Bug 764044 - Robocop: rewrite testNewTab for new tabs UI; r=jmaher

This commit is contained in:
Geoff Brown 2012-06-20 08:05:14 -07:00
parent d64631db1f
commit 27b2d18af7

View File

@ -3,62 +3,137 @@ package @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.tests;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.view.View;
/* A simple test that creates 2 new tabs and checks that the tab count increases. */
public class testNewTab extends BaseTest {
private static final int MAX_WAIT_MS = 3000;
private Element tabCount = null;
private Element tabs = null;
private Element addTab = null;
private Element closeTab = null;
private int tabCountInt = 0;
public void testNewTab() {
String url = getAbsoluteUrl("/robocop/robocop_blank_01.html");
String url2 = getAbsoluteUrl("/robocop/robocop_blank_02.html");
String tabCountText = null;
String urlbarText = null;
Activity activity = null;
Element urlbar = null;
// Add one tab
Element tabs = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "tabs");
if (tabs != null) {
activity = getActivityFromClick(tabs);
urlbar = mDriver.findElement(activity, "awesomebar_text");
if (urlbar != null) {
urlbarText = urlbar.getText();
Activity activity = getActivity();
tabCount = mDriver.findElement(activity, "tabs_count");
tabs = mDriver.findElement(activity, "tabs");
addTab = mDriver.findElement(activity, "add_tab");
closeTab = mDriver.findElement(activity, "close");
mAsserter.ok(tabCount != null &&
tabs != null &&
addTab != null &&
closeTab != null,
"Checking elements", "all elements present");
int expectedTabCount = 1;
String tabCountText = tabCount.getText();
tabCountInt = Integer.parseInt(tabCountText);
mAsserter.is(tabCountInt, expectedTabCount, "Initial number of tabs correct");
tabCountText = tabCount.getText();
tabCountInt = Integer.parseInt(tabCountText);
mAsserter.is(tabCountInt, expectedTabCount, "Number of tabs increased");
tabCountText = tabCount.getText();
tabCountInt = Integer.parseInt(tabCountText);
mAsserter.is(tabCountInt, expectedTabCount, "Number of tabs increased");
// cleanup: close all opened tabs
private void addTab(String url) {
final int addTabId = addTab.getId();
boolean clicked = tabs.click();
if (!clicked) {
mAsserter.ok(clicked != false, "checking that tabs clicked", "tabs element clicked");
// wait for addTab to appear (this is usually immediate)
boolean success = waitForTest(new BooleanTest() {
public boolean test() {
View addTabView = getActivity().findViewById(addTabId);
if (addTabView == null) {
return false;
return true;
if (!success) {
mAsserter.ok(success != false, "waiting for add tab view", "add tab view available");
mAsserter.is(urlbarText, url, "Awesomebar url is fine");
clicked = addTab.click();
if (!clicked) {
mAsserter.ok(clicked != false, "checking that add_tab clicked", "add_tab element clicked");
// must pause before sending keys, until awesome bar is displayed; waiting for known text is simple
// cannot use loadUrl(): getText fails because we are using a different urlbar
// See tab count
Element tabCount = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "tabs_count");
if (tabCount != null) {
tabCountText = tabCount.getText();
private void closeTabs() {
final int closeTabId = closeTab.getId();
String tabCountText = null;
// open tabs panel
boolean clicked = tabs.click();
if (!clicked) {
mAsserter.ok(clicked != false, "checking that tabs clicked", "tabs element clicked");
mAsserter.is(tabCountText, "2", "Number of tabs has increased");
// Click tab list
activity = getActivityFromClick(tabs);
Element addTab = mDriver.findElement(activity, "add_tab");
// Add another tab. The new tab has its own awesome bar activity, so it
// is important to use the new activity to fetch the awesome bar text.
urlbarText = null;
if (addTab != null) {
activity = getActivityFromClick(addTab);
urlbar = mDriver.findElement(activity, "awesomebar_text");
if (urlbar != null) {
urlbarText = urlbar.getText();
// wait for closeTab to appear (this is usually immediate)
boolean success = waitForTest(new BooleanTest() {
public boolean test() {
View closeTabView = getActivity().findViewById(closeTabId);
if (closeTabView == null) {
return false;
return true;
if (!success) {
mAsserter.ok(success != false, "waiting for close tab view", "close tab view available");
mAsserter.is(urlbarText, url2, "URL is still fine");
// Check tab count another time.
tabCountText = null;
if (tabCount != null) {
tabCountText = tabCount.getText();
// close tabs until only one remains
tabCountText = tabCount.getText();
tabCountInt = Integer.parseInt(tabCountText);
while (tabCountInt > 1) {
clicked = closeTab.click();
if (!clicked) {
mAsserter.ok(clicked != false, "checking that close_tab clicked", "close_tab element clicked");
success = waitForTest(new BooleanTest() {
public boolean test() {
String newTabCountText = tabCount.getText();
int newTabCount = Integer.parseInt(newTabCountText);
if (newTabCount < tabCountInt) {
tabCountInt = newTabCount;
return true;
return false;
mAsserter.ok(success, "Checking tab closed", "number of tabs now "+tabCountInt);
mAsserter.is(tabCountText, "3", "Number of tabs has increased");