tabItem, test5);
@ -103,12 +103,11 @@ function test5() {
// page with cache-control: private with https caching disabled, should not save thumbnail
HttpRequestObserver.cacheControlValue = "private";
afterAllTabsLoaded(function() {
whenStorageDenied(newTab, function () {
let tabItem = newTab._tabViewTabItem;
"Should not the thumbnail for tab");
"Should not save the thumbnail for tab");
whenDeniedToCacheImageData(tabItem, function () {
hideTabView(function () {
@ -118,6 +117,8 @@ function test5() {
let HttpRequestObserver = {
@ -152,3 +153,12 @@ function whenDeniedToCacheImageData(tabItem, callback) {
function whenStorageDenied(tab, callback) {
let mm = tab.linkedBrowser.messageManager;
mm.addMessageListener("Panorama:StoragePolicy:denied", function onDenied() {
mm.removeMessageListener("Panorama:StoragePolicy:denied", onDenied);