Bug 760895 - Rewrite reconciling algorithm for AITC; r=mconnor

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Szorc 2012-07-13 16:25:08 -07:00
parent e5e2576891
commit 4a60ecefc1
2 changed files with 162 additions and 89 deletions

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@ -194,115 +194,162 @@ AitcStorageImpl.prototype = {
// _processApps will check for the validity of remoteApps.
function _processAppsGotLocalApps(localApps) {
self._processApps(remoteApps, localApps, callback);
let changes = self._determineLocalChanges(localApps, remoteApps);
self._processChanges(changes, callback);
* Take a list of remote and local apps and figured out what changes (if any)
* are to be made to the local DOMApplicationRegistry.
* Determine the set of changes needed to reconcile local with remote data.
* General algorithm:
* 1. Put all remote apps in a dictionary of origin->app.
* 2. Put all local apps in a dictionary of origin->app.
* 3. Mark all local apps as "to be deleted".
* 4. Go through each remote app:
* 4a. If remote app is not marked as hidden, remove from the "to be
* deleted" set.
* 4b. If remote app is marked as hidden, but isn't present locally,
* process the next remote app.
* 4c. If remote app is not marked as hidden and isn't present locally,
* add to the "to be installed" set.
* 5. For each app either in the "to be installed" or "to be deleted" set,
* apply the changes locally. For apps to be installed, we must also
* fetch the manifest.
* The return value is a mapping describing the actions that need to be
* performed. It has the following keys:
* deleteIDs
* (Array) String app IDs of applications that need to be uninstalled.
* installs
* (Object) Maps app ID to the remote app record. The app ID may exist
* locally. If the app did not exist previously, a new ID will be
* generated and used here.
* @param localApps
* (Object) Mapping of App ID to minimal application record (from
* DOMApplicationRegistry.getAllWithoutManifests()).
* @param remoteApps
* (Array) Application records from the server.
_processApps: function _processApps(remoteApps, lApps, callback) {
let toDelete = {};
let localApps = {};
_determineLocalChanges: function _determineChanges(localApps, remoteApps) {
let changes = new Map();
changes.deleteIDs = [];
changes.installs = {};
// If remoteApps is empty, do nothing. The correct thing to do is to
// delete all local apps, but we'll play it safe for now since we are
// marking apps as deleted anyway. In a subsequent version (when the
// hidden flag is no longer in use), this check can be removed.
// If there are no remote apps, do nothing.
// Arguably, the correct thing to do is to delete all local apps. The
// server is the authoritative source, after all. But, we play it safe.
if (!Object.keys(remoteApps).length) {
this._log.warn("Empty set of remote apps to _processApps, returning");
this._log.warn("Empty set of remote apps. Not taking any action.");
return changes;
// Convert lApps to a dictionary of origin -> app (instead of id -> app).
for (let [id, app] in Iterator(lApps)) {
app.id = id;
toDelete[app.origin] = app;
localApps[app.origin] = app;
// This is all to avoid potential duplicates. Once JS Sets are iterable, we
// should switch everything to use them.
let deletes = {};
let remoteOrigins = {};
let localOrigins = {};
for (let [id, app] in Iterator(localApps)) {
localOrigins[app.origin] = id;
// Iterate over remote apps, and find out what changes we must apply.
let toInstall = [];
for each (let app in remoteApps) {
// Don't delete apps that are both local & remote.
let origin = app.origin;
if (!app.hidden) {
delete toDelete[origin];
for (let remoteApp of remoteApps) {
let origin = remoteApp.origin;
remoteOrigins[origin] = true;
// If the app is hidden on the remote server, that translates to a local
// delete/uninstall, but only if the app is present locally.
if (remoteApp.hidden) {
if (origin in localOrigins) {
deletes[localOrigins[origin]] = true;
// A remote app that was hidden, but also isn't present locally is NOP.
if (app.hidden && !localApps[origin]) {
// If there is a remote app that isn't local or if the remote app was
// installed or updated later.
let id;
// If the remote app isn't present locally, we install it under a
// newly-generated ID.
if (!localApps[origin]) {
id = DOMApplicationRegistry.makeAppId();
if (localApps[origin] &&
(localApps[origin].installTime < app.installTime)) {
id = localApps[origin].id;
changes.installs[DOMApplicationRegistry.makeAppId()] = remoteApp;
// We should (re)install this app locally
if (id) {
toInstall.push({id: id, value: app});
// If the remote app is newer, we force a re-install using the existing
// ID.
if (localApps[origin].installTime < remoteApp.installTime) {
changes.installs[localApps[origin]] = remoteApp;
// Uninstalls only need the ID & hidden flag.
let toUninstall = [];
for (let origin in toDelete) {
toUninstall.push({id: toDelete[origin].id, hidden: true});
// If we have local apps not on the server, we need to delete them, as the
// server is authoritative.
for (let [id, app] in Iterator(localApps)) {
if (!(app.origin in remoteOrigins)) {
deletes[id] = true;
// Apply uninstalls first, we do not need to fetch manifests.
if (toUninstall.length) {
this._log.info("Applying uninstalls to registry");
changes.deleteIDs = Object.keys(deletes);
let self = this;
DOMApplicationRegistry.updateApps(toUninstall, function() {
// If there are installs, proceed to apply each on in parallel.
if (toInstall.length) {
self._applyInstalls(toInstall, callback);
return changes;
* Process changes so local client is in sync with server.
* This takes the output from _determineLocalChanges() and applies it.
* The supplied callback is invoked with no arguments when all operations
* have completed.
_processChanges: function _processChanges(changes, cb) {
if (!changes.deleteIDs.length && !Object.keys(changes.installs).length) {
this._log.info("No changes to be applied.");
// First, we assemble all the changes in the right format.
let installs = [];
for (let [id, record] in Iterator(changes.installs)) {
installs.push({id: id, value: record});
let uninstalls = [];
for (let id of changes.deleteIDs) {
this._log.info("Uninstalling app: " + id);
uninstalls.push({id: id, hidden: true});
// Now we need to perform actions.
// We want to perform all the uninstalls followed by all the installs.
// However, this is somewhat complicated because uninstalls are
// asynchronous and there may not even be any uninstalls. So, we simply
// define a clojure to invoke installation and we call it whenever we're
// ready.
let doInstalls = function doInstalls() {
if (!installs.length) {
if (cb) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("Exception when invoking callback: " +
} finally {
cb = null;
this._applyInstalls(installs, cb);
// Prevent double invoke, just in case.
installs = [];
cb = null;
if (uninstalls.length) {
DOMApplicationRegistry.updateApps(uninstalls, function onComplete() {
} else {
// If there were no uninstalls, only apply installs
if (toInstall.length) {
this._applyInstalls(toInstall, callback);
this._log.info("There were no changes to be applied, returning");

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
const START_PORT = 8080;
@ -86,10 +87,10 @@ add_test(function test_storage_install() {
AitcStorage.processApps(apps, function() {
// Verify that app1 got added to registry
let id = DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp1.origin);
do_check_eq(DOMApplicationRegistry.itemExists(id), true);
// app2 should be missing because of bad manifest
do_check_eq(DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp2.origin), null);
// Now associate fakeApp2 with a good manifest and process again
fakeApp2.origin = SERVER + ":8082";
@ -97,29 +98,54 @@ add_test(function test_storage_install() {
// Both apps must be installed
let id1 = DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp1.origin);
let id2 = DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp2.origin);
do_check_eq(DOMApplicationRegistry.itemExists(id1), true);
do_check_eq(DOMApplicationRegistry.itemExists(id2), true);
add_test(function test_storage_uninstall() {
_("Ensure explicit uninstalls through hidden are honored.");
do_check_neq(DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp1.origin), null);
// Set app1 as hidden.
fakeApp1.hidden = true;
AitcStorage.processApps([fakeApp2], function() {
AitcStorage.processApps([fakeApp1], function() {
// It should be missing.
do_check_eq(DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp1.origin), null);
add_test(function test_storage_uninstall_empty() {
// Now remove app2 by virtue of it missing in the remote list.
add_test(function test_storage_uninstall_missing() {
_("Ensure a local app with no remote record is uninstalled.");
// If the remote server has data, any local apps not on the remote server
// should be deleted.
let cb = Async.makeSpinningCallback();
AitcStorage.processApps([fakeApp2], cb);
do_check_neq(DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp2.origin), null);
AitcStorage.processApps([fakeApp3], function() {
let id3 = DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp3.origin);
do_check_eq(DOMApplicationRegistry.itemExists(id3), true);
do_check_eq(DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp2.origin), null);
add_test(function test_uninstall_noop() {
_("Ensure that an empty set of remote records does nothing.");
let id = DOMApplicationRegistry._appId(fakeApp3.origin);
do_check_neq(id, null);
AitcStorage.processApps([], function onComplete() {