Bug 708873: Write unescape to match spec w/minor optimization. (r=Waldo)

This commit is contained in:
Chris Leary 2011-12-08 16:30:56 -08:00
parent de5dc8b879
commit 236e4d17ae
2 changed files with 135 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -90,34 +90,41 @@ using namespace js::types;
using namespace js::unicode;
static JSLinearString *
ArgToRootedString(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp, uintN arg)
ArgToRootedString(JSContext *cx, CallArgs &args, uintN argno)
if (arg >= argc)
if (argno >= args.length())
return cx->runtime->atomState.typeAtoms[JSTYPE_VOID];
vp += 2 + arg;
if (!ToPrimitive(cx, JSTYPE_STRING, vp))
Value *arg = &args[argno];
if (!ToPrimitive(cx, JSTYPE_STRING, arg))
return NULL;
JSLinearString *str;
if (vp->isString()) {
str = vp->toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
} else if (vp->isBoolean()) {
str = cx->runtime->atomState.booleanAtoms[(int)vp->toBoolean()];
} else if (vp->isNull()) {
if (arg->isString()) {
str = arg->toString()->ensureLinear(cx);
} else if (arg->isBoolean()) {
str = cx->runtime->atomState.booleanAtoms[(int)arg->toBoolean()];
} else if (arg->isNull()) {
str = cx->runtime->atomState.nullAtom;
} else if (vp->isUndefined()) {
} else if (arg->isUndefined()) {
str = cx->runtime->atomState.typeAtoms[JSTYPE_VOID];
else {
str = NumberToString(cx, vp->toNumber());
} else {
str = NumberToString(cx, arg->toNumber());
if (!str)
return NULL;
return str;
static JSLinearString *
ArgToRootedString(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp, uintN argno)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return ArgToRootedString(cx, args, argno);
* Forward declarations for URI encode/decode and helper routines
@ -238,68 +245,128 @@ str_escape(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
return JS_TRUE;
static inline bool
Unhex4(const jschar *chars, jschar *result)
jschar a = chars[0],
b = chars[1],
c = chars[2],
d = chars[3];
if (!(JS7_ISHEX(a) && JS7_ISHEX(b) && JS7_ISHEX(c) && JS7_ISHEX(d)))
return false;
*result = (((((JS7_UNHEX(a) << 4) + JS7_UNHEX(b)) << 4) + JS7_UNHEX(c)) << 4) + JS7_UNHEX(d);
return true;
static inline bool
Unhex2(const jschar *chars, jschar *result)
jschar a = chars[0],
b = chars[1];
if (!(JS7_ISHEX(a) && JS7_ISHEX(b)))
return false;
*result = (JS7_UNHEX(a) << 4) + JS7_UNHEX(b);
return true;
/* ES5 B.2.2 */
static JSBool
str_unescape(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
JSLinearString *str = ArgToRootedString(cx, argc, vp, 0);
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
/* Step 1. */
JSLinearString *str = ArgToRootedString(cx, args, 0);
if (!str)
return false;
/* Step 2. */
size_t length = str->length();
const jschar *chars = str->chars();
/* Start by allocating the maximum required space for the new string. */
jschar *newchars = (jschar *) cx->malloc_((length + 1) * sizeof(jschar));
if (!newchars)
return false;
/* Step 3. */
StringBuffer sb(cx);
size_t ni = 0, i = 0;
bool escapeFound = false;
while (i < length) {
jschar ch = chars[i++];
if (ch == '%') {
/* Incomplete escapes are interpreted as literal characters. */
if (i + 1 < length &&
JS7_ISHEX(chars[i]) && JS7_ISHEX(chars[i + 1]))
ch = JS7_UNHEX(chars[i]) * 16 + JS7_UNHEX(chars[i + 1]);
i += 2;
escapeFound = true;
} else if (i + 4 < length && chars[i] == 'u' &&
JS7_ISHEX(chars[i + 1]) && JS7_ISHEX(chars[i + 2]) &&
JS7_ISHEX(chars[i + 3]) && JS7_ISHEX(chars[i + 4]))
ch = (((((JS7_UNHEX(chars[i + 1]) << 4)
+ JS7_UNHEX(chars[i + 2])) << 4)
+ JS7_UNHEX(chars[i + 3])) << 4)
+ JS7_UNHEX(chars[i + 4]);
i += 5;
escapeFound = true;
* Note that the spec algorithm has been optimized to avoid building
* a string in the case where no escapes are present.
/* Step 4. */
size_t k = 0;
bool building = false;
while (true) {
/* Step 5. */
if (k == length) {
JSLinearString *result;
if (building) {
result = sb.finishString();
if (!result)
return false;
} else {
result = str;
newchars[ni++] = ch;
newchars[ni] = 0;
/* If escapes were found, shrink the string. */
if (escapeFound) {
JS_ASSERT(ni < length);
jschar *tmpchars = (jschar *) cx->realloc_(newchars, (ni + 1) * sizeof(jschar));
if (!tmpchars) {
return false;
return true;
newchars = tmpchars;
JSString *retstr = js_NewString(cx, newchars, ni);
if (!retstr) {
return false;
/* Step 6. */
jschar c = chars[k];
/* Step 7. */
if (c != '%')
goto step_18;
/* Step 8. */
if (k > length - 6)
goto step_14;
/* Step 9. */
if (chars[k + 1] != 'u')
goto step_14;
if (!building) { \
building = true; \
if (!sb.reserve(length)) \
return false; \
sb.infallibleAppend(chars, chars + k); \
} \
/* Step 10-13. */
if (Unhex4(&chars[k + 2], &c)) {
k += 5;
goto step_18;
/* Step 14. */
if (k > length - 3)
goto step_18;
/* Step 15-17. */
if (Unhex2(&chars[k + 1], &c)) {
k += 2;
if (building)
/* Step 19. */
k += 1;
return true;
@ -3077,8 +3144,7 @@ StringBuffer::extractWellSized()
/* For medium/big buffers, avoid wasting more than 1/4 of the memory. */
JS_ASSERT(capacity >= length);
if (length > CharBuffer::sMaxInlineStorage &&
capacity - length > (length >> 2)) {
if (length > CharBuffer::sMaxInlineStorage && capacity - length > length / 4) {
size_t bytes = sizeof(jschar) * (length + 1);
JSContext *cx = context();
jschar *tmp = (jschar *)cx->realloc_(buf, bytes);

View File

@ -53,6 +53,13 @@ namespace js {
* String builder that eagerly checks for over-allocation past the maximum
* string length.
* Any operation which would exceed the maximum string length causes an
* exception report on the context and results in a failed return value.
* Well-sized extractions (which waste no more than 1/4 of their char
* buffer space) are guaranteed for strings built by this interface.
* See |extractWellSized|.
* Note: over-allocation is not checked for when using the infallible
* |replaceRawBuffer|, so the implementation of |finishString| also must check
* for over-allocation.