Bug 1015474 part 1: Update behavior of "min-width:auto"/"min-height:auto" to match current spec text. r=mats

This updates min-width:auto / min-height:auto to now take several more things
into account, beyond just a flex item's min-content size. Now we'll also
consider its used 'flex-basis', its main max-size property ('max-width' or
'max-height'), and its intrinsic ratio & any constraints in the other
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Holbert 2014-07-22 08:24:37 -07:00
parent 17b1051d8a
commit 2f8e9dec2a
3 changed files with 362 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "nsLayoutUtils.h"
#include "nsPlaceholderFrame.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsRenderingContext.h"
#include "nsStyleContext.h"
#include "prlog.h"
#include <algorithm>
@ -271,7 +272,11 @@ public:
nsIFrame* Frame() const { return mFrame; }
nscoord GetFlexBaseSize() const { return mFlexBaseSize; }
nscoord GetMainMinSize() const { return mMainMinSize; }
nscoord GetMainMinSize() const {
"Someone's using an unresolved 'auto' main min-size");
return mMainMinSize;
nscoord GetMainMaxSize() const { return mMainMaxSize; }
// Note: These return the main-axis position and size of our *content box*.
@ -322,6 +327,11 @@ public:
// cross axis).
bool IsStretched() const { return mIsStretched; }
// Indicates whether we need to resolve an 'auto' value for the main-axis
// min-[width|height] property.
bool NeedsMinSizeAutoResolution() const
{ return mNeedsMinSizeAutoResolution; }
// Indicates whether this item is a "strut" left behind by an element with
// visibility:collapse.
bool IsStrut() const { return mIsStrut; }
@ -417,21 +427,27 @@ public:
// Setters
// =======
// Helper to set the resolved value of min-[width|height]:auto for the main
// axis. (Should only be used if NeedsMinSizeAutoResolution() returns true.)
void UpdateMainMinSize(nscoord aNewMinSize)
MOZ_ASSERT(mMainMinSize == 0 ||
"Should only update main min-size for min-height:auto, "
"which would initially be resolved as 0 (unless we have an "
"additional themed-widget-imposed minimum size)");
NS_ASSERTION(aNewMinSize >= 0,
"How did we end up with a negative min-size?");
MOZ_ASSERT(mMainMaxSize >= aNewMinSize,
"Should only use this function for resolving min-size:auto, "
"and main max-size should be an upper-bound for resolved val");
MOZ_ASSERT(mNeedsMinSizeAutoResolution &&
(mMainMinSize == 0 || mFrame->IsThemed(mFrame->StyleDisplay())),
"Should only use this function for resolving min-size:auto, "
"so we shouldn't already have a nonzero min-size established "
"(unless it's a themed-widget-imposed minimum size)");
if (aNewMinSize > mMainMinSize) {
mMainMinSize = aNewMinSize;
// Clamp main-max-size & main-size to be >= new min-size:
mMainMaxSize = std::max(mMainMaxSize, aNewMinSize);
// Also clamp main-size to be >= new min-size:
mMainSize = std::max(mMainSize, aNewMinSize);
mNeedsMinSizeAutoResolution = false;
// This sets our flex base size, and then sets our main size to the
@ -539,6 +555,10 @@ public:
uint32_t GetNumAutoMarginsInAxis(AxisOrientationType aAxis) const;
// Helper called by the constructor, to set mNeedsMinSizeAutoResolution:
void CheckForMinSizeAuto(const nsHTMLReflowState& aFlexItemReflowState,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker);
// Our frame:
nsIFrame* const mFrame;
@ -582,6 +602,10 @@ protected:
bool mIsStretched; // See IsStretched() documentation
bool mIsStrut; // Is this item a "strut" left behind by an element
// with visibility:collapse?
// Does this item need to resolve a min-[width|height]:auto (in main-axis).
bool mNeedsMinSizeAutoResolution;
uint8_t mAlignSelf; // My "align-self" computed value (with "auto"
// swapped out for parent"s "align-items" value,
// in our constructor).
@ -1030,80 +1054,321 @@ nsFlexContainerFrame::GenerateFlexItemForChild(
// Resolve "flex-basis:auto" and/or "min-height:auto" (which might
// Resolve "flex-basis:auto" and/or "min-[width|height]:auto" (which might
// require us to reflow the item to measure content height)
ResolveAutoFlexBasisAndMinSize(aPresContext, *item,
aParentReflowState, aAxisTracker);
childRS, aAxisTracker);
return item;
// Static helper-functions for ResolveAutoFlexBasisAndMinSize():
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Indicates whether the cross-size property is set to something definite.
// The logic here should be similar to the logic for isAutoWidth/isAutoHeight
// in nsLayoutUtils::ComputeSizeWithIntrinsicDimensions().
static bool
IsCrossSizeDefinite(const nsHTMLReflowState& aItemReflowState,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker)
const nsStylePosition* pos = aItemReflowState.mStylePosition;
if (IsAxisHorizontal(aAxisTracker.GetCrossAxis())) {
return pos->mWidth.GetUnit() != eStyleUnit_Auto;
// else, vertical. (We need to use IsAutoHeight() to catch e.g. %-height
// applied to indefinite-height containing block, which counts as auto.)
nscoord cbHeight = aItemReflowState.mCBReflowState->ComputedHeight();
return !nsLayoutUtils::IsAutoHeight(pos->mHeight, cbHeight);
// If aFlexItem has a definite cross size, this function returns it, for usage
// (in combination with an intrinsic ratio) for resolving the item's main size
// or main min-size.
// The parameter "aMinSizeFallback" indicates whether we should fall back to
// returning the cross min-size, when the cross size is indefinite. (This param
// should be set IFF the caller intends to resolve the main min-size.) If this
// param is true, then this function is guaranteed to return a definite value
// (i.e. not NS_AUTOHEIGHT, excluding cases where huge sizes are involved).
// XXXdholbert the min-size behavior here is based on my understanding in
// http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Jul/0053.html
// If my understanding there ends up being wrong, we'll need to update this.
static nscoord
CrossSizeToUseWithRatio(const FlexItem& aFlexItem,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aItemReflowState,
bool aMinSizeFallback,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker)
if (aFlexItem.IsStretched()) {
// Definite cross-size, imposed via 'align-self:stretch' & flex container.
return aFlexItem.GetCrossSize();
if (IsCrossSizeDefinite(aItemReflowState, aAxisTracker)) {
// Definite cross size.
return GET_CROSS_COMPONENT(aAxisTracker,
if (aMinSizeFallback) {
// Indefinite cross-size, and we're resolving main min-size, so we'll fall
// back to ussing the cross min-size (which should be definite).
return GET_CROSS_COMPONENT(aAxisTracker,
// Indefinite cross-size.
// XXX This macro shamelessly stolen from nsLayoutUtils.cpp.
// (Maybe it should be exposed via a nsLayoutUtils method?)
#define MULDIV(a,b,c) (nscoord(int64_t(a) * int64_t(b) / int64_t(c)))
// Convenience function; returns a main-size, given a cross-size and an
// intrinsic ratio. The intrinsic ratio must not have 0 in its cross-axis
// component (or else we'll divide by 0).
static nscoord
MainSizeFromAspectRatio(nscoord aCrossSize,
const nsSize& aIntrinsicRatio,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker)
MOZ_ASSERT(aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(aIntrinsicRatio) != 0,
"Invalid ratio; will divide by 0! Caller should've checked...");
if (IsAxisHorizontal(aAxisTracker.GetCrossAxis())) {
// cross axis horiz --> aCrossSize is a width. Converting to height.
return MULDIV(aCrossSize, aIntrinsicRatio.height, aIntrinsicRatio.width);
// cross axis vert --> aCrossSize is a height. Converting to width.
return MULDIV(aCrossSize, aIntrinsicRatio.width, aIntrinsicRatio.height);
// Partially resolves "min-[width|height]:auto" and returns the resulting value.
// By "partially", I mean we don't consider the min-content size (but we do
// consider flex-basis, main max-size, and the intrinsic aspect ratio).
// The caller is responsible for computing & considering the min-content size
// in combination with the partially-resolved value that this function returns.
// Spec reference: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-flexbox/#min-size-auto
static nscoord
PartiallyResolveAutoMinSize(const FlexItem& aFlexItem,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aItemReflowState,
const nsSize& aIntrinsicRatio,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker)
"only call for FlexItems that need min-size auto resolution");
nscoord minMainSize = nscoord_MAX; // Intentionally huge; we'll shrink it
// from here, w/ std::min().
// We need the smallest of:
// * the used flex-basis, if the computed flex-basis was 'auto':
// XXXdholbert ('auto' might be renamed to 'main-size'; see bug 1032922)
if (eStyleUnit_Auto ==
aItemReflowState.mStylePosition->mFlexBasis.GetUnit() &&
aFlexItem.GetFlexBaseSize() != NS_AUTOHEIGHT) {
// NOTE: We skip this if the flex base size depends on content & isn't yet
// resolved. This is OK, because the caller is responsible for computing
// the min-content height and min()'ing it with the value we return, which
// is equivalent to what would happen if we min()'d that at this point.
minMainSize = std::min(minMainSize, aFlexItem.GetFlexBaseSize());
// * the computed max-width (max-height), if that value is definite:
nscoord maxSize =
minMainSize = std::min(minMainSize, maxSize);
// * if the item has no intrinsic aspect ratio, its min-content size:
// --- SKIPPING THIS IN THIS FUNCTION --- caller's responsibility.
// * if the item has an intrinsic aspect ratio, the width (height) calculated
// from the aspect ratio and any definite size constraints in the opposite
// dimension.
if (aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(aIntrinsicRatio) != 0) {
// We have a usable aspect ratio. (not going to divide by 0)
const bool useMinSizeIfCrossSizeIsIndefinite = true;
nscoord crossSizeToUseWithRatio =
CrossSizeToUseWithRatio(aFlexItem, aItemReflowState,
nscoord minMainSizeFromRatio =
aIntrinsicRatio, aAxisTracker);
minMainSize = std::min(minMainSize, minMainSizeFromRatio);
return minMainSize;
// Resolves flex-basis:auto, using the given intrinsic ratio and the flex
// item's cross size. On success, updates the flex item with its resolved
// flex-basis and returns true. On failure (e.g. if the ratio is invalid or
// the cross-size is indefinite), returns false.
static bool
ResolveAutoFlexBasisFromRatio(FlexItem& aFlexItem,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aItemReflowState,
const nsSize& aIntrinsicRatio,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker)
MOZ_ASSERT(NS_AUTOHEIGHT == aFlexItem.GetFlexBaseSize(),
"Should only be called to resolve an 'auto' flex-basis");
// If the flex item has ...
// - an intrinsic aspect ratio,
// - a [used] flex-basis of 'main-size' [auto?] [We have this, if we're here.]
// - a definite cross size
// then the flex base size is calculated from its inner cross size and the
// flex items intrinsic aspect ratio.
if (aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(aIntrinsicRatio) != 0) {
// We have a usable aspect ratio. (not going to divide by 0)
const bool useMinSizeIfCrossSizeIsIndefinite = false;
nscoord crossSizeToUseWithRatio =
CrossSizeToUseWithRatio(aFlexItem, aItemReflowState,
if (crossSizeToUseWithRatio != NS_AUTOHEIGHT) {
// We have a definite cross-size
nscoord mainSizeFromRatio =
aIntrinsicRatio, aAxisTracker);
return true;
return false;
// Note: If & when we handle "min-height: min-content" for flex items,
// we may want to resolve that in this function, too.
ResolveAutoFlexBasisAndMinSize(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
FlexItem& aFlexItem,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aParentReflowState,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aItemReflowState,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker)
if (IsAxisHorizontal(aAxisTracker.GetMainAxis())) {
// Nothing to do -- this function is only for measuring flex items
// in a vertical flex container.
// (Note: We should never have a used flex-basis of "auto" if our main axis
// is horizontal; width values should always be resolvable without reflow.)
const bool isMainSizeAuto = (!IsAxisHorizontal(aAxisTracker.GetMainAxis()) &&
NS_AUTOHEIGHT == aFlexItem.GetFlexBaseSize());
// Both "flex-basis:auto;height:auto" & "min-height:auto" require that we
// resolve our max-content height.
bool isMainSizeAuto = (NS_AUTOHEIGHT == aFlexItem.GetFlexBaseSize());
// 'min-height:auto' is treated as 0 in most code (e.g. in the reflow state),
// so we have to actually go the source & check the style struct:
bool isMainMinSizeAuto =
(eStyleUnit_Auto ==
const bool isMainMinSizeAuto = aFlexItem.NeedsMinSizeAutoResolution();
if (!isMainSizeAuto && !isMainMinSizeAuto) {
// Nothing to do; this function's only relevant for flex items
// with a base size of "auto" (or equivalent).
// XXXdholbert If & when we handle "min-height: min-content" for flex items,
// we'll want to resolve that in this function, too.
// Nothing to do; this function is only needed for flex items
// with a used flex-basis of "auto" or a min-main-size of "auto".
// For single-line vertical flexbox, we need to give our flex items an early
// opportunity to stretch, since any stretching of their cross-size (width)
// will likely impact the max-content main-size (height) that we're about to
// measure for them. (We can't do this for multi-line, since we don't know
// yet how many lines there will be & how much each line will stretch.)
aParentReflowState.mStylePosition->mFlexWrap) {
// We may be about to do computations based on our item's cross-size
// (e.g. using it as a contstraint when measuring our content in the
// main axis, or using it with the intrinsic ratio to obtain a main size).
// BEFORE WE DO THAT, we need let the item "pre-stretch" its cross size (if
// it's got 'align-self:stretch'), for a certain case where the spec says
// the stretched cross size is considered "definite". That case is if we
// have a single-line (nowrap) flex container which itself has a definite
// cross-size. Otherwise, we'll wait to do stretching, since (in other
// cases) we don't know how much the item should stretch yet.
const nsHTMLReflowState* flexContainerRS = aItemReflowState.parentReflowState;
"flex item's reflow state should have ptr to container's state");
if (NS_STYLE_FLEX_WRAP_NOWRAP == flexContainerRS->mStylePosition->mFlexWrap) {
// XXXdholbert Maybe this should share logic with ComputeCrossSize()...
// Alternately, maybe tentative container cross size should be passed down.
nscoord containerCrossSize =
// Is container's cross size "definite"?
// (Container's cross size is definite if cross-axis is horizontal, or if
// cross-axis is vertical and the cross-size is not NS_AUTOHEIGHT.)
if (IsAxisHorizontal(aAxisTracker.GetCrossAxis()) ||
containerCrossSize != NS_AUTOHEIGHT) {
aFlexItem.ResolveStretchedCrossSize(containerCrossSize, aAxisTracker);
// If this item is flexible (vertically), or if we're measuring the
// 'auto' min-height and our main-size is something else, then we assume
// that the computed-height we're reflowing with now could be different
// from the one we'll use for this flex item's "actual" reflow later on.
// In that case, we need to be sure the flex item treats this as a
// vertical resize, even though none of its ancestors are necessarily
// being vertically resized.
// (Note: We don't have to do this for width, because InitResizeFlags
// will always turn on mHResize on when it sees that the computed width
// is different from current width, and that's all we need.)
bool forceVerticalResizeForMeasuringReflow =
!aFlexItem.IsFrozen() || // Is the item flexible?
!isMainSizeAuto; // Are we *only* measuring it for 'min-height:auto'?
// We'll need the intrinsic ratio (if there is one), regardless of whether
// we're resolving min-[width|height]:auto or flex-basis:auto.
const nsSize ratio = aFlexItem.Frame()->GetIntrinsicRatio();
nscoord contentHeight =
MeasureFlexItemContentHeight(aPresContext, aFlexItem,
if (isMainSizeAuto) {
nscoord resolvedMinSize; // (only set/used if isMainMinSizeAuto==true)
bool minSizeNeedsToMeasureContent = false; // assume the best
if (isMainMinSizeAuto) {
// Resolve the min-size, except for considering the min-content size.
// (We'll consider that later, if we need to.)
resolvedMinSize = PartiallyResolveAutoMinSize(aFlexItem, aItemReflowState,
ratio, aAxisTracker);
if (resolvedMinSize > 0 &&
aAxisTracker.GetCrossComponent(ratio) == 0) {
// We don't have a usable aspect ratio, so we need to consider our
// min-content size as another candidate min-size, which we'll have to
// min() with the current resolvedMinSize.
// (If resolvedMinSize were already at 0, we could skip this measurement
// because it can't go any lower. But it's not 0, so we need it.)
minSizeNeedsToMeasureContent = true;
bool flexBasisNeedsToMeasureContent = false; // assume the best
if (isMainSizeAuto) {
if (!ResolveAutoFlexBasisFromRatio(aFlexItem, aItemReflowState,
ratio, aAxisTracker)) {
flexBasisNeedsToMeasureContent = true;
// Measure content, if needed (w/ intrinsic-width method or a reflow)
if (minSizeNeedsToMeasureContent || flexBasisNeedsToMeasureContent) {
if (IsAxisHorizontal(aAxisTracker.GetMainAxis())) {
nsRefPtr<nsRenderingContext> rctx =
if (minSizeNeedsToMeasureContent) {
resolvedMinSize = std::min(resolvedMinSize, aFlexItem.Frame()->GetMinWidth(rctx));
"flex-basis:auto should have been resolved in the "
"reflow state, for horizontal flexbox. It shouldn't need "
"special handling here");
} else {
// If this item is flexible (vertically), or if we're measuring the
// 'auto' min-height and our main-size is something else, then we assume
// that the computed-height we're reflowing with now could be different
// from the one we'll use for this flex item's "actual" reflow later on.
// In that case, we need to be sure the flex item treats this as a
// vertical resize, even though none of its ancestors are necessarily
// being vertically resized.
// (Note: We don't have to do this for width, because InitResizeFlags
// will always turn on mHResize on when it sees that the computed width
// is different from current width, and that's all we need.)
bool forceVerticalResizeForMeasuringReflow =
!aFlexItem.IsFrozen() || // Is the item flexible?
!flexBasisNeedsToMeasureContent; // Are we *only* measuring it for
// 'min-height:auto'?
nscoord contentHeight =
MeasureFlexItemContentHeight(aPresContext, aFlexItem,
if (minSizeNeedsToMeasureContent) {
resolvedMinSize = std::min(resolvedMinSize, contentHeight);
if (flexBasisNeedsToMeasureContent) {
if (isMainMinSizeAuto) {
@ -1183,6 +1448,7 @@ FlexItem::FlexItem(nsHTMLReflowState& aFlexItemReflowState,
// mNeedsMinSizeAutoResolution is initialized in CheckForMinSizeAuto()
MOZ_ASSERT(mFrame, "expecting a non-null child frame");
@ -1192,6 +1458,7 @@ FlexItem::FlexItem(nsHTMLReflowState& aFlexItemReflowState,
"out-of-flow frames should not be treated as flex items");
CheckForMinSizeAuto(aFlexItemReflowState, aAxisTracker);
// Assert that any "auto" margin components are set to 0.
// (We'll resolve them later; until then, we want to treat them as 0-sized.)
@ -1256,6 +1523,7 @@ FlexItem::FlexItem(nsIFrame* aChildFrame, nscoord aCrossSize)
mIsStrut(true), // (this is the constructor for making struts, after all)
MOZ_ASSERT(mFrame, "expecting a non-null child frame");
@ -1268,6 +1536,30 @@ FlexItem::FlexItem(nsIFrame* aChildFrame, nscoord aCrossSize)
"out-of-flow frames should not be treated as flex items");
FlexItem::CheckForMinSizeAuto(const nsHTMLReflowState& aFlexItemReflowState,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker)
const nsStylePosition* pos = aFlexItemReflowState.mStylePosition;
const nsStyleDisplay* disp = aFlexItemReflowState.mStyleDisplay;
// We'll need special behavior for "min-[width|height]:auto" (whichever is in
// the main axis) iff:
// (a) its computed value is "auto"
// (b) the "overflow" sub-property in the same axis (the main axis) has a
// computed value of "visible"
const nsStyleCoord& minSize = GET_MAIN_COMPONENT(aAxisTracker,
const uint8_t overflowVal = GET_MAIN_COMPONENT(aAxisTracker,
mNeedsMinSizeAutoResolution = (minSize.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Auto &&
FlexItem::GetBaselineOffsetFromOuterCrossEdge(AxisOrientationType aCrossAxis,
AxisEdgeType aEdge) const

View File

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ protected:
void ResolveAutoFlexBasisAndMinSize(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
FlexItem& aFlexItem,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aParentReflowState,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aItemReflowState,
const FlexboxAxisTracker& aAxisTracker);
// Creates FlexItems for all of our child frames, arranged in a list of

View File

@ -2595,18 +2595,11 @@ nsHTMLReflowState::ComputeMinMaxValues(nscoord aContainingBlockWidth,
nscoord aContainingBlockHeight,
const nsHTMLReflowState* aContainingBlockRS)
// Handle "min-width: auto"
// NOTE: min-width:auto resolves to 0, except on a flex item. (But
// even there, it's supposed to be ignored (i.e. treated as 0) until
// the flex container explicitly resolves & considers it.)
if (eStyleUnit_Auto == mStylePosition->mMinWidth.GetUnit()) {
nsFlexContainerFrame* flexContainerFrame = GetFlexContainer(frame);
if (flexContainerFrame && flexContainerFrame->IsHorizontal()) {
ComputedMinWidth() =
} else {
ComputedMinWidth() = 0;
ComputedMinWidth() = 0;
} else {
ComputedMinWidth() = ComputeWidthValue(aContainingBlockWidth,
@ -2635,10 +2628,9 @@ nsHTMLReflowState::ComputeMinMaxValues(nscoord aContainingBlockWidth,
// Likewise, if we're a child of a flex container who's measuring our
// intrinsic height, then we want to disregard our min-height.
// NOTE: We treat "min-height:auto" as "0" for the purpose of this code,
// since that's what it means in all cases except for on flex items -- and
// even there, we're supposed to ignore it (i.e. treat it as 0) until the
// flex container explicitly considers it.
// NOTE: min-height:auto resolves to 0, except on a flex item. (But
// even there, it's supposed to be ignored (i.e. treated as 0) until
// the flex container explicitly resolves & considers it.)
const nsStyleCoord &minHeight = mStylePosition->mMinHeight;
if (eStyleUnit_Auto == minHeight.GetUnit() ||
(NS_AUTOHEIGHT == aContainingBlockHeight &&