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synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
Bug 1088417 - DecomposeIntoNoRepeatRects for D3D11. - r=nical
This commit is contained in:
@ -193,5 +193,170 @@ Compositor::DrawDiagnosticsInternal(DiagnosticFlags aFlags,
} // namespace
} // namespace
static float
WrapTexCoord(float v)
// fmodf gives negative results for negative numbers;
// that is, fmodf(0.75, 1.0) == 0.75, but
// fmodf(-0.75, 1.0) == -0.75. For the negative case,
// the result we need is 0.25, so we add 1.0f.
if (v < 0.0f) {
return 1.0f + fmodf(v, 1.0f);
return fmodf(v, 1.0f);
static void
SetRects(size_t n,
decomposedRectArrayT* aLayerRects,
decomposedRectArrayT* aTextureRects,
float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1,
float tx0, float ty0, float tx1, float ty1,
bool flip_y)
if (flip_y) {
std::swap(ty0, ty1);
(*aLayerRects)[n] = gfx::Rect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
(*aTextureRects)[n] = gfx::Rect(tx0, ty0, tx1 - tx0, ty1 - ty0);
#ifdef DEBUG
static inline bool
FuzzyEqual(float a, float b)
return fabs(a - b) < 0.0001f;
DecomposeIntoNoRepeatRects(const gfx::Rect& aRect,
const gfx::Rect& aTexCoordRect,
decomposedRectArrayT* aLayerRects,
decomposedRectArrayT* aTextureRects)
gfx::Rect texCoordRect = aTexCoordRect;
// If the texture should be flipped, it will have negative height. Detect that
// here and compensate for it. We will flip each rect as we emit it.
bool flipped = false;
if (texCoordRect.height < 0) {
flipped = true;
texCoordRect.y += texCoordRect.height;
texCoordRect.height = -texCoordRect.height;
// Wrap the texture coordinates so they are within [0,1] and cap width/height
// at 1. We rely on this below.
texCoordRect = gfx::Rect(gfx::Point(WrapTexCoord(texCoordRect.x),
gfx::Size(std::min(texCoordRect.width, 1.0f),
std::min(texCoordRect.height, 1.0f)));
NS_ASSERTION(texCoordRect.x >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.x <= 1.0f &&
texCoordRect.y >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.y <= 1.0f &&
texCoordRect.width >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.width <= 1.0f &&
texCoordRect.height >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.height <= 1.0f &&
texCoordRect.XMost() >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.XMost() <= 2.0f &&
texCoordRect.YMost() >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.YMost() <= 2.0f,
"We just wrapped the texture coordinates, didn't we?");
// Get the top left and bottom right points of the rectangle. Note that
// tl.x/tl.y are within [0,1] but br.x/br.y are within [0,2].
gfx::Point tl = texCoordRect.TopLeft();
gfx::Point br = texCoordRect.BottomRight();
NS_ASSERTION(tl.x >= 0.0f && tl.x <= 1.0f &&
tl.y >= 0.0f && tl.y <= 1.0f &&
br.x >= tl.x && br.x <= 2.0f &&
br.y >= tl.y && br.y <= 2.0f &&
br.x - tl.x <= 1.0f &&
br.y - tl.y <= 1.0f,
"Somehow generated invalid texture coordinates");
// Then check if we wrap in either the x or y axis.
bool xwrap = br.x > 1.0f;
bool ywrap = br.y > 1.0f;
// If xwrap is false, the texture will be sampled from tl.x .. br.x.
// If xwrap is true, then it will be split into tl.x .. 1.0, and
// 0.0 .. WrapTexCoord(br.x). Same for the Y axis. The destination
// rectangle is also split appropriately, according to the calculated
// xmid/ymid values.
if (!xwrap && !ywrap) {
SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
tl.x, tl.y, br.x, br.y,
return 1;
// If we are dealing with wrapping br.x and br.y are greater than 1.0 so
// wrap them here as well.
br = gfx::Point(xwrap ? WrapTexCoord(br.x) : br.x,
ywrap ? WrapTexCoord(br.y) : br.y);
// If we wrap around along the x axis, we will draw first from
// tl.x .. 1.0 and then from 0.0 .. br.x (which we just wrapped above).
// The same applies for the Y axis. The midpoints we calculate here are
// only valid if we actually wrap around.
GLfloat xmid = aRect.x + (1.0f - tl.x) / texCoordRect.width * aRect.width;
GLfloat ymid = aRect.y + (1.0f - tl.y) / texCoordRect.height * aRect.height;
NS_ASSERTION(!xwrap ||
(xmid > aRect.x &&
xmid < aRect.XMost() &&
FuzzyEqual((xmid - aRect.x) + (aRect.XMost() - xmid), aRect.width)),
"xmid should be within [x,XMost()] and the wrapped rect should have the same width");
NS_ASSERTION(!ywrap ||
(ymid > aRect.y &&
ymid < aRect.YMost() &&
FuzzyEqual((ymid - aRect.y) + (aRect.YMost() - ymid), aRect.height)),
"ymid should be within [y,YMost()] and the wrapped rect should have the same height");
if (!xwrap && ywrap) {
SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), ymid,
tl.x, tl.y, br.x, 1.0f,
SetRects(1, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, ymid, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
tl.x, 0.0f, br.x, br.y,
return 2;
if (xwrap && !ywrap) {
SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, aRect.y, xmid, aRect.YMost(),
tl.x, tl.y, 1.0f, br.y,
SetRects(1, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
xmid, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
0.0f, tl.y, br.x, br.y,
return 2;
SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, aRect.y, xmid, ymid,
tl.x, tl.y, 1.0f, 1.0f,
SetRects(1, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
xmid, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), ymid,
0.0f, tl.y, br.x, 1.0f,
SetRects(2, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, ymid, xmid, aRect.YMost(),
tl.x, 0.0f, 1.0f, br.y,
SetRects(3, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
xmid, ymid, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
0.0f, 0.0f, br.x, br.y,
return 4;
} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla
@ -540,6 +540,13 @@ private:
// Returns the number of rects. (Up to 4)
typedef gfx::Rect decomposedRectArrayT[4];
size_t DecomposeIntoNoRepeatRects(const gfx::Rect& aRect,
const gfx::Rect& aTexCoordRect,
decomposedRectArrayT* aLayerRects,
decomposedRectArrayT* aTextureRects);
} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla
@ -574,7 +574,6 @@ CompositorD3D11::DrawQuad(const gfx::Rect& aRect,
IntPoint origin = mCurrentRT->GetOrigin();
mVSConstants.renderTargetOffset[0] = origin.x;
mVSConstants.renderTargetOffset[1] = origin.y;
mVSConstants.layerQuad = aRect;
mPSConstants.layerOpacity[0] = aOpacity;
@ -627,6 +626,7 @@ CompositorD3D11::DrawQuad(const gfx::Rect& aRect,
mContext->VSSetShader(mAttachments->mVSQuadShader[maskType], nullptr, 0);
const Rect* pTexCoordRect = nullptr;
switch (aEffectChain.mPrimaryEffect->mType) {
case EffectTypes::SOLID_COLOR: {
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ CompositorD3D11::DrawQuad(const gfx::Rect& aRect,
TexturedEffect* texturedEffect =
mVSConstants.textureCoords = texturedEffect->mTextureCoords;
pTexCoordRect = &texturedEffect->mTextureCoords;
TextureSourceD3D11* source = texturedEffect->mTexture->AsSourceD3D11();
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ CompositorD3D11::DrawQuad(const gfx::Rect& aRect,
mVSConstants.textureCoords = ycbcrEffect->mTextureCoords;
pTexCoordRect = &ycbcrEffect->mTextureCoords;
const int Y = 0, Cb = 1, Cr = 2;
TextureSource* source = ycbcrEffect->mTexture;
@ -749,7 +749,8 @@ CompositorD3D11::DrawQuad(const gfx::Rect& aRect,
mVSConstants.textureCoords = effectComponentAlpha->mTextureCoords;
pTexCoordRect = &effectComponentAlpha->mTextureCoords;
RefPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> views[2];
@ -774,12 +775,34 @@ CompositorD3D11::DrawQuad(const gfx::Rect& aRect,
NS_WARNING("Unknown shader type");
if (!UpdateConstantBuffers()) {
NS_WARNING("Failed to update shader constant buffers");
if (pTexCoordRect) {
Rect layerRects[4];
Rect textureRects[4];
size_t rects = DecomposeIntoNoRepeatRects(aRect,
for (size_t i = 0; i < rects; i++) {
mVSConstants.layerQuad = layerRects[i];
mVSConstants.textureCoords = textureRects[i];
if (!UpdateConstantBuffers()) {
NS_WARNING("Failed to update shader constant buffers");
mContext->Draw(4, 0);
} else {
mVSConstants.layerQuad = aRect;
if (!UpdateConstantBuffers()) {
NS_WARNING("Failed to update shader constant buffers");
} else {
mContext->Draw(4, 0);
mContext->Draw(4, 0);
if (restoreBlendMode) {
mContext->OMSetBlendState(mAttachments->mPremulBlendState, sBlendFactor, 0xFFFFFFFF);
@ -860,7 +883,7 @@ CompositorD3D11::EndFrame()
mCurrentRT = nullptr;
@ -383,171 +383,6 @@ CompositorOGL::Initialize()
return true;
static GLfloat
WrapTexCoord(GLfloat v)
// fmodf gives negative results for negative numbers;
// that is, fmodf(0.75, 1.0) == 0.75, but
// fmodf(-0.75, 1.0) == -0.75. For the negative case,
// the result we need is 0.25, so we add 1.0f.
if (v < 0.0f) {
return 1.0f + fmodf(v, 1.0f);
return fmodf(v, 1.0f);
static void
SetRects(int n,
Rect* aLayerRects,
Rect* aTextureRects,
GLfloat x0, GLfloat y0, GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1,
GLfloat tx0, GLfloat ty0, GLfloat tx1, GLfloat ty1,
bool flip_y /* = false */)
if (flip_y) {
std::swap(ty0, ty1);
aLayerRects[n] = Rect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
aTextureRects[n] = Rect(tx0, ty0, tx1 - tx0, ty1 - ty0);
#ifdef DEBUG
static inline bool
FuzzyEqual(float a, float b)
return fabs(a - b) < 0.0001f;
static int
DecomposeIntoNoRepeatRects(const Rect& aRect,
const Rect& aTexCoordRect,
Rect* aLayerRects,
Rect* aTextureRects)
Rect texCoordRect = aTexCoordRect;
// If the texture should be flipped, it will have negative height. Detect that
// here and compensate for it. We will flip each rect as we emit it.
bool flipped = false;
if (texCoordRect.height < 0) {
flipped = true;
texCoordRect.y += texCoordRect.height;
texCoordRect.height = -texCoordRect.height;
// Wrap the texture coordinates so they are within [0,1] and cap width/height
// at 1. We rely on this below.
texCoordRect = Rect(Point(WrapTexCoord(texCoordRect.x),
Size(std::min(texCoordRect.width, 1.0f),
std::min(texCoordRect.height, 1.0f)));
NS_ASSERTION(texCoordRect.x >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.x <= 1.0f &&
texCoordRect.y >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.y <= 1.0f &&
texCoordRect.width >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.width <= 1.0f &&
texCoordRect.height >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.height <= 1.0f &&
texCoordRect.XMost() >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.XMost() <= 2.0f &&
texCoordRect.YMost() >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.YMost() <= 2.0f,
"We just wrapped the texture coordinates, didn't we?");
// Get the top left and bottom right points of the rectangle. Note that
// tl.x/tl.y are within [0,1] but br.x/br.y are within [0,2].
Point tl = texCoordRect.TopLeft();
Point br = texCoordRect.BottomRight();
NS_ASSERTION(tl.x >= 0.0f && tl.x <= 1.0f &&
tl.y >= 0.0f && tl.y <= 1.0f &&
br.x >= tl.x && br.x <= 2.0f &&
br.y >= tl.y && br.y <= 2.0f &&
br.x - tl.x <= 1.0f &&
br.y - tl.y <= 1.0f,
"Somehow generated invalid texture coordinates");
// Then check if we wrap in either the x or y axis.
bool xwrap = br.x > 1.0f;
bool ywrap = br.y > 1.0f;
// If xwrap is false, the texture will be sampled from tl.x .. br.x.
// If xwrap is true, then it will be split into tl.x .. 1.0, and
// 0.0 .. WrapTexCoord(br.x). Same for the Y axis. The destination
// rectangle is also split appropriately, according to the calculated
// xmid/ymid values.
if (!xwrap && !ywrap) {
SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
tl.x, tl.y, br.x, br.y,
return 1;
// If we are dealing with wrapping br.x and br.y are greater than 1.0 so
// wrap them here as well.
br = Point(xwrap ? WrapTexCoord(br.x) : br.x,
ywrap ? WrapTexCoord(br.y) : br.y);
// If we wrap around along the x axis, we will draw first from
// tl.x .. 1.0 and then from 0.0 .. br.x (which we just wrapped above).
// The same applies for the Y axis. The midpoints we calculate here are
// only valid if we actually wrap around.
GLfloat xmid = aRect.x + (1.0f - tl.x) / texCoordRect.width * aRect.width;
GLfloat ymid = aRect.y + (1.0f - tl.y) / texCoordRect.height * aRect.height;
NS_ASSERTION(!xwrap ||
(xmid > aRect.x &&
xmid < aRect.XMost() &&
FuzzyEqual((xmid - aRect.x) + (aRect.XMost() - xmid), aRect.width)),
"xmid should be within [x,XMost()] and the wrapped rect should have the same width");
NS_ASSERTION(!ywrap ||
(ymid > aRect.y &&
ymid < aRect.YMost() &&
FuzzyEqual((ymid - aRect.y) + (aRect.YMost() - ymid), aRect.height)),
"ymid should be within [y,YMost()] and the wrapped rect should have the same height");
if (!xwrap && ywrap) {
SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), ymid,
tl.x, tl.y, br.x, 1.0f,
SetRects(1, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, ymid, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
tl.x, 0.0f, br.x, br.y,
return 2;
if (xwrap && !ywrap) {
SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, aRect.y, xmid, aRect.YMost(),
tl.x, tl.y, 1.0f, br.y,
SetRects(1, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
xmid, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
0.0f, tl.y, br.x, br.y,
return 2;
SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, aRect.y, xmid, ymid,
tl.x, tl.y, 1.0f, 1.0f,
SetRects(1, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
xmid, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), ymid,
0.0f, tl.y, br.x, 1.0f,
SetRects(2, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
aRect.x, ymid, xmid, aRect.YMost(),
tl.x, 0.0f, 1.0f, br.y,
SetRects(3, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
xmid, ymid, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
0.0f, 0.0f, br.x, br.y,
return 4;
// |aRect| is the rectangle we want to draw to. We will draw it with
// up to 4 draw commands if necessary to avoid wrapping.
// |aTexCoordRect| is the rectangle from the texture that we want to
@ -562,10 +397,10 @@ CompositorOGL::BindAndDrawQuadWithTextureRect(ShaderProgramOGL *aProg,
Rect layerRects[4];
Rect textureRects[4];
int rects = DecomposeIntoNoRepeatRects(aRect,
size_t rects = DecomposeIntoNoRepeatRects(aRect,
BindAndDrawQuads(aProg, rects, layerRects, textureRects);
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