Bug 1107778 - part 1, [css-grid] implement automatic grid item placement. r=dholbert

This commit is contained in:
Mats Palmgren 2015-03-18 09:02:32 +00:00
parent 2eec3a3c54
commit 1a62846639
2 changed files with 304 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -8,7 +8,10 @@
#include "nsGridContainerFrame.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "nsCSSAnonBoxes.h"
#include "nsDataHashtable.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
#include "nsStyleContext.h"
@ -415,6 +418,146 @@ nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceDefinite(nsIFrame* aChild,
mExplicitGridRowEnd, aStyle));
nsGridContainerFrame::FindAutoCol(uint32_t aStartCol, uint32_t aLockedRow,
const GridArea* aArea) const
MOZ_ASSERT(aStartCol > 0, "expected a 1-based track number");
MOZ_ASSERT(aLockedRow > 0, "expected a 1-based track number");
const uint32_t extent = aArea->mCols.Extent();
const uint32_t iStart = aLockedRow - 1;
const uint32_t iEnd = iStart + aArea->mRows.Extent();
uint32_t candidate = aStartCol - 1;
for (uint32_t i = iStart; i < iEnd; ) {
if (i >= mCellMap.mCells.Length()) {
const nsTArray<CellMap::Cell>& cellsInRow = mCellMap.mCells[i];
const uint32_t len = cellsInRow.Length();
const uint32_t lastCandidate = candidate;
// Find the first gap in the current row that's at least 'extent' wide.
// ('gap' tracks how wide the current column gap is.)
for (uint32_t j = candidate, gap = 0; j < len && gap < extent; ++j) {
++gap; // tentative, but we may reset it below if a column is occupied
if (cellsInRow[j].mIsOccupied) {
// Optimization: skip as many occupied cells as we can.
do {
} while (j < len && cellsInRow[j].mIsOccupied);
candidate = j;
gap = 0;
if (lastCandidate < candidate && i != iStart) {
// Couldn't fit 'extent' tracks at 'lastCandidate' here so we must
// restart from the beginning with the new 'candidate'.
i = iStart;
} else {
return candidate + 1; // return a 1-based column number
nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceAutoCol(uint32_t aStartCol, GridArea* aArea) const
MOZ_ASSERT(aArea->mRows.IsDefinite() && aArea->mCols.IsAuto());
uint32_t col = FindAutoCol(aStartCol, aArea->mRows.mStart, aArea);
nsGridContainerFrame::FindAutoRow(uint32_t aLockedCol, uint32_t aStartRow,
const GridArea* aArea) const
MOZ_ASSERT(aLockedCol > 0, "expected a 1-based track number");
MOZ_ASSERT(aStartRow > 0, "expected a 1-based track number");
const uint32_t extent = aArea->mRows.Extent();
const uint32_t jStart = aLockedCol - 1;
const uint32_t jEnd = jStart + aArea->mCols.Extent();
const uint32_t iEnd = mCellMap.mCells.Length();
uint32_t candidate = aStartRow - 1;
// Find the first gap in the rows that's at least 'extent' tall.
// ('gap' tracks how tall the current row gap is.)
for (uint32_t i = candidate, gap = 0; i < iEnd && gap < extent; ++i) {
++gap; // tentative, but we may reset it below if a column is occupied
const nsTArray<CellMap::Cell>& cellsInRow = mCellMap.mCells[i];
const uint32_t clampedJEnd = std::min<uint32_t>(jEnd, cellsInRow.Length());
// Check if the current row is unoccupied from jStart to jEnd.
for (uint32_t j = jStart; j < clampedJEnd; ++j) {
if (cellsInRow[j].mIsOccupied) {
// Couldn't fit 'extent' rows at 'candidate' here; we hit something
// at row 'i'. So, try the row after 'i' as our next candidate.
candidate = i + 1;
gap = 0;
return candidate + 1; // return a 1-based row number
nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceAutoRow(uint32_t aStartRow, GridArea* aArea) const
MOZ_ASSERT(aArea->mCols.IsDefinite() && aArea->mRows.IsAuto());
uint32_t row = FindAutoRow(aArea->mCols.mStart, aStartRow, aArea);
nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceAutoAutoInRowOrder(uint32_t aStartCol,
uint32_t aStartRow,
GridArea* aArea) const
MOZ_ASSERT(aArea->mCols.IsAuto() && aArea->mRows.IsAuto());
const uint32_t colExtent = aArea->mCols.Extent();
const uint32_t gridRowEnd = mGridRowEnd;
const uint32_t gridColEnd = mGridColEnd;
uint32_t col = aStartCol;
uint32_t row = aStartRow;
for (; row < gridRowEnd; ++row) {
col = FindAutoCol(col, row, aArea);
if (col + colExtent <= gridColEnd) {
col = 1;
MOZ_ASSERT(row < gridRowEnd || col == 1,
"expected column 1 for placing in a new row");
nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceAutoAutoInColOrder(uint32_t aStartCol,
uint32_t aStartRow,
GridArea* aArea) const
MOZ_ASSERT(aArea->mCols.IsAuto() && aArea->mRows.IsAuto());
const uint32_t rowExtent = aArea->mRows.Extent();
const uint32_t gridRowEnd = mGridRowEnd;
const uint32_t gridColEnd = mGridColEnd;
uint32_t col = aStartCol;
uint32_t row = aStartRow;
for (; col < gridColEnd; ++col) {
row = FindAutoRow(col, row, aArea);
if (row + rowExtent <= gridRowEnd) {
row = 1;
MOZ_ASSERT(col < gridColEnd || row == 1,
"expected row 1 for placing in a new column");
nsGridContainerFrame::InitializeGridBounds(const nsStylePosition* aStyle)
@ -450,6 +593,98 @@ nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceGridItems(const nsStylePosition* aStyle)
// http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-grid/#auto-placement-algo
// Step 1, place 'auto' items that have one definite position -
// definite row (column) for grid-auto-flow:row (column).
auto flowStyle = aStyle->mGridAutoFlow;
const bool isRowOrder = (flowStyle & NS_STYLE_GRID_AUTO_FLOW_ROW);
const bool isSparse = !(flowStyle & NS_STYLE_GRID_AUTO_FLOW_DENSE);
// We need 1 cursor per row (or column) if placement is sparse.
Maybe<nsDataHashtable<nsUint32HashKey, uint32_t>> cursors;
if (isSparse) {
auto placeAutoMinorFunc = isRowOrder ? &nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceAutoCol
: &nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceAutoRow;
for (nsFrameList::Enumerator e(PrincipalChildList()); !e.AtEnd(); e.Next()) {
nsIFrame* child = e.get();
GridArea* area = GetGridAreaForChild(child);
LineRange& major = isRowOrder ? area->mRows : area->mCols;
LineRange& minor = isRowOrder ? area->mCols : area->mRows;
if (major.IsDefinite() && minor.IsAuto()) {
// Items with 'auto' in the minor dimension only.
uint32_t cursor = 1;
if (isSparse) {
cursors->Get(major.mStart, &cursor);
(this->*placeAutoMinorFunc)(cursor, area);
if (isSparse) {
cursors->Put(major.mStart, minor.mEnd);
InflateGridFor(*area); // Step 2, inflating for auto items too
// XXX NOTE possible spec issue.
// XXX It's unclear if the remaining major-dimension auto and
// XXX auto in both dimensions should use the same cursor or not,
// XXX https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16044
// XXX seems to indicate it shouldn't.
// XXX http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-grid/#auto-placement-cursor
// XXX now says it should (but didn't in earlier versions)
// Step 3, place the remaining grid items
uint32_t cursorMajor = 1; // for 'dense' these two cursors will stay at 1,1
uint32_t cursorMinor = 1;
auto placeAutoMajorFunc = isRowOrder ? &nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceAutoRow
: &nsGridContainerFrame::PlaceAutoCol;
for (nsFrameList::Enumerator e(PrincipalChildList()); !e.AtEnd(); e.Next()) {
nsIFrame* child = e.get();
GridArea* area = GetGridAreaForChild(child);
LineRange& major = isRowOrder ? area->mRows : area->mCols;
LineRange& minor = isRowOrder ? area->mCols : area->mRows;
if (major.IsAuto()) {
if (minor.IsDefinite()) {
// Items with 'auto' in the major dimension only.
if (isSparse) {
if (minor.mStart < cursorMinor) {
cursorMinor = minor.mStart;
(this->*placeAutoMajorFunc)(cursorMajor, area);
if (isSparse) {
cursorMajor = major.mStart;
} else {
// Items with 'auto' in both dimensions.
if (isRowOrder) {
PlaceAutoAutoInRowOrder(cursorMinor, cursorMajor, area);
} else {
PlaceAutoAutoInColOrder(cursorMajor, cursorMinor, area);
if (isSparse) {
cursorMajor = major.mStart;
cursorMinor = minor.mEnd;
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t gridMajorEnd = isRowOrder ? mGridRowEnd : mGridColEnd;
uint32_t gridMinorEnd = isRowOrder ? mGridColEnd : mGridRowEnd;
MOZ_ASSERT(cursorMajor <= gridMajorEnd,
"we shouldn't need to place items further than 1 track "
"past the current end of the grid, in major dimension");
MOZ_ASSERT(cursorMinor <= gridMinorEnd,
"we shouldn't add implicit minor tracks for auto/auto");

View File

@ -58,6 +58,18 @@ protected:
bool IsAuto() const { return mStart == 0; }
bool IsDefinite() const { return mStart != 0; }
uint32_t Extent() const { return mEnd - mStart; }
* Resolve this auto range to start at aStart, making it definite.
* Precondition: this range IsAuto()
void ResolveAutoPosition(uint32_t aStart)
MOZ_ASSERT(IsAuto(), "Why call me?");
MOZ_ASSERT(aStart > 0, "expected a 1-based line number");
MOZ_ASSERT(Extent() == mEnd, "'auto' representation changed?");
mStart = aStart;
mEnd += aStart;
* Return the contribution of this line range for step 2 in
* http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-grid/#auto-placement-algo
@ -166,8 +178,63 @@ protected:
GridArea PlaceDefinite(nsIFrame* aChild, const nsStylePosition* aStyle);
* Assign definite grid areas for all child frames and place them into
* the grid.
* Place aArea in the first column (in row aArea->mRows.mStart) starting at
* aStartCol without overlapping other items. The resulting aArea may
* overflow the current implicit grid bounds.
* Pre-condition: aArea->mRows.IsDefinite() is true.
* Post-condition: aArea->IsDefinite() is true.
void PlaceAutoCol(uint32_t aStartCol, GridArea* aArea) const;
* Find the first column in row aLockedRow starting at aStartCol where aArea
* could be placed without overlapping other items. The returned column may
* cause aArea to overflow the current implicit grid bounds if placed there.
uint32_t FindAutoCol(uint32_t aStartCol, uint32_t aLockedRow,
const GridArea* aArea) const;
* Place aArea in the first row (in column aArea->mCols.mStart) starting at
* aStartRow without overlapping other items. The resulting aArea may
* overflow the current implicit grid bounds.
* Pre-condition: aArea->mCols.IsDefinite() is true.
* Post-condition: aArea->IsDefinite() is true.
void PlaceAutoRow(uint32_t aStartRow, GridArea* aArea) const;
* Find the first row in column aLockedCol starting at aStartRow where aArea
* could be placed without overlapping other items. The returned row may
* cause aArea to overflow the current implicit grid bounds if placed there.
uint32_t FindAutoRow(uint32_t aLockedCol, uint32_t aStartRow,
const GridArea* aArea) const;
* Place aArea in the first column starting at aStartCol,aStartRow without
* causing it to overlap other items or overflow mGridColEnd.
* If there's no such column in aStartRow, continue in position 1,aStartRow+1.
* Pre-condition: aArea->mCols.IsAuto() && aArea->mRows.IsAuto() is true.
* Post-condition: aArea->IsDefinite() is true.
void PlaceAutoAutoInRowOrder(uint32_t aStartCol, uint32_t aStartRow,
GridArea* aArea) const;
* Place aArea in the first row starting at aStartCol,aStartRow without
* causing it to overlap other items or overflow mGridRowEnd.
* If there's no such row in aStartCol, continue in position aStartCol+1,1.
* Pre-condition: aArea->mCols.IsAuto() && aArea->mRows.IsAuto() is true.
* Post-condition: aArea->IsDefinite() is true.
void PlaceAutoAutoInColOrder(uint32_t aStartCol, uint32_t aStartRow,
GridArea* aArea) const;
* Place all child frames into the grid and expand the (implicit) grid as
* needed. The allocated GridAreas are stored in the GridAreaProperty
* frame property on the child frame.
* @param aStyle the StylePosition() for the grid container
void PlaceGridItems(const nsStylePosition* aStyle);