Bug 1240245 - Disable data collection for new-tab page r=jaws

This commit is contained in:
Olivier Yiptong 2016-01-20 16:58:01 -05:00
parent 205218aa15
commit 336ae33983
2 changed files with 2 additions and 253 deletions

View File

@ -96,9 +96,6 @@ const MIN_VISIBLE_HISTORY_TILES = 8;
// The max number of visible (not blocked) history tiles to test for inadjacency
// Divide frecency by this amount for pings
const PING_SCORE_DIVISOR = 10000;
// Allowed ping actions remotely stored as columns: case-insensitive [a-z0-9_]
const PING_ACTIONS = ["block", "click", "pin", "sponsored", "sponsored_link", "unpin", "view"];
@ -566,50 +563,13 @@ var DirectoryLinksProvider = {
catch (ex) {}
// Only send pings when enhancing tiles with an endpoint and valid action
// Bug 1240245 - We no longer send pings, but frequency capping and fetching
// tests depend on the following actions, so references to PING remain.
let invalidAction = PING_ACTIONS.indexOf(action) == -1;
if (!newtabEnhanced || pingEndPoint == "" || invalidAction) {
return Promise.resolve();
let actionIndex;
let data = {
locale: this.locale,
tiles: sites.reduce((tiles, site, pos) => {
// Only add data for non-empty tiles
if (site) {
// Remember which tiles data triggered the action
let {link} = site;
let tilesIndex = tiles.length;
if (triggeringSiteIndex == pos) {
actionIndex = tilesIndex;
// Make the payload in a way so keys can be excluded when stringified
let id = link.directoryId;
id: id || site.enhancedId,
pin: site.isPinned() ? 1 : undefined,
pos: pos != tilesIndex ? pos : undefined,
past_impressions: pos == triggeringSiteIndex ? pastImpressions : undefined,
score: Math.round(link.frecency / PING_SCORE_DIVISOR) || undefined,
url: site.enhancedId && "",
return tiles;
}, []),
// Provide a direct index to the tile triggering the action
if (actionIndex !== undefined) {
data[action] = actionIndex;
// Package the data to be sent with the ping
let ping = this._newXHR();
ping.open("POST", pingEndPoint + (action == "view" ? "view" : "click"));
return Task.spawn(function* () {
// since we updated views/clicks we need write _frequencyCaps to disk
yield this._writeFrequencyCapFile();

View File

@ -716,113 +716,6 @@ add_task(function* test_frequencyCappedSites_click() {
Services.prefs.setCharPref(kPingUrlPref, kPingUrl);
add_task(function* test_reportSitesAction() {
yield DirectoryLinksProvider.init();
let deferred, expectedPath, expectedPost;
let done = false;
server.registerPrefixHandler(kPingPath, (aRequest, aResponse) => {
if (done) {
do_check_eq(aRequest.path, expectedPath);
let bodyStream = new BinaryInputStream(aRequest.bodyInputStream);
let bodyObject = JSON.parse(NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(bodyStream, bodyStream.available()));
isIdentical(bodyObject, expectedPost);
function sendPingAndTest(path, action, index) {
deferred = Promise.defer();
expectedPath = kPingPath + path;
DirectoryLinksProvider.reportSitesAction(sites, action, index);
return deferred.promise;
// Start with a single pinned link at position 3
let sites = [,,{
isPinned: _ => true,
link: {
directoryId: 1,
frecency: 30000,
url: "http://directory1/",
// Make sure we get the click ping for the directory link with fields we want
// and unwanted fields removed by stringify/parse
expectedPost = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({
click: 0,
locale: "en-US",
tiles: [{
id: 1,
pin: 1,
pos: 2,
score: 3,
url: undefined,
yield sendPingAndTest("click", "click", 2);
// Try a pin click ping
delete expectedPost.click;
expectedPost.pin = 0;
yield sendPingAndTest("click", "pin", 2);
// Try a block click ping
delete expectedPost.pin;
expectedPost.block = 0;
yield sendPingAndTest("click", "block", 2);
// A view ping has no actions
delete expectedPost.block;
expectedPost.view = 0;
yield sendPingAndTest("view", "view", 2);
// Remove the identifier that makes it a directory link so just plain history
delete sites[2].link.directoryId;
delete expectedPost.tiles[0].id;
yield sendPingAndTest("view", "view", 2);
// Add directory link at position 0
sites[0] = {
isPinned: _ => false,
link: {
directoryId: 1234,
frecency: 1000,
url: "http://directory/",
id: 1234,
pin: undefined,
pos: undefined,
score: undefined,
url: undefined,
expectedPost.view = 1;
yield sendPingAndTest("view", "view", 2);
// Make the history tile enhanced so it reports both id and url
sites[2].enhancedId = "id from enhanced";
expectedPost.tiles[1].id = "id from enhanced";
expectedPost.tiles[1].url = "";
yield sendPingAndTest("view", "view", 2);
// Click the 0th site / 0th tile
delete expectedPost.view;
expectedPost.click = 0;
yield sendPingAndTest("click", "click", 0);
// Click the 2th site / 1th tile
expectedPost.click = 1;
yield sendPingAndTest("click", "click", 2);
done = true;
add_task(function* test_fetchAndCacheLinks_local() {
yield DirectoryLinksProvider.init();
yield cleanJsonFile();
@ -1901,110 +1794,6 @@ add_task(function* test_inadjecentSites() {
yield promiseCleanDirectoryLinksProvider();
add_task(function* test_reportPastImpressions() {
let origIsTopPlacesSite = NewTabUtils.isTopPlacesSite;
NewTabUtils.isTopPlacesSite = () => true;
let origCurrentTopSiteCount = DirectoryLinksProvider._getCurrentTopSiteCount;
DirectoryLinksProvider._getCurrentTopSiteCount = () => 8;
let testUrl = "http://frequency.capped/link";
let targets = ["top.site.com"];
let data = {
suggested: [{
type: "affiliate",
frecent_sites: targets,
url: testUrl,
adgroup_name: "Test"
let dataURI = "data:application/json," + JSON.stringify(data);
yield promiseSetupDirectoryLinksProvider({linksURL: dataURI});
// make DirectoryLinksProvider load json
let loadPromise = Promise.defer();
DirectoryLinksProvider.getLinks(_ => {loadPromise.resolve();});
yield loadPromise.promise;
// setup ping handler
let deferred, expectedPath, expectedAction, expectedImpressions;
let done = false;
server.registerPrefixHandler(kPingPath, (aRequest, aResponse) => {
if (done) {
do_check_eq(aRequest.path, expectedPath);
let bodyStream = new BinaryInputStream(aRequest.bodyInputStream);
let bodyObject = JSON.parse(NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(bodyStream, bodyStream.available()));
let expectedActionIndex = bodyObject[expectedAction];
if (bodyObject.unpin) {
// unpin should not report past_impressions
else if (expectedImpressions) {
do_check_eq(bodyObject.tiles[expectedActionIndex].past_impressions.total, expectedImpressions);
do_check_eq(bodyObject.tiles[expectedActionIndex].past_impressions.daily, expectedImpressions);
else {
do_check_eq(expectedPath, "/ping/view");
// setup ping sender
function sendPingAndTest(path, action, index) {
deferred = Promise.defer();
expectedPath = kPingPath + path;
expectedAction = action;
DirectoryLinksProvider.reportSitesAction(sites, action, index);
return deferred.promise;
// Start with a view ping first
let site = {
isPinned: _ => false,
link: {
directoryId: 1,
frecency: 30000,
frecent_sites: targets,
targetedSite: targets[0],
url: testUrl
let sites = [,
isPinned: _ => false,
link: {type: "history", url: "https://foo.com"}
yield sendPingAndTest("view", "view", 2);
yield sendPingAndTest("view", "view", 2);
yield sendPingAndTest("view", "view", 2);
expectedImpressions = DirectoryLinksProvider._frequencyCaps[testUrl].totalViews;
do_check_eq(expectedImpressions, 3);
// now report pin, unpin, block and click
sites.isPinned = _ => true;
yield sendPingAndTest("click", "pin", 2);
sites.isPinned = _ => false;
yield sendPingAndTest("click", "unpin", 2);
sites.isPinned = _ => false;
yield sendPingAndTest("click", "click", 2);
sites.isPinned = _ => false;
yield sendPingAndTest("click", "block", 2);
// Cleanup.
done = true;
NewTabUtils.isTopPlacesSite = origIsTopPlacesSite;
DirectoryLinksProvider._getCurrentTopSiteCount = origCurrentTopSiteCount;
add_task(function* test_blockSuggestedTiles() {
// Initial setup
let suggestedTile = suggestedTile1;