Bug 1153790 - mac unification doesn't work with packaged addons. r=glandium

This commit is contained in:
Philipp Kewisch 2015-04-27 00:46:20 +02:00
parent 978c2cfbbd
commit 6738c8b403
2 changed files with 116 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -63,9 +63,19 @@ class TestUnifiedFinder(TestUnified):
class TestUnifiedBuildFinder(TestUnified):
def test_unified_build_finder(self):
finder = UnifiedBuildFinder(FileFinder(self.tmppath('a')),
# Test chrome.manifest unification
self.create_both('chrome.manifest', 'a\nb\nc\n')
self.create_one('a', 'chrome/chrome.manifest', 'a\nb\nc\n')
self.create_one('b', 'chrome/chrome.manifest', 'b\nc\na\n')
self.assertEqual(sorted([(f, c.open().read()) for f, c in
[('chrome.manifest', 'a\nb\nc\n'),
('chrome/chrome.manifest', 'a\nb\nc\n')])
# Test buildconfig.html unification
self.create_one('a', 'chrome/browser/foo/buildconfig.html',
@ -84,13 +94,6 @@ class TestUnifiedBuildFinder(TestUnified):
finder = UnifiedBuildFinder(FileFinder(self.tmppath('a')),
self.assertEqual(sorted([(f, c.open().read()) for f, c in
[('chrome.manifest', 'a\nb\nc\n'),
('chrome/chrome.manifest', 'a\nb\nc\n')])
self.assertEqual(sorted([(f, c.open().read()) for f, c in
[('chrome/browser/foo/buildconfig.html', '\n'.join([
@ -104,6 +107,7 @@ class TestUnifiedBuildFinder(TestUnified):
# Test xpi file unification
xpi = MockDest()
with JarWriter(fileobj=xpi, compress=True) as jar:
jar.add('foo', 'foo')
@ -123,6 +127,73 @@ class TestUnifiedBuildFinder(TestUnified):
[('foo.xpi', foo_xpi)])
errors.out = sys.stderr
# Test install.rdf unification
x86_64 = 'Darwin_x86_64-gcc3'
x86 = 'Darwin_x86-gcc3'
target_tag = '<{em}targetPlatform>{platform}</{em}targetPlatform>'
target_attr = '{em}targetPlatform="{platform}" '
rdf_tag = ''.join([
'<{RDF}Description {em}bar="bar" {em}qux="qux">',
rdf_attr = ''.join([
'<{RDF}Description {em}bar="bar" {attr}{em}qux="qux">',
for descr_ns, target_ns in (('RDF:', ''), ('', 'em:'), ('RDF:', 'em:')):
# First we need to infuse the above strings with our namespaces and
# platform values.
ns = { 'RDF': descr_ns, 'em': target_ns }
target_tag_x86_64 = target_tag.format(platform=x86_64, **ns)
target_tag_x86 = target_tag.format(platform=x86, **ns)
target_attr_x86_64 = target_attr.format(platform=x86_64, **ns)
target_attr_x86 = target_attr.format(platform=x86, **ns)
tag_x86_64 = rdf_tag.format(targets=target_tag_x86_64, **ns)
tag_x86 = rdf_tag.format(targets=target_tag_x86, **ns)
tag_merged = rdf_tag.format(targets=target_tag_x86_64 + target_tag_x86, **ns)
tag_empty = rdf_tag.format(targets="", **ns)
attr_x86_64 = rdf_attr.format(attr=target_attr_x86_64, targets="", **ns)
attr_x86 = rdf_attr.format(attr=target_attr_x86, targets="", **ns)
attr_merged = rdf_attr.format(attr="", targets=target_tag_x86_64 + target_tag_x86, **ns)
# This table defines the test cases, columns "a" and "b" being the
# contents of the install.rdf of the respective platform and
# "result" the exepected merged content after unification.
testcases = (
#_____a_____ _____b_____ ___result___#
(tag_x86_64, tag_x86, tag_merged ),
(tag_x86_64, tag_empty, tag_empty ),
(tag_empty, tag_x86, tag_empty ),
(tag_empty, tag_empty, tag_empty ),
(attr_x86_64, attr_x86, attr_merged ),
(tag_x86_64, attr_x86, tag_merged ),
(attr_x86_64, tag_x86, attr_merged ),
(attr_x86_64, tag_empty, tag_empty ),
(tag_empty, attr_x86, tag_empty )
# Now create the files from the above table and compare
results = []
for emid, (rdf_a, rdf_b, result) in enumerate(testcases):
filename = 'ext/id{0}/install.rdf'.format(emid)
self.create_one('a', filename, rdf_a)
self.create_one('b', filename, rdf_b)
results.append((filename, result))
self.assertEqual(sorted([(f, c.open().read()) for f, c in
finder.find('**/install.rdf')]), results)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -18,9 +18,23 @@ from tempfile import mkstemp
import mozpack.path as mozpath
import struct
import os
import re
import subprocess
from collections import OrderedDict
# Regular expressions for unifying install.rdf
FIND_TARGET_PLATFORM = re.compile(r"""
<(?P<ns>[-._0-9A-Za-z]+:)?targetPlatform> # The targetPlatform tag, with any namespace
(?P<platform>[^<]*) # The actual platform value
</(?P=ns)?targetPlatform> # The closing tag
""", re.X)
(?P<tag><(?:[-._0-9A-Za-z]+:)?Description) # The opening part of the <Description> tag
(?P<attrs>[^>]*?)\s+ # The initial attributes
(?P<ns>[-._0-9A-Za-z]+:)?targetPlatform= # The targetPlatform attribute, with any namespace
[\'"](?P<platform>[^\'"]+)[\'"] # The actual platform value
(?P<otherattrs>[^>]*?>) # The remaining attributes and closing angle bracket
""", re.X)
def may_unify_binary(file):
@ -165,9 +179,11 @@ class UnifiedBuildFinder(UnifiedFinder):
def unify_file(self, path, file1, file2):
Unify buildconfig.html contents, or defer to UnifiedFinder.unify_file.
Unify files taking Mozilla application special cases into account.
Otherwise defer to UnifiedFinder.unify_file.
if mozpath.basename(path) == 'buildconfig.html':
basename = mozpath.basename(path)
if basename == 'buildconfig.html':
content1 = file1.open().readlines()
content2 = file2.open().readlines()
# Copy everything from the first file up to the end of its <body>,
@ -178,7 +194,26 @@ class UnifiedBuildFinder(UnifiedFinder):
['<hr> </hr>\n'] +
content2[content2.index('<h1>about:buildconfig</h1>\n') + 1:]
if path.endswith('.xpi'):
elif basename == 'install.rdf':
# install.rdf files often have em:targetPlatform (either as
# attribute or as tag) that will differ between platforms. The
# unified install.rdf should contain both em:targetPlatforms if
# they exist, or strip them if only one file has a target platform.
content1, content2 = (
m.group('tag') + m.group('attrs') + m.group('otherattrs') +
'<%stargetPlatform>%s</%stargetPlatform>' % \
(m.group('ns') or "", m.group('platform'), m.group('ns') or ""),
) for f in (file1, file2)
platform2 = FIND_TARGET_PLATFORM.search(content2)
return GeneratedFile(FIND_TARGET_PLATFORM.sub(
lambda m: m.group(0) + platform2.group(0) if platform2 else '',
elif path.endswith('.xpi'):
finder1 = JarFinder(os.path.join(self._finder1.base, path),
finder2 = JarFinder(os.path.join(self._finder2.base, path),