Bug 1129424 - Remove obsolete check that shape's parent hasn't been reallocated r=terrence

This commit is contained in:
Jon Coppeard 2015-02-05 10:45:03 +00:00
parent dad72b4dba
commit 26c3b8560d

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@ -199,26 +199,13 @@ Shape::sweep()
* We detach the child from the parent if the parent is reachable.
* Note that due to incremental sweeping, the parent pointer may point
* to the original reachable parent, or it may point to a new live
* object allocated in the same cell that used to hold the parent.
* There are three cases:
* Case 1: parent is not marked - parent is unreachable, may have been
* finalized, and the cell may subsequently have been
* reallocated to a compartment that is not being marked (cells
* are marked when allocated in a compartment that is currenly
* being marked by the collector).
* Case 2: parent is marked and is in a different compartment - parent
* has been freed and reallocated to compartment that was being
* marked.
* Case 3: parent is marked and is in the same compartment - parent is
* stil reachable and we need to detach from it.
* This test depends on shape arenas not being freed until after we finish
* incrementally sweeping them. If that were not the case the parent pointer
* could point to a marked cell that had been deallocated and then
* reallocated, since allocating a cell in a zone that is being marked will
* set the mark bit for that cell.
if (parent && parent->isMarked() && parent->compartment() == compartment()) {
if (parent && parent->isMarked()) {
if (inDictionary()) {
if (parent->listp == &parent)
parent->listp = nullptr;