Bug 1131206 - Remove the less useful commands from taskcluster mach r=garndt

This commit is contained in:
jlal@mozilla.com 2015-05-05 15:31:28 -07:00
parent 0ce03a37a0
commit 50f0a9d2d6

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import taskcluster_graph.build_task
ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
GECKO = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(ROOT, '..', '..'))
DOCKER_ROOT = os.path.join(ROOT, '..', 'docker')
MOZHARNESS_CONFIG = os.path.join(GECKO, 'testing', 'mozharness', 'mozharness.json')
# XXX: If/when we have the taskcluster queue use construct url instead
ARTIFACT_URL = 'https://queue.taskcluster.net/v1/task/{}/artifacts/{}'
@ -48,6 +49,10 @@ DEFAULT_JOB_PATH = os.path.join(
ROOT, 'tasks', 'branches', 'mozilla-central', 'job_flags.yml'
def load_mozharness_info():
with open(MOZHARNESS_CONFIG) as content:
return json.loads(content)
def get_hg_url():
''' Determine the url for the mercurial repository'''
@ -422,193 +427,3 @@ class Graph(object):
graph.pop('metadata', None)
print(json.dumps(graph, indent=4))
class CIBuild(object):
@Command('taskcluster-build', category='ci',
description="Create taskcluster try server build task")
help='URL for "base" repository to clone')
help='URL for custom mozharness repo')
help='URL for "head" repository to fetch revision from')
help='Reference (this is same as rev usually for hg)')
help='Commit revision to use')
help='Commit revision to use from mozharness repository')
help='Commit ref to use from mozharness repository')
help='email address of who owns this graph')
help='path to build task definition')
def create_ci_build(self, **params):
templates = Templates(ROOT)
# TODO handle git repos
head_repository = params['head_repository']
if not head_repository:
head_repository = get_hg_url()
head_rev = params['head_rev']
if not head_rev:
head_rev = get_latest_hg_revision(head_repository)
head_ref = params['head_ref'] or head_rev
build_parameters = dict(gaia_info().items() + {
'docker_image': docker_image,
'owner': params['owner'],
'from_now': json_time_from_now,
'now': current_json_time(),
'base_repository': params['base_repository'] or head_repository,
'head_repository': head_repository,
'head_rev': head_rev,
'head_ref': head_ref,
'mozharness_repository': params['mozharness_repository'],
'mozharness_ref': params['mozharness_ref'],
'mozharness_rev': params['mozharness_rev']
build_task = templates.load(params['build_task'], build_parameters)
except IOError:
"Could not load build task file. Ensure path is a relative " \
"path from testing/taskcluster"
print(json.dumps(build_task['task'], indent=4))
class CITest(object):
@Command('taskcluster-test', category='ci',
description='Create taskcluster try server test task')
help='the task id to pick the correct build and tests')
@CommandArgument('--total-chunks', type=int,
help='total number of chunks')
@CommandArgument('--chunk', type=int,
help='current chunk')
help='email address of who owns this graph')
help='path to the test task definition')
def create_ci_test(self, test_task, task_id='', total_chunks=1, chunk=1, owner=''):
if total_chunks is None:
total_chunks = 1
if chunk is None:
chunk = 1
if chunk < 1 or chunk > total_chunks:
raise ValueError(
'"chunk" must be a value between 1 and "total_chunks (default 1)"')
build_url, img_url, tests_url = self._get_build_and_tests_url(task_id)
test_parameters = dict(gaia_info().items() + {
'docker_image': docker_image,
'build_url': ARTIFACT_URL.format(task_id, build_url),
'img_url': ARTIFACT_URL.format(task_id, img_url),
'tests_url': ARTIFACT_URL.format(task_id, tests_url),
'total_chunks': total_chunks,
'chunk': chunk,
'owner': owner,
'from_now': json_time_from_now,
'now': current_json_time()
templates = Templates(ROOT)
test_task = templates.load(test_task, test_parameters)
except IOError:
"Could not load test task file. Ensure path is a relative " \
"path from testing/taskcluster"
print(json.dumps(test_task['task'], indent=4))
def _get_build_and_tests_url(self, task_id):
task = get_task(task_id)
locations = task['extra']['locations']
return locations['build'], locations.get('img', ''), locations['tests']
class CIDockerRun(object):
@Command('taskcluster-docker-run', category='ci',
description='Run a docker image and optionally mount local hg repos. ' \
'Repos will be mounted to /home/worker/x/source accordingly. ' \
'For example, to run a centos image and mount local gecko ' \
'and gaia repos: mach ci-docker-run --local-gecko-repo ' \
'/home/user/mozilla-central/ --local-gaia-repo /home/user/gaia/ '\
'--docker-flags="-t -i" centos:centos7 /bin/bash')
action='store', dest='local_gecko_repo',
help='local gecko hg repository for volume mount')
action='store', dest='gecko_revision',
help='local gecko repo revision (defaults to latest)')
action='store', dest='local_gaia_repo',
help='local gaia hg repository for volume mount')
help='The mozconfig file for building gecko')
action='store', dest='flags',
help='string of run flags (i.e. --docker-flags="-i -t")')
help='name of docker image to run')
help='command to run inside the docker image')
def ci_docker_run(self, local_gecko_repo='', gecko_revision='',
local_gaia_repo='', mozconfig="", flags="", **kwargs):
''' Run docker image and optionally volume mount specified local repos '''
cmd_out = ['docker', 'run']
if flags:
if local_gecko_repo:
if not os.path.exists(local_gecko_repo):
print("Gecko repository path doesn't exist: %s" % local_gecko_repo)
if not gecko_revision:
gecko_revision = get_latest_hg_revision(local_gecko_repo)
cmd_out.extend(['-v', '%s:%s' % (local_gecko_repo, gecko_mount_point)])
cmd_out.extend(['-e', 'REPOSITORY=%s' % gecko_mount_point])
cmd_out.extend(['-e', 'REVISION=%s' % gecko_revision])
if local_gaia_repo:
if not os.path.exists(local_gaia_repo):
print("Gaia repository path doesn't exist: %s" % local_gaia_repo)
cmd_out.extend(['-v', '%s:%s' % (local_gaia_repo, gaia_mount_point)])
cmd_out.extend(['-e', 'GAIA_REPOSITORY=%s' % gaia_mount_point])
if mozconfig:
cmd_out.extend(['-e', 'MOZCONFIG=%s' % mozconfig])
for cmd_x in kwargs['command']:
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
sys.stderr.write("Docker run command returned non-zero status. Attempted:\n")
cmd_line = ''
for x in cmd_out:
cmd_line = cmd_line + x + ' '
sys.stderr.write(cmd_line + '\n')