Bug 789527 - Change the way we install packaged apps [r=gwagner]

This commit is contained in:
Fabrice Desré 2012-09-27 12:34:41 -07:00
parent 94eb40e12d
commit 4a8a8d8d27
2 changed files with 264 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -188,8 +188,10 @@ WebappsRegistry.prototype = {
// mozIDOMApplicationRegistry2 implementation
installPackage: function(aPackageURL, aParams) {
installPackage: function(aURL, aParams) {
let installURL = this._window.location.href;
let installOrigin = this._getOrigin(installURL);
let request = this.createRequest();
let requestID = this.getRequestId(request);
@ -198,13 +200,54 @@ WebappsRegistry.prototype = {
Array.isArray(aParams.receipts)) ? aParams.receipts : [];
let categories = (aParams && aParams.categories &&
Array.isArray(aParams.categories)) ? aParams.categories : [];
cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Webapps:InstallPackage", { url: aPackageURL,
receipts: receipts,
categories: categories,
requestID: requestID,
oid: this._id,
from: this._window.location.href,
installOrigin: this._getOrigin(this._window.location.href) });
let xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
xhr.open("GET", aURL, true);
xhr.channel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.VALIDATE_ALWAYS;
xhr.addEventListener("load", (function() {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
let manifest;
try {
manifest = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText, installOrigin);
} catch(e) {
Services.DOMRequest.fireError(request, "MANIFEST_PARSE_ERROR");
if (!(AppsUtils.checkManifest(manifest, installOrigin) &&
manifest.package_path)) {
Services.DOMRequest.fireError(request, "INVALID_MANIFEST");
} else {
if (!this.checkAppStatus(manifest)) {
Services.DOMRequest.fireError(request, "INVALID_SECURITY_LEVEL");
} else {
let receipts = (aParams && aParams.receipts && Array.isArray(aParams.receipts)) ? aParams.receipts : [];
let categories = (aParams && aParams.categories && Array.isArray(aParams.categories)) ? aParams.categories : [];
let etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("Etag");
cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Webapps:InstallPackage", { app: {
installOrigin: installOrigin,
origin: this._getOrigin(aURL),
manifestURL: aURL,
updateManifest: manifest,
etag: etag,
receipts: receipts,
categories: categories },
from: installURL,
oid: this._id,
requestID: requestID,
isPackage: true });
else {
Services.DOMRequest.fireError(request, "MANIFEST_URL_ERROR");
}).bind(this), false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", (function() {
Services.DOMRequest.fireError(request, "NETWORK_ERROR");
}).bind(this), false);
return request;
@ -338,9 +381,11 @@ WebappsApplication.prototype = {
["Webapps:Uninstall:Return:OK", "Webapps:OfflineCache"]);
["Webapps:Uninstall:Return:OK", "Webapps:OfflineCache",
set onprogress(aCallback) {
@ -434,7 +479,8 @@ WebappsApplication.prototype = {
uninit: function() {
this._onprogress = null;
["Webapps:Uninstall:Return:OK", "Webapps:OfflineCache"]);
["Webapps:Uninstall:Return:OK", "Webapps:OfflineCache",
_fireEvent: function(aName, aHandler) {
@ -445,9 +491,11 @@ WebappsApplication.prototype = {
receiveMessage: function(aMessage) {
var msg = aMessage.json;
let msg = aMessage.json;
let req = this.takeRequest(msg.requestID);
if ((msg.oid != this._id || !req) && aMessage.name !== "Webapps:OfflineCache")
if ((msg.oid != this._id || !req) &&
aMessage.name !== "Webapps:OfflineCache" &&
aMessage.name !== "Webapps:PackageEvent")
switch (aMessage.name) {
case "Webapps:Uninstall:Return:OK":
@ -491,6 +539,43 @@ WebappsApplication.prototype = {
case "Webapps:CheckForUpdate:Return:KO":
Services.DOMRequest.fireError(req, msg.error);
case "Webapps:PackageEvent":
if (msg.manifestURL != this.manifestURL)
switch(msg.type) {
case "error":
this._downloadError = msg.error;
this._fireEvent("downloaderror", this._ondownloaderror);
case "progress":
this.progress = msg.progress;
this._fireEvent("downloadprogress", this._onprogress);
case "installed":
let app = msg.app;
this.progress = app.progress || 0;
this.downloadAvailable = app.downloadAvailable;
this.downloading = app.downloading;
this.readyToApplyDownload = app.readyToApplyDownload;
this.downloadSize = app.downloadSize || 0;
this.installState = app.installState;
this.manifest = app.manifest;
this._fireEvent("downloaded", this._ondownloaded);
this._fireEvent("downloadapplied", this._ondownloadapplied);
case "canceled":
app = msg.app;
this.progress = app.progress || 0;
this.downloadAvailable = app.downloadAvailable;
this.downloading = app.downloading;
this.readyToApplyDownload = app.readyToApplyDownload;
this.downloadSize = app.downloadSize || 0;
this.installState = app.installState;
this._downloadError = msg.error;
this._fireEvent("downloaderror", this._ondownloaderror);

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
webapps: { },
children: [ ],
allAppsLaunchable: false,
downloads: { },
init: function() {
this.messages = ["Webapps:Install", "Webapps:Uninstall",
@ -470,7 +471,8 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
mm.sendAsyncMessage("Webapps:GetAll:Return:KO", msg);
case "Webapps:InstallPackage":
this.installPackage(msg, mm);
// always ask for UI to install
Services.obs.notifyObservers(mm, "webapps-ask-install", JSON.stringify(msg));
case "Webapps:GetBasePath":
return this.webapps[msg.id].basePath;
@ -566,6 +568,26 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
cancelDownload: function cancelDowload(aManifestURL) {
// We can't cancel appcache dowloads for now.
if (!this.downloads[aManifestURL]) {
// This is a HTTP channel.
let download = this.downloads[aManifestURL]
let app = this.webapps[dowload.appId];
app.progress = 0;
app.installState = app.previousState;
app.dowloading = false;
app.dowloadavailable = false;
app.downloadSize = 0;
this._saveApps((function() {
{ type: "canceled",
manifestURL: aApp.manifestURL,
app: app,
startOfflineCacheDownload: function startOfflineCacheDownload(aManifest, aApp, aProfileDir) {
@ -714,8 +736,12 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
confirmInstall: function(aData, aFromSync, aProfileDir, aOfflineCacheObserver) {
let app = aData.app;
app.removable = true;
let origin = Services.io.newURI(app.origin, null, null);
let manifestURL = origin.resolve(app.manifestURL);
let id = app.syncId || this._appId(app.origin);
let localId = this.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(app.manifestURL);
let localId = this.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(manifestURL);
// Installing an application again is considered as an update.
if (id) {
@ -729,9 +755,14 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
localId = this._nextLocalId();
if (app.packageId) {
let manifestName = "manifest.webapp";
if (aData.isPackage) {
// Override the origin with the correct id.
app.origin = "app://" + id;
// For packaged apps, keep the update manifest distinct from the app
// manifest.
manifestName = "update.webapp";
let appObject = AppsUtils.cloneAppObject(app);
@ -746,30 +777,23 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
let dir = FileUtils.getDir(DIRECTORY_NAME, ["webapps", id], true, true);
let manFile = dir.clone();
this._writeFile(manFile, JSON.stringify(app.manifest), function() {
// If this a packaged app, move the zip file from the temp directory,
// and delete the temp directory.
if (app.packageId) {
let appFile = FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", ["webapps", app.packageId, "application.zip"],
true, true);
appFile.moveTo(dir, "application.zip");
let tmpDir = FileUtils.getDir("TmpD", ["webapps", app.packageId],
true, true);
try {
} catch(e) {
let jsonManifest = aData.isPackage ? app.updateManifest : app.manifest;
this._writeFile(manFile, JSON.stringify(jsonManifest), function() { });
let manifest = new DOMApplicationManifest(app.manifest, app.origin);
let manifest = new DOMApplicationManifest(jsonManifest, app.origin);
if (manifest.appcache_path) {
appObject.installState = "pending";
appObject.downloadAvailable = true;
appObject.downloading = true;
appObject.downloadsize = 0;
appObject.downloadSize = 0;
appObject.readyToApplyDownload = false;
} else if (manifest.package_path) {
appObject.installState = "pending";
appObject.downloadAvailable = true;
appObject.downloading = true;
appObject.downloadSize = manifest.size;
appObject.readyToApplyDownload = false;
} else {
appObject.installState = "installed";
@ -778,9 +802,13 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
appObject.readyToApplyDownload = false;
appObject.name = app.manifest.name;
appObject.name = manifest.name;
this.webapps[id] = appObject;
["installState", "downloadAvailable",
"downloading", "downloadSize", "readyToApplyDownload"].forEach(function(aProp) {
aData.app[aProp] = appObject[aProp];
if (!aFromSync)
this._saveApps((function() {
@ -790,11 +818,16 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
#ifdef MOZ_SYS_MSG
this._registerSystemMessages(app.manifest, app);
this._registerActivities(app.manifest, app);
if (!aData.isPackage) {
this._registerSystemMessages(app.manifest, app);
this._registerActivities(app.manifest, app);
this.startOfflineCacheDownload(manifest, appObject, aProfileDir);
if (manifest.package_path) {
this.downloadPackage(manifest, appObject);
_nextLocalId: function() {
@ -811,6 +844,14 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
return null;
_appIdForManifestURL: function(aURI) {
for (let id in this.webapps) {
if (this.webapps[id].manifestURL == aURI)
return id;
return null;
makeAppId: function() {
let uuidGenerator = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator);
return uuidGenerator.generateUUID().toString();
@ -838,6 +879,9 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
// the manifest file used to be named manifest.json, so fallback on this.
let baseDir = (this.webapps[id].removable ? DIRECTORY_NAME : "coreAppsDir");
let file = FileUtils.getFile(baseDir, ["webapps", id, "manifest.webapp"], true);
if (!file.exists()) {
file = FileUtils.getFile(baseDir, ["webapps", id, "update.webapp"], true);
if (!file.exists()) {
file = FileUtils.getFile(baseDir, ["webapps", id, "manifest.json"], true);
@ -851,7 +895,7 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
installPackage: function(aData, aMm) {
downloadPackage: function(aManifest, aApp) {
// Here are the steps when installing a package:
// - create a temp directory where to store the app.
// - download the zip in this directory.
@ -860,31 +904,22 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
// - add the new app to the registry.
// If we fail at any step, we backout the previous ones and return an error.
let id;
let manifestURL = "jar:" + aData.url + "!manifest.webapp";
// Check if we reinstall a known application.
for (let appId in this.webapps) {
if (this.webapps[appId].manifestURL == manifestURL) {
id = appId;
// New application.
if (!id) {
id = this.makeAppId();
let dir = FileUtils.getDir("TmpD", ["webapps", id], true, true);
let id = this._appIdForManifestURL(aApp.manifestURL);
let app = this.webapps[id];
// Removes the directory we created, and sends an error to the DOM side.
function cleanup(aError) {
debug("Cleanup: " + aError);
let dir = FileUtils.getDir("TmpD", ["webapps", id], true, true);
try {
} catch (e) { }
{ oid: aData.oid,
requestID: aData.requestID,
error: aError });
{ type: "error",
manifestURL: aApp.manifestURL,
error: aError});
function getInferedStatus() {
@ -928,7 +963,40 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
return (getAppManifestStatus(aManifest) <= getInferedStatus());
NetUtil.asyncFetch(aData.url, function(aInput, aResult, aRequest) {
debug("About to download " + aManifest.fullPackagePath());
let requestChannel = NetUtil.newChannel(aManifest.fullPackagePath())
this.downloads[aApp.manifestURL] =
{ channel:requestChannel,
appId: id,
previousState: "pending"
requestChannel.notificationCallbacks = {
QueryInterface: function notifQI(aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
return this;
getInterface: function notifGI(aIID) {
return this.QueryInterface(aIID);
onProgress: function notifProgress(aRequest, aContext,
aProgress, aProgressMax) {
debug("onProgress: " + aProgress + "/" + aProgressMax);
app.progress = aProgress;
{ type: "progress",
manifestURL: aApp.manifestURL,
progress: aProgress });
onStatus: function notifStatus(aRequest, aContext, aStatus, aStatusArg) { }
function(aInput, aResult, aRequest) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aResult)) {
// We failed to fetch the zip.
@ -944,23 +1012,7 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
// Build a data structure to call the webapps confirmation dialog :
// - load the manifest from the zip
// - set data.app.(origin, install_origin, manifestURL, manifest, receipts, categories)
// - call notifyObservers(this, "webapps-ask-install", JSON.stringify(msg));
let msg = {
from: aData.from,
oid: aData.oid,
requestID: aData.requestID,
app: {
packageId: id,
installOrigin: aData.installOrigin,
origin: "app://" + id,
manifestURL: manifestURL,
receipts: aData.receipts,
categories: aData.categories
let zipReader = Cc["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"]
try {
@ -970,19 +1022,50 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
let istream = zipReader.getInputStream("manifest.webapp");
msg.app.manifest = JSON.parse(NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream,
istream.available()) || "");
if (!AppsUtils.checkManifest(msg.app.manifest, aData.installOrigin)) {
// Obtain a converter to read from a UTF-8 encoded input stream.
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let manifest = JSON.parse(converter.ConvertToUnicode(NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream,
istream.available()) || ""));
if (!AppsUtils.checkManifest(manifest, aApp.installOrigin)) {
if (!checkAppStatus(msg.app.manifest)) {
if (!checkAppStatus(manifest)) {
msg.app.appStatus = getAppStatus(msg.app.manifest);
Services.obs.notifyObservers(this, "webapps-ask-install",
// Success! Move the zip out of TmpD.
let dir = FileUtils.getDir(DIRECTORY_NAME, ["webapps", id], true, true);
zipFile.moveTo(dir, "application.zip");
let tmpDir = FileUtils.getDir("TmpD", ["webapps", id], true, true);
try {
} catch(e) { }
// Save the manifest
let manFile = dir.clone();
function() { });
// Set state and fire events.
app.installState = "installed";
app.dowloading = false;
app.dowloadavailable = false;
DOMApplicationRegistry._saveApps(function() {
debug("About to fire Webapps:PackageEvent");
{ type: "installed",
manifestURL: aApp.manifestURL,
app: app,
manifest: manifest });
delete DOMApplicationRegistry.downloads[aApp.manifestURL]
} catch (e) {
// XXX we may need new error messages.
@ -1142,7 +1225,7 @@ let DOMApplicationRegistry = {
let id = this._appId(aOrigin);
if (!id) {
if (!id || this.webapps[id].installState == "pending") {
@ -1495,6 +1578,14 @@ DOMApplicationManifest.prototype = {
return this._localeProp("orientation");
get package_path() {
return this._localeProp("package_path");
get size() {
return this._manifest["size"] || 0;
iconURLForSize: function(aSize) {
let icons = this._localeProp("icons");
if (!icons)
@ -1538,6 +1629,11 @@ DOMApplicationManifest.prototype = {
fullAppcachePath: function() {
let appcachePath = this._localeProp("appcache_path");
return this._origin.resolve(appcachePath ? appcachePath : "");
fullPackagePath: function() {
let packagePath = this._localeProp("package_path");
return this._origin.resolve(packagePath ? packagePath : "");